make me a pitch, by a pitcher so bold
that he takes up the ball and spins spins and throws
he picks it up in his hand, grabs the heart by the throat,
and over the cliff into the canyon it goes
take the ball, er, the heart,
take the pitch, and then swing,
away away, we hope it sings.
she threw down the trinket in despair,
how could he do this to her.
all the love that was given.
thrown away like nothing ever happened
tears fell from her cheeks as she cried
and threw herself out the window
throw has so many meanings.. throwing a ball, throwing yourself at someone, throwing something away. so many meanings for one little word. what will you throw in your life? what will you make it mean?
Throwing up all that I ate in violent upheavals wrenches within my stomach. It is disgusting to look at and don’t even think about un-plucking your nose. The smell alone makes me want to spew the acid tearing away at my teeth. I need to brush my teeth. I need to not eat Chinese food.
throw is a funny word…as a NOUN. who decided to make it into a noun? it’s so awkward. “hey, can you knit me a THROW to put on this sofa?” NO. I will not knit you a “throw”, or anything of the sort.
no es cierto que vinimos hasta aquí para vernos después de tanto tiempo… sin vernos, sin tocarnos, sin sentirnos las yemas de los dedos, cálidas como cuando terminábamos de fumar
leaving it all behind I just want to get rid of all this talk and all this bullshit. I wish it would go away. I don’t need you to tell me what to do. I don’t want to get to know those stupid people. Can we get rid of this pattern? Just because they are going through the usual college doesn’t mean I have to take that same route. Fuck being normal. Fuck the path. Fuck the dream. Go away. Leave me alone. I don’t want to stay.
i threw my cat down the stairs today. I also saw brett favre throw a damn good pass in a wrangler jeans commercial today. I wish he would’ve stayed with the packers or retired. Either way he’s a damn good quarterback. My cat’s okay by the way.
throw me a bone. man, i dont know what i am doing here. you give me these instructions as if i’ve had this all my life.
our world is one. it belongs to all. keep it safe. dont let it slip. it is ours to protect. stop war. stop nuclear weapons. stop waste. stop hate. stop terror. stop evil. stop abuse. stop fear. start to love.
away. my dreams. today. or never thinking about you period why not now or ever more today i fell asleep and woke up tomorrow so much time left nothing to say about it one minute away
baby lemonade
I threw the pen at my friend, who had just said that one thing I hate to hear. He know that. He knows I hate being called a coward.
But then, don’t cowards hate being called one?
Alex Polo
throw the brick
through the window
make a change
bat your eyelashes.
I like to throw things into fans, and then when I do it makes noises. When it makes noises I usually run away, because the thing has a chance of coming back and hitting me in the face, or less dangerously, in the leg or something, which isn’t any more fun. So normally, I tend not to throw things at fans, despite it being fun. Ah well, there are other things that are fun, like throwing baseballs. Kinda fun, anyway.
Benjamin Carignan
do you lob or just chuck, what if you bust a window? how many mother s have yelled out back doors at kids for breaking them, hmm, wait til your father gets home
I turn on the computer, open up and throw caution to the wind. I see the word of the day and my mind races. Ideas spring forward and sparks fly from my fingertips as I turn letters into words and words into ideas. I just love this!
Many people like to throw their weight around to move into a better position. Many people like to throw balls & some like to have a throw on their bed, something pretty & cozy.
He was the most beautiful boy in middle school, even if no one else could see it.
And even after the ball had left his fingertips and slammed into my face, even after he made me cry in front of the whole team and bleed from my mouth a little,
I still wanted to sit next to him in class.
I threw a ball yesterday. I also pitched a fit. Throwing, like catching is very difficult for me. I’m not the most coordinated person. I do like to watch sports. It amazes me when pitchers throw 90+ mph. Nick’s brother John throws really fast. It’s impressive, yet terrifying: impressively terrifying.
He threw a ball for his son to catch. It was a gentle throw, it should have been fine. He had made hundreds of others just like it in days and months preceding. So how could this go wrong? So horribly wrong? How did his son end up in the hospital? How did he end up so near death?
throwing an apple across the quartyard. i felt as if i would never reach my goal. it was forever away. and i was never going to reach it. the apple hits the floor.
if i could i’d take this small hard thing that’s holding me down and back and throw it into that deep dark river down there. It’s a worthless piece of shit that I just don’t have no need for and it’s obviously more trouble than it’s worth.
Don’t throw your life away on things that don’t matter. live life with a purpose and pursue that purpose with all your might and with all your time. Life is not meant to be thrown away never to be remembered nor forgotten. Carpe Diem, and live life to the fullest
andrew fulo
To hurl an object or an emotion. Can you throw your life away? Can you throw yourself into a dream world? Would you like to throw the first pitch of the World Series or the final touchdown pass of the Super Bowl? Better yet; throw yourself into God’s arms & know eternity.
