I threw my ball down the long highway, I know not why I did it nor indeed where it went but it disappeared from my sight far quicker then expected as did I, for reasons explained later.
toss andhurl, the little boat in the mighty waves. It thrashed about it’s masts creaking and pushed to the breaking point. The little boat that could, fought it’s way thorugh the tumultous seas on a voyage it did not know.
I’m throwing away all the time I have and not understanding that I’ll never get it back.
Catch the ball Lucy, catch the ball. That’s all right, that’s good. Now throw it back to me. Good. Very good. Aren’t we having fun? Do you like this? Come on, just a few more, Lucy.
Cire Nyrual
I can throw a ball as fast as a major league baseball player. At eaast that what my dad always tells his friends. Is he in denial or do I actually have talent that I don’t know recognize?
…up? Actually I don’t really throw up at all anymore. I mean, not since forever ago. It’s been years. The last time was in middle school, I’m pretty sure. Back when anything would come out of my mouth and I wouldn’t bother to try and hold it down. But now I’m being bitter.
Also, in Spanish to blame someone is to “throw the blame” to them – echar la culpa a alguien.
grace h
throw the pillow over here, I want to hit you with it, he said. I had just fed him some bs about the size of his member. I suppose that wasn’t the most appropriate story to tell my mother. especially since she hasn’t heard about henry until now. oh well. it is kind of small, but it’s cute.
throw it away so its gone so its lost throw it just dont let it get too far away just be there to throw it
up at the party, in the driveway
on someone’s shoe
A ball
A fork or a screw
just not on me
that would be icky
I just love to throw a football. Or used to, I am a girl, with boys and hurt my elbow throwing like a major quarterback. Slinging that ball across the parking lot. It will never be the same.
There was once a boy who was walking through the woods, and he walked by a creek. He saw the most beautiful stone he’d ever seen. He wanted to throw it, being a boy, but he was too smitten by it’s beauty and instead put it in his pocket.
He kept that stone forever, even into manhood.
Misti Konsavage
people throw up. people throw balls. people throw people out. you can knit a throw, or sew a throw. you can throw stuff away. it rhymes with crow and sow.
I was playing with my grandfather in the front yard. My parents wouldn’t let me use a real baseball so i had to use a flourescent softball to play catch with my gramps. He was sweaty and the sun cast a gleam
i used to throw things at my brother. sometimes they woul;d hit sometimes not i was never exceedingly good at throwing just ok. he never threw them back bit of a pussy really. but he did get me back one day by chasing me through the house and i put my arm through a window
throw my shoes. throw a tantrum. throw my life away. it means get rid of. goodbye. it might be lousy. throw don’t toss. throw out of anger. or resistance. or frustration. throw it out. get rid of it. goodbye.
a ball. what else would someone think of? I mean maybe up? who knows? 60 seconds is a lot of time. I could’ve thrown lots of things in this time. I can’t think of anything else really good about it. I guess maybe this tests my wpm? Though thinking and all that jazz doesn’t help. Throw a party? I need a party.
It all went, swift as I could ever imagine. One head, one life, one damnable thought. Nothing left, I suppose. Just me, standing there like an empty husk, drying on in the last sunlight of a November day. Wasting what I have. I guess.
The Fool
This is the kind of band that makes me want to throw things. Specifically I want to throw my beer at the band. So, I do.
This is my new goal. I’m going to stop censoring myself. I think therefore I act
if you do this away then you may well regret it as you might find that whtever it was you were doing this away to that you actually want it after all.
If you do this up then you’ll make a horrible mess ofyou bathroom if it happens too quickly.
If you do this down to a gauntlet then you’ll find yourself in a fight – not a clever idea!
I threw the ball as fast as I could. I didn’t know what else to do, when it was thrown my way by the kid next door. It whipped through the air, soaring like some sort of white bird to a nest; that nest being the tanned leather catcher’s mitt resting in my younger brother’s hand.
Olivia Loverink
There you go again,
Acting like I mean nothing to you.
So go ahead,
Throw my love away,
Just don’t fucking expect to find it waiting again.
Throw it all away,
Live another day.
Give up the world
To save your soul.
He can save your soul
He can save your heart
He’ll rescue you from the dark.
Throw it all away,
Live for Him today.
Give up the world,
So He can save your soul.
He can save your soul
He can save your heart
He’ll rescue you from the dark.
This is harder than I thought, sixty seconds is longer than I thought. Wondering what life will be like come Friday when I am unemployed… most likely I will be poorer, but life will go on. Maybe I’ll join the circus…
throw is very important, it helps us to do many things. such as games like cricket and baseball, where throwing the ball is a vital factor in winning the match. also, in football and soccer, the goalkeeper can throw the ball, and throw-ins must be taken using ur hands. also, we couldnt throw if we didnt have hands, so hands are good, we could not masturbate if we didnt have hands, so hands are awesome. but on the topic of throw, it’s good to throw cos it makes my dick happy.
throw… i’m terrible at throwing ANYTHING… and the very worst at throwing and trying to hit someone with a snowball… i don’t know why,,, it’s just not in me to be a pitcher… i was a catcher in a softball league… i think they thought that is where I’d do the least harm…
Just Meee~
Throw the flowers into the sky and dance freely in a rain of petals.
were filling up the world with garbage. we waste. everything is disposable. this is bad. recycling may be annoying, but its better than living on a planet covered in garbage.
