I won’t be a fag and write about this god damn towel being draped over a woman. FIGHT THE POWAH!
What the fuck I already wrote about this one!
the towel slipped from her, dropping to the floor in a damp pink puddle. she walked forward, knowing he was watching her, knowing he wanted her, she stepped into the walk in robe and slid the door closed behind her…. end of show. he shouldn’t be watching through peoples windows anyway…..
Towel, towel, towel~ Soft, smooth towel… Towel after baths.
so I really like towels. I find them pretty useful. Unless they aren’t useful. You know what I’m talking about, those old ratty ones with all the holes in them? I fyou come from a family like mine, you also had to deal with their constantly being hair dye all over them too since my mom dyed her hair like crazy and that shit STAINS. did you know that I am 21 years old and have never seen her real hair color?
The towel was cold and pressed tightly to my swollen face. I wondered how it would look when it was gone, if the bruise would purple, if there would be a cut. Thankfully the ice, seeping through the thin fabric as it melted slowly, had numbed my skin. Numb on the outside, numb on the inside. Pain is different for everyone, I understand that. But to be hit by someone you love should make you feel something other than the icy numbness of a wet towel on a bruise.
klefksahfdkahsfkjhafkhk lisahfaksf afhwahf zshsaf
The towel hung limp on the rack as their bodies melted together in a sudden heat. The shower water drops beat against the glass, soaking all, creating a fog on the mirrors.
Ann X.
its always wet and sometimes it starts to smell funny because i cant wash it enough. it gets softer as i use it more, but is not as absorbant as I would like. It greets me and hugs me every morning. Its blue and green striped and i picked it myself. all in all
I wrap it around me when I’m wet. Its good for beaches. I need one right now to clean up my messy ass life.
She grabbed the towel between both hands firmly, wringing it dry and watching beads of water slip onto the floor. Somehow it made her think of her current relationship: it was taking a toll on her. Her energy, her life, was being sucked away. She felt like she was being squeezed, suffocating. She didnt know if she would be able to escape.
Someone out there...
I like to use towels to dry off. Also, the Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy suggests that it is one of the most useful tools in the universe. I hate when my towel is wet and I have to get a new one. I like big towels!
to wel
Drying off the water from my shower I wait in the bathroom. It is still warm from the steam. It is a nice feeling and I decide to sit for a while. It is like a sanctuary in the bathroom just me and the towel. No one else to bother me.
sometimes when I get out of the shower I hope i don’t have that towel that doesn’t really dry me off. but then if i get one of the good ones it feels warm even if it’s still a little wet from a previous shower that hasn’t ended yet. those hundreds of thousands of strands of cotton and whatever make me feel safe.
I had a friend who saw my dog
run across the floor
with a stolen towel.
she burst into laughter
and fell on the floor
as the dog ran to safety.
i reminded her of this
with a valentines note that said
remember the towel in my kitchen.
she got some strange looks.
my towel is tan and has red lines. it’s magic. how do you know? you don’t. i do. that’s the difference between me and you. most towels are normal; mine isn’t. i know how? i don’t. that’s so simple. towels are like life… so simple yet complex at the same time.
She moans, letting the towel slide off her swimsuit clad body. He was pressing her up against the lockers, claiming her for himself.
“don’t touc- ahh,” she moaned in pleasure.
I had a towel one day and I decided to be a little naughty and molest my husband, so I let the towel drop. Revealing my dark lucious skin to my sex god of a husband. IT was a delicious love we shared and in the end it was magical.
something that goes on your body,.
dries you after a shower
wrap your hair in it
pretty colors
smell nice when in laundry
wipe up the floor
beach towels
dry dries off wet things. tampon. dries and absorbs blood. period. my Louisiana sky. the curse. the garden of eden adam and eve. God’s punishment for disobedience pain in child birth. Isn’t she lovely by stevie wonder. Love perpetuates love.
she buries her face in his towel. his scent was still there.
it hangs near my sink. it smells. i love new towels and the fact that the colors reflect my mood. i have a lot of towels. i wish i had towels with patterns. stripes. polka dots. i just have colors. thats it.
what the hell is there to say about a towel?? Um I use it in the shower, no in. When I get out of. The End
Ariel Vaughn
The towel fell to the ground and she rushes to pick it up. She dusts the dirt off. She dusts everything in her life off.
throw it in. the towel. now. give up. you can’t win. you’re done. throw it in! who do you think you are, staying out there? you’re finished. you’re…. ughh! what the? arrrrrrgh!
I wear towels when I get out of the shower. White fluffy towels that I wrap around my midrift. I really like towels that are soft.
YOu use me to dry off after a shower. You use to me lay on the beach.
