I wrapped the plush towel around your shoulders as I watched droplets of water drip down your face and collect at your chin. Our eyes meet with great understanding.
Wrapped in it’s warm fuzzy embrace, I wander the edge of the swimming pool, listening to the echos of children laughing and the splash of divers falling gracefully from the diving board. I am dripping wet, the sun gleams on my skin. As I watch the light, one of the laughing children slides across the slick pavement and crashes into me; the towel and I unravel as we fall into the water.
towels soak up things that are wet
paper towels make weird noised when rubbed together
why do i always get stuck with a really small towel that i cant cover myself with when i get out of the shower
my cat hides under towels
Greg Caliguri
I ring the towel around my neck as I walked along the path towards the meadow. It was another hot day. As I approached it’s outskirts, I could hear loud music a ways away, and then, it got closer, and I could see a truck heading my way. Should I panic? I don’t know anyone with that type of truck, nor of that color.
Now it was fifteen feet away and came to a sudden stop. I could see a short male jump out, and a dust cloud engulfed him; it was a good sized one. After it cleared, he ran in my direction.
Gouldin Lion
it is so thirsty and soft and midly erotic a beautiful thing, really, existing only to please us and service us-never thought of having gratitide for a towel before
dry off after shower. swimming, beach, pool, white cotten linen. dish towel, hand towel, face towel. wet, dry.
dry off after shower. swimming, beach, pool, white cotten linen. dish towel, hand towel, face towel. wet, dry.
Mara Chambers
dry off after shower. swimming, beach, pool, white cotten linen. dish towel, hand towel, face towel. wet, dry.
Mara Chambers
the towel is blue and fuzzy and I use it dry myself off after a shower like everyone else. Haha, I’m so funny, and Rhine’s towel is white with blue stripes. It’s nice, not having a solid color. Solid colors seemed to permanent. Made him uneasy.
towels are fucking ridiculous. why not ry off with some sort of air device? it would save time and ostensibly money given that towels must a. be bought and b. be washed and dried after several uses. towels serve absolutely no purpose in this world that could not be replaced with the utmost ease
towel off. Fluffy towels. Green towel. Blue towel. Hand towel. Dish towel. My towel is waaay bigger than yours. I love the new towel in your bathroom. Beautiful.
they are white. i love my big fluffy towels in my bathroom. when you get out of the shower, all the mirrors are fogged up, and you’re dripping wet, and then you look around- and you’re shivering because the water was so hot- and now its freezing. and then you reach out and touch the soft cotton towel, and it totally makes my day. :)
Molly Swain
sometimes i forget to bring a towel down when i take a shower but i’m too tired to walk all the way back upstairs so i really think that it would be great if i could train my cat to bring me one on demand. I would give her lots and lots of yummy yummy tuna. Jessica Simpson probably never has to worry about not having a towel. Isn’t that something? I really don’t like her music or her pants.
How many towels can you throw on the floor? I do laundry every week , and it makes no sense to be out of towels in such a short time. Do the laundry yourself from now on!
Layla Macoran
hi im towelie, wanna smoke some weed
-“If you get the tip wet it works SO much better!!”
-“that’s what SHE said..bahahahahaha!”
i like towels because they keep you dry in rain or they dry you off.they can also cover animals that stay outside when it sold so the dont get cold and die.they can also help you be a hitch hiker.
like a towel i try to soak up what interaction i have with my enviorment. for it is simply a reflection of my self. teaching me the inner
Laughing as I toweled my hair dry, I said, “That was disgusting.”
“You know you loved it,” Allie teased, whipping me with her own towel.
“Water balloons filled with pudding? I dunno. The fun wears off after a while,” I said, though my grin betrayed me. It really WAS fun.
Rachael A.
a hitchhikers reference, excellent. towels are multipurpose, good for drying, tying sleeping, slapping, it’s a tourniquet a blanket, a curtain
a wet faucet dripping on the towel that grew mold and later smelled of fresh roses. My mom wears towels around her hair after a shower. Towels are used to swat geeks in gym rooms. Towel is a character on south park.
