i toast to the millions of people out there with nothing to live for, i toast to the people out there that are hurting that are miserable i toast to their lonely nights i toast to their misery and the ones that enjoy that they are miserable. i toast to people that are toasted in the brain and in the soul. i toast so that their misery be celebrated. i toast to being intoxicated and thinking of pain and misery it toast to not ignoring that there is not a happy ending i toast to the end of the world, not as we know but as i know it.
Cheers to your good health and bread that is not quite burned, but is now crunchy without being stale and is very hot. The crouton is the retarded half brother of toast. Toast is awesome.
Professor BOOYA
I’ve never been a big fan of toast, I always remember my mom making it for me when I was younger and had the stomach flu. With everyone dry piece of toast I ate, the more I felt sick. I would of rather of eaten cardboard. I much prefer toasted bagels now. Beggars can’t be choosers however.
Hayley Albright
you can eat it. it can be so good. it’s made with the toaster and you can put a lot of things in it to make it more good. i really don’t eat so much toasts, i’m italian and i prefer pizza.
Happy 2009!
toast is brown and most people eat in in the morning but some crave it at night. Syrub and butter is what i like on my toast. Golden Crisp is what I like to see… even with a little bit of that burnt mark you sometimes get. Toast is just simply bread but you somehow heat it up a certain way, like in a toaster.
toast is tasty. i make it out of bread. with toast and butter and juice to drink. toast out of the toaster which toasts the toast, to brown, and crispy, and tasty in different toasty ways..? toast and crackers and other bread tasting things and tortillas.
ag thunder
bread that is hard or to clap your glasses in rejoicing. or to eat warmed bread while rejoiceing with your bevearges full, clapping about one annother and celebrating whatever you you like, perhaps the hardened bread.
Alyssa Peterson
paul young sang a song about toast it went i like a little bit of toast just a little bit of toast or something like that . it was pretty bad. marmalade on toast is my favourite especially old style marmalade with thick cut peel…
i like toAT ITH BROQN BITS IN IT nd seeds but i don’t like soggy toST I LIKE IT WQHEN THE BUTTER HAs melted in it ND I REALLY LIKE IT WITH MELTED MARMITE AND CHEESE AD A bit of worcester sauce. i like crusts too but not burnt end of loF TOST
Toast is delicious and sometimes is too burnt – on the other hand, sometimes it’s not toasted emough – and may even end up bread. I like my toast toasted so lightly that maybe it is really only bread?
Where is the dividing line between toast and bread? No matter how much you toast bread, it will be toast – just burnt toast.
BUT – if you do not toast it enough, then it is not toast at all, right? So, how do you know?
carbohydrates. I love toast for breakfast. Brown vs. White. I wish everyone could have a toast for breakfast. butter.
i like toast with butter, cheese and jam. a cuppa also will do good
i love toast i wish i had some right now i saw this toaster that could make you toast with darth vader’s face on it it was chill as fuck man i love peanutbutter toast strawberry jelly can suck my cock jelly in general can suck cocks ew it’s so nasty and gross penis penis penis dick cock rock hard cock penis um i don’t know what else to say about toast.
i had toast this morning. it hurt my throat. every time i swallowed a piece it would scrape my tender flesh leaving pain behind. but then i sipped on some strawberry milk. now everytime i swallow my head hurts. i think i’m sick. damn.
Tis the season for toasting. To your health, to your wealth. To the hope that having toast and jam with the possibility of peanut butter is not the only joy in your life. We can toast bread, champagne, chestnuts and computers. My daughter said my hard drive is “toast”. Then again being able to have a hard drive is better than having your whole neighborhood go up in flame, like the homes were toast in the Southern California Fires, or in Afganistan where whole generations are now “toast”. So lets stick with the nice definition, you like bread and butter, I like toast and jam. Fooey, still like toast and jam, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I hope we just come out of it slightly toasted from global warming and then people of color won’t mean as much. Ha!
Beatrice Collins
toast is so delicious.
with butter.
or peanut butter.
or JAM!
*busts out in awesome dance moves!!*
yummm, TOAST!
FACT: there is a song all about french toast.
look it up. :D
give me the money or you’re gonna be toast. dark toast. white toast. toasty toast. there is nothing better for breakfast than toast. a toast to the bride and groom. toast as in DONE. that’s all I have to say about toast.
toast is only toast if you can grab it straight after popping and put the butter on straight away. Toast is not toast if the butter is not melted. Otherwise it’s just bread and butter.
Amy S
I woke at seven am and popped two pieces of bread in the toaster. Toast for breakfast again. Why the hell didn’t we have any waffles? Reaching for the juice, I knocked it over and dumped half of it over the bottom shelf of the fridge. Fuck. Just stick with the toast, I thought. It’s safer.
Jelly or peanut butter. None of either. Just butter, I guess. What the hell.
