The way he grips my heart, and then, as if its weightlessness were a burden, releases it into the air with malice to come grinding to a bloody halt upon the concrete. I’ve abandoned all hope.
I am throwing some words on an electronic piece of paper! I am not thinking at all I am just trying to get as many words possible about this throw word.How come a word can generate so many other words…I don’t really know and I will probably never find out!
like a baseball, like all those preppy assholes do. And then they think they’re better than you, cuz they can throw a ball and have money. Assholes, your not better than anyone.
the night sky has thrown me up. it left me broken sprawled in the middle of this field with an empty spot to my left side. i search the stars over and over waiting to see your eyes.
i threw michael off a cliff because he smelt like toast. the monkey that caught him told him that he needed to visit the dali llama in spain. Unfortunately, the monkey was then crushed by a falling boulder. Michael ran away and hopped on my bus as I drove by. He didn’t know that I planned to put a brick on the accelerator and launch it into space through a physics phenomenon known as hyper-busolomamamama. Indeed, I had already strapped the hippo into it’s seat as shot-gunner.
i hate when people just throw away their gifts, taking things that could be wonderful and just letting them go to waste. it’s ridiculous to believe that things will just fall into your lap if you let your talent go to waste. everything’s a struggle. when life doesn’t give you things you have to earn them.
maria ibey
throw it over the ledge, watching it shrink and shirnk til the water takes it in. i might have left you at the bottom of the sea but your member is still with me.
i like to throw anything and everything that i can. How far can you trow things i can throw them very far. What do yo ulike to throw things at? I like to throw them at my brother.
there’s this song in band, that the teachers have renamed “the panther countdown” except i despise band a lot. so i change all of the song titles. this one is called “the panther throw down.” and like the segments we play are called “final fucktasy” and “turd fantasy.” they’re probably only funny to the people around me… we’re only in band for the long trips.
god, i’m going to miss rachel grady next year.
Am I throwing three years of my life away?
I could be doing so much more.
The feeling that the next two years of my lilfe will be wasted on an IB diploma that I’ll end up not needing anyways is eating away at me.
I can’t shake this. I don’t know what to do yet.
Jewell Karinen
throwdown, its going down, everythings falling apart, waiting, patience, loosing it. come back. come home. throw it away, and dont loose it
i am throwing my plans out the window, and replacing them with some wild and dangerous dreams, which captivate me so much more than the placid realities i was tunneling myself into. moving on to better things :)
throwing a baseball, towards second base, i think to myself, he’s going to be safe anyway.
the ball hits the target dead center and he’s out
what if i’d just given up?
how would i be viewed by my teammates?
now how was i?
a hero?
a martyr?
anything but me, please god, i hope they see me differently.
He threw the game because he had money on it. He was playing baseball, and he gave up because he was corrupt. Corrupt in a time of communism and Soviets and secret police and gulags. And my mind is on Russia, but I want to tear it away to things like cuddling and sun beams coming through my blinds and lemonade summers of tree climbing and sweat dripping down the small of my back. It sticks my shirt to my skin, and I don’t care because I’m smiling.
one time i threw a ball down the street, and it went into the storm drain. “fuck”, i yelled, as all my friends screamed in the background. they made me go get it, and as i walked over, the clouds darkened and a lightning bolt crashed just down the block. it hit a tree, and the tree fell over, smashing the storm.
“Missed me!”
“Oh yea?”
“Try this on… ass…”
The ‘ass’ was hissed between what used to be his two front teeth and was now just a couple of exposed nerve endings. Steam rose from the gap like the Devil reaching out for vengeance.
throw it away, everything, everything must go, nothing can remain.
if you think you need it you dont, if you cannot live without it, you cannot live, you will die
I missed her hands outstretched over the railing by five feet at least, instead throwing her keys straight onto the porch below her. I never had an excuse to stand on the roof of a car while searching a porch for a pair of keys before and felt rather proud of my own ridiculousness.
I want to throw a basketball right at that assholes face. Cause im jealous and i get pissed off easy. I tried to be his friend but he was just a big fuckin dick about everything. JUST CAUSE hes the “coachs” son and all that crap. Its just bs. You know? i hate that kid. Hope he breaks both his legs.
to be tossed, like a midget or dwarf in one of those cruel bars. or you could be talking about the implements that one would throw in track, or the implements thrown by an older sibling at a younger in any case we will always be talking of a trajectory object flying through the air; even if it is only for a short while.