I picked up the slightly damp towel and wrapped it around my waist. I took a step toward the door that led to the bedroom, cautious of what lay in the darkness behind.
The towel was sitting lonely on the bathroom rack. It hadn’t been used for months. It was very unfortunate, because it seemed like a really nice towel. I reached for it and felt it with my fingers. The color was very pretty, pure yellow. But when I noticed that it was from a hotel, I quickly changed my mind.
they are fluffy and soft, mine are gray and I haven’t washed them in a while. I should probably do that. They are also stained a little purple from when I dyed my hair. I like hotel towels because they are extra soft and plush, i might steal one oneday. Idk time will tell. ok that is all i have to say about that, but i still have a few seconds.
I blow my nose into towels all the time. I had bronchitus this week. And boy oh boy did I go through so many washrags that I filled with lung-butter and boogers. Disgusting? Oh very.
I lifted my arms and the towel dropped. I turned in the mirror to analyze my abdomen. I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I pressed my fingers to where I thought its own would be; it was tender and I winced under the pressure. My husband knocked on the door and asked if I was ready. I panicked and, picking up the towel, shouted back that I would be. I had to be.
A towel is a soft cloud. As you wrap it around yourself the chills dissapate and the water droplets seem to evaporate away…
The towel dropped to the floor and Carrie quickly turned away. “Please, Paul, pick that back up!” Paul frowned at her back and picked it up. “I don’t understand you,” he complained. “<ina never objected to me naked” “She was sleeping with you!”
Towels are the one thing that you must absolutley bring with you if you are to hitchhike your way across the galaxy. Imperative for survivial, they can be used as a clothing item, weapon against angry monsters who want to read you poetry and a way to keep warm on the galaxy’s harshest planets.
there was a man there was a towel the man wrapped himself in his large, thick, dry, soft, warm towel before he had to run out to the main living room to answer his cell phone. the woman across the street had her son’s telescope pointed directly into the man’s living room window and could see the towel start to slip.
asdfkljs flasjfl asdklfjasdfasdf asdf
I just took a shower and used a towel which my mom bought from Kmart. The goal was to match our new paint in the bathroom but the towels she bought are way way to bright. They don’t fit at all but living in our current economic situation we can’t afford new towels. So we’ll brighten our morning with towels.
I grabbed my towel… or tried to anyways. Mid-reach for it, I slipped on the water droplets that covered the inside of my shower and on the floor. It was like slow motion. In the mirror, I saw myself reflected with an “O” of surprise shaping my lips and my eyes bulging like a bug’s. I landed on my outstretched arms and the rest of my bodyweight went there too. Needless to say, I hurt. A lot. Damn towel.
What is a towael? Is it a fabric cloth used for absorbing moisture? Or is it rather a symbol for us all? Something we cna wrap ourselves with with, and wipe away our what troubles us.
I needed a towel after kissing the Spanish man I met last night. What a horrible kiss that was! He covered my face in saliva..it was dripping off my chin. He didn’t feel me trying to escape his wet, soggy clutches. I am scarred forever.
the towel is a covering. the towel assist in drying off the washings of impurites to cleaniness. it is soft, it is assuring. it absorbs all that is needed to allow a clean surface.
Wet, soft, nice, and there is one around my head right now. i feel like a palm tree. towels are nice. I hate forgetting them in gym class. towel.
I am going to throw the towel.
I’m sick of this mutiny that he always displays; it’s sick and disheartening to me as someone who always looked out for him, protected him, and gave everything to him would betray their best friend so easily- not caring who he steps on as he grubs his way to the top.
The wet towel slapped against the tile floor with a smack. Tommy sat on the locker room bench. He still couldn’t believe how he had messed up the game. No one was talking, and he knew the great loss was his fault. Now the team didn’t have a single shot at the State Finals.
