
September 1st, 2008 | 1,077 Entries

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1,077 Entries for “throw”

  1. Throw the ball, son. Like this.

    He demonstrates as tow-head boy watches. But he’s not just showing a wind-up, a snapping wrist, a release. He’s showing manly affection — the boy’s version of chatting into the wee hours. It means “I like you. You’re worth my time.”

    I watch them throught the kitchen window and my heart skips a beat.

  2. Acting like a child
    I can’t believe that
    She threw it all away

  3. throwing the tree branch what throw throwrug throw pillows sitting on pillows on the floor green shiny satiny pillows and vegan food hummus and stuffed mushrooms and seitan mmmm seitan shish kebabs the most beautiful girl in the world eating a kebab but it’s a keh-bahb

  4. sometimes i throw a little basil in with the gloop just because we all know basil makes everything better just like a little bubble baby its all there for the taking. you know sometimes i wonder why there arent more words that start with be. i’m liked b’s be’s bee’s be-u-ti-ful. then you know.. you can just babble and babble…

  5. garbage, away, arm, baseball, football, children, sports, toss, overhand, underhand,

  6. i want to be thrown on the bed.. in a gentle but strong way. yes, i am a feminist. yes, i love sex. yes, i love a strong and confident man. yes, i love being a woman.

  7. throw the ball. throw the ball. throw the ball.

  8. Throw away everything that´s bad. Replace it with good things. Then you´ll be a happy person. Easy, isn´t it?

    Tomas Carrfors
  9. purify. gut. just a couple more. lovehandles. resist. tempting. will they notice me now? fingers reach. throw up.

  10. throw things in the garbage, throw things at people throw things out windows. throw your hands up. throw fits in ppublic. throw out old habits.

  11. I already did throw. Why is it still here? Maybe I don’t understand this site. Maybe it just runs on a different schedule. Or maybe… I’m a TIME TRAVELER.

    I’m gonna go with time traveler. Mistakes, begone!

  12. Someone told me I should come home every day, and throw my son int he air and catch him. They said that if I did this every day, I’d still be able to throw him high in the air when he’s a grown man. Somehow this makes sense to me.

  13. Throw? gain? Isn’t this a throw back (pun intended) to what’s on the ‘read’ page?

    Ugh. i was looking for new inspiration. I’m going to throw this one, and wait for the next word. Maybe it will be more inspiring.

  14. I remember standing in gym class at an all boys high school and being told that I throw like a girl.

    Definately the best way to completely kill ones sense of masculinity, especially when they’re dealing with a sexual identity crisis at the age of 14.

  15. throw it out there. throw it in my face. throw it in the bin. throw it around. throw me in the air. and all the time just try not to throw up.

  16. The boy pitched the ball. No matter how hard he tried, he could never get it right. The ball fell to the ground before reaching his dad, who was waiting with a mit on his hand. The man approached his son.
    “Here, son. Do it like this,” he instructed.

  17. His throw was like a girl’s. To a boy, there is hardly a greater insult than to say such a thing, sexist though it may be. Still, he had a girl’s throw. From the way he cocked the ball back to the limp-wristed release, it was all girl.

    Andrew D
  18. “Go long!” I yelled at Jesse my cousin.
    “Uh…” He stuttered back.
    Everyone had started to think of me as so incapable since my surgery. I wasn’t supposed to play or or stretch myself at all with anything athletic. Snort, since when would that stop me? My mom had explained to most everyone to not lead me on. Jesse would get in trouble for this.
    Stuttering was what people usually did around me when they were faced with indecision. I was a very persuasive person and new how to play people exactly right to get my way. Sometimes they would catch on.

  19. The pain came from deep within. Muscles expanded and contracted with fury. The time was now.

  20. the towel
    the ball
    And everything in between
    Your shoulder
    the big game
    And a symbol to get your ass kicked
    What you do with it is your business
    Just don’t throw away someone’s heart
    B/c karma’s a bitch.

    Nu Sol
  21. throw catch
    skipping sliding stones down the pathway
    four stones, five wishes
    five wishes, six stories

    throw, streamlined laughter
    sentimental captured
    keep your breath close to you
    throw out what is dear

    very very dear
    and run


    because we might fade away
    as do the paper planes in the sunrise

  22. Throw ice on a scalded burn.
    Throw yourself into the deep ocean and swim, swim farther without never looking back. Yes throw yourself into life…

  23. throw a smile and throw the heart at me i will throw it back at you filled with love and all you need throw your money at money

  24. throw a tantrum but not the best way to use your time its better to throw a rock at your warden’s head n the most pathetic thing would be to throw urself at a guy. the trajectory of a ball thrown in the air is parabolic. it covers max distance at an angle of 45 degrees. Java throws runtime exceptions.

  25. Come on , Reed. Throw the ball. Point your shoulder towards the target. Hold the point of the ball to your neck. Step through the throw. Lay it in there.
    come on, throw. and come out more often and play.

    hey, how long does it let me go on.

    throw test
  26. ball flying through the air and falls into the son’s glove. “Now throw it back to me” his father retorts. The son throws it back giving it all he has. “That’s good work son, your old man is proud”. The son is gleeming with content and thinks to

    Edith Nackers
  27. to think of those things we discard as easy as old food and forget. We seem to misuse as many people as items. I would give up my last breath before I’d throw away the memory of your smile.

  28. a ball in the grounf her it make a thumping sound.

  29. throw away the throw away comments

  30. Is what I did with your locket
    Watched it disappear out of view
    I don’t care where it went, what it meant
    All I care is you buy something new

  31. Throw away all your pain with falling in love with another beautiful girl

  32. I threw you into the air as the doves flew by skimming the ground with their jet black eyes, but to them, you looked so small, so close to the ground and in our insignificance to the world, you were the highest in the sky I have ever seen you.

    Dan Stern
  33. throw in the towel
    throw it all away

    throw a lifeline
    throw the switch
    make the change
    be the change you want to see.

    throw throw throw


  34. I throw away everything I know now. I don’tknow how I kept it so for this long. Watching it fly through the air gives me such satisfaction, even if it is only in my mind. As if a larg load has been lifted as I throw away reason, understanding, rational, and most of all the fear to love.

  35. throw it out get rid of it it’s old used smells gone over far away release it say good bye good bye now go

  36. throw it
    throw me
    wait look out theres a bee
    when we take a look
    its time to read a book
    o shit
    you threw it

  37. throw that booty this way. Give it to me like it is gonna go out of style or the world is coming to an end.

  38. Throw me out to sea, I’ll float along on the river of your capillaries. I’ll grab a red blood cell, hold on tight, and enjoy the white water rapids. I’ll sail up to your lungs, catch a ride on an air bubble, and sky dive to the bottom of your pulminary system, just to kiss the place you breathe from.

    Erica Bernal-Hanson
  39. throw your problems to the wind. They wouldn’t matter if your best friend died tomorrow. Throw you’re regrets out the door; it’s better to make mistakes so retitle them as that. Time is ticking so don’t throw your life away

  40. Throw the ball at the dog so he can jump and play with you/ The dog loves to fetch the ball so just do it. You know you want to

    Bill Lublin