Bill Hurlbut
Cheers to the new year
a toast to true love
newly weds, graduates
all deserve some praise
Toast goes good with butter and jam. it’s good for breakfast, or at any other time of the day. i find i like toast when i’m feeling sick. it’s plain enough to feed me without making me feel more sick. i like my toast toasted just enough– not burnt. when i was little, i wouldn’t eat the crust off my toast, as my mom always said eating crust would make your hair curly. years later, i still have curly hair though.
i love toast with everything. have you ever eaten mince with toast? YUUUM
i even like vegemite with toast..
toast reminds me of breakfast which reminds me of morning which reminds me of exercising which i dont like but i know its good for me anyway so i have to do it =[
toast is gross by itself i reckon needs a lil butter but its really nice
my toaster really sucks i think i should geta new one cos it always burns it
the butter was melting and my mouth was watering. Sugar sprinkled lightly across the slice. Hot coffee percolating in the background and the aroma filling my nostrils. Morning at my boyfriend’s loft. Soon bacon would be sizzling and a couple eggs would be starring at me from the plate. So I slipped on my flip flops and swept down the stairs to get the morning paper from the stoop outside. Back inside, sweeping back the simple white sheers from the ceiling to floor windows opening up to the panorama of the river. I flicked on my favorite “when you’re alone” music selections from my ipod into the sound system and gathered up the big pillows I brought from my apt. and sat in the morning light, coffee in one hand and toast in the other waiting for the day and my lover to awaken and join me.
liz riley
every day in the morning i get up, get fresh and have a toast in the morning and every night end with a wine toast with friends.
Mohammed Sadiq
I like toast. Particularly buttered toast. I went through a phase a while back where I was eating a lot of toast with butter or jam. I don’t really care what type of jam. I also like putting nutella on my toast, which I discovered in Europe. I’m not sure where my previous toast habit came from; I think it was something I started doing after we had some sourdough bread for our potato soup and it needed to be eaten.
Zach Stanley
food lovely time yummy gorgeous love of my life, i couldn’t live without it because it fills my heart and my soul and my brain is energized by it! without it there would be no crunchy breakfast quickie in the morning, no marmalade, no peanut butter to put it on!
I ate my toast this morning. I had a weird sensation as i bite it for the first time. It wasn’t the usual taste, this time it was more intense. i could taste every detail to it. then i realized it was because i was better when you were around. I leaned in to you and kissed your cheek with a soft smile.
“i love you”
Lets make a toast to the New Year and all the possibilities it brings. Maybe we’ll start life over anew. Maybe we’ll connect with the past. Maybe we’ll finally keep a resolution. Here’s to one more wonderful year on the planet!
my girlfriend burned some toast the other night…she burned some steaks tonight, and the smoke alarm went off, but it didn’t with the toast…WTH?
Mark Hammond
I love toast, it tastes good with pickles and juice and holiday magic. Jam and toast. Peanuts mashed. Crispy on the inside, delectable on the outside. Shiver, so make some toast. Too hot, have old toast. Cheese is always good on everything.
Sam Best
I’m toast I need to sleep. Why is it that I think it’s a really good idea to stay up past 10:30 – now I’ll be grumpy and overtired in the morning and completely unwilling to do anything with the kids and they’ll get too rowdy. Maybe I could just go to bed now and be done with it and get some sleep.
she is so toast. god damn it. What the fuck. You try to hold an intelligent conversation and all you get back is whining and self-pity… oh.. and manipulation.
How ridiculous. I wish some people would grow the fuck up.
Toast I say.
The toast was actually quite good. It was a galaxy that got misplaced and landed in the toaster. All of the little specks were stars, maybe worlds with life. Imagine living on the surface there. That’d be difficult. It would slowly heat up until it was burning.
I love toast. Especially whole wheat or sourdough. with butter. And or jam. Especially plum. Toasting someone is really special. With food or beverage! But not too dark. Or barely singed like Lucy would do. I mean. You have to know how to make it…..
Kathy J
bread and butter, toast is very versitlie. u put the bread in the toaster and it comes out seconds later as light browned goodness. it is wonderful and amazing. it is crunchy and
i love bread toasted. a toast is yummy and smells good as soon as it pops out of the toaster…It tastes lovely with butter or honey. Sometimes jam on it does wonders. A toast To my friend who just got married and wish him the best of luck in life. A brown toast is yummy but a burnt toast is yucky
my word is toast. i remember toast is good. i like to eat toast. it always lands butter side down. i also like to make it with my friend. she hates toast. i put it into her pillow case once. She slapped me. i don’t like getting slapped for putting toast into a pillow case. it is not fun. i do not like un buttered toast
i can’t remember the last time that I ate a good piece of buttered and jellied-up toast. Damn, I miss my toaster.