What am I worth??
just throw me a line.
Am I worth a penny?
Can you throw me a dime?
I can throw a ball, but not very far. I came from a school where we played soccer, or swung on the swings. Baseball was a virtual unknown, so none of us really got a strong throwing arm. To this day i am not an asset in snowball fights.
Revilo Medniq
I want to throw a fit, a phrase, an idea around. I want to be thrown into passion, and throw someone into it with me.
But, yes, mostly I want to throw a regualr old, good-American hissy fit.
I want to go home…like any Freshman does.
just throw it away
no regrets
no thoughts
it’s not very
actually it’s
really light
one more believer
oh no he didn’t. This sucka is gonna be a five time hall of fame recognized, athlete of the year, Nike sponsored poster boy and he threw it all away. What kind of play is that, and what for?
Spyro Glaretas
jenny hates you. i thought you should know. and jake loves you most of all. sofas and broken bones are always welcome here at hutchinson hall. but what else can we throw out out of here? take out everything unnecessary, all the things that clog out our everyday.
You can throw plenty of things, you throw a tv out of a window if you want to be a rockstar. everyone wants to be a rockstar nowadays. its marketed to everyone, twelve year olds, songs about it, drinks about it, everyone obsessed with attaining this level of fame not through creating or contributing anything to society but just amassing and spending money and banging plenty of women.
i can throw you around up and down own and up i can be a magniicent ball in the sky flying high like always iknow im smart i now i am a jack ass an i can trhwo my thoughs around the universe with no refusal of the human beings in every place. every where i can thtow anything i want i am stron i am never weak maybe i am weak in the knees when i am in love that i can not thorow love around nor away.
i like to throw things they hit things and that makes me satisfied. one some respects throwing things is almost like throwing away your feelings, pent up emotions released witht he swing of your arm and the clang of impact as your chosen missile impacts.
Throw your voice. Throw their attention away to the parasitism taking place right at their own over gorged bellies. Throw everything as far from reality as possible. Throw to your reality. Throw to convenience. Catch it and dispose.
use daily
pitch the ball, strike them out, throw a no score enning
I like to throw things away. It makes me happy to get all of that crud out of my house. I am the polar opposite of a pack-rat in this way. I am the anti-pack cat, the one who ate the rat, or perhaps batted it around a bit before eating it. And then getting rid of the evidence with a belch. Yes, clutter is not my friend.
It was the glance you first threw and the words that followed that had me hooked. Simple.
I walked into the bathroom to blow my nose.
You walked in after, “Woah, what’s goin on in here?” And then you smiled. Glorious.
I said nothing.
And yet, the bait was out, and I was hooked, you told me latter it was that first day that caught you too.
I like to throw him down when he comes and me like that. and I wont put up his colorful abuses anymore, i’ve been here for too many years. perhaps i was married as a virgin but i’m so far from being able to be thrown down by his ignorance. I’ve seen so many things thrown out, thrown away, thrown at me, and I wont be thrown anymore. i love to throw him down.
Tanya Lyn willard
The sky was glowing a faint red like the sun was setting against the clouds. But I could see that it wasn’t getting dark – nor was it moving onto the time of the day known as twilight. Something was slightly off about it, and I can’t explain the feeling in me when I leaned back against my car and admired the scene.
In the eve of the attack, the general decided to throw all hope away and give in to the oppressive regiment that fought so vigorously against them. He said to his buddy, “testicles.”
I watched my son throwing his ball around the other day and thought, hey I really need to get him a real ball…dropping his Move and Crawl ball like that is going to get it broke.
He was yelling at the top of his lungs…”THROW!” But no one was open. Tucking the ball under his arm he started charging toward the line of scrimmage. Cutting sharpley to the left he ran right into the middle linebacker amid the resounding “OOOH!” of the crowd.
He decided to throw caution to the wind and start working on his lifelong dream. Fear and hesitation had been keeping him from action for so long.
