
September 1st, 2008 | 1,077 Entries

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1,077 Entries for “throw”

  1. a rock at someone from your work. say it wasnt you, say it was the boss.

  2. She threw herself across the floor and closed her fist around the pendant.
    Pegan sent her a Look. “What. Is your problem.”
    “This is Belgium, P! You almost broke it!”
    “The hell?”

  3. Throw yourself on the couch, throw yourself on the man you love. He throws him arm around you and starts to peel off your shirt and then throws it to the ground. You throw him into a mad happiness with your kiss which ends when you throw up.

  4. Reality is really a very funny thing. Never knowing whether you’re coming or going from you should never THROW yourself into or off of anything. ever. only sticks and rocks go well for throwing. or a red ‘bee. fris-bee is what i mean by that. enjoy throwing a frisbee or a nerf and then take a hike through the woods and get lost and have dirty feet for the rest of the day and enjoy the cemetery again for the sake of the outdoors.

  5. like a football. and maybe after you’ve had too many drinks, you’ll throw up. my favorite drink is a cosmopolitan. i also love champagne. especially with strawberries. mmm, that sounds really good right now. back on subject, a football….

  6. When I threw it, I didn’t think it would land there. I really didn’t. He looked at me. Shocked. I looked back, blankly. His faced turned red and I knew what was coming. I didn’t beg, but he knew what I was thinking.

  7. I am on a 2 month holiday in florida. 2 days ago My fiance and I went to a theme park. After riding one of the spinning rides I threw up. We went to get a bit of food a little while later and I ended up throwing up again in burger kings bathroom. I really just felt bad that the people at Fun Spot had to clean up my throw up. Eww

  8. Throw some d’s on that bitch!

  9. i throw bananas at old mens dicks

  10. As the wind swept through her hair, and the rain fell onto her shoulders, she watched as he cocked his arm back out in the small sail boat, ready to throw something at her. As his arm came forward, she stepped towards him, and the object he had tossed in her direction feel into her arms. It was the bear he had given her for their first aniversary, the one she had lost years ago.

  11. As the wind swept through here hair, and the rain fell onto her shoulders, she watched as he cocked his arm back out in the small sail boat, ready to throw something at her. As his arm came forward, she stepped towards him, and the object he had tossed in her direction feel into her arms. It was the bear he had given her for their first aniversary, that she had lost years ago.

  12. I like to throw things…left, right, I like to catch when people throw. Throw is a weird word…just look at it. Would you think it meant what it meant if you had never seen it before? Would you really connect the word ‘throw’ to lobbing objects through the air at things, or people for that matter? Then there is the fact that it can also mean to throw up. How does throw fit into that?

  13. Throw me down. Get on top of me later, but throw me down. That’s where the passion is. That’s the anger of you wanting me right here–in this moment.

    Paul Greer
  14. i can’t throw you enough rope; enough cotton or thread or instruction for being; i just dangle it

  15. throw a blanket on me. throw a pillow on me. throw yourself on me. innuendo? no. throw a grape to me. throw a ball to me. the horse ran out wild…..? excuse me for throwing that at you.

    demi sjostrom
  16. The pitcher leans back, sweat pours down his face. the count is 3-2 with the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth. the catcher signals slider. he nods it away. he’s going after this guy, no games. this is his moment.

    jamie kent
  17. Something you can do with a ball. Playing catch is fun. Dogs will chase the ball down afterward. frisbees, sticks, poo, money. happy.

  18. i want to throw some rib meat wrapped in a corn dog blanket with sour cream and olives into a frier and we’ll see what develops. It’ll be the hottest, creamiest, most delicious explosion your mouth has ever been privy to!

  19. i throw myself at you constantly waiting for a response you don’t give any and this is so ordinary you are a constant dragging of my thoughts of myself and of you i’m falling lower to the ground and baby this time i’m taking you with me

  20. throw it all away and run.

  21. I threw up all over the place after the doctor pushed the morphine too fast. Great a headache with nausea has turned into a puke fest. I thought I had a headache turns out it was more. A lot more. I have two young children and a wonderful husband and I have a time bomb in my head.

