Well the troops in Iraq and the Middle East are being held there by Obama, personally, I don’t think it’s right. He’s also sending another thirty thousand to stay there for the next eighteen monthes, how’s he going to win like that? And also I voted for him on the account that he was going to get our troops the hell out of there.
the troops fight for the freedom of the people. they are in countries far away from home and can only communicate through internet. i have absolutely no idea what to write.
flashing into the fight, the troops rushed the barricade. Sword flying, Alacar dashed into the fray, blade finding flesh on all sides. He was inhuman; how could one man cover so much ground? He cut a swath through the enemy, driving them back into their own lines; his allies flooded behind him, routing the army that lay before them.
the troops were set for camping out Troo483,
the troops in iraq i feel bad for them they are away from their families and i always have a strange pull at my heart when i see them reuniting with their families
I don’t think that this is right… Troops.
It just riles me when I hear the word… like I’m supposed to outraged by it..
LIke its something wrong.
But I don’t really know whats wrong or right…
I suppose its that thing inside us all that decides its wrong..
But is it necessary..
that fighting. That pain..
I don’t think so..
But I wish I did…
Yvonne Weiss
fucking troops. can’t believe we’re still in the middle east despite Obamas promises to get out. it’s sane. I mean, you have to admire them, but they’re a weird thing. They’re a weird breed. some people are just doing it because they have nothing else and others just fucking love america. some are violent some arent fucking weird.
I feel bad for them, I wish they coud all come home for the holidays… my boyfriends sister’s boyfriend is going in January for 8 months… i feel bad for the both of them, I just wish the war and everything was over. Im sick of it and i have nothing to do with it.
I have so much respect for the people in the military. I don’t support the war but I support them. They do something that I could never do and they deserve so much more than what they receive for that. God Bless them.
Well the obvious thing to write about for this would be our troops in the Middle East. We miss them every day, but especially around this time of year. One of my friends wants nothing more than to join the army, even though he’s not in it now, I’m scared of what will happen when he does–because he will–become one of our troops.
the troops are the armed forces of america the army the navy the marines alll of them they are important because they protect us. we need them.
I wish people didn’t have to fight in silly wars over nothing but useless policies debating useless ideas that truly get nothing done anyways. Fuck the war. No justification. Simple retardation
the troops are going across the desert searching for the enemy. the enemy is looking for them across the seas so the two shall never meet.
the troops are dumb and they keep putting them back in iraq and IT IS STUPID.
or brownie troops and girl scouts that sell you cookiesss =] so much fucking better than WAR!
Wasting their lives on people who could care less. They are unnoticed, unappreciated, but expected to risk their lives.
more trops being sent off to war…doesn’t matter who is president, nothing changes
Cynics fate
are people who spend a lot of time sitting around training day in and day out waiting, some wishing and some not, for that day that they may or may not be called into duty. Some are on front lines, some behind the scenes. A waste of money many days but well worth it on others. We shouldn’t need soldiers in a perfect world, but unfortunately the world is not perfect.
When I think of troops, I think of the worldwide organization. I feel like we put too much focus on being proud of how many troops a country has. How can you judge the success of a country based on it’s ability to destroy. Our world has become a less safe place with troops keeping their people safe and harming others.
war. I hate war. war is not good. nooo.
are in iraq and need help, get them the fuck out of there!
The troops should not be where they are. We shouldn’t be wasting lives and money for oil when we have the technology to create better power sources. Bring all those gorgeous men back to the states, where they should be. Our economy is too bad to look for men without a sense of chivalry.
I hate how obama sends ttroops to a diff country, and then lied about it! what an ass, he’s absolutely the worst president weave ever had, absolutely. even bush was better then him and people hate bush. I think people just voted for him because hes black, tha
The troops go marching in, right left, right left. What can we say to that? Sheer violence in the force of what? Or do they come to protect, to save the innocent? Right, left, right, left. God have mercy. What do we want, what do need? Are they the answer to a prayer or a killing of a sweet hope? Fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, daughters, sons, they all belong to someone. What are they fighting for?
star wars climbinbg to the skies and just picking up the bones of my entired loves. With the spoon of broken grails they smash
The marching was intolerable, sounding with the steady beats constantly and unstoppable. They never stopped tearing the ground, ripping it up with their thick boots, careless of the minor destruction with the thoughts of the destruction to come.