I never thought it would be so easy to give up. For so long I had been held fast in its grip, but now I could shrug it off as easily as the peel of an overripe fruit, or my clothes when I first met Jim.
It was spring… baseball came to mind. Got my glove and shoes and was gone!
I grabbed the roses wrapped in cheap cellophone, my eyes skimming across the words scrawled on the card. Again? He will never learn how to give up. With a bored sigh, I toss them over my shoulder as I walk back into my house. “Fuck off,” I call, knowing he’d be there, watching. Then I heard a gunshot. And felt it seconds later.
I wish I didn’t feel like I was throwing this entire relationship away. Like some old book that I’d thrown aside.
the page
Throw is quite an aggressive word cos you can throw a person, or a horse can throw a person off and hurt them. It can’t really be used in a peaceful sense, but it can indicate throwing off shackles or old ideas and symbolise freedom.
sounds like crow and show. together it says crowshow which reminds me of that black bird off that cartoon that smokes a big black cigar. I forget the cartoon. birds makes me laugh, theyre so free and easy.
the ocean over your shoulder,
salt to the gods.
Throw is a double word. I could throw a ball or a plate if I am angry enough. I could also make a throw for my sofa. Use the throw on my sofa for warmth or to make a fashion statement, in the interior decorating sense.
He’d hurt his shoulder the year before in an accident.
A party. His older brother, drunk. A tree. The hospital. Everything from that night was in bits and pieces. All he knew was that he’d been kicked off the team because his pitching arm was shot.
Now, the coach smiled and handed him the ball. “Throw, boy. Throw.”
C. Gregory
Every one accumulates things along there lives, you buy all kinds of shit, and store them in places that you will olny find when you odnt want to. People have to learn to throw away things, or donate them to others. Thats a lesson
garbage on the streets and don’t help old lades cross the street
I threw the stick into the water. It did not sink but spun, lightly and with such grace, I felt like the stick was all that I needed to watch in that very moment. Nothing I could throw into the stream could look so beautiful. Nothing.
I threw my ball down the long highway, I know not why I did it nor indeed where it went but it disappeared from my sight far quicker then expected as did I, for reasons explained later.
toss andhurl, the little boat in the mighty waves. It thrashed about it’s masts creaking and pushed to the breaking point. The little boat that could, fought it’s way thorugh the tumultous seas on a voyage it did not know.
I’m throwing away all the time I have and not understanding that I’ll never get it back.
Catch the ball Lucy, catch the ball. That’s all right, that’s good. Now throw it back to me. Good. Very good. Aren’t we having fun? Do you like this? Come on, just a few more, Lucy.
I can throw a ball as fast as a major league baseball player. At eaast that what my dad always tells his friends. Is he in denial or do I actually have talent that I don’t know recognize?
…up? Actually I don’t really throw up at all anymore. I mean, not since forever ago. It’s been years. The last time was in middle school, I’m pretty sure. Back when anything would come out of my mouth and I wouldn’t bother to try and hold it down. But now I’m being bitter.
Also, in Spanish to blame someone is to “throw the blame” to them – echar la culpa a alguien.
throw the pillow over here, I want to hit you with it, he said. I had just fed him some bs about the size of his member. I suppose that wasn’t the most appropriate story to tell my mother. especially since she hasn’t heard about henry until now. oh well. it is kind of small, but it’s cute.
throw it away so its gone so its lost throw it just dont let it get too far away just be there to throw it
up at the party, in the driveway
on someone’s shoe
A ball
A fork or a screw
just not on me
that would be icky
I just love to throw a football. Or used to, I am a girl, with boys and hurt my elbow throwing like a major quarterback. Slinging that ball across the parking lot. It will never be the same.
There was once a boy who was walking through the woods, and he walked by a creek. He saw the most beautiful stone he’d ever seen. He wanted to throw it, being a boy, but he was too smitten by it’s beauty and instead put it in his pocket.
He kept that stone forever, even into manhood.
people throw up. people throw balls. people throw people out. you can knit a throw, or sew a throw. you can throw stuff away. it rhymes with crow and sow.
