I throw the softball at Sarah’s glove and with each pitch I realize I am throwing away a little part of me because the things I cling so tightly to the seams always seem to slip away from me.
Throw. I threw a lot of things in my life, but the thing that I most recently have thrown is my lunch. I was at the Cheesecake Factory today and was served an undercooked hamburger and unfortunately threw up in the bathroom. It was not a great hamburger and I will never return to that restaurant again.
My brother received the ability to throw a football. I got the ability to throw a tantrum. I consider it more of a talent really… to be able to mold anger into eloquent and well-thought-out rants rather than incoherent babblings. If there was a prize for such a thing, or a career for it, I’d have a scholarship set in place.
Terry Cay G
She threw the ball. The ball went on forever, because in a perfectly physics frictionless world, that’s what balls do. It hit no trees, no buildings, and no people. It just traveled. When it did stop, it was caught by a careful hand, which cradled the ball and threw it again. This traveled on forever, thrown and thrown again.
I throw time into little bubbles and watch them drift in random, meaningless ways across an open field of bluebonnets. I see them pop, one by one and realize, with every pop, how much I miss them.
Now it was just easier to throw the bags and boxes in various rooms. That way, when it was finally time to unpack, they would at least be inside the house…
Of course, it would never really feel like home until the reminders of the move were packed away in closets and attics.
To throw something is not always a good thing. We teach our children not to throw things in the house or at people, then when they get older we teach them sports where they must throw a ball. Football, baseball, basketball all involve throwing a ball.
up….barf, to hurl, up-chuck, spew….
wow, that’s the best I could come up with. Nothing more creative than that! Sad!
The delicate sounds of the ring bouncing against the asphalt were completely out of place in the dry heat of the Arizona summer, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that while the ring represented something that wasn’t beautiful any more, it still looked beautiful, still sounded beautiful, and maybe things would be all right after all.
balls and sports. People throw balls in sports but people also throw chances. You can have the chance of a lifetime and you can just throw it all away for nothing. On either a wasted thought or a missed opportunity. You can also throw your back out trying to pick something up and with the natural luck of things, it’ll be while performing a good deed for someone else.
i was throwing food in the sixth grade once. it was my first and only food fight i ever had. mostly french fries were being thrown between boys and girls. they made us clean up the place for about a day or so as punishment for not eating quietly. anyways, it was fun and i miss being that little boy again.
Throw it all away! That was her response when i told her we were getting married. Throw it all away. Great. Apparently she does not approve. But I don not care. Not in the least as a matter of fact. Its fate that I throw it all away, throw it all away for you.
Don’t throw your time and energy away on amateur pursuits. Get remuneration for your hard work.
Chris Torma
Well ‘throw’ um.. I dont like to throw away old things. I loved to play catch and throw with my dog. I love throwing the ball against the wall and catching it. I think in cricket, it matters when you throw the ball at the wicket for a run out.
when the ball is hit out of the ground then it is thrown back into the play by a boundary boy
throw the damn ball throw the garbage its all the same youre throwing the act of disposing making something go away from your self. throw but it comes back to you doesnt it? the ball the garbage the bad karma all of it.
You’ve thrown me out there.
I have nothing..
But when have I ever had anything to begin with?
She has everything I ever wanted.
And yet she insists on taking more.
Could she be anymore selfish?
ihate throwing up when i drink
so the other day i was thinking about how i learnt how to throw. you see this all happened in PE class in about year 8 i think. she was a new PE teacher and she said that for some reason girls never learnt how to throw properly, whereas guys seemed to have acquired a natural skill for it at a young age. in an attempt to kill that old phrase to “throw like a girl”, she taught us how to throw properly, and i am forever grateful because now my throws don’t suck as much. so yeah, thanks miss.
sorry i misunderstood this game but my response is still the same throw as much away as possible why keep unnessary baggage.