I love toast. It’s like pankakes but with crust. I enjoy PB&J. :]
It’s truly look how much I can do with toast. :]
i toast to the millions of people out there with nothing to live for, i toast to the people out there that are hurting that are miserable i toast to their lonely nights i toast to their misery and the ones that enjoy that they are miserable. i toast to people that are toasted in the brain and in the soul. i toast so that their misery be celebrated. i toast to being intoxicated and thinking of pain and misery it toast to not ignoring that there is not a happy ending i toast to the end of the world, not as we know but as i know it.
Cheers to your good health and bread that is not quite burned, but is now crunchy without being stale and is very hot. The crouton is the retarded half brother of toast. Toast is awesome.
I’ve never been a big fan of toast, I always remember my mom making it for me when I was younger and had the stomach flu. With everyone dry piece of toast I ate, the more I felt sick. I would of rather of eaten cardboard. I much prefer toasted bagels now. Beggars can’t be choosers however.
you can eat it. it can be so good. it’s made with the toaster and you can put a lot of things in it to make it more good. i really don’t eat so much toasts, i’m italian and i prefer pizza.
Happy 2009!
toast is brown and most people eat in in the morning but some crave it at night. Syrub and butter is what i like on my toast. Golden Crisp is what I like to see… even with a little bit of that burnt mark you sometimes get. Toast is just simply bread but you somehow heat it up a certain way, like in a toaster.
toast is tasty. i make it out of bread. with toast and butter and juice to drink. toast out of the toaster which toasts the toast, to brown, and crispy, and tasty in different toasty ways..? toast and crackers and other bread tasting things and tortillas.
bread that is hard or to clap your glasses in rejoicing. or to eat warmed bread while rejoiceing with your bevearges full, clapping about one annother and celebrating whatever you you like, perhaps the hardened bread.
paul young sang a song about toast it went i like a little bit of toast just a little bit of toast or something like that . it was pretty bad. marmalade on toast is my favourite especially old style marmalade with thick cut peel…
i like toAT ITH BROQN BITS IN IT nd seeds but i don’t like soggy toST I LIKE IT WQHEN THE BUTTER HAs melted in it ND I REALLY LIKE IT WITH MELTED MARMITE AND CHEESE AD A bit of worcester sauce. i like crusts too but not burnt end of loF TOST
Toast is delicious and sometimes is too burnt – on the other hand, sometimes it’s not toasted emough – and may even end up bread. I like my toast toasted so lightly that maybe it is really only bread?
Where is the dividing line between toast and bread? No matter how much you toast bread, it will be toast – just burnt toast.
BUT – if you do not toast it enough, then it is not toast at all, right? So, how do you know?
carbohydrates. I love toast for breakfast. Brown vs. White. I wish everyone could have a toast for breakfast. butter.
i like toast with butter, cheese and jam. a cuppa also will do good
i love toast i wish i had some right now i saw this toaster that could make you toast with darth vader’s face on it it was chill as fuck man i love peanutbutter toast strawberry jelly can suck my cock jelly in general can suck cocks ew it’s so nasty and gross penis penis penis dick cock rock hard cock penis um i don’t know what else to say about toast.
i had toast this morning. it hurt my throat. every time i swallowed a piece it would scrape my tender flesh leaving pain behind. but then i sipped on some strawberry milk. now everytime i swallow my head hurts. i think i’m sick. damn.
Tis the season for toasting. To your health, to your wealth. To the hope that having toast and jam with the possibility of peanut butter is not the only joy in your life. We can toast bread, champagne, chestnuts and computers. My daughter said my hard drive is “toast”. Then again being able to have a hard drive is better than having your whole neighborhood go up in flame, like the homes were toast in the Southern California Fires, or in Afganistan where whole generations are now “toast”. So lets stick with the nice definition, you like bread and butter, I like toast and jam. Fooey, still like toast and jam, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I hope we just come out of it slightly toasted from global warming and then people of color won’t mean as much. Ha!
toast is so delicious.
with butter.
or peanut butter.
or JAM!
*busts out in awesome dance moves!!*
yummm, TOAST!
FACT: there is a song all about french toast.
look it up. :D
give me the money or you’re gonna be toast. dark toast. white toast. toasty toast. there is nothing better for breakfast than toast. a toast to the bride and groom. toast as in DONE. that’s all I have to say about toast.
toast is only toast if you can grab it straight after popping and put the butter on straight away. Toast is not toast if the butter is not melted. Otherwise it’s just bread and butter.
I woke at seven am and popped two pieces of bread in the toaster. Toast for breakfast again. Why the hell didn’t we have any waffles? Reaching for the juice, I knocked it over and dumped half of it over the bottom shelf of the fridge. Fuck. Just stick with the toast, I thought. It’s safer.
Jelly or peanut butter. None of either. Just butter, I guess. What the hell.
