Throw you. I want to throw. I want to throw *something.* Throw something. Throw my dog. Not reasonable. Throw a ball, a mitt, a fit, a gumball. Throw a ball, a party, no, give a party. Throw -no throw, no more thoughts at all.
Everyday I thought to myself, how every instance requires just one train of thought. To me, this train of thought led to inevitable reactions to people I didn’t even care for, people who didn’t even matter. I would throw away my belongings for her, and because of this our society would banish us. But it didn’t matter. They could have what I tossed.
throw it all away?
no. why would i do that?
i won’t throw it away.
i won’t throw her away.
i won’t throw it all away.
i won’t throw…
i shall keep.
keep her close.
at hand.
at heart.
keep her here.
for all ways. (always)
lance ziacha
I just wanted to throw her and shake her and yell at her and tell her to stop fucking with me. I loved her and hated her so much all at once. So much bad came out of such a good thing.
Throw me off something high. I want to feel the air in my face, I want to be choked up by the wind as I fall. I can’t do it my self I need you to throw me off.
Maybe I was wrong to give it up. You know, the kind of right or wrong thing you never figure out until you do. Yes, perhaps. But who knows? Who ever did?
She took me by the hand and said to me. “I want you. Throw me down on that bed and make love to me.”
a baseball or basketball. Sports incorporate many sorts of different balls throughout the various games, each one having a separate role. Most commonly, they are thrown, hit, kicked or caught.
[pamopv k
f2i[rp 3vo m\13[2
like a girl…to extend your arm and let go of something…throw it all away…give up…surrender….get sick (ie throw up-vomit)…throw in the towel…
Alys II
like a girl…to extend your arm and let go of something…throw it all away…give up…surrender….get sick (ie throw up-vomit)…throw in the towel…
Alys II
The throw lay on the floor. It had fallen off some time the night before. I never would have seen it but then I tripped over it and stubbed my toe on the end of the bed. It was always like this on Tuesdays.
trowing myself at people seems to be a habit of mine. Im not sure why i do it, it just knd of occurs, and not the sense of simply the opposite sex either
i throw myself at everyone
ad it in turn scares wuite a few people away
im working on it
and thats the point right
to be able to not only throw but catch
nothing to write about it seriously. What should a man or woman write about a verb, like start combining it with objects that apply to the activity it refers to or what. I can throw a stone if that helps and i guess everybody else can.
I throw away everything she ever gave me, including all the birthday cards (why the fuck do we ever keep birthday cards anyway?) and the stupid plush stuffed animals that don’t look so cute anymore. I throw away everything that reminds me of her.
throwing away all the time i have.
i cant catch all the things that are falling.
and all the while i sit and stare as the future falls.
throw a ball. throw up. throw a curve ball. God does that often, doesn’t He? we see it as a curve ball… but really it throws us just enough off balance to lean on him and get us going the right direction. Throw out the things that are unnecessary. declutter. what is REALLY important in my day? throw the rest out!
But where does it land? What direction should it go? Is it farther or nearer? But maybe it doesn’t matter since it has been discarded anyway. Why keep track of something displaced? What’s it’s value? Unless it’s a little beacon.
it is a name we can put things…but we should not follow it… it is usually considered as a bad word..
something you do when you are mad.
it is not to hard unless you are aming. you swing your arm to do it. actually it does’nt take an arm, in fact catapults can throw. or are they flinging? i dont throw things much. throw rhymes with row
If you throw a ball underhanded it will never travel with the same velocity of an overhand pitch. When you throw a ball overhand you get to engage muscles in your shoulders that assist the forward thrust of the ball. You should practice this technique and compare results on a daily basis. Youwill see results in just a week. Any baseball stadium will clock your results and you can see the improvements. It is very gratifying.
throw? throw what? or a fabric throw, over the chair, the back of the chair, to hide the fact that it’s tore up from the cat claws or change the color, not well change, just change. Throw overboard. Throw out – YES! throw Thereau, spelling, Walden’s Pond, throw. throw. throw. throw.
I had to throw my favorite pair of jeans out today, holes had started to develop in the croch. I’ve had some good times in those jeans and even some bad times.
i would like to throw it all away and just see what ha[ppens throw it to the wind to the sandstorm in my worried mind throw it to new orleans wind to whip it sharply all my nessy heartachy worries just throw
Just throw it away. You dont need it, you know if you keep it around it will just continue to hurt yourself and others. Youve been through it before in your head; you know it would be best just to huck the thing off the nearest cliff but you dont, you cant. You simply put it back into your pocket for the next time you need it.
away your life
throw me a muse so i can sleep
and tell me that somone is watching me while i
in the forest of my heart
out of a window. glass shatters. flying through air. breeze as it passes.