i dont even know what to say. everybody knows what it is to throw something. you pick up an object, contract the muscles in your arm, and let go of it at the peak of your arch. then it flies through the air.
away. throw it all away. no more waiting for something more to come of the one thing you already put so much time and effort into that you know that there’s nothing left. when you throw it all away it’ll be a release from your inner demons that scour your face with fire and brimstone until the embarrassment is too much to handle.
chris everson
as much away has possible. the ball, hummmmmmmmmm i’m not sure what else to say but throw what throw you ass in the garbage.
a penny into a fountain and wish!
lets just throw it all away
tangibles, intangibles,
books, papers, furniture and the whole home
relationships, friendships and bonds.
perhaps emptiness will feel better after all.
“Don’t throw it away,” my mother told me, “You might want it some day.”
I never did want it, and it sat at the back of various cupboards gathering dust and mould for thirteen years before I finally gave in and threw it out.
The next day, I suddenly found a use for it.
He had to throw them bones in the trash or we would ‘ave been caught sure as the day is long. We ain’t meant to kill that fellah, but he just wouldn’t leave Sis alone.
Beating him was one thing but when we realized he was dead, well, we had to cut him, boil him down and throw them bones away. But, man he was some good eatin’.
AJ Brown
I’m going to throw away everything on my desk and then I’m going to sit and think about what I miss the most … okay, maybe I won’t throw it away, maybe I’ll put it in a box. A box that says “Do not open until Monday” and then I can find out exactly what I miss during the week and write it down on a piece of paper.
Those items, and only those items, can come out of the box at the end of the week. The rest stays.
throw up. throw the ball. i want to throw a hammer at satin. i also want to throw up on myself. i am emo. i hate cheese. i want a piece of pie.
The classiest I’ve ever felt was the night that I went to this red carpet event in a dress that i made myself. It was a fashion event and all these gay men kept approaching me and telling me how fabulous i looked. With an open bar, I got kind of hammer-wasted, and I ended the evening throwing up all over myself back at my dates house, ruining the dress. I always think back on that night and when ever I’m feeling particularly pleased with myself. Sometimes you need the reality check.
a ball into space where it can reach distant planets. Filled with aliens who will wonder what this strange fuzzy thing is with its hairy coat of fur. They mistake it for a primitive life form, or a holy artifact. Then the racket comes, and their view of the universe is altered forever.
Throw up. Vomit. Something you do after a night of drinking. Aim for the bowl.
Throw a ball. To some one. Higher. Further. Harder. Faster.
Throw a party. Throw a gala. Throw in the towel.
It’s easy to throw it away, when you’ve watched it for so long but haven’t used it. Covered in dust and left in the corner your eyes have grazed it too many times for you to care now.
Spring cleaning. You lift it, and its heart soars for a moment, “Will she play with me again?”
Black glassy eyes staring towards the ceiling in an armful of pink and green stuffed cloth, it can feel the touch of your skin.
Into a box. Into the attic. Into a garage sale.
“You throw like a girl.” He called from the stands.
The next pitch knocked the popcorn box right out of his stubby fingers.
“Yeah.” she called back from the pitcher’s mound. “I do.”
toss, play. They dog loves it when we throw the ball he runs excited. joy beyond words. that on little motion makes his entire day nothing is better. just throw. children laugh o laugh as he runs and skids to a stop Joy
a tickling stick into the muddy undergrowth of the grassy knoll. I’m a verbose americano i told myself. Pretentioso I said in the second language of my god bless america.
doodle dindy
The ball hard against the side of the garage. The harder it smacks the more likely you will leave a satisfying dent. It will make your dad mad, but who knows, maybe the he’ll listen.
Even better if some paint chips off. It is what you really want.
I throw little things off
I threw a long dark brick in to the heaviest part of the moon. Shadows often trick the mind and help it to become easier to swallow.
watch me throw, daddy! he exclaimed. my son was about 4 years old and had just “learned” to throw a softball. of course his aim was off, and he had no real range, but was proud of his accomplishment.