  22. Its somthing you do, shows anger and also intense corrdination. Athleates use this and do great things with it. Involving garbage is also one of its primary functions. Low income and high income alike have its place with this workd.

  23. throw a pig out of the window at a cure to stop pestering pixies it will also help cabbages to grow but only if you plant them in purple soil

  24. I like to throw things, many things in fact, I am a woman of course and of course like most women, when I get mad I in fact like to throw something breakable. Not at anyone, usually just the wall.

  25. I don’t want to throw away my life by loving someone I do not love, living a life a do not want to live, working a job I do not like. How about you? Are you throwing away your life?

    Kelly Ayn
  26. how can one simply throw? it takes a thought, cause and effect. there must be some vision of where you want the object to be thrown, both literally and metaphorically. if you throw without validation, you can destroy any effort you put in to gain which you want to rid of so badly. too often we make this mistake, instead of throw, hold.

  27. don’t throw it all away
    your ideas, your dreams
    give them wings to soar
    to take flight and be free
    don’t throw it all away
    your passion, your excitement
    nourish it, take care of it
    success and happiness will come

    Jen M
  28. i had to throw away my dog yesterday. he was small and dumb so i kicked him. and i thought it would be funny like a football dog, but he just died. so i had to throw him away.

  29. I threw a piece of bone marrow on a loin cloth in the middle of nazareth. Holy christpher reed picked it up and yhe was running around in mugabe attire looking at his drunken stupor Eleen Mc Kleen threw up. EHnce teh word threw up came into existance . Its teh second greates word ever . It origenates from the druidical times since when goats ate coffe seeds for breakfast and milked zappa coffee milk from those little thinks that ants milk necter like oozong fuid from.

  30. i want to throw a monkey at you.

  31. throw, did i throw it all away? i don’t think so. i’m confident with my decision to step back from him. i don’t know if we are done but we need some perspective. throw it out there, see what happens. throw blind and see what comes to be. maybe you’ll find what

  32. “Just throw the ball!”

    It was a cry he had heard over and over again, but never from anyone on the field. Instead, he knew that on the other side of the fence, just at the corner of the press box, stood the man that was never satisfied.

    When he gathered the ball into his glove, he saw the coach at 3rd base. He was waving the runner home. Without stopping to set his feet, he threw the ball. This time, the ball kept a straight line to the catcher. He never saw the tag but he heard the call he had wished for…


    For just the briefest of moments, he saw a small smile on the face of the man standing by the press box.

    Rachel Langston
  33. throwing the baseball was always a hobby of mine growing up. My papou would sit on a lawn chair and pitch to me, and though I missed sometimes, he would always tell me to run around the bases. That type of encouragement made me believe I could do anything, a thought that college took away from me.

  34. He was running towards me with a bat in hand. I ducked and a bowl of uncooked sea urchins narrowly missed my head.

  35. you throw my heart across the room
    it seems i can hide from everyone but you
    you spread my disposition on the kitchen floor
    tell me its the reason
    you dont want me anymore

  36. throw a ball into my hands. I will catch it with the utmost sincerity of wanting a balls familiar touch.

  37. i will throw away the ball, and the trash. no one at the house is very clean, it kinda of bothers me because i think i am becoming a clean freak. idk if thats a good thing or a bad thing. like i mean cleanliness is nice, but there’s a point where it’s crazy. like monk. which is a good show, i like a lot of tv shows, mostly like reality tv, its cool to see people compete. i think im very competetive

  38. you throw me into the fire like i am wood. why is that? i want to be free. i want to fly. i hate being pressured to do what you want. leave me alone. i want to frolic through the meadow free.

    Brittney F.
  39. i like to throw paper and hard things at the walls and at people when i’m angry. it’s a stress reliever when i’m angry and when the thing i’m throwing hits the wall or the floor it’s like a release from the anger i felt beforehand.

  40. I’d like to throw it all away sometime. Just to let go, to see how life would be without all the benefits I have, to see if maybe I can work hard and get back to where I started, because that’s the only way I can be sure its where I want to be