Why not? Every journey begins with but a single step. He could get there, one step at a time.
lets have a throw down bitch. ill take you to the streets muther fuckerrrr
The way he grips my heart, and then, as if its weightlessness were a burden, releases it into the air with malice to come grinding to a bloody halt upon the concrete. I’ve abandoned all hope.
I am throwing some words on an electronic piece of paper! I am not thinking at all I am just trying to get as many words possible about this throw word.How come a word can generate so many other words…I don’t really know and I will probably never find out!
like a baseball, like all those preppy assholes do. And then they think they’re better than you, cuz they can throw a ball and have money. Assholes, your not better than anyone.
the night sky has thrown me up. it left me broken sprawled in the middle of this field with an empty spot to my left side. i search the stars over and over waiting to see your eyes.
i threw michael off a cliff because he smelt like toast. the monkey that caught him told him that he needed to visit the dali llama in spain. Unfortunately, the monkey was then crushed by a falling boulder. Michael ran away and hopped on my bus as I drove by. He didn’t know that I planned to put a brick on the accelerator and launch it into space through a physics phenomenon known as hyper-busolomamamama. Indeed, I had already strapped the hippo into it’s seat as shot-gunner.
i hate when people just throw away their gifts, taking things that could be wonderful and just letting them go to waste. it’s ridiculous to believe that things will just fall into your lap if you let your talent go to waste. everything’s a struggle. when life doesn’t give you things you have to earn them.
throw it over the ledge, watching it shrink and shirnk til the water takes it in. i might have left you at the bottom of the sea but your member is still with me.
i like to throw anything and everything that i can. How far can you trow things i can throw them very far. What do yo ulike to throw things at? I like to throw them at my brother.
there’s this song in band, that the teachers have renamed “the panther countdown” except i despise band a lot. so i change all of the song titles. this one is called “the panther throw down.” and like the segments we play are called “final fucktasy” and “turd fantasy.” they’re probably only funny to the people around me… we’re only in band for the long trips.
god, i’m going to miss rachel grady next year.
Am I throwing three years of my life away?
I could be doing so much more.
The feeling that the next two years of my lilfe will be wasted on an IB diploma that I’ll end up not needing anyways is eating away at me.
I can’t shake this. I don’t know what to do yet.
throwdown, its going down, everythings falling apart, waiting, patience, loosing it. come back. come home. throw it away, and dont loose it
i am throwing my plans out the window, and replacing them with some wild and dangerous dreams, which captivate me so much more than the placid realities i was tunneling myself into. moving on to better things :)
throwing a baseball, towards second base, i think to myself, he’s going to be safe anyway.
the ball hits the target dead center and he’s out
what if i’d just given up?
how would i be viewed by my teammates?
now how was i?
a hero?
a martyr?
anything but me, please god, i hope they see me differently.
He threw the game because he had money on it. He was playing baseball, and he gave up because he was corrupt. Corrupt in a time of communism and Soviets and secret police and gulags. And my mind is on Russia, but I want to tear it away to things like cuddling and sun beams coming through my blinds and lemonade summers of tree climbing and sweat dripping down the small of my back. It sticks my shirt to my skin, and I don’t care because I’m smiling.
one time i threw a ball down the street, and it went into the storm drain. “fuck”, i yelled, as all my friends screamed in the background. they made me go get it, and as i walked over, the clouds darkened and a lightning bolt crashed just down the block. it hit a tree, and the tree fell over, smashing the storm.
“Missed me!”
“Oh yea?”
“Try this on… ass…”
The ‘ass’ was hissed between what used to be his two front teeth and was now just a couple of exposed nerve endings. Steam rose from the gap like the Devil reaching out for vengeance.
throw it away, everything, everything must go, nothing can remain.
if you think you need it you dont, if you cannot live without it, you cannot live, you will die
I missed her hands outstretched over the railing by five feet at least, instead throwing her keys straight onto the porch below her. I never had an excuse to stand on the roof of a car while searching a porch for a pair of keys before and felt rather proud of my own ridiculousness.
