She brought the towel to her mouth, smelling the old familiar mixture of rust and sea salt. She missed him.
The towel was clung loosely around her and Nia stared at him, biting her lip. “I’m still cold,” she said.
He stared, shrugging. “That’s all I have. You’re going to have to make do with that.”
“I don’t have anything else!” he threw his hands in the air. “Is it my fault that you can’t stand a little water?”
Well. Yes. It was. But she couldn’t say that. “No,” she murmured, staring down. “No, of course not.”
I really liked towels. Especially the fun ones with decorations on them. I don’t like it when towels get a funny smell to them. Ick! Umm, I really need towels after I wash my hair. And wash the dishes. Lots of washing. Lots of towels. Wow, it is hard to write for 60 seconds about towels! did you know you could ma
would love to throw it in.
would the fight end then?
keep struggling. without knowing why.
maybe i’d get out on top someday.
Maybe I can win.
i don’t have a towel.if i had i have made a shower.
my word is nothing.i feel like nothing and i think that the question is if there is anything in this world worthy to fight for.i don’t know if i have something to fight for.i think often about this and i don’t have a conclusion yet.
I went to bathe without my towel. What a day, I ended up using T-shirt to dry myself because nobody was at home to help me retrieve my towel from the closet.
The towel just sat there on the bath side, it was fluffy and white and he suspected it whould be warm to the touch. Little did he relise though, that it was a killer towel from Axel Five. The fact it was so clean, despite the pool of blood covering the floor should have givin him a clue.
in a life no one could trust
I stood my own ground
without your help
you wont let me down
you wont wind me up
up up up up
on the floor where I found you
in a puddle of your own demise
I was no longer quite
I didn’t do what I was told
You sweated while I slept so calm
you let me down
no longer
I wiped it all up
She stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel from the heated rack next to her, feeling its warmth block the cold air that was trying to surround her after being underneath the hot water. She ran her hand along its fluffy exterior and lifted it up to dry her face.
there was a towel on the bathroom rail dripping rythmically on the floor. it was seeping wet and dripping a red liquid, drip, drip, drip. A puddle formed below the rail and a small cat licked hungrilly at the edge of it, happilly consumng the tomato soup that i had spilled earlier
i hate using the same towel every day during the week. you wipe your ass and feet one day and then the next day your drying your face and hair, its absolutely disgusting. but ive never changed. i think i hate doing laundry more.
absorbant cotton. greens with the variety of the human race. makes me dry. makes it wet. will hang around and air out until the next most intimate moment with me.
The towel hung there. Just there. The white, fluffiness… of the towel. The towel. The towel. She loved it. But now she hated it. The towel. She needed to throw it away someday. Definitely.
He took his towel out of the clothes basket and slung it over his shoulders.
Walking quickly to the door, he suddenly remembered he had left his wallet in the back room. He raced back and grabbed, and this time sprinted to the front door. Out he went, into his car, start up the engine, and fly out of the driveway.
To the gym, to the gym. We shall go to the gym.
It was a weird thing to consider, but since he’d been living on the streets, he kind of missed having a morning shower with a clean towel every day.
Soft & Fresh, The smell of newly laundered towels is fantastic, it’s almost an excuse to have a long hot bath so you can wrap yourself up all warm!
He toweled his hair dry, skin still beaded with water in the hazy atmosphere of the bathroom. What to do now? he wondered. He had not called the higher-ups yet.
i was wearing a towel that was wet. the girl saw me and was giggling and i could not figure out what to do. I was embarassed beyond all reason. I wanted to run away and stay at the same time.
Recently my mother gave me a bunch of towels from my grandmother who recently died. They smell like old people but I still haven’t brought myself to wash the green one I’ve been using since a week before she died.
Towels are fluffy and lovely they are just so awesome I wear towels as clothing because I love towels my dog wears towels as clothing because he also loves towels he eats them as well and he makes little castles out of them it also seems that because I am super clever I have not punctuated my sentence so that means I can carry on for a long time just talking and talking about towels. rofl.
To throw in the towel or not to throw in the towel? That is the question. Whethet it is nobler to give up what you have worked for for ever, or to stick with it. Which road? Oh to know the answer!
Annabel Weir
never throw it in
we’ve lost probably, 50 towels in our household over the past ten years. i wish we had more so i could wear them around my hips through the house. i like towels. in general i suppose. what’s to say about a towel? they dry.
There’s a towel in the bathroom.
Towels are used to wipe dry something that is wet. I was dry, but I was still using a towel to wipe my hands. My skin was starting to hurt. It became red and painful.
the towel is a drying device that helps us to get to work on time by making sure that we don’t have big wet patches on our clothes after we shower. The towel is also a great accessory at the beach or in the hallway of share-houses when we don’t want people to see our undies on the way to the shower or lack thereof. We love towels.
