
November 7th, 2009 | 210 Entries

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210 Entries for “towel”

  1. He liked doing the laundry, especially the towels, because they came out of the drier warm as shot of great whiskey, and then he got the pleasure of folding them precisely and stacking them on the shelf so they looked like volumes of comfort in a plush library.

    Brian Slusher
  2. I got out of the shower and wrapped my warm fluffy towel around me. It was like being in the arctic with one fluffy being. I stretched my arms and my towel fell down, I hastily picked it up and wrapped it round me. I felt warm once more. Then I turned around and saw a mysterious boy stood behind me. I gasped and fainted. That must have been a nightmare.

  3. I am writing about the fricking towel again. it was towel earlier. I’m so annoyed when this happens, I was hoping for something new like gnu or potato or firetrap loadglasses lardbucket or something but no it’s towel again. My towels are rough and unpretty I should change them I suppose but I don’t wanna and i can’t be bummed to bans

  4. I use a lot of hand towels every day, even though my dad tells me I shouldn’t. I am really specific about using clean towels.

  5. warm when you get out of the shower into the freezing cold room, soft on a naked, wet, and clean body. used to dry you off. washed in the washing machine in hot water with clorox sometimes. different sizes, different cloths, textures. there are too many towels in my house. too many colorful towels. Beach towels, bath towels, hair towels, sweat towels.

    Chelsea Norris
  6. The towel was still damp after Lizabeth’s shower.

    Tracy stared at the towel, still dripping on the curtain rod on the top of the shower, and blinked. When had Lizabeth taken a shower? Tracy hadn’t heard the water running. Normally, Lizabeth showered when she was about to leave…

    Scared, Tracy ran to the garage, and saw that Lizabeth’s car was gone again.

  7. полотенце – это что-то, во что можно закутаться

  8. towel reminds me of the word owl
    and it also reminds me of the night because i take showers at night and owls are away at night
    this is turning out to be very unsucessful but at least i wrote sometime[:

  9. It is interesting how seeing someone in a towel is so embarrassing. Bra and underwear too. Yet we all are ok swimming around in our suits with about the same coverage.

  10. there is a soft towel
    and a wet towel
    and the towel i use to wipe my dog
    and the towel i just like to hug
    i cry in the towel
    i sleep in the towel
    sometimes i eat in the towel
    and we all have had sex in and out of it
    the towel was on
    then it was off
    then it was back on the hanger waiting for me.

  11. he wrapped the towel around me. his body glistening. naked. i could see the dimples lining his lower back. beautiful to say the least. a greek god to say the least. he pulled up his gym shorts that were techinically…not his and wrapped his arms around me and the blanket. i watched him. hold me. and i was in perfect. happiness.

  12. if i just throw in the towel
    if i call in to call quits
    well that’s no way to get out of
    wellesley before it just splits.

  13. Towels are great. They dry, they clean and are cheap. Do you know how much I love them? Yeah, a lot.

    They also hide things. Like clothes, but simpler. Hiding is human instinct, explained by the (fake) story, Adam and Eve.

  14. Towel. To throw in the towel. It would have been so easy to just throw in the towel Friday night when all hell broke loose. But I believe in her. I believe that she has just had a rough life and can’t cope with change. I think she has done well. It would have been easy, but I won’t give up on her.

    just me
  15. The towel is an essential costume you must have to clean yourself and cover yourself. It can shelter you from rain too in extreme circumstances! My towel is quite cozy and comfortable. It is yellow in colour. You should keep it clean.

    Rachit Mohta
  16. soft and dries me

  17. She toweled off after her swim. She was beautiful like that, he noticed. Glistening with the chlorinated water, long hair slick and straight, figure unobscured by baggy clothes, clad only in a swimsuit.

  18. i have a green towel. its warm and fuzzy. and i like to pretend i’m superman in it. cause i love to pretend. also, i have a yellow towel. but it sucks. cause its all thin and short. i doesn’t even keep me warm. disgrace, i say! isn’t that the whole point of towels? that and to dry you?