This was your note:
“I love you. Darling, the Lord only knows how much I truly do love you. But I have things I want to do – experiences I must experience – before I can stay – before I can settle. My beautiful boyfriend, I am sorry, but with a heavy heart, I must tell you no. No, I will not marry you. I’m sorry.”
I dropped the pieces into the breeze out of my New York apartment, and they fluttered over the street like a broken heart.
Chris Fox
Throw caution to the wind
Accept the day and live in the moment
Throw away your cares and worries
Cast them upon Jesus
Live free
N. Kourmoulis
To throw yourself away. It’s as simple as that. once you’re there, it just happens. And all of you is gone. Your dignity, the love and hope and time youre mom put into raising you. It’s gone. All of it. Along with your virginity. You’ve thrown it away….
throw. throw it away. toss it here. away from the rest of the world. throw it farther. you can still see the edges, glowing. burning. throw. put your back into it. the sun will rise again. you can stop time now. throw. just throw.
Throw. Interesting word for today, isn’t it? I can’t say I honestly have a story for this one. Wait, one comes to mind.
Eight years old at baseball practice, my dad tells me not to be afraid of the ball. The next pitch, that fateful throw, I find myself bawling on the bench after being hit directly in the eye.
I went to the park to throw the ball around. When all of a sudden I see this beautiful girl walking around. Then, Whack. I get hit in the balls and throw my lunch up.
Im not sure what I can say. Throw can be used in many different ways. Starting with the action it can be used for…such as throwing a baseball..but it can get much deeper..such as throwing your life away…Im sure many more people use the latter term of the word without knowing it.
Throw your hands in the air and let them stay there and float away, this is the day you are born and you are throwing it all away. Throw yourself into the ocean, into the breeze, into the fire, into the pain of being alive.
throw a ball. lovelingly throw the ball why lovely ly, don’t kbnow random, why would a ball be random i don’t want to therow the ball big balls little balls everyone’s got balls. softball. my 16 inch softball from uncle john. I love uncle john lots
throw up on the throw rug ad I’ll throw you out of my house!Doug Heff
Doug Heffernan
“Don’t throw your life away!”
Cliched words from a cliched old woman. I opened the door to my apartment, and stood aside.
“I’m not throwing anything away, mother. I am clinging to happiness.”
Then I pushed her out the door, never to speak to her again.
Throw a party.
I didn’t realize that she had thrown the ball at me until it was right in front of me. I ducked quickly and the ball flew behind me. I already knew what it was going to hit before I heard the crunching of glass. Mom’s one-thousand dollar vase, broken. We were sooo dead.
Amanda Hutton age 15 =]
throw the ball and don’t look back. It doesn’t matter where the ball goes, just as long as the ball went somewhere.
make me a pitch, by a pitcher so bold
that he takes up the ball and spins spins and throws
he picks it up in his hand, grabs the heart by the throat,
and over the cliff into the canyon it goes
take the ball, er, the heart,
take the pitch, and then swing,
away away, we hope it sings.
she threw down the trinket in despair,
how could he do this to her.
all the love that was given.
thrown away like nothing ever happened
tears fell from her cheeks as she cried
and threw herself out the window
throw has so many meanings.. throwing a ball, throwing yourself at someone, throwing something away. so many meanings for one little word. what will you throw in your life? what will you make it mean?
Throwing up all that I ate in violent upheavals wrenches within my stomach. It is disgusting to look at and don’t even think about un-plucking your nose. The smell alone makes me want to spew the acid tearing away at my teeth. I need to brush my teeth. I need to not eat Chinese food.
throw is a funny word…as a NOUN. who decided to make it into a noun? it’s so awkward. “hey, can you knit me a THROW to put on this sofa?” NO. I will not knit you a “throw”, or anything of the sort.
no es cierto que vinimos hasta aquí para vernos después de tanto tiempo… sin vernos, sin tocarnos, sin sentirnos las yemas de los dedos, cálidas como cuando terminábamos de fumar
leaving it all behind I just want to get rid of all this talk and all this bullshit. I wish it would go away. I don’t need you to tell me what to do. I don’t want to get to know those stupid people. Can we get rid of this pattern? Just because they are going through the usual college doesn’t mean I have to take that same route. Fuck being normal. Fuck the path. Fuck the dream. Go away. Leave me alone. I don’t want to stay.
i threw my cat down the stairs today. I also saw brett favre throw a damn good pass in a wrangler jeans commercial today. I wish he would’ve stayed with the packers or retired. Either way he’s a damn good quarterback. My cat’s okay by the way.
throw me a bone. man, i dont know what i am doing here. you give me these instructions as if i’ve had this all my life.
our world is one. it belongs to all. keep it safe. dont let it slip. it is ours to protect. stop war. stop nuclear weapons. stop waste. stop hate. stop terror. stop evil. stop abuse. stop fear. start to love.
away. my dreams. today. or never thinking about you period why not now or ever more today i fell asleep and woke up tomorrow so much time left nothing to say about it one minute away
I threw the pen at my friend, who had just said that one thing I hate to hear. He know that. He knows I hate being called a coward.