And as I came out of the shower, there you were. Just standing there, staring at me, holding out a towel for me. It was fresh and clean, and smelled of a new fabric softener. You’d bought the wrong kind last week. But that was okay, because the look on your face, it made me realise that nothing but you mattered. Even if the towel was a horrid grey.
wrapping in a towel, i could still feel the nakedness of my heart.
standing in front of him, i have nothing to hide, yet there is an insecurity that the towel is trying to cover.
i want him, but..
i do not know if i should trust “love”, again.
so fast, so soon.
autumn rain
towels are white in my mind. I see them as being fluffy, warm and soft. They are used mainly for when you are wet, for exmaple you have got out of the shower or bath. You may use one when you wash your hands also. Maybe even when you are washing up. They have many uses but mainly are for situations involving liquids. Mostly, water. I always run out of towels. I think I need to buy more.
the dish towel was hanging on the wall in the kitchen A lady was behind the stove making a meal for the children and her husband . It was a stormy miserable night and she had just come home from a miserable day at the office. The last thing she felt like doing was cooking amother boring meal for the children and a husband who would not apreciate this meal
It sounded like Nathaniel had thrown in the towel. At least her shoulder didn’t hurt as much as it had, but she still was dizzy and light headed. She wanted to say something, make sure he knew that she was all right, but she couldn’t seem to form coherent words. She closed her eyes against the glow of the street lamp, her cheek resting on the rough pavement.
high, really really high, so high i dont think i’ll ever come down, extreme shades of blue and pink, things ive never seen before, words ive never heard before, the people must know, they must know aobu this thing, this wonder, this hope for humanity, i think i will sell it, this thing, this great thing
In the morning there is a sliver of light that seeps underneath the doorway that I can see if I turn over on my side. Sometimes I play the part of an ignorant lover and open the bedroom door and look around the house for you-there you are! You just love to stand over the bathroom sink with the bottom of that towel barely grazing your legs, huh?
The towel was white and fluffy. It was soft, although worn with time. Wet and used it was left on the floor of the shower. Abandoned.
She ransacked the room, overturning wicker baskets and slamming shelves onto the tiled floor. Clothing, towels, soaps and hangers all piled around her in a mess.
She brought the towel to her mouth, smelling the old familiar mixture of rust and sea salt. She missed him.
The towel was clung loosely around her and Nia stared at him, biting her lip. “I’m still cold,” she said.
He stared, shrugging. “That’s all I have. You’re going to have to make do with that.”
“I don’t have anything else!” he threw his hands in the air. “Is it my fault that you can’t stand a little water?”
Well. Yes. It was. But she couldn’t say that. “No,” she murmured, staring down. “No, of course not.”
I really liked towels. Especially the fun ones with decorations on them. I don’t like it when towels get a funny smell to them. Ick! Umm, I really need towels after I wash my hair. And wash the dishes. Lots of washing. Lots of towels. Wow, it is hard to write for 60 seconds about towels! did you know you could ma
would love to throw it in.
would the fight end then?
keep struggling. without knowing why.
maybe i’d get out on top someday.
Maybe I can win.
i don’t have a towel.if i had i have made a shower.
my word is nothing.i feel like nothing and i think that the question is if there is anything in this world worthy to fight for.i don’t know if i have something to fight for.i think often about this and i don’t have a conclusion yet.
I went to bathe without my towel. What a day, I ended up using T-shirt to dry myself because nobody was at home to help me retrieve my towel from the closet.
The towel just sat there on the bath side, it was fluffy and white and he suspected it whould be warm to the touch. Little did he relise though, that it was a killer towel from Axel Five. The fact it was so clean, despite the pool of blood covering the floor should have givin him a clue.
in a life no one could trust
I stood my own ground
without your help
you wont let me down
you wont wind me up
up up up up
on the floor where I found you
in a puddle of your own demise
I was no longer quite
I didn’t do what I was told
You sweated while I slept so calm
you let me down
no longer
I wiped it all up
She stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel from the heated rack next to her, feeling its warmth block the cold air that was trying to surround her after being underneath the hot water. She ran her hand along its fluffy exterior and lifted it up to dry her face.
there was a towel on the bathroom rail dripping rythmically on the floor. it was seeping wet and dripping a red liquid, drip, drip, drip. A puddle formed below the rail and a small cat licked hungrilly at the edge of it, happilly consumng the tomato soup that i had spilled earlier
i hate using the same towel every day during the week. you wipe your ass and feet one day and then the next day your drying your face and hair, its absolutely disgusting. but ive never changed. i think i hate doing laundry more.
absorbant cotton. greens with the variety of the human race. makes me dry. makes it wet. will hang around and air out until the next most intimate moment with me.