I like mine fresh out of the dryer. Nice and warm. my favorite is my big blue one
i take showers in the morning, every morning. it’s really not what i want to do that early, but it’s necessary to get myself fully woken-up. i hate having towels lying around that are damp or wet, because those turn out to be terrible mornings.
when im wet i use this
i couldn’t believe it. he knew me so well. as if i he could see through my towel and he knew every inch of me. as if he could unlock every secret within my heart with just a glance. I could never be sure how we did it, but he did.
The towel wrapped around his waist blocks the view. Morgan keeps his gaze fixed elsewhere; anywhere but at Ankhar who is so blatantly staring.
This is a discrepancy here, something within the whitewashed walls that reeks of guilt.
Ankhar comes to him, and when their lips meet, he tastes of something close to hate.
There has never been anything else for them. Too many secrets left to rot in the dust, too many lies told.
Blood on the sheets is a testament to this non-relationship.
The towel is an instrument not vital for human survival, but quite beneficial. Take the following real life example:
The sidewalk in front of the cafe was wet. The barista used a towel to dry it. And then people no longer slipped.
i hung up the towel and was still dripping wet. it seems as though we never really get dry, we’re always searching for some possible way, but we’re always sopping wet. Wet and miserable. I reached for the towel, and fell short. It happens. It always does. Sad really
Ryan R
i hung up the towel and was still dripping wet. it seems as though we never really get dry, we’re always searching for some possible way, but we’re always sopping wet. Wet and miserable. I reached for the towel, and fell short. It happens. It always does. Sad really
Ryan R
She tied the towel around her waist to make sure it wouldn’t fall off. (Callista made sure that all her doors were locked so that nobody could accidentally walk in on her naked. It’s happened before and it wasn’t a pretty site.)
This towel is pretty and decorated with frilly lace and was even monogrammed with her name on it! It was so pretty that she was almost ashamed to use it.
for embroidering your true intentions. in a womens correctional facility you’ll have a lot of time to think and i want you to dwell.
becca Loo
Summer. Sunshine. Friends. Pool. Water. Swim. Wet. Sunset. Cold. Towel.
I was wearing a towel and it fell off and my privates were hanging out. I picked up the towel and wrapped it around my body. Then it fell off again. Damn towel. So, then I picked it up, wrapped it around my body and drove a 16 penny nail through the towel into my hip. Ouch. Now the towel stays in place.
I won’t be a fag and write about this god damn towel being draped over a woman. FIGHT THE POWAH!
What the fuck I already wrote about this one!
the towel slipped from her, dropping to the floor in a damp pink puddle. she walked forward, knowing he was watching her, knowing he wanted her, she stepped into the walk in robe and slid the door closed behind her…. end of show. he shouldn’t be watching through peoples windows anyway…..
Towel, towel, towel~ Soft, smooth towel… Towel after baths.
so I really like towels. I find them pretty useful. Unless they aren’t useful. You know what I’m talking about, those old ratty ones with all the holes in them? I fyou come from a family like mine, you also had to deal with their constantly being hair dye all over them too since my mom dyed her hair like crazy and that shit STAINS. did you know that I am 21 years old and have never seen her real hair color?
The towel was cold and pressed tightly to my swollen face. I wondered how it would look when it was gone, if the bruise would purple, if there would be a cut. Thankfully the ice, seeping through the thin fabric as it melted slowly, had numbed my skin. Numb on the outside, numb on the inside. Pain is different for everyone, I understand that. But to be hit by someone you love should make you feel something other than the icy numbness of a wet towel on a bruise.
klefksahfdkahsfkjhafkhk lisahfaksf afhwahf zshsaf
The towel hung limp on the rack as their bodies melted together in a sudden heat. The shower water drops beat against the glass, soaking all, creating a fog on the mirrors.
its always wet and sometimes it starts to smell funny because i cant wash it enough. it gets softer as i use it more, but is not as absorbant as I would like. It greets me and hugs me every morning. Its blue and green striped and i picked it myself. all in all
I wrap it around me when I’m wet. Its good for beaches. I need one right now to clean up my messy ass life.
She grabbed the towel between both hands firmly, wringing it dry and watching beads of water slip onto the floor. Somehow it made her think of her current relationship: it was taking a toll on her. Her energy, her life, was being sucked away. She felt like she was being squeezed, suffocating. She didnt know if she would be able to escape.
