i want to throw away everything sometimes except the people in my life and start over. as a caveman, a naturalist. throw away the future…but that’s one thing you’re not supposed to trash. what is i don’t like the idea of the future? wat if i want the past?
i never saw a fella throw the ball quite like he did that day. never did, never would either. every man on the field knew it too from the way they watched it go, all slacked jawed and caught up in the thought that maybe they were witnessing history, whatever that was
I want to throw someone off a cliff. It wouldn’t be a random person, just someone who deserved it. I Know it seems really harsh, but I can honestly say right now i’d like to see 2 people get thrown off of it. They’re just not good people in general, never got hugged enough or anything. I would be happy to push them. Its a sad thing I know, but what ever.
I like to throw balls at my neighbor’s fence. One day he came over to me and decided that he was tired of me throwing it, as it would chip the paint. He then decided to steal my ball. I loved that ball so much. It was a shiny red ball that would bounce like you couldn’t believe. He took that ball into his shabby old house and refused to give it back, unless I proved to him my love for it.
throwback to the days when you
were a little kid whining
and wiping snot on mommy’s clothing because
you love her, don’t you?
and then it’s time for first day of school, pack a lunch and things fall apart and you crumple her note to you in your paper bag
throwback to the days when you
were a little kid whining
and wiping snot on mommy’s clothing because
you love her, don’t you?
and then it’s time for first day of school, pack a lunch and things fall apart and you crumple her note to you in your paper bag
I’m not a big fan of sports. I feel it’s far too forced in the schools, and personally, I think that if I became obese because they took p.e. out of my curriculum, or that’s what they think it is, I wouldn’t blame the school board. I’d blame myself. I was the one that ate all those LIttle Debby snack cakes. Nobody likes to run and get sweaty. I think people who do are just a little insane. Just a little.
Olivia J.
i thro balls when i play catch with my brother. That was a long time ago,but i do still think about it. He threw the ball once and kit kadi in the eye and gave her hte biggest shiner i’ve ever seen. I dont realy throw much else. Maybe some rubber bands or pencils or something at blaze every now and again at work, but nothing substantial.
Wayne Vaughan
he threw the ball into the air until it kept traveling and didnt stop beyond oceans of love and happiness and othernamable things nobbody noteced nodoby cared that he just touched and went beyond any sort of human imaginable vision
Once, I threw a ball very far into the outfield and no one caught it. They just stood there looking at me like I was an idiot as the runner rounded the bases and got the home run. It was the creepiest night of baseball ever, and that was the only point when I realized how badly the entire team hated me.
I threw my life away yesterday. I don’t exactly know why I decided to do it, but now that I have I feel much better. Too much worrying about responsibility, aspirations, and expectations had ruined it anyway.
shaun lind
I’ve been throwing my life away. It is my new goal to only throw away my fears and regrets and to hold on to all of my hopes and dreams. And maybe throw around a baseball with my nephew a little more often…
Shanna Ward
will you trust me enough
or will you let all the feelings
be thrown away like the garbage that you are
don’t stop, don’t think
just do what you do best
throw your life away.
Sing like the canary
so whatever happens you won’t have to catch it anymore. look at the green sky and try not to keep looking at the green sky as they expect you to catch it. oh, you’ve caught a lot of things coming down from the sky but that’s a lot more like being dropped on.
I like to throw parties. Okay so that’s a lie; I am NOT a party person. Well, let me rephrase that; I’m not a college party person. I like parties with people I know and am comfortable with, and that’s about it. I come off as un-fun and socially retarded at big drinking, pot-smoking problems.
to throw it all away,such a simple thing to do. to leave & to be left, to let it all go down the drain. oh to throw it all away, it isnt always fun, to throw away your time, to throw it & run.
dont thorw it away, oh dont throw it away.
she throws the ball (all her problems along with it)
panting the dog runs after it, only to faithfully bring it back.
I threw it at the wall. Hard. Broke it into what must have been a million pieces, scattered across the floor. I could see her reflection in the little pieces of shattered glass; staring back at me.
robert r
i threw my cat out the window the other day. it died. oh well. it was an annoying fucking cat anyway. fuck that cat. it gave me allergies. fucking benadryl all day…
Throwing away a friendship. Just throw it all away because of a secret he could not share. And you understand why he could not share, because you lived it.
