
December 13th, 2009 | 310 Entries

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310 Entries for “transmit”

  1. Sometimes I beleve that Santa doesnt exist and that it resides in the deepest place in my imagination. But what if I want Santa to exist.. could he be for real? Maybe his spirit actually resides in ourselves and that everything goes on making us feel that special thing during christmass. I think thats the reals santa. It`s wierd but the most beautiful thing.

  2. send post ether thoughts no time to think danger help scared not enough

  3. He honestly expects me to spend time with him when he’s got diseases to transmit?
    I don’t think that’s very fair. It’s not like hanging out with me will give him a vagina.

  4. I pressed my palm to the touch screen, letting it scan. The red light bliped green, and the door slid open. I entered, only to find my worst nightmare

  5. Transmitting a composition to the school musical was something that I didn’t even know I was ever going to do. But, the bug just spplattered onto my windshield and I went with it.

    I, Rachel Berry, wrote a song, played around with my guitar and composed a song. Transmition from singer to songwriter was an amazing one.

  6. The waves fell off the radio transmitting the plans that were so secret so important. “Please God let this reach them in time” Morton whispered and waited.

  7. to pass information or signals about something that has occoured

  8. sexual diseases,knowledge, enthusiasm, joy and good humor, it’s all about sharing

  9. 5

  10. sexual transported diseases,

  11. the pain transmitted through my body.
    like a jolt of electricity.
    i want more. simple as that.

  12. radio, tv, advertisements and progeny.

    after 9/11, more positive, but still subliminally negative.

    lesbians and gays and other people who love people of the same sex.


  13. i would like to transmit you the HIV.

  14. Splendid

  15. I wish I could transmit my thoughts and feelings to others when I wanted to. It’s so impossible for me to get my point across to people most of the time, and it’s so annoying to be bothered about it over and over. I also wish I could transmit feelings to people, pain, happiness, etc. It would come in awfully handy.

  16. love. transmit love. transmit anything. give what you can to the world. share your thoughts emotions. transmit what you can to enhance the world and lives of the people around you. we never know what someone is JUST coming from. make their day and transmit love

  17. Transmit, a word good and bad. Think about it you can transmit pain, transmit happiness. You can transmit disease and death. We can all transmit bliss and peace. A word with such power. It’s more than a word, it is our ways of life as humanity.

  18. I wish you could transmit your feelings from one person to another. Let the ripples of emotion pass through your heart to someone elses, feel a part of them, let them feel a part of you. Breathe me in, I’ll do the same for you. Will you feel my heart?

    lauryn rose
  19. Transmit disease- transmit knowledge- transmit humans across great distances in small amount of time. Transmit.

  20. I like transmitting. Transmitting signals is my favorite thing. Do you transmit? Transmission is what a live for–it’s the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. Every day, I wake up and suppress my excitement until I can transmit. Is there actually any meaning to transmission? What cosmic significance does it have?

    george wilson
  21. “Hello?! Hello!! Do you read me?!”

    The only reply was a static that seemed to mock the man. He tossed the busted radio into the snow, where it landed in a flurry of powdery white.

    No one was picking up his message.

    He was alone.

  22. diseases, sound waves, information .spread or pass on, give from one person to another,

  23. I always transmit the files when they tell me to, but they say they don’t get them. Why don’t they believe me?! Why must this job drive me insane?! When will they understand?! It’s not like I even know how to breathe!! I’m a plant!! I’m the tree from the typing pool.

    The Tree From the Typing Pool
  24. to transmit… as opposed to transfer? transmit sounds a bit more aggressive and one sided. disregarding the receiving sides level of want, or any preference? meh, uninterested.

  25. some of the publications I see are full of news and other information that transmit ideas to a world of people who are ready to learn

  26. transmit… a verb no longer used as it once was… things have evolved.. technology, that is.

  27. some of the publications I see are full of news and other information that transmit ideas to a world of people who are ready to learn

  28. If I could pick up better on the feelings and hopes of others, I think I’d be much better as a friend and person. There’s always the potential for abuse, though, so, that’s there too.

  29. transmit. the waves go through and round and loud as the sound rings through my ears, the transmissions getting into my thoughts and swirling… what was that idea that cry? heard the

  30. Thoughts can be transmitted. Like, you can think something, and before you’ve even done anything about it, someone near you or around you can sort of tell something’s up. I founmd this about food. Like I knew I wanted something to eat, and someone said “You’re about to get up” or something… this was a while ago I can’t remember exactly what happened

  31. i don’t know how to transmit that though!

  32. i want to transmit my heart to the boy who stands so far away hes a lone and far while i stay i want to transmit my heart to the boy thats far away

  33. transmit

  34. let me transmit this to you

  35. Sending off to someone
    The gift of death,
    Trasmitting the flu
    (or the hini, or the swine, as some call it)

    Beware, for it is Swine 09
    The danger isn’t real
    Thanks to the media
    Everyone is not on fire
    And they’re just sick.

    Beware the piggies.

  36. transmit telephone connections. sonds like the transporter. hmm what else can you transmit? electrons, neutrons, energy. attitudes. transmitting is more technological though. at least that’s how i’ve always viewed it.

    mostly you transmit messages and signals. messages like text messages.. or transmit information over the information superhighway. emails!

  37. transmittal of information
    information in transit
    driven by an untrustworth man in a white transit van
    dont believe what you read.

  38. Sexually transmitted diseases suck. You worry about this whole not getting pregnant thing, figure it out, take care of it, take a pill everyday, and then, oh wait!, no you still have to stick latex shit everywhere because you could get stds. I have to worry about getting sick enough, can we just make the vag a sterile area permanently?

  39. transmit the data to the king before he makes a terrible mistake! transmit transmit transmit data transmit data by pushing the Okay button. transmit a message to space

    Nicholas McDougal
  40. Infections like mind substances leaking out of orofices. Projecting like Dogma. The transmission of Spirit in the twinkle of an eye…