  19. my towel is usually dry, and i never bother to wash it, it’s scratchy and green, feel like mould on the bread where no one bothers to pick up, perhaps because no one like bread with orange peel pieces in them, or something. my towel hangs in my nathroom rail and it

  20. I think my towel is still on the floor in the hall. But I never put it there. I truly think my sister did which makes me mad. I can’t use it! It’s by the litterbox and thats gross… I cant think about my cats using it to rub their butts on or anything… I am mad at her but I think I will just replace her towel with mine in a moment.

  21. Towels remind me of summers and
    water and sprinklers and
    teardrops and
    we never really had it all.
    fun memories I wish the’y never cease

  22. I got out of the shower and put my towel around me. When I walked into my room, I was surprised to see that he was still awake, sitting on the bed.
    “I’m sorry,” I said to him. “I don’t want to fight with you.”
    He smiled pulled me toward him, kissed me and removed my towel. “Neither do I.”

  23. She climbed into the shower; turning the water on as hot as it would go. It burnt her skin a little, but she didn’t care. She picked up her razor and took the blade off the handle, She sat down with her back to the shwoer, letting the water fall onto her head. She couldn’t take it anymore, she couldn’t do this. She felt guilty, was that normal? She took the razor blade and with her eyes shut tight, slowly sliced it into her arm. The blood ran down her body faster than she expected. She reached for the towel beside the tub to wrap around her arm. Soaked in blood, the towel fell from her hands. Everything went black.

  24. a life shattering blood shed.
    evidence all over the walls that used to make the place feel so warm.
    protected in this home.
    let’s try to absorb this despair together.

  25. i got out of the shower and put my mini towel on. my sister uses her towels only once and has to wash them, but i don’t know why if you get out of the shower clean. I used mine at least twice, unless I cut myself shaving and bleed all over the towel. then of course, i take a new one and wash the other. i like the towels that dry you off and arent all velvetty because the velvet ones just leave the little pills on your skin

  26. she steppedout of the shower. the curtain dripped sudsy water along the tiles. her hand fumbled around for the towel as the steam in th air blocked much of her sight.

  27. He took the towel and was just about the dry his hands, when he noticed something. The otherwise white towel had a black corner. Someone had used it to remove some makeup and since he only knew one girl, who used this much black makeup, it could only be..

  28. Lisa tucked the towel aside after she washed her hands in the bathroom. All the dirt from the road seemed to have found a new home on her hands, making it so black, as a miner’s. It felt so sticky that it made her uncomfortable.

  29. towel is the thing use to swap things. for example water from the floor, duast from the ARON.
    thee are a lot of kind of towel

  30. this towel feels so soft against my face. that freshly dried smell and warm from the dryer.

  31. Beach towel. I love the one with the bright blue stripes. It’s thick and big. It makes a great blanket too.

    Chris G
  32. Dry,Fluffy,Showers, wet and damp!

  33. Toweling off the shame of last night, she collected her shoes and purse and started the long walk home.

  34. warm dry sun sand wet cuddly soggy wrapped up in a warm towel

  35. i picked up the bloody towel and looked towards the sea. No! i screamed. Sharks are attracted to blood! It was too late

  36. a piece of cloth, white lookks nice.Something that absorbs water sth that is fluffy and soft. Something that one use to wrao around ones body after bath. warm, cozy

  37. Towelie from southpark of course! That litthe blue towel who’s always stoned, haha! I love that guy.

    Furthermore, I love towels because they are the reason I dont walk around wet after a shower :D

  38. soft fluffy sometimes left on the floor. warm and comforting. beaches and bathrooms. wet hair, dripping face. different sizes and colours and patterns. wrapped around. picnics and lakes. swimming. sometimes used for girly problems.

  39. “I need new towels.” She yelled at him. “Can’t you understand that?” In the middle of a fight, that had nothing to do with new towels, this is what she chose to bring up and yell about.

  40. the drink spilled and ran over the desk. With a soft swear he grabbed the towel wondering if that bit of sugar and caffine would actually help more on the manuscript than in him..