I want to throw a basketball right at that assholes face. Cause im jealous and i get pissed off easy. I tried to be his friend but he was just a big fuckin dick about everything. JUST CAUSE hes the “coachs” son and all that crap. Its just bs. You know? i hate that kid. Hope he breaks both his legs.
to be tossed, like a midget or dwarf in one of those cruel bars. or you could be talking about the implements that one would throw in track, or the implements thrown by an older sibling at a younger in any case we will always be talking of a trajectory object flying through the air; even if it is only for a short while.
What am I worth??
just throw me a line.
Am I worth a penny?
Can you throw me a dime?
I can throw a ball, but not very far. I came from a school where we played soccer, or swung on the swings. Baseball was a virtual unknown, so none of us really got a strong throwing arm. To this day i am not an asset in snowball fights.
I want to throw a fit, a phrase, an idea around. I want to be thrown into passion, and throw someone into it with me.
But, yes, mostly I want to throw a regualr old, good-American hissy fit.
I want to go home…like any Freshman does.
just throw it away
no regrets
no thoughts
it’s not very
actually it’s
really light
oh no he didn’t. This sucka is gonna be a five time hall of fame recognized, athlete of the year, Nike sponsored poster boy and he threw it all away. What kind of play is that, and what for?
jenny hates you. i thought you should know. and jake loves you most of all. sofas and broken bones are always welcome here at hutchinson hall. but what else can we throw out out of here? take out everything unnecessary, all the things that clog out our everyday.
You can throw plenty of things, you throw a tv out of a window if you want to be a rockstar. everyone wants to be a rockstar nowadays. its marketed to everyone, twelve year olds, songs about it, drinks about it, everyone obsessed with attaining this level of fame not through creating or contributing anything to society but just amassing and spending money and banging plenty of women.
i can throw you around up and down own and up i can be a magniicent ball in the sky flying high like always iknow im smart i now i am a jack ass an i can trhwo my thoughs around the universe with no refusal of the human beings in every place. every where i can thtow anything i want i am stron i am never weak maybe i am weak in the knees when i am in love that i can not thorow love around nor away.
i like to throw things they hit things and that makes me satisfied. one some respects throwing things is almost like throwing away your feelings, pent up emotions released witht he swing of your arm and the clang of impact as your chosen missile impacts.
Throw your voice. Throw their attention away to the parasitism taking place right at their own over gorged bellies. Throw everything as far from reality as possible. Throw to your reality. Throw to convenience. Catch it and dispose.
pitch the ball, strike them out, throw a no score enning
I like to throw things away. It makes me happy to get all of that crud out of my house. I am the polar opposite of a pack-rat in this way. I am the anti-pack cat, the one who ate the rat, or perhaps batted it around a bit before eating it. And then getting rid of the evidence with a belch. Yes, clutter is not my friend.
It was the glance you first threw and the words that followed that had me hooked. Simple.
I walked into the bathroom to blow my nose.
You walked in after, “Woah, what’s goin on in here?” And then you smiled. Glorious.
I said nothing.
And yet, the bait was out, and I was hooked, you told me latter it was that first day that caught you too.
I like to throw him down when he comes and me like that. and I wont put up his colorful abuses anymore, i’ve been here for too many years. perhaps i was married as a virgin but i’m so far from being able to be thrown down by his ignorance. I’ve seen so many things thrown out, thrown away, thrown at me, and I wont be thrown anymore. i love to throw him down.
The sky was glowing a faint red like the sun was setting against the clouds. But I could see that it wasn’t getting dark – nor was it moving onto the time of the day known as twilight. Something was slightly off about it, and I can’t explain the feeling in me when I leaned back against my car and admired the scene.
In the eve of the attack, the general decided to throw all hope away and give in to the oppressive regiment that fought so vigorously against them. He said to his buddy, “testicles.”
I watched my son throwing his ball around the other day and thought, hey I really need to get him a real ball…dropping his Move and Crawl ball like that is going to get it broke.
He was yelling at the top of his lungs…”THROW!” But no one was open. Tucking the ball under his arm he started charging toward the line of scrimmage. Cutting sharpley to the left he ran right into the middle linebacker amid the resounding “OOOH!” of the crowd.
He decided to throw caution to the wind and start working on his lifelong dream. Fear and hesitation had been keeping him from action for so long.
Why not? Every journey begins with but a single step. He could get there, one step at a time.
lets have a throw down bitch. ill take you to the streets muther fuckerrrr