Cheers to the new year
a toast to true love
newly weds, graduates
all deserve some praise
Toast goes good with butter and jam. it’s good for breakfast, or at any other time of the day. i find i like toast when i’m feeling sick. it’s plain enough to feed me without making me feel more sick. i like my toast toasted just enough– not burnt. when i was little, i wouldn’t eat the crust off my toast, as my mom always said eating crust would make your hair curly. years later, i still have curly hair though.
i love toast with everything. have you ever eaten mince with toast? YUUUM
i even like vegemite with toast..
toast reminds me of breakfast which reminds me of morning which reminds me of exercising which i dont like but i know its good for me anyway so i have to do it =[
toast is gross by itself i reckon needs a lil butter but its really nice
my toaster really sucks i think i should geta new one cos it always burns it
the butter was melting and my mouth was watering. Sugar sprinkled lightly across the slice. Hot coffee percolating in the background and the aroma filling my nostrils. Morning at my boyfriend’s loft. Soon bacon would be sizzling and a couple eggs would be starring at me from the plate. So I slipped on my flip flops and swept down the stairs to get the morning paper from the stoop outside. Back inside, sweeping back the simple white sheers from the ceiling to floor windows opening up to the panorama of the river. I flicked on my favorite “when you’re alone” music selections from my ipod into the sound system and gathered up the big pillows I brought from my apt. and sat in the morning light, coffee in one hand and toast in the other waiting for the day and my lover to awaken and join me.
every day in the morning i get up, get fresh and have a toast in the morning and every night end with a wine toast with friends.
I like toast. Particularly buttered toast. I went through a phase a while back where I was eating a lot of toast with butter or jam. I don’t really care what type of jam. I also like putting nutella on my toast, which I discovered in Europe. I’m not sure where my previous toast habit came from; I think it was something I started doing after we had some sourdough bread for our potato soup and it needed to be eaten.
food lovely time yummy gorgeous love of my life, i couldn’t live without it because it fills my heart and my soul and my brain is energized by it! without it there would be no crunchy breakfast quickie in the morning, no marmalade, no peanut butter to put it on!
I ate my toast this morning. I had a weird sensation as i bite it for the first time. It wasn’t the usual taste, this time it was more intense. i could taste every detail to it. then i realized it was because i was better when you were around. I leaned in to you and kissed your cheek with a soft smile.
“i love you”
Lets make a toast to the New Year and all the possibilities it brings. Maybe we’ll start life over anew. Maybe we’ll connect with the past. Maybe we’ll finally keep a resolution. Here’s to one more wonderful year on the planet!
my girlfriend burned some toast the other night…she burned some steaks tonight, and the smoke alarm went off, but it didn’t with the toast…WTH?
I love toast, it tastes good with pickles and juice and holiday magic. Jam and toast. Peanuts mashed. Crispy on the inside, delectable on the outside. Shiver, so make some toast. Too hot, have old toast. Cheese is always good on everything.
I’m toast I need to sleep. Why is it that I think it’s a really good idea to stay up past 10:30 – now I’ll be grumpy and overtired in the morning and completely unwilling to do anything with the kids and they’ll get too rowdy. Maybe I could just go to bed now and be done with it and get some sleep.
she is so toast. god damn it. What the fuck. You try to hold an intelligent conversation and all you get back is whining and self-pity… oh.. and manipulation.
How ridiculous. I wish some people would grow the fuck up.
Toast I say.
The toast was actually quite good. It was a galaxy that got misplaced and landed in the toaster. All of the little specks were stars, maybe worlds with life. Imagine living on the surface there. That’d be difficult. It would slowly heat up until it was burning.
I love toast. Especially whole wheat or sourdough. with butter. And or jam. Especially plum. Toasting someone is really special. With food or beverage! But not too dark. Or barely singed like Lucy would do. I mean. You have to know how to make it…..
bread and butter, toast is very versitlie. u put the bread in the toaster and it comes out seconds later as light browned goodness. it is wonderful and amazing. it is crunchy and
i love bread toasted. a toast is yummy and smells good as soon as it pops out of the toaster…It tastes lovely with butter or honey. Sometimes jam on it does wonders. A toast To my friend who just got married and wish him the best of luck in life. A brown toast is yummy but a burnt toast is yucky
my word is toast. i remember toast is good. i like to eat toast. it always lands butter side down. i also like to make it with my friend. she hates toast. i put it into her pillow case once. She slapped me. i don’t like getting slapped for putting toast into a pillow case. it is not fun. i do not like un buttered toast
i can’t remember the last time that I ate a good piece of buttered and jellied-up toast. Damn, I miss my toaster.
I love toast. It’s like pankakes but with crust. I enjoy PB&J. :]
It’s truly look how much I can do with toast. :]
To put it simply: Toast is pwn. :]
I can’t stop eating toast.