
November 7th, 2009 | 210 Entries

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210 Entries for “towel”

  1. she draped the towel across her body covering it from the stark lighting. laid across the concrete, she stretched her legs out and crossed them, throwing her head back. she knew she was being watched behind her sunglasses, the pools water glistening on her skin. she rose, her slender body graceful, as she walked back through the screen door. he couldn’t believe his eyes, she was his mistake.

  2. i want to take a walk on the beach with you. i love you, sir. we can lay down on our towels and make love.

  3. wet soft fuzzy goood smell purple or white thick cozy big beach shower bath gel water

  4. Towels are used in everyday life, but one so rarely thinks about the sacrifices that a towel makes. I constantly is wet, then dry, then wet, then dry. How horrible! And it has to touch your private parts!

  5. so there was that one episode of south park where there was that high towel. instead of putting in a code to safe the world and all, he was playing with the automatic door and the password by playing the tune to funky town. which went something like “tu tu tu tu tu tu, tu tu tu tu tu”

  6. Hey, do you want to get high? Don’t forget to bring a towel. Genetic manufacturing is a pretty awesome idea. Hmm, towels are the one item that gets more wet when you dry it…or however that riddle went. Riddles are pretty cool, particularly that

  7. blue towel

  8. I will not throw in the towel. I will not accept the attitude of defeat. I will choose to focus on what I will. I will wear bravery like the towel tied around my shoulders as a child. That towel was my cape, and I was a brave hero.

  9. He tore the towel off his head like a child tears the wrapper off a piece of candy. He gasped for air, then bent down to the lake surface and took a large drought.

  10. of course towel day exists, besides that there isnt much one could say from my perspective at this point in time. Fuck. thats way to subjective. another problem with the human race, we cant be truely objective. This is why I support robocracy. I can’t wait for the singularity.

    Curtis Mueller
  11. I wish I had a towel
    to clean up this mess.
    I’m sick of dealing with it
    and feeling split in two.
    I’m tired of her causing drama.
    I’m tired of feeling the way I do
    Right now.
    If I had a towel, maybe I could
    mop it all up.
    It could all go away.
    You know?

  12. He took the towel from the counter and wiped his ass in utter disgust of his hostess and her bourgeoisie ways.

  13. is wet and soppy. I just use it to wrap my ass and dry my hair..but not in that order

  14. I grabbed the towel off the floor.
    “You’re gonna use that?” He asked. I looked at it, covered in blood and smears of vomit from last nights party.
    “Sure, why not” I reply, and wrap the towel around my shoulders like a shawl.

  15. As I step out into the sand, towel dragging, I think of earlier cup of coffee I had and the harsh words that followed. Regret tugged at my thoughts and quickly hid away just as quickly.

  16. the towel she was wearing barely covered her from shoulder to knee. But it was enough for me to see that love was in the details.

    Justyn Palmatier
  17. wet, sex, shower,

  18. heated racks in middle class homes suck the life blood out of the system, this neglected artifice is symptomatic of of our habit: fulfill-ignore.

  19. Your hair looks stringy, and it’s kind of odd to see our initials embroidered right below where your shoulder is.

  20. maybe it’ll clean up the remains

  21. fluffy and white and inviting it always remains faithfully wrapping itself around me, warming me from the frighteningly cruel coldness of the bathroom air that is not the shower. It absorbs up my moisture and also feels wonderful agianst my skin and I just sit on the floor to enjoy it. Why can’t all clothes feel like a towel. Totally dependable and always friendly.

  22. I have a big, fluffy, bright yellow towel sitting at the end of my bed. IT’s not for me though, it’s waiting there for my aunt bessy whose staying here with us for a week or so because her immature, good-for-nothing husband has cheated on her (again). So she’s going to stay here, and dry her big bulging butt cheeks with MY soft towel, and she’s going to rub it all over her body and ahhh….

  23. This is something used to dry off when wet. It is often soft and absorbent. It can be brought to the beach or used at home.

  24. the towel was a favorite.not for any particular reason,just because it was the one he normally it collected moisture from the air around,he wondered why it had to be pink…

  25. I think that the towel is underestimated. I especially am thankful for a towel after sex.

  26. I have a towel from my childhood. I left my parents house when I went off to college, and out of all of the childhood things I could have taken with me, like pictures or blankets or gifts…I took my mickey mouse towel. I never use it.

  27. i got out of the shower, and i reached for my towel. as my hand reached to the left, it did not find what it expected to. instead of the soft warm white cloth i found the touch of another person. I screamed with shock. I looked over, and it was my mother. crying. She held out a pack of cigarettes and looked at me. just looked.

  28. A towel reminds me of Saavariya and how movies can sometimes be just ‘good looking’ without saying anything much. White towels also remind me of hotels, where they appear crisp and clean but godknows how many people have used it before you. The same for clubs.

  29. There’s a towel that I for some reason feel blatatly compelled to stare at; constantly feeling is energy emerging from it. I have to masturbate so bad whenever I see it, I feel an insatiable need to relieve myself of my undying towel fetish. It has Hello Kitty on it.

  30. Wonderfully warm and soft, clean and welcoming. The epitome of comfort and home. Can be used as a pillow, sail, cape, absorber, blanket, whip…

  31. My towels are really dirty. I have a wrap around one and a purple regular towel hanging up and they need to be thrown in the wash. I wish that I had a hand towel here in my room, but I dont. They are generally useful when you wash your face and other things like that. Although, it’s fine that I don’t have one too.

  32. Soft. Fluffy. Sometimes we discard without a second though but all to often a towel can be a true comfort. We may not think much of it when we first get of of the shower, but then the door opens and the cold air hits us oh! so good to have a towel!

  33. soft fuzzy, you use it to dry yourself with. good for cleaning up messes and absorbing liquid. They can be used to warm you up while browsing the computer.

  34. I watched the rain pour down silently from the sky into endless puddles. Slowly, I walked through the downpour. Although I was soaked to the skin by the time I arrived home, it was worth it to see the look on my brother’s face.

  35. She brought the towel up to her face, holding there to catch so many tears. The tears that ran freely, painfully down her face. The towel was soft, she noticed as an afterthought, so unlike her tears.

    Tricia Honea
  36. This fuckin’ thing. Reeks of mildew. I gotta wash it instead of just hanging it hear to dry every day. It’ sunsighly anyway. Sitting there hanging. What if someone came over? Nah, no one’s coming over. Do I smell like mildew? I hope not. Oh my god what if I smell like mildew and have no idea? Are people laughing at me behing my back? are they gagging? This is bad.

  37. He handed me the towel. I thanked him, but I didn’t mean it. Bastard. It was all his fault anyway. It always is, and I’m always left cleaning up the mess.

  38. Jesus loves you. He is coming.

    A brother in Christ.
  39. The towel dropped and I saw his face. It was not a good expression. It was the kind of expression that would stay with me for a thousand years. He should have laughed or at least given a wry smile, but he seemed to – well the only way to put it is to say that he recoiled in terror. TERROR. This is what the sight of my naked (yet clean) body did to a a man.

  40. as in throw in the. the faster it dries the wetter it gets. towel you off — to towel off.