They marched on through the body strewn fields. Screams still echoed around their ears, and their eyes were still blinded by the flash from the bombs. As they looked around at the death and destruction that surrounded them,a light snow began to fall. The fragile flakes dusted the bodies, creating makeshift burials and melted on those “lucky” enough to still be alive. They gazed at the sky with one thought running through their minds. Merry Christmas.
troops. how many in a “troop”? how many soldiers were chasing me down the stairwell in my dream that i had? and why do i have to be so rude sometimes in my dreams? sometimes i give the finger, but in that dream i yelled at my pursuers.
j ann
The troops were never going to win fighting this way. Guns in hand, they turned their heads towards the ground and walked home in shame. The caliber of this movement was so great that it would affect generations around the world for years to come.
troops. im reading a book about troops in the Vietnam war right now. its really good. its called the things they carried. they carried a lot of stuff. kinda cool ya know? i feel bad for the troops. dieing for our country and all. I wish they would all come home even though i dont know any of them personally. there cool.
Irag, the war over seas. Citizens from the United States are half way around the world, while I’m sitting here on this damn computer writing about it. Makes me kinda feel like a piece of shit. Thanks a lot weird website, you made me feel crappy.
Troops wear big black leather boots. When I was a trooper in Nam my boots were crackled and worn through on the left toe. My left big toe is remarkably large compared to my right big toe. My boots were precious. I slept clutching them because without them I was lost. No shoes in teh jungle is bad.
i hope our troops all make it home safe, although that is highly doubted to happen. What happened to obamas plan to take our troops home? He is only sending more in. BOOOOO obama!!W#$@%$@#$^@$%&^$&(*^(@!@#!$^%^&
I’ll send in the troops, Sarge. I’m trying to steal another girl’s man. I’m trying not to take any lives while I kick out my roommate. Hey, she did it to me last night. I’m drinking ten gallons of tea and my best friend is smoking clove cigarettes.
Ella Emma Em
with all our troops stuck in iraq right now, many families will be stuck without loved ones this holiday. i do believe that president obama should take troops out of iraq a
Troops protect their nation from those who wish to invade them. Troops don’t necessarily mean good or bad, simply a protector, a military, someone who finds themselves in the face of danger. It’s a shame that so many troops exist in the world today. Would it not be grand if we could just understand? People are so quick judge and destroy what they do not understand.
Well the troops in Iraq and the Middle East are being held there by Obama, personally, I don’t think it’s right. He’s also sending another thirty thousand to stay there for the next eighteen monthes, how’s he going to win like that? And also I voted for him on the account that he was going to get our troops the hell out of there.
the troops fight for the freedom of the people. they are in countries far away from home and can only communicate through internet. i have absolutely no idea what to write.
flashing into the fight, the troops rushed the barricade. Sword flying, Alacar dashed into the fray, blade finding flesh on all sides. He was inhuman; how could one man cover so much ground? He cut a swath through the enemy, driving them back into their own lines; his allies flooded behind him, routing the army that lay before them.
the troops were set for camping out Troo483,
the troops in iraq i feel bad for them they are away from their families and i always have a strange pull at my heart when i see them reuniting with their families
I don’t think that this is right… Troops.
It just riles me when I hear the word… like I’m supposed to outraged by it..
LIke its something wrong.
But I don’t really know whats wrong or right…
I suppose its that thing inside us all that decides its wrong..
But is it necessary..
that fighting. That pain..
I don’t think so..
But I wish I did…
fucking troops. can’t believe we’re still in the middle east despite Obamas promises to get out. it’s sane. I mean, you have to admire them, but they’re a weird thing. They’re a weird breed. some people are just doing it because they have nothing else and others just fucking love america. some are violent some arent fucking weird.
I feel bad for them, I wish they coud all come home for the holidays… my boyfriends sister’s boyfriend is going in January for 8 months… i feel bad for the both of them, I just wish the war and everything was over. Im sick of it and i have nothing to do with it.
I have so much respect for the people in the military. I don’t support the war but I support them. They do something that I could never do and they deserve so much more than what they receive for that. God Bless them.
Well the obvious thing to write about for this would be our troops in the Middle East. We miss them every day, but especially around this time of year. One of my friends wants nothing more than to join the army, even though he’s not in it now, I’m scared of what will happen when he does–because he will–become one of our troops.
the troops are the armed forces of america the army the navy the marines alll of them they are important because they protect us. we need them.