I throw the softball at Sarah’s glove and with each pitch I realize I am throwing away a little part of me because the things I cling so tightly to the seams always seem to slip away from me.
Throw. I threw a lot of things in my life, but the thing that I most recently have thrown is my lunch. I was at the Cheesecake Factory today and was served an undercooked hamburger and unfortunately threw up in the bathroom. It was not a great hamburger and I will never return to that restaurant again.
My brother received the ability to throw a football. I got the ability to throw a tantrum. I consider it more of a talent really… to be able to mold anger into eloquent and well-thought-out rants rather than incoherent babblings. If there was a prize for such a thing, or a career for it, I’d have a scholarship set in place.
She threw the ball. The ball went on forever, because in a perfectly physics frictionless world, that’s what balls do. It hit no trees, no buildings, and no people. It just traveled. When it did stop, it was caught by a careful hand, which cradled the ball and threw it again. This traveled on forever, thrown and thrown again.
I throw time into little bubbles and watch them drift in random, meaningless ways across an open field of bluebonnets. I see them pop, one by one and realize, with every pop, how much I miss them.
Now it was just easier to throw the bags and boxes in various rooms. That way, when it was finally time to unpack, they would at least be inside the house…
Of course, it would never really feel like home until the reminders of the move were packed away in closets and attics.
To throw something is not always a good thing. We teach our children not to throw things in the house or at people, then when they get older we teach them sports where they must throw a ball. Football, baseball, basketball all involve throwing a ball.
up….barf, to hurl, up-chuck, spew….
wow, that’s the best I could come up with. Nothing more creative than that! Sad!
The delicate sounds of the ring bouncing against the asphalt were completely out of place in the dry heat of the Arizona summer, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that while the ring represented something that wasn’t beautiful any more, it still looked beautiful, still sounded beautiful, and maybe things would be all right after all.
balls and sports. People throw balls in sports but people also throw chances. You can have the chance of a lifetime and you can just throw it all away for nothing. On either a wasted thought or a missed opportunity. You can also throw your back out trying to pick something up and with the natural luck of things, it’ll be while performing a good deed for someone else.
i was throwing food in the sixth grade once. it was my first and only food fight i ever had. mostly french fries were being thrown between boys and girls. they made us clean up the place for about a day or so as punishment for not eating quietly. anyways, it was fun and i miss being that little boy again.
Throw it all away! That was her response when i told her we were getting married. Throw it all away. Great. Apparently she does not approve. But I don not care. Not in the least as a matter of fact. Its fate that I throw it all away, throw it all away for you.
Don’t throw your time and energy away on amateur pursuits. Get remuneration for your hard work.
Well ‘throw’ um.. I dont like to throw away old things. I loved to play catch and throw with my dog. I love throwing the ball against the wall and catching it. I think in cricket, it matters when you throw the ball at the wicket for a run out.
when the ball is hit out of the ground then it is thrown back into the play by a boundary boy
throw the damn ball throw the garbage its all the same youre throwing the act of disposing making something go away from your self. throw but it comes back to you doesnt it? the ball the garbage the bad karma all of it.
You’ve thrown me out there.
I have nothing..
But when have I ever had anything to begin with?
She has everything I ever wanted.
And yet she insists on taking more.
Could she be anymore selfish?
ihate throwing up when i drink
so the other day i was thinking about how i learnt how to throw. you see this all happened in PE class in about year 8 i think. she was a new PE teacher and she said that for some reason girls never learnt how to throw properly, whereas guys seemed to have acquired a natural skill for it at a young age. in an attempt to kill that old phrase to “throw like a girl”, she taught us how to throw properly, and i am forever grateful because now my throws don’t suck as much. so yeah, thanks miss.
sorry i misunderstood this game but my response is still the same throw as much away as possible why keep unnessary baggage.