I wrapped the plush towel around your shoulders as I watched droplets of water drip down your face and collect at your chin. Our eyes meet with great understanding.
Wrapped in it’s warm fuzzy embrace, I wander the edge of the swimming pool, listening to the echos of children laughing and the splash of divers falling gracefully from the diving board. I am dripping wet, the sun gleams on my skin. As I watch the light, one of the laughing children slides across the slick pavement and crashes into me; the towel and I unravel as we fall into the water.
towels soak up things that are wet
paper towels make weird noised when rubbed together
why do i always get stuck with a really small towel that i cant cover myself with when i get out of the shower
my cat hides under towels
I ring the towel around my neck as I walked along the path towards the meadow. It was another hot day. As I approached it’s outskirts, I could hear loud music a ways away, and then, it got closer, and I could see a truck heading my way. Should I panic? I don’t know anyone with that type of truck, nor of that color.
Now it was fifteen feet away and came to a sudden stop. I could see a short male jump out, and a dust cloud engulfed him; it was a good sized one. After it cleared, he ran in my direction.
it is so thirsty and soft and midly erotic a beautiful thing, really, existing only to please us and service us-never thought of having gratitide for a towel before
dry off after shower. swimming, beach, pool, white cotten linen. dish towel, hand towel, face towel. wet, dry.
dry off after shower. swimming, beach, pool, white cotten linen. dish towel, hand towel, face towel. wet, dry.
dry off after shower. swimming, beach, pool, white cotten linen. dish towel, hand towel, face towel. wet, dry.
the towel is blue and fuzzy and I use it dry myself off after a shower like everyone else. Haha, I’m so funny, and Rhine’s towel is white with blue stripes. It’s nice, not having a solid color. Solid colors seemed to permanent. Made him uneasy.
towels are fucking ridiculous. why not ry off with some sort of air device? it would save time and ostensibly money given that towels must a. be bought and b. be washed and dried after several uses. towels serve absolutely no purpose in this world that could not be replaced with the utmost ease
towel off. Fluffy towels. Green towel. Blue towel. Hand towel. Dish towel. My towel is waaay bigger than yours. I love the new towel in your bathroom. Beautiful.
they are white. i love my big fluffy towels in my bathroom. when you get out of the shower, all the mirrors are fogged up, and you’re dripping wet, and then you look around- and you’re shivering because the water was so hot- and now its freezing. and then you reach out and touch the soft cotton towel, and it totally makes my day. :)
sometimes i forget to bring a towel down when i take a shower but i’m too tired to walk all the way back upstairs so i really think that it would be great if i could train my cat to bring me one on demand. I would give her lots and lots of yummy yummy tuna. Jessica Simpson probably never has to worry about not having a towel. Isn’t that something? I really don’t like her music or her pants.
How many towels can you throw on the floor? I do laundry every week , and it makes no sense to be out of towels in such a short time. Do the laundry yourself from now on!
hi im towelie, wanna smoke some weed
-“If you get the tip wet it works SO much better!!”
-“that’s what SHE said..bahahahahaha!”
i like towels because they keep you dry in rain or they dry you off.they can also cover animals that stay outside when it sold so the dont get cold and die.they can also help you be a hitch hiker.
like a towel i try to soak up what interaction i have with my enviorment. for it is simply a reflection of my self. teaching me the inner
Laughing as I toweled my hair dry, I said, “That was disgusting.”
“You know you loved it,” Allie teased, whipping me with her own towel.
“Water balloons filled with pudding? I dunno. The fun wears off after a while,” I said, though my grin betrayed me. It really WAS fun.
a hitchhikers reference, excellent. towels are multipurpose, good for drying, tying sleeping, slapping, it’s a tourniquet a blanket, a curtain
a wet faucet dripping on the towel that grew mold and later smelled of fresh roses. My mom wears towels around her hair after a shower. Towels are used to swat geeks in gym rooms. Towel is a character on south park.