Throw can be used in a lot of different contexts. You can throw up after a long night drinking–that would be bad. Nobody wants that. But you can also go out and throw a baseball around with your son on a sunny afternoon. That sounds pretty good. I don’t really know what any of this means, but it’s interesting to think about. Duality or whatever.
I throw the ball at the guy, just to get his attention. It doesn’t work, because I’m invisible. It figures. I spend all my time and energy figuring out this plan to throw the ball for attention and nothing happens. Life sux.
throw the ball, just throw it away. i can’t throw well but it doesn’t prevent me from throwing and having a good time. Don’t throw your life away. It is too valuable to waste it.
I throw the covers off of me, rushing to get into the shower and prepare for another lengthy day.
Throwing myself into you.
All of you into me.
Throwing all that’s left of me.
Into a dream that has no expectation
Throwing all of the expectations
that they’ve ever had of me
into the sky of smoke.
I like to throw things when I am sad and upset, I once broke a bottle of nail polish and got it all over the carpet and my mom got really upset. I try not to break things cause I just have to replace them anyway, its islly I supposed.
man i love to throw things around like with friends and such like anishka me and him should throw tthings around with will that seriously some funny shit i remember i was with nick and melissa they were twins and we played a game where we threw beanie babies at each other and one got dirty and i felt really bad because at the time benie babies were the shit
Joshua Sukkert
one time i threw a kid acroos the town. he hit the other side and was unconscious for about thirty seconds and then giggled. people didn’t konw what happened. neither did i. next thing i knew people were lining up left and right to have me throw them across the town, some even the country. i’m not quite sure what to think of it but it’s pretty fucking awesome. i think.
i threw a bottle at this guy on a bike. it caused him to fall off into on coming traffic. he was hit by a car. got rushed to the hospital. later he was pronounced dead.
to toss, to fling, to send an object flying through the air.
to purposefully mess with the end result of a competition. to sabotage a sports event.
a blanket for couch and living room furniture.
a stone a rock whatever the hand will find. when thous hand shalt find what he must throw he shall be complete
and stone
that is all that is, that was, that shall ever be
Henry Wachtel
throw up is what i think of. which in turn makes me cringe. and think about gymnastics, and how im glad im healthier now.
Throw you. I want to throw. I want to throw *something.* Throw something. Throw my dog. Not reasonable. Throw a ball, a mitt, a fit, a gumball. Throw a ball, a party, no, give a party. Throw -no throw, no more thoughts at all.
Everyday I thought to myself, how every instance requires just one train of thought. To me, this train of thought led to inevitable reactions to people I didn’t even care for, people who didn’t even matter. I would throw away my belongings for her, and because of this our society would banish us. But it didn’t matter. They could have what I tossed.
throw it all away?
no. why would i do that?
i won’t throw it away.
i won’t throw her away.
i won’t throw it all away.
i won’t throw…
i shall keep.
keep her close.
at hand.
at heart.
keep her here.
for all ways. (always)
I just wanted to throw her and shake her and yell at her and tell her to stop fucking with me. I loved her and hated her so much all at once. So much bad came out of such a good thing.
Throw me off something high. I want to feel the air in my face, I want to be choked up by the wind as I fall. I can’t do it my self I need you to throw me off.
Maybe I was wrong to give it up. You know, the kind of right or wrong thing you never figure out until you do. Yes, perhaps. But who knows? Who ever did?
She took me by the hand and said to me. “I want you. Throw me down on that bed and make love to me.”
a baseball or basketball. Sports incorporate many sorts of different balls throughout the various games, each one having a separate role. Most commonly, they are thrown, hit, kicked or caught.
[pamopv k
f2i[rp 3vo m\13[2
like a girl…to extend your arm and let go of something…throw it all away…give up…surrender….get sick (ie throw up-vomit)…throw in the towel…
like a girl…to extend your arm and let go of something…throw it all away…give up…surrender….get sick (ie throw up-vomit)…throw in the towel…
The throw lay on the floor. It had fallen off some time the night before. I never would have seen it but then I tripped over it and stubbed my toe on the end of the bed. It was always like this on Tuesdays.
trowing myself at people seems to be a habit of mine. Im not sure why i do it, it just knd of occurs, and not the sense of simply the opposite sex either
i throw myself at everyone
ad it in turn scares wuite a few people away
im working on it
and thats the point right
to be able to not only throw but catch
nothing to write about it seriously. What should a man or woman write about a verb, like start combining it with objects that apply to the activity it refers to or what. I can throw a stone if that helps and i guess everybody else can.