I wish people didn’t have to fight in silly wars over nothing but useless policies debating useless ideas that truly get nothing done anyways. Fuck the war. No justification. Simple retardation
the troops are going across the desert searching for the enemy. the enemy is looking for them across the seas so the two shall never meet.
the troops are dumb and they keep putting them back in iraq and IT IS STUPID.
or brownie troops and girl scouts that sell you cookiesss =] so much fucking better than WAR!
Wasting their lives on people who could care less. They are unnoticed, unappreciated, but expected to risk their lives.
more trops being sent off to war…doesn’t matter who is president, nothing changes
are people who spend a lot of time sitting around training day in and day out waiting, some wishing and some not, for that day that they may or may not be called into duty. Some are on front lines, some behind the scenes. A waste of money many days but well worth it on others. We shouldn’t need soldiers in a perfect world, but unfortunately the world is not perfect.
When I think of troops, I think of the worldwide organization. I feel like we put too much focus on being proud of how many troops a country has. How can you judge the success of a country based on it’s ability to destroy. Our world has become a less safe place with troops keeping their people safe and harming others.
war. I hate war. war is not good. nooo.
are in iraq and need help, get them the fuck out of there!
The troops should not be where they are. We shouldn’t be wasting lives and money for oil when we have the technology to create better power sources. Bring all those gorgeous men back to the states, where they should be. Our economy is too bad to look for men without a sense of chivalry.
I hate how obama sends ttroops to a diff country, and then lied about it! what an ass, he’s absolutely the worst president weave ever had, absolutely. even bush was better then him and people hate bush. I think people just voted for him because hes black, tha
The troops go marching in, right left, right left. What can we say to that? Sheer violence in the force of what? Or do they come to protect, to save the innocent? Right, left, right, left. God have mercy. What do we want, what do need? Are they the answer to a prayer or a killing of a sweet hope? Fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, daughters, sons, they all belong to someone. What are they fighting for?
star wars climbinbg to the skies and just picking up the bones of my entired loves. With the spoon of broken grails they smash
The marching was intolerable, sounding with the steady beats constantly and unstoppable. They never stopped tearing the ground, ripping it up with their thick boots, careless of the minor destruction with the thoughts of the destruction to come.
They marched on through the body strewn fields. Screams still echoed around their ears, and their eyes were still blinded by the flash from the bombs. As they looked around at the death and destruction that surrounded them,a light snow began to fall. The fragile flakes dusted the bodies, creating makeshift burials and melted on those “lucky” enough to still be alive. They gazed at the sky with one thought running through their minds. Merry Christmas.
troops. how many in a “troop”? how many soldiers were chasing me down the stairwell in my dream that i had? and why do i have to be so rude sometimes in my dreams? sometimes i give the finger, but in that dream i yelled at my pursuers.
The troops were never going to win fighting this way. Guns in hand, they turned their heads towards the ground and walked home in shame. The caliber of this movement was so great that it would affect generations around the world for years to come.
troops. im reading a book about troops in the Vietnam war right now. its really good. its called the things they carried. they carried a lot of stuff. kinda cool ya know? i feel bad for the troops. dieing for our country and all. I wish they would all come home even though i dont know any of them personally. there cool.
Irag, the war over seas. Citizens from the United States are half way around the world, while I’m sitting here on this damn computer writing about it. Makes me kinda feel like a piece of shit. Thanks a lot weird website, you made me feel crappy.
Troops wear big black leather boots. When I was a trooper in Nam my boots were crackled and worn through on the left toe. My left big toe is remarkably large compared to my right big toe. My boots were precious. I slept clutching them because without them I was lost. No shoes in teh jungle is bad.
i hope our troops all make it home safe, although that is highly doubted to happen. What happened to obamas plan to take our troops home? He is only sending more in. BOOOOO obama!!W#$@%$@#$^@$%&^$&(*^(@!@#!$^%^&
I’ll send in the troops, Sarge. I’m trying to steal another girl’s man. I’m trying not to take any lives while I kick out my roommate. Hey, she did it to me last night. I’m drinking ten gallons of tea and my best friend is smoking clove cigarettes.
with all our troops stuck in iraq right now, many families will be stuck without loved ones this holiday. i do believe that president obama should take troops out of iraq a
Troops protect their nation from those who wish to invade them. Troops don’t necessarily mean good or bad, simply a protector, a military, someone who finds themselves in the face of danger. It’s a shame that so many troops exist in the world today. Would it not be grand if we could just understand? People are so quick judge and destroy what they do not understand.
The troops were sent off to be killed.