I picked up the slightly damp towel and wrapped it around my waist. I took a step toward the door that led to the bedroom, cautious of what lay in the darkness behind.
The towel was sitting lonely on the bathroom rack. It hadn’t been used for months. It was very unfortunate, because it seemed like a really nice towel. I reached for it and felt it with my fingers. The color was very pretty, pure yellow. But when I noticed that it was from a hotel, I quickly changed my mind.
they are fluffy and soft, mine are gray and I haven’t washed them in a while. I should probably do that. They are also stained a little purple from when I dyed my hair. I like hotel towels because they are extra soft and plush, i might steal one oneday. Idk time will tell. ok that is all i have to say about that, but i still have a few seconds.
I blow my nose into towels all the time. I had bronchitus this week. And boy oh boy did I go through so many washrags that I filled with lung-butter and boogers. Disgusting? Oh very.
I lifted my arms and the towel dropped. I turned in the mirror to analyze my abdomen. I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I pressed my fingers to where I thought its own would be; it was tender and I winced under the pressure. My husband knocked on the door and asked if I was ready. I panicked and, picking up the towel, shouted back that I would be. I had to be.
A towel is a soft cloud. As you wrap it around yourself the chills dissapate and the water droplets seem to evaporate away…
The towel dropped to the floor and Carrie quickly turned away. “Please, Paul, pick that back up!” Paul frowned at her back and picked it up. “I don’t understand you,” he complained. “<ina never objected to me naked” “She was sleeping with you!”
Towels are the one thing that you must absolutley bring with you if you are to hitchhike your way across the galaxy. Imperative for survivial, they can be used as a clothing item, weapon against angry monsters who want to read you poetry and a way to keep warm on the galaxy’s harshest planets.
there was a man there was a towel the man wrapped himself in his large, thick, dry, soft, warm towel before he had to run out to the main living room to answer his cell phone. the woman across the street had her son’s telescope pointed directly into the man’s living room window and could see the towel start to slip.
asdfkljs flasjfl asdklfjasdfasdf asdf
I just took a shower and used a towel which my mom bought from Kmart. The goal was to match our new paint in the bathroom but the towels she bought are way way to bright. They don’t fit at all but living in our current economic situation we can’t afford new towels. So we’ll brighten our morning with towels.
I grabbed my towel… or tried to anyways. Mid-reach for it, I slipped on the water droplets that covered the inside of my shower and on the floor. It was like slow motion. In the mirror, I saw myself reflected with an “O” of surprise shaping my lips and my eyes bulging like a bug’s. I landed on my outstretched arms and the rest of my bodyweight went there too. Needless to say, I hurt. A lot. Damn towel.
What is a towael? Is it a fabric cloth used for absorbing moisture? Or is it rather a symbol for us all? Something we cna wrap ourselves with with, and wipe away our what troubles us.
I needed a towel after kissing the Spanish man I met last night. What a horrible kiss that was! He covered my face in saliva..it was dripping off my chin. He didn’t feel me trying to escape his wet, soggy clutches. I am scarred forever.
the towel is a covering. the towel assist in drying off the washings of impurites to cleaniness. it is soft, it is assuring. it absorbs all that is needed to allow a clean surface.
Wet, soft, nice, and there is one around my head right now. i feel like a palm tree. towels are nice. I hate forgetting them in gym class. towel.
I am going to throw the towel.
I’m sick of this mutiny that he always displays; it’s sick and disheartening to me as someone who always looked out for him, protected him, and gave everything to him would betray their best friend so easily- not caring who he steps on as he grubs his way to the top.
The wet towel slapped against the tile floor with a smack. Tommy sat on the locker room bench. He still couldn’t believe how he had messed up the game. No one was talking, and he knew the great loss was his fault. Now the team didn’t have a single shot at the State Finals.