i dont even know what to say. everybody knows what it is to throw something. you pick up an object, contract the muscles in your arm, and let go of it at the peak of your arch. then it flies through the air.
away. throw it all away. no more waiting for something more to come of the one thing you already put so much time and effort into that you know that there’s nothing left. when you throw it all away it’ll be a release from your inner demons that scour your face with fire and brimstone until the embarrassment is too much to handle.
as much away has possible. the ball, hummmmmmmmmm i’m not sure what else to say but throw what throw you ass in the garbage.
a penny into a fountain and wish!
lets just throw it all away
tangibles, intangibles,
books, papers, furniture and the whole home
relationships, friendships and bonds.
perhaps emptiness will feel better after all.
“Don’t throw it away,” my mother told me, “You might want it some day.”
I never did want it, and it sat at the back of various cupboards gathering dust and mould for thirteen years before I finally gave in and threw it out.
The next day, I suddenly found a use for it.
He had to throw them bones in the trash or we would ‘ave been caught sure as the day is long. We ain’t meant to kill that fellah, but he just wouldn’t leave Sis alone.
Beating him was one thing but when we realized he was dead, well, we had to cut him, boil him down and throw them bones away. But, man he was some good eatin’.
I’m going to throw away everything on my desk and then I’m going to sit and think about what I miss the most … okay, maybe I won’t throw it away, maybe I’ll put it in a box. A box that says “Do not open until Monday” and then I can find out exactly what I miss during the week and write it down on a piece of paper.
Those items, and only those items, can come out of the box at the end of the week. The rest stays.
throw up. throw the ball. i want to throw a hammer at satin. i also want to throw up on myself. i am emo. i hate cheese. i want a piece of pie.
The classiest I’ve ever felt was the night that I went to this red carpet event in a dress that i made myself. It was a fashion event and all these gay men kept approaching me and telling me how fabulous i looked. With an open bar, I got kind of hammer-wasted, and I ended the evening throwing up all over myself back at my dates house, ruining the dress. I always think back on that night and when ever I’m feeling particularly pleased with myself. Sometimes you need the reality check.
a ball into space where it can reach distant planets. Filled with aliens who will wonder what this strange fuzzy thing is with its hairy coat of fur. They mistake it for a primitive life form, or a holy artifact. Then the racket comes, and their view of the universe is altered forever.
Throw up. Vomit. Something you do after a night of drinking. Aim for the bowl.
Throw a ball. To some one. Higher. Further. Harder. Faster.
Throw a party. Throw a gala. Throw in the towel.
It’s easy to throw it away, when you’ve watched it for so long but haven’t used it. Covered in dust and left in the corner your eyes have grazed it too many times for you to care now.
Spring cleaning. You lift it, and its heart soars for a moment, “Will she play with me again?”
Black glassy eyes staring towards the ceiling in an armful of pink and green stuffed cloth, it can feel the touch of your skin.
Into a box. Into the attic. Into a garage sale.
“You throw like a girl.” He called from the stands.
The next pitch knocked the popcorn box right out of his stubby fingers.
“Yeah.” she called back from the pitcher’s mound. “I do.”
toss, play. They dog loves it when we throw the ball he runs excited. joy beyond words. that on little motion makes his entire day nothing is better. just throw. children laugh o laugh as he runs and skids to a stop Joy
a tickling stick into the muddy undergrowth of the grassy knoll. I’m a verbose americano i told myself. Pretentioso I said in the second language of my god bless america.
The ball hard against the side of the garage. The harder it smacks the more likely you will leave a satisfying dent. It will make your dad mad, but who knows, maybe the he’ll listen.
Even better if some paint chips off. It is what you really want.
I throw little things off
I threw a long dark brick in to the heaviest part of the moon. Shadows often trick the mind and help it to become easier to swallow.
watch me throw, daddy! he exclaimed. my son was about 4 years old and had just “learned” to throw a softball. of course his aim was off, and he had no real range, but was proud of his accomplishment.