But then, don’t cowards hate being called one?
throw the brick
through the window
make a change
bat your eyelashes.
I like to throw things into fans, and then when I do it makes noises. When it makes noises I usually run away, because the thing has a chance of coming back and hitting me in the face, or less dangerously, in the leg or something, which isn’t any more fun. So normally, I tend not to throw things at fans, despite it being fun. Ah well, there are other things that are fun, like throwing baseballs. Kinda fun, anyway.
do you lob or just chuck, what if you bust a window? how many mother s have yelled out back doors at kids for breaking them, hmm, wait til your father gets home
I turn on the computer, open up and throw caution to the wind. I see the word of the day and my mind races. Ideas spring forward and sparks fly from my fingertips as I turn letters into words and words into ideas. I just love this!
Many people like to throw their weight around to move into a better position. Many people like to throw balls & some like to have a throw on their bed, something pretty & cozy.
He was the most beautiful boy in middle school, even if no one else could see it.
And even after the ball had left his fingertips and slammed into my face, even after he made me cry in front of the whole team and bleed from my mouth a little,
I still wanted to sit next to him in class.
I threw a ball yesterday. I also pitched a fit. Throwing, like catching is very difficult for me. I’m not the most coordinated person. I do like to watch sports. It amazes me when pitchers throw 90+ mph. Nick’s brother John throws really fast. It’s impressive, yet terrifying: impressively terrifying.
He threw a ball for his son to catch. It was a gentle throw, it should have been fine. He had made hundreds of others just like it in days and months preceding. So how could this go wrong? So horribly wrong? How did his son end up in the hospital? How did he end up so near death?
throwing an apple across the quartyard. i felt as if i would never reach my goal. it was forever away. and i was never going to reach it. the apple hits the floor.
if i could i’d take this small hard thing that’s holding me down and back and throw it into that deep dark river down there. It’s a worthless piece of shit that I just don’t have no need for and it’s obviously more trouble than it’s worth.
Don’t throw your life away on things that don’t matter. live life with a purpose and pursue that purpose with all your might and with all your time. Life is not meant to be thrown away never to be remembered nor forgotten. Carpe Diem, and live life to the fullest
To hurl an object or an emotion. Can you throw your life away? Can you throw yourself into a dream world? Would you like to throw the first pitch of the World Series or the final touchdown pass of the Super Bowl? Better yet; throw yourself into God’s arms & know eternity.
This was your note:
“I love you. Darling, the Lord only knows how much I truly do love you. But I have things I want to do – experiences I must experience – before I can stay – before I can settle. My beautiful boyfriend, I am sorry, but with a heavy heart, I must tell you no. No, I will not marry you. I’m sorry.”
I dropped the pieces into the breeze out of my New York apartment, and they fluttered over the street like a broken heart.
Throw caution to the wind
Accept the day and live in the moment
Throw away your cares and worries
Cast them upon Jesus
Live free
To throw yourself away. It’s as simple as that. once you’re there, it just happens. And all of you is gone. Your dignity, the love and hope and time youre mom put into raising you. It’s gone. All of it. Along with your virginity. You’ve thrown it away….
throw. throw it away. toss it here. away from the rest of the world. throw it farther. you can still see the edges, glowing. burning. throw. put your back into it. the sun will rise again. you can stop time now. throw. just throw.
Throw. Interesting word for today, isn’t it? I can’t say I honestly have a story for this one. Wait, one comes to mind.
Eight years old at baseball practice, my dad tells me not to be afraid of the ball. The next pitch, that fateful throw, I find myself bawling on the bench after being hit directly in the eye.
I went to the park to throw the ball around. When all of a sudden I see this beautiful girl walking around. Then, Whack. I get hit in the balls and throw my lunch up.
Im not sure what I can say. Throw can be used in many different ways. Starting with the action it can be used for…such as throwing a baseball..but it can get much deeper..such as throwing your life away…Im sure many more people use the latter term of the word without knowing it.
Throw your hands in the air and let them stay there and float away, this is the day you are born and you are throwing it all away. Throw yourself into the ocean, into the breeze, into the fire, into the pain of being alive.
throw a ball. lovelingly throw the ball why lovely ly, don’t kbnow random, why would a ball be random i don’t want to therow the ball big balls little balls everyone’s got balls. softball. my 16 inch softball from uncle john. I love uncle john lots
throw up on the throw rug ad I’ll throw you out of my house!Doug Heff
“Don’t throw your life away!”
Cliched words from a cliched old woman. I opened the door to my apartment, and stood aside.
“I’m not throwing anything away, mother. I am clinging to happiness.”
Then I pushed her out the door, never to speak to her again.
Throw a party.
I didn’t realize that she had thrown the ball at me until it was right in front of me. I ducked quickly and the ball flew behind me. I already knew what it was going to hit before I heard the crunching of glass. Mom’s one-thousand dollar vase, broken. We were sooo dead.
throw the ball and don’t look back. It doesn’t matter where the ball goes, just as long as the ball went somewhere.