I throw away everything she ever gave me, including all the birthday cards (why the fuck do we ever keep birthday cards anyway?) and the stupid plush stuffed animals that don’t look so cute anymore. I throw away everything that reminds me of her.
throwing away all the time i have.
i cant catch all the things that are falling.
and all the while i sit and stare as the future falls.
throw a ball. throw up. throw a curve ball. God does that often, doesn’t He? we see it as a curve ball… but really it throws us just enough off balance to lean on him and get us going the right direction. Throw out the things that are unnecessary. declutter. what is REALLY important in my day? throw the rest out!
But where does it land? What direction should it go? Is it farther or nearer? But maybe it doesn’t matter since it has been discarded anyway. Why keep track of something displaced? What’s it’s value? Unless it’s a little beacon.
it is a name we can put things…but we should not follow it… it is usually considered as a bad word..
something you do when you are mad.
it is not to hard unless you are aming. you swing your arm to do it. actually it does’nt take an arm, in fact catapults can throw. or are they flinging? i dont throw things much. throw rhymes with row
If you throw a ball underhanded it will never travel with the same velocity of an overhand pitch. When you throw a ball overhand you get to engage muscles in your shoulders that assist the forward thrust of the ball. You should practice this technique and compare results on a daily basis. Youwill see results in just a week. Any baseball stadium will clock your results and you can see the improvements. It is very gratifying.
throw? throw what? or a fabric throw, over the chair, the back of the chair, to hide the fact that it’s tore up from the cat claws or change the color, not well change, just change. Throw overboard. Throw out – YES! throw Thereau, spelling, Walden’s Pond, throw. throw. throw. throw.
I had to throw my favorite pair of jeans out today, holes had started to develop in the croch. I’ve had some good times in those jeans and even some bad times.
i would like to throw it all away and just see what ha[ppens throw it to the wind to the sandstorm in my worried mind throw it to new orleans wind to whip it sharply all my nessy heartachy worries just throw
Just throw it away. You dont need it, you know if you keep it around it will just continue to hurt yourself and others. Youve been through it before in your head; you know it would be best just to huck the thing off the nearest cliff but you dont, you cant. You simply put it back into your pocket for the next time you need it.
away your life
throw me a muse so i can sleep
and tell me that somone is watching me while i
in the forest of my heart
out of a window. glass shatters. flying through air. breeze as it passes.
Throw can be used in a lot of different contexts. You can throw up after a long night drinking–that would be bad. Nobody wants that. But you can also go out and throw a baseball around with your son on a sunny afternoon. That sounds pretty good. I don’t really know what any of this means, but it’s interesting to think about. Duality or whatever.
I throw the ball at the guy, just to get his attention. It doesn’t work, because I’m invisible. It figures. I spend all my time and energy figuring out this plan to throw the ball for attention and nothing happens. Life sux.
throw the ball, just throw it away. i can’t throw well but it doesn’t prevent me from throwing and having a good time. Don’t throw your life away. It is too valuable to waste it.
I throw the covers off of me, rushing to get into the shower and prepare for another lengthy day.
Throwing myself into you.
All of you into me.
Throwing all that’s left of me.
Into a dream that has no expectation
Throwing all of the expectations
that they’ve ever had of me
into the sky of smoke.
I like to throw things when I am sad and upset, I once broke a bottle of nail polish and got it all over the carpet and my mom got really upset. I try not to break things cause I just have to replace them anyway, its islly I supposed.
man i love to throw things around like with friends and such like anishka me and him should throw tthings around with will that seriously some funny shit i remember i was with nick and melissa they were twins and we played a game where we threw beanie babies at each other and one got dirty and i felt really bad because at the time benie babies were the shit
one time i threw a kid acroos the town. he hit the other side and was unconscious for about thirty seconds and then giggled. people didn’t konw what happened. neither did i. next thing i knew people were lining up left and right to have me throw them across the town, some even the country. i’m not quite sure what to think of it but it’s pretty fucking awesome. i think.
i threw a bottle at this guy on a bike. it caused him to fall off into on coming traffic. he was hit by a car. got rushed to the hospital. later he was pronounced dead.
to toss, to fling, to send an object flying through the air.
to purposefully mess with the end result of a competition. to sabotage a sports event.
a blanket for couch and living room furniture.
a stone a rock whatever the hand will find. when thous hand shalt find what he must throw he shall be complete
and stone
that is all that is, that was, that shall ever be
throw up is what i think of. which in turn makes me cringe. and think about gymnastics, and how im glad im healthier now.