I took all of my belongings and threw them right out of the six story apartment building. There. All finished. Now my new life can begin
Felix the Cat
throw me to the wolves throw this bullshit out how could you bring that in here please do not think twice about going to the family with this bullshit throw this out the window throw the baby out with the bathwater I don’t want to know anything about you throw me off the trail throw me up the chute please throw me away throw more ideas my way
Tamara Pellicier
I throw my life away every time I’m with you and I’ll never figure out why. Do I love you? Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know. I’m too young. But every single time, I always let you have me. Even when I say I won’t, you always end up with my heart. At least, my physical heart. I’m not sure how I feel emotionally yet. I love you, I just don’t know how. Throw it away. It’s gone now.
The first time I heard the word throw I was immeaditely thrown into a disorderly chaos. How could a word so simple, so brash, be so complicated and unique, Just the thought makes me smile again. It truely proves how the wonders of the english language can be so mystifying, and beyond our grasps. It’s so good
Jake G
at first i thought throw a ball. and then i thought of physically being sick. ugh im so sick of this. i want to make myself ill. maybe if im thin enough, everyone will like me. its such bs. maybe its living in orange county. maybe its the environment. or maybe its just me and i like to blame everything else..
the ball away from the dog and he will run after it. he will bring it baCK AND WAIT FOR YOU TO throw it again and will keep doing this until you tire out and make him stop. dogs like to chase things like that. frisbees or other toys will work even an old stick or sock. They get excited and happy when anyone throws an objest for them to chase after. They smile about it even. Prancing around all excited and happy.
i love throwing. It get all your anger out! it should be a sport! throw things yow! ya that way there are no more angry people. at least not that many! i think it makes the whole world go round lets throw some glass and plates woopa!
Selina Merchant
I’d throw a ball to someone, but, I fail at hand eye coordination and would probably hit them in the face. That would be bad. They probably wouldn’t like it. And, I wouldn’t be able to blame them. Thus, throwing balsl is a bad way for me to make friends. Sarcasm works on occasion though, I”m good at making friends through sarcasm. I suppose thats a good thing. But, in general, it takes a lot for me to get to know people.
tou throw things like a ball. I think of balls as red. ha ha innuendo…balls…jk otto would say that I like otto he had a thing with alex she was nice now she is dating a guy ythat seems nice i dig that bu hey otto had sex with her thats cool I like otto and
chris jones
I want to throw a ball tomorrow and see where it goes. Perhaps to a baseball field, maybe to the moon. Regardless, it shall be a sight for all to see… maybe even God will bless us with his presence. Throwing up will hopefully not happen, but only time will tell. Hopefully god won’t be the one throwing up, I have a feeling that would flood us all before long. We could guard our heads with throw pillows. Epic.
defenestrate. It’s what I want to do to the person on my mind right now. Not so much him, but the belief I have in him. I need to throw my desire and understanding of who he is out the damn window. Like they used to do in the old days, the actual act of defenstrating. Think that’s illegal now? Even if it’s just my idea of him being thrown out? Nah, it’s doable. But yet he would crawl back in.
throwing can be fun. i tend to throw things in the air and catch them. you can also throw up your food. maybe you drank too much. maybe not. i don’t usually throw up after drinking. i am currently in the throws of a beginning love affair. throws of passion and whatnot. it’s very … interesting. i don’t really know what else to write about ttthhrrrooowww.
Throwing the chair out of the window, Mark grabbed onto his watch and leaped down. 37 stories later, he was fine. He discreetly grabbed another man’s hat (a trick he had learned in “3:10 to Yuma”) and walked on as if he was not brushing broken glass off of himself.
Melissa Anne
so i throw a ball in lacrosse all the time. it is like using a catapult cause my lacrosse stick is 6 feet long. the amount of torque required to throw the ball some 200+ yards with pinpoint accuracy takes some strength and skill .
throw away. all of it. it’s not necessary. throw it long, throw it far, throw it hard. no one cares about it. they care about you. what’s inside you. and that you can never throw away. you can’t break it, melt it, burn it, cut it out, cover it up. just shine.
jess s
a ball a towel in the bag it all away it down the chute it up for grabs down with bobby flay
Here take it. It obviously never really was mine to begin with.
She said as she threw the ring at him.
After all this time, she realized he never really loved her, it was just always convineant.
She had thrown all of herself into this, into loving him, into being his. When all along, he had never been hers.
He had given his heart away long before she ever came into his life.
