
February 25th, 2009 | 296 Entries

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296 Entries for “trained”

  1. Ive been trained in a way I did not even know. I’ve been trained by my body to listen to signals and perhaps without even knowing the signals at times. I may have seen you today, I thought that was what I wanted, I need closure or something. Then as my opportunity walked feet in front of me I turned the other direction. I hope that was for the best.

  2. i’ve been trained for a long time now. its necessary to learn this kind of stuff in order to combat with teenage anxiety in today’s modern day society, getting tanned or trained to get back at people

  3. Run, Rocky, run! Go for it! I love training, it’s awesome!

  4. Ah, yes, I’ve been trained in quite a few arts. In fact, my abilities (gained solely through my training) have allowed me to pursue careers that interest me. Without my training, I would be nothing. I would be incapable of providing for my beautiful family, and my life would be without purpose. Thank you, training. You have trained me well.

    Matt Engel
  5. She always expects me to entertain her. Like a trained monkey with nothing better to do. Well, I got some entertainment for her. It’s called alcohol, and I will be drinking a lot of it every time I see her.

  6. I was trained to kill. I never thought i’d have to go and seek her out. She was my love! What was I to do, go AWOL? I was devistated when I got the mission report. She was my enemy.

  7. I have been trained in doing work I despise. What I want to do for the rest of my life is Produce Theatre. I sit in this tax class and weep for my inability to pay any iota of attention.

  8. to kill, wow that sounds morbid. im not morbid!? office training – boring, work training – boring, exercise training – hard work. I dont like training

  9. the tolling of the bells
    and the satin-colored clouds
    are more vicious than a whip
    could ever hope to be.

    maybe it was indirectly that
    this all started
    to affect me.

  10. how we live our lives. boom. done.

  11. i guess i should have trained myself to get up at a decent hour. my brother and sister are both capable of doing things as adults. they wake up, they go to the gym, they cross train, they eat fiber. i sleep past noon and then look at shit on the internet all day and wonder why i don’t have any money.

  12. Solders and workers for the military. Prepared and ready for anything they are taught how to fight and protect so the world can be a better place.

  13. I have been well trained. Toilet trained is not what we’re talking. We’re talking trained by the public school system into a zombie-like coma, devoid of any creative thoughts, but filled with stamina for worksheets and ‘proper’ study skills. All quantity no quality.

  14. He trained his eyes on the small speck on the horizon. It was a strange day to be outside like this. The light was brilliant as it always seems to be near the tropics.

  15. Her trained body flowed across the floor. Her elegance uncompared. Her beauty indescribable. How I wish to be her partner. The one who held her. The one who she made art with. The one she longed for. I would give anything to be him.

    J. M. Tomes
  16. I want to be a trained singer. Singers get trained to have versatile voices. Athletes are also trained, as are cops and other such people. Animals can be trained as well, like dolphins, dogs, birds, even cats. High school is supposed to prepare you for college, but it really doesn’t.

  17. Something I am not. Not trained in anything but to try and please others. sucks.

  18. trained means like the thing knows how to be polite and like a soldier is trained at boot camp

  19. i trained my dog real good he obeys and is nice to people

  20. i was trained in programming at UC Berkeley. I am grateful to Kenny Yip for mentoring me.
    I was a Peace Corps volunteer and trained in Shashamane, Ethiopia. I taught English and Geometry. This was a life altering experience.

    cheryl armstrong
  21. A dog can be trained for various reasons. Most importantly to strengthen the bond between it and the owner. One of the main reasons why dogs are put into shelters is because of behavior problems. So train your dog, and you’ll have a loyal, fun friend for life.

  22. i am not a trained writer. i have passion. sometimes i can write for an hour sometimes for two minutes. i am not trained i simply have passion.

  23. For some reason this makes me think of running, which is something I’ve never really done. Asthma. I’m fast at sprinting, but then I can’t breathe for so long that it isn’t really worth the effort. I’ve always wished I could run, because all of my mom’s family can, and it’s always made me feel a little left out that I couldn’t be a track star.

  24. Incredibly mundane yet incredibly focused. a must have in society to be able to follow directions like a good little citizen. even schools fllow this core value of grading the ability to follow directions rather than intellectual level.

  25. it makes me think ab-out sport ebcause you tranin for sport and i l like training becasue it is aweseome

    Muhammad Khan
  26. Training your body you can achieve impossible feats of strength, endurance, dexturity or any of the sort. But in society, training your body can be a symbol of how dedicated to one thing you can be. One word.

    Eric Harrell
  27. trained for the olympics, michael phelps, smokes weed, suspended from ads, endorsements, contracts, and the olypics for three months. he can win 12 gold medals for our contry and the big issue is that he smokes a little dope. if he can win 12 medals, he should be able to smoke anything he wants.

  28. social norms and obligations, a smile upon skin that only knows its dimensions and nothing further. we’re all taught how to think, how to speak, the rules of the game. the line to follow, the box not to step outside of. this insepid monotony of normality. what’s the point?

  29. The dog was trained easily. At least, that’s what Mary told everyone. The fact was, her dog was…ridiculous. He would NOT obey. Ever. Talk about frustrating! It took her a good year to trained the damned beast!

    Heather K
  30. trained to do what is proper. what is right. spend our whole lives being trained like circus animals. being told what to do what to wear who to be.

  31. trained… we’re trained to be assassins.

    can you be a sane assassin?

    Not let the blood and gore get to your mind, don’t let the agony of a child’s scream hurt your heart as you move silently among the shadows.

    Cock your gun and be ready… on the dot of fifteen after 3, he moves out and click.

    Panic rings out, but you move on. You’ve done your job, trained assassin. Stay sane if you can.

  32. too much needed to get my staff to work, if they dont get trained they cant work and I have to find fill in staff for them. This makes my job very difficult. I wish there was an easier way to get people trained and working.

  33. i trained and failed in the last try. like always. but while i trained i learned that i can handle with failing. cause i

  34. Trained to bat my eyes, smile, and pretend you’re interesting. Just keep pumping that keg kid.

  35. Trained to bat my eyes, smile for you, and pretend you’re interesting. Just keep pumping that keg kid.

  36. He was classically trained to live as a hooligan. As such he was not very good at the task. So they made him president.

    Tillman Ellis
  37. The dog was well trained; at least, until it decided to start stealing car keys. It’s not that it wanted to steal the car keys, it’s that it didn’t want its owners to leave. They had been drinking, after all. Drinking Scotch whisky.

  38. I train for marathons that I still haven’t run. It’s hard work because I don’t like to train like the “normal” person. I run hills in heat and humidity. My legs ache, my lungs burn and my body doesn’t want to go on. But, the training continues in hope for one day to run a marathon.

  39. Trained, like a dog, like a dog that is loyal and will hunt squirrels with you and even if she never catches a damned thing in her entire life you still love her ’cause she’s your dog. She’s the one who will curl up beside you and fall asleep, she’s the one who will wag when you get home. She’s the one that will pee on your couch. That and your buddy, anyway. She is a good dog.

  40. It began with some sort of… welll, training, so to speak, in which his life was slowly stroked by the strange sticky hands of hard work, and… well, training.

    He sneezes violently.

    Yuri Ryabtsev