I like to use towels to dry off. Also, the Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy suggests that it is one of the most useful tools in the universe. I hate when my towel is wet and I have to get a new one. I like big towels!
to wel
Drying off the water from my shower I wait in the bathroom. It is still warm from the steam. It is a nice feeling and I decide to sit for a while. It is like a sanctuary in the bathroom just me and the towel. No one else to bother me.
sometimes when I get out of the shower I hope i don’t have that towel that doesn’t really dry me off. but then if i get one of the good ones it feels warm even if it’s still a little wet from a previous shower that hasn’t ended yet. those hundreds of thousands of strands of cotton and whatever make me feel safe.
I had a friend who saw my dog
run across the floor
with a stolen towel.
she burst into laughter
and fell on the floor
as the dog ran to safety.
i reminded her of this
with a valentines note that said
remember the towel in my kitchen.
she got some strange looks.
my towel is tan and has red lines. it’s magic. how do you know? you don’t. i do. that’s the difference between me and you. most towels are normal; mine isn’t. i know how? i don’t. that’s so simple. towels are like life… so simple yet complex at the same time.
She moans, letting the towel slide off her swimsuit clad body. He was pressing her up against the lockers, claiming her for himself.
“don’t touc- ahh,” she moaned in pleasure.
I had a towel one day and I decided to be a little naughty and molest my husband, so I let the towel drop. Revealing my dark lucious skin to my sex god of a husband. IT was a delicious love we shared and in the end it was magical.
something that goes on your body,.
dries you after a shower
wrap your hair in it
pretty colors
smell nice when in laundry
wipe up the floor
beach towels
dry dries off wet things. tampon. dries and absorbs blood. period. my Louisiana sky. the curse. the garden of eden adam and eve. God’s punishment for disobedience pain in child birth. Isn’t she lovely by stevie wonder. Love perpetuates love.
she buries her face in his towel. his scent was still there.
it hangs near my sink. it smells. i love new towels and the fact that the colors reflect my mood. i have a lot of towels. i wish i had towels with patterns. stripes. polka dots. i just have colors. thats it.
what the hell is there to say about a towel?? Um I use it in the shower, no in. When I get out of. The End
The towel fell to the ground and she rushes to pick it up. She dusts the dirt off. She dusts everything in her life off.
throw it in. the towel. now. give up. you can’t win. you’re done. throw it in! who do you think you are, staying out there? you’re finished. you’re…. ughh! what the? arrrrrrgh!
I wear towels when I get out of the shower. White fluffy towels that I wrap around my midrift. I really like towels that are soft.
YOu use me to dry off after a shower. You use to me lay on the beach.
I like mine fresh out of the dryer. Nice and warm. my favorite is my big blue one
i take showers in the morning, every morning. it’s really not what i want to do that early, but it’s necessary to get myself fully woken-up. i hate having towels lying around that are damp or wet, because those turn out to be terrible mornings.
when im wet i use this
i couldn’t believe it. he knew me so well. as if i he could see through my towel and he knew every inch of me. as if he could unlock every secret within my heart with just a glance. I could never be sure how we did it, but he did.
The towel wrapped around his waist blocks the view. Morgan keeps his gaze fixed elsewhere; anywhere but at Ankhar who is so blatantly staring.
This is a discrepancy here, something within the whitewashed walls that reeks of guilt.
Ankhar comes to him, and when their lips meet, he tastes of something close to hate.
There has never been anything else for them. Too many secrets left to rot in the dust, too many lies told.
Blood on the sheets is a testament to this non-relationship.
The towel is an instrument not vital for human survival, but quite beneficial. Take the following real life example:
The sidewalk in front of the cafe was wet. The barista used a towel to dry it. And then people no longer slipped.
i hung up the towel and was still dripping wet. it seems as though we never really get dry, we’re always searching for some possible way, but we’re always sopping wet. Wet and miserable. I reached for the towel, and fell short. It happens. It always does. Sad really
i hung up the towel and was still dripping wet. it seems as though we never really get dry, we’re always searching for some possible way, but we’re always sopping wet. Wet and miserable. I reached for the towel, and fell short. It happens. It always does. Sad really
She tied the towel around her waist to make sure it wouldn’t fall off. (Callista made sure that all her doors were locked so that nobody could accidentally walk in on her naked. It’s happened before and it wasn’t a pretty site.)
This towel is pretty and decorated with frilly lace and was even monogrammed with her name on it! It was so pretty that she was almost ashamed to use it.
for embroidering your true intentions. in a womens correctional facility you’ll have a lot of time to think and i want you to dwell.
Summer. Sunshine. Friends. Pool. Water. Swim. Wet. Sunset. Cold. Towel.
I was wearing a towel and it fell off and my privates were hanging out. I picked up the towel and wrapped it around my body. Then it fell off again. Damn towel. So, then I picked it up, wrapped it around my body and drove a 16 penny nail through the towel into my hip. Ouch. Now the towel stays in place.