Throw Up. It comes out of your mouth, and goes down. NOT UP.
throw up your sensitivity because tomorrow is not today and never will you live this moment again if you choose not to. throw away your insecurities because to live a life fearing failure is to never live at all.
i want to throw away everything sometimes except the people in my life and start over. as a caveman, a naturalist. throw away the future…but that’s one thing you’re not supposed to trash. what is i don’t like the idea of the future? wat if i want the past?
i never saw a fella throw the ball quite like he did that day. never did, never would either. every man on the field knew it too from the way they watched it go, all slacked jawed and caught up in the thought that maybe they were witnessing history, whatever that was
I want to throw someone off a cliff. It wouldn’t be a random person, just someone who deserved it. I Know it seems really harsh, but I can honestly say right now i’d like to see 2 people get thrown off of it. They’re just not good people in general, never got hugged enough or anything. I would be happy to push them. Its a sad thing I know, but what ever.
I like to throw balls at my neighbor’s fence. One day he came over to me and decided that he was tired of me throwing it, as it would chip the paint. He then decided to steal my ball. I loved that ball so much. It was a shiny red ball that would bounce like you couldn’t believe. He took that ball into his shabby old house and refused to give it back, unless I proved to him my love for it.
throwback to the days when you
were a little kid whining
and wiping snot on mommy’s clothing because
you love her, don’t you?
and then it’s time for first day of school, pack a lunch and things fall apart and you crumple her note to you in your paper bag
throwback to the days when you
were a little kid whining
and wiping snot on mommy’s clothing because
you love her, don’t you?
and then it’s time for first day of school, pack a lunch and things fall apart and you crumple her note to you in your paper bag
I’m not a big fan of sports. I feel it’s far too forced in the schools, and personally, I think that if I became obese because they took p.e. out of my curriculum, or that’s what they think it is, I wouldn’t blame the school board. I’d blame myself. I was the one that ate all those LIttle Debby snack cakes. Nobody likes to run and get sweaty. I think people who do are just a little insane. Just a little.
i thro balls when i play catch with my brother. That was a long time ago,but i do still think about it. He threw the ball once and kit kadi in the eye and gave her hte biggest shiner i’ve ever seen. I dont realy throw much else. Maybe some rubber bands or pencils or something at blaze every now and again at work, but nothing substantial.
he threw the ball into the air until it kept traveling and didnt stop beyond oceans of love and happiness and othernamable things nobbody noteced nodoby cared that he just touched and went beyond any sort of human imaginable vision
Once, I threw a ball very far into the outfield and no one caught it. They just stood there looking at me like I was an idiot as the runner rounded the bases and got the home run. It was the creepiest night of baseball ever, and that was the only point when I realized how badly the entire team hated me.
I threw my life away yesterday. I don’t exactly know why I decided to do it, but now that I have I feel much better. Too much worrying about responsibility, aspirations, and expectations had ruined it anyway.
I’ve been throwing my life away. It is my new goal to only throw away my fears and regrets and to hold on to all of my hopes and dreams. And maybe throw around a baseball with my nephew a little more often…
will you trust me enough
or will you let all the feelings
be thrown away like the garbage that you are
don’t stop, don’t think
just do what you do best
throw your life away.
so whatever happens you won’t have to catch it anymore. look at the green sky and try not to keep looking at the green sky as they expect you to catch it. oh, you’ve caught a lot of things coming down from the sky but that’s a lot more like being dropped on.
I like to throw parties. Okay so that’s a lie; I am NOT a party person. Well, let me rephrase that; I’m not a college party person. I like parties with people I know and am comfortable with, and that’s about it. I come off as un-fun and socially retarded at big drinking, pot-smoking problems.
to throw it all away,such a simple thing to do. to leave & to be left, to let it all go down the drain. oh to throw it all away, it isnt always fun, to throw away your time, to throw it & run.
dont thorw it away, oh dont throw it away.
she throws the ball (all her problems along with it)
panting the dog runs after it, only to faithfully bring it back.
I threw it at the wall. Hard. Broke it into what must have been a million pieces, scattered across the floor. I could see her reflection in the little pieces of shattered glass; staring back at me.
i threw my cat out the window the other day. it died. oh well. it was an annoying fucking cat anyway. fuck that cat. it gave me allergies. fucking benadryl all day…
Throwing away a friendship. Just throw it all away because of a secret he could not share. And you understand why he could not share, because you lived it.