The towel hung there. Just there. The white, fluffiness… of the towel. The towel. The towel. She loved it. But now she hated it. The towel. She needed to throw it away someday. Definitely.
He took his towel out of the clothes basket and slung it over his shoulders.
Walking quickly to the door, he suddenly remembered he had left his wallet in the back room. He raced back and grabbed, and this time sprinted to the front door. Out he went, into his car, start up the engine, and fly out of the driveway.
To the gym, to the gym. We shall go to the gym.
It was a weird thing to consider, but since he’d been living on the streets, he kind of missed having a morning shower with a clean towel every day.
Soft & Fresh, The smell of newly laundered towels is fantastic, it’s almost an excuse to have a long hot bath so you can wrap yourself up all warm!
He toweled his hair dry, skin still beaded with water in the hazy atmosphere of the bathroom. What to do now? he wondered. He had not called the higher-ups yet.
i was wearing a towel that was wet. the girl saw me and was giggling and i could not figure out what to do. I was embarassed beyond all reason. I wanted to run away and stay at the same time.
Recently my mother gave me a bunch of towels from my grandmother who recently died. They smell like old people but I still haven’t brought myself to wash the green one I’ve been using since a week before she died.
Towels are fluffy and lovely they are just so awesome I wear towels as clothing because I love towels my dog wears towels as clothing because he also loves towels he eats them as well and he makes little castles out of them it also seems that because I am super clever I have not punctuated my sentence so that means I can carry on for a long time just talking and talking about towels. rofl.
To throw in the towel or not to throw in the towel? That is the question. Whethet it is nobler to give up what you have worked for for ever, or to stick with it. Which road? Oh to know the answer!
never throw it in
we’ve lost probably, 50 towels in our household over the past ten years. i wish we had more so i could wear them around my hips through the house. i like towels. in general i suppose. what’s to say about a towel? they dry.
There’s a towel in the bathroom.
Towels are used to wipe dry something that is wet. I was dry, but I was still using a towel to wipe my hands. My skin was starting to hurt. It became red and painful.
the towel is a drying device that helps us to get to work on time by making sure that we don’t have big wet patches on our clothes after we shower. The towel is also a great accessory at the beach or in the hallway of share-houses when we don’t want people to see our undies on the way to the shower or lack thereof. We love towels.
And as I came out of the shower, there you were. Just standing there, staring at me, holding out a towel for me. It was fresh and clean, and smelled of a new fabric softener. You’d bought the wrong kind last week. But that was okay, because the look on your face, it made me realise that nothing but you mattered. Even if the towel was a horrid grey.
wrapping in a towel, i could still feel the nakedness of my heart.
standing in front of him, i have nothing to hide, yet there is an insecurity that the towel is trying to cover.
i want him, but..
i do not know if i should trust “love”, again.
so fast, so soon.
towels are white in my mind. I see them as being fluffy, warm and soft. They are used mainly for when you are wet, for exmaple you have got out of the shower or bath. You may use one when you wash your hands also. Maybe even when you are washing up. They have many uses but mainly are for situations involving liquids. Mostly, water. I always run out of towels. I think I need to buy more.
the dish towel was hanging on the wall in the kitchen A lady was behind the stove making a meal for the children and her husband . It was a stormy miserable night and she had just come home from a miserable day at the office. The last thing she felt like doing was cooking amother boring meal for the children and a husband who would not apreciate this meal
It sounded like Nathaniel had thrown in the towel. At least her shoulder didn’t hurt as much as it had, but she still was dizzy and light headed. She wanted to say something, make sure he knew that she was all right, but she couldn’t seem to form coherent words. She closed her eyes against the glow of the street lamp, her cheek resting on the rough pavement.
high, really really high, so high i dont think i’ll ever come down, extreme shades of blue and pink, things ive never seen before, words ive never heard before, the people must know, they must know aobu this thing, this wonder, this hope for humanity, i think i will sell it, this thing, this great thing
In the morning there is a sliver of light that seeps underneath the doorway that I can see if I turn over on my side. Sometimes I play the part of an ignorant lover and open the bedroom door and look around the house for you-there you are! You just love to stand over the bathroom sink with the bottom of that towel barely grazing your legs, huh?
The towel was white and fluffy. It was soft, although worn with time. Wet and used it was left on the floor of the shower. Abandoned.
She ransacked the room, overturning wicker baskets and slamming shelves onto the tiled floor. Clothing, towels, soaps and hangers all piled around her in a mess.