I was playing with my grandfather in the front yard. My parents wouldn’t let me use a real baseball so i had to use a flourescent softball to play catch with my gramps. He was sweaty and the sun cast a gleam
i used to throw things at my brother. sometimes they woul;d hit sometimes not i was never exceedingly good at throwing just ok. he never threw them back bit of a pussy really. but he did get me back one day by chasing me through the house and i put my arm through a window
throw my shoes. throw a tantrum. throw my life away. it means get rid of. goodbye. it might be lousy. throw don’t toss. throw out of anger. or resistance. or frustration. throw it out. get rid of it. goodbye.
a ball. what else would someone think of? I mean maybe up? who knows? 60 seconds is a lot of time. I could’ve thrown lots of things in this time. I can’t think of anything else really good about it. I guess maybe this tests my wpm? Though thinking and all that jazz doesn’t help. Throw a party? I need a party.
It all went, swift as I could ever imagine. One head, one life, one damnable thought. Nothing left, I suppose. Just me, standing there like an empty husk, drying on in the last sunlight of a November day. Wasting what I have. I guess.
This is the kind of band that makes me want to throw things. Specifically I want to throw my beer at the band. So, I do.
This is my new goal. I’m going to stop censoring myself. I think therefore I act
if you do this away then you may well regret it as you might find that whtever it was you were doing this away to that you actually want it after all.
If you do this up then you’ll make a horrible mess ofyou bathroom if it happens too quickly.
If you do this down to a gauntlet then you’ll find yourself in a fight – not a clever idea!
I threw the ball as fast as I could. I didn’t know what else to do, when it was thrown my way by the kid next door. It whipped through the air, soaring like some sort of white bird to a nest; that nest being the tanned leather catcher’s mitt resting in my younger brother’s hand.
There you go again,
Acting like I mean nothing to you.
So go ahead,
Throw my love away,
Just don’t fucking expect to find it waiting again.
Throw it all away,
Live another day.
Give up the world
To save your soul.
He can save your soul
He can save your heart
He’ll rescue you from the dark.
Throw it all away,
Live for Him today.
Give up the world,
So He can save your soul.
He can save your soul
He can save your heart
He’ll rescue you from the dark.
This is harder than I thought, sixty seconds is longer than I thought. Wondering what life will be like come Friday when I am unemployed… most likely I will be poorer, but life will go on. Maybe I’ll join the circus…
throw is very important, it helps us to do many things. such as games like cricket and baseball, where throwing the ball is a vital factor in winning the match. also, in football and soccer, the goalkeeper can throw the ball, and throw-ins must be taken using ur hands. also, we couldnt throw if we didnt have hands, so hands are good, we could not masturbate if we didnt have hands, so hands are awesome. but on the topic of throw, it’s good to throw cos it makes my dick happy.
throw… i’m terrible at throwing ANYTHING… and the very worst at throwing and trying to hit someone with a snowball… i don’t know why,,, it’s just not in me to be a pitcher… i was a catcher in a softball league… i think they thought that is where I’d do the least harm…
Throw the flowers into the sky and dance freely in a rain of petals.
were filling up the world with garbage. we waste. everything is disposable. this is bad. recycling may be annoying, but its better than living on a planet covered in garbage.
I never thought it would be so easy to give up. For so long I had been held fast in its grip, but now I could shrug it off as easily as the peel of an overripe fruit, or my clothes when I first met Jim.
It was spring… baseball came to mind. Got my glove and shoes and was gone!
I grabbed the roses wrapped in cheap cellophone, my eyes skimming across the words scrawled on the card. Again? He will never learn how to give up. With a bored sigh, I toss them over my shoulder as I walk back into my house. “Fuck off,” I call, knowing he’d be there, watching. Then I heard a gunshot. And felt it seconds later.
I wish I didn’t feel like I was throwing this entire relationship away. Like some old book that I’d thrown aside.
the page
Throw is quite an aggressive word cos you can throw a person, or a horse can throw a person off and hurt them. It can’t really be used in a peaceful sense, but it can indicate throwing off shackles or old ideas and symbolise freedom.
sounds like crow and show. together it says crowshow which reminds me of that black bird off that cartoon that smokes a big black cigar. I forget the cartoon. birds makes me laugh, theyre so free and easy.
the ocean over your shoulder,
salt to the gods.
Throw is a double word. I could throw a ball or a plate if I am angry enough. I could also make a throw for my sofa. Use the throw on my sofa for warmth or to make a fashion statement, in the interior decorating sense.
He’d hurt his shoulder the year before in an accident.
A party. His older brother, drunk. A tree. The hospital. Everything from that night was in bits and pieces. All he knew was that he’d been kicked off the team because his pitching arm was shot.
Now, the coach smiled and handed him the ball. “Throw, boy. Throw.”
Every one accumulates things along there lives, you buy all kinds of shit, and store them in places that you will olny find when you odnt want to. People have to learn to throw away things, or donate them to others. Thats a lesson
garbage on the streets and don’t help old lades cross the street
I threw the stick into the water. It did not sink but spun, lightly and with such grace, I felt like the stick was all that I needed to watch in that very moment. Nothing I could throw into the stream could look so beautiful. Nothing.