I took all of my belongings and threw them right out of the six story apartment building. There. All finished. Now my new life can begin
throw me to the wolves throw this bullshit out how could you bring that in here please do not think twice about going to the family with this bullshit throw this out the window throw the baby out with the bathwater I don’t want to know anything about you throw me off the trail throw me up the chute please throw me away throw more ideas my way
I throw my life away every time I’m with you and I’ll never figure out why. Do I love you? Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know. I’m too young. But every single time, I always let you have me. Even when I say I won’t, you always end up with my heart. At least, my physical heart. I’m not sure how I feel emotionally yet. I love you, I just don’t know how. Throw it away. It’s gone now.
The first time I heard the word throw I was immeaditely thrown into a disorderly chaos. How could a word so simple, so brash, be so complicated and unique, Just the thought makes me smile again. It truely proves how the wonders of the english language can be so mystifying, and beyond our grasps. It’s so good
at first i thought throw a ball. and then i thought of physically being sick. ugh im so sick of this. i want to make myself ill. maybe if im thin enough, everyone will like me. its such bs. maybe its living in orange county. maybe its the environment. or maybe its just me and i like to blame everything else..
the ball away from the dog and he will run after it. he will bring it baCK AND WAIT FOR YOU TO throw it again and will keep doing this until you tire out and make him stop. dogs like to chase things like that. frisbees or other toys will work even an old stick or sock. They get excited and happy when anyone throws an objest for them to chase after. They smile about it even. Prancing around all excited and happy.
i love throwing. It get all your anger out! it should be a sport! throw things yow! ya that way there are no more angry people. at least not that many! i think it makes the whole world go round lets throw some glass and plates woopa!
I’d throw a ball to someone, but, I fail at hand eye coordination and would probably hit them in the face. That would be bad. They probably wouldn’t like it. And, I wouldn’t be able to blame them. Thus, throwing balsl is a bad way for me to make friends. Sarcasm works on occasion though, I”m good at making friends through sarcasm. I suppose thats a good thing. But, in general, it takes a lot for me to get to know people.
tou throw things like a ball. I think of balls as red. ha ha innuendo…balls…jk otto would say that I like otto he had a thing with alex she was nice now she is dating a guy ythat seems nice i dig that bu hey otto had sex with her thats cool I like otto and
I want to throw a ball tomorrow and see where it goes. Perhaps to a baseball field, maybe to the moon. Regardless, it shall be a sight for all to see… maybe even God will bless us with his presence. Throwing up will hopefully not happen, but only time will tell. Hopefully god won’t be the one throwing up, I have a feeling that would flood us all before long. We could guard our heads with throw pillows. Epic.
defenestrate. It’s what I want to do to the person on my mind right now. Not so much him, but the belief I have in him. I need to throw my desire and understanding of who he is out the damn window. Like they used to do in the old days, the actual act of defenstrating. Think that’s illegal now? Even if it’s just my idea of him being thrown out? Nah, it’s doable. But yet he would crawl back in.
throwing can be fun. i tend to throw things in the air and catch them. you can also throw up your food. maybe you drank too much. maybe not. i don’t usually throw up after drinking. i am currently in the throws of a beginning love affair. throws of passion and whatnot. it’s very … interesting. i don’t really know what else to write about ttthhrrrooowww.
Throwing the chair out of the window, Mark grabbed onto his watch and leaped down. 37 stories later, he was fine. He discreetly grabbed another man’s hat (a trick he had learned in “3:10 to Yuma”) and walked on as if he was not brushing broken glass off of himself.
so i throw a ball in lacrosse all the time. it is like using a catapult cause my lacrosse stick is 6 feet long. the amount of torque required to throw the ball some 200+ yards with pinpoint accuracy takes some strength and skill .
throw away. all of it. it’s not necessary. throw it long, throw it far, throw it hard. no one cares about it. they care about you. what’s inside you. and that you can never throw away. you can’t break it, melt it, burn it, cut it out, cover it up. just shine.
a ball a towel in the bag it all away it down the chute it up for grabs down with bobby flay
Here take it. It obviously never really was mine to begin with.
She said as she threw the ring at him.
After all this time, she realized he never really loved her, it was just always convineant.
She had thrown all of herself into this, into loving him, into being his. When all along, he had never been hers.
He had given his heart away long before she ever came into his life.
Throw Up. It comes out of your mouth, and goes down. NOT UP.
throw up your sensitivity because tomorrow is not today and never will you live this moment again if you choose not to. throw away your insecurities because to live a life fearing failure is to never live at all.