no fair! i don’t know what to write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi 3845
twigs are little branches on the trees i love them dearley!
hi 3845
oh my goodness there is a twig
a branch, or bramble
and I’m looking at it, and looking at you
but I just want you near me, so the twig is a distraction,
my reaction to not being able to look you in the eye
so i don’t break down
so you don’t
so this ends better than it ever could otherwise
and god how i miss you
i miss this twig
all of it combines
Kelsey Adair
As I was walking the dogs I saw a precious baby bird sitting every so gently on a twig. He was singing his morning song in the bright morning sun.
Twigs snapped below her feet as she ran for the shed. Her heart was racing as she looked over her shoulder to find James was still behind her and closing in. The shed was the only place that she could be safe.
Twiggy sat at the judges table, looking at the sixteen skinny girls that stood before her. She looked to her left to see her fellow judges. Suddenly, she was no longer a part of the judging. She was a third party, viewing the experience and seeing it completely objectively. It was unsettling. She did not see much beauty. She glanced down at the photo in front of her and sighed.
what meas?
I saw a twig connected to a branch, and that twig had a squirrell hanging from it. I decided to pick up a rock near the twig and make a makeshift hammer. i then proceded to make a kitchen cabinet.
Thomas Melville
snap crackle pop
cereal no
a tramp through the woods on a cool, cloudy day.
Thanks for the soundtrack, twigs!
Damon M.
A twig broke beneath my feet as I made my way across the forest floor, searching for a way out.
A twig fell off the tree. It fell onto me. Oh, what a headache. Now the twig is on the ground and so am I. When will I get up? Then I can throw the twig away. Bye, bye mean twig. This is it for you. You are going in the recycling.
snap, crack
Lone amounst the reeds
Have no regret little thing
to be
left to decay
but for a day
why not do something good
Like start the fire.
your essensce starts it
without you
Heat, warmth, food
would not be possible
So thank you
Little twig.
Twigs come from trees. they are brown and made of wood. The are thin little pieces of trees. they often have leaves on them and they are rough and bumpy but sometimes smooth. they break easily and are green in the center when they are alive and healthy.
Twiggy was a model in the sixties. What is it about being excessively skinny that makes women attractive? It isn’t even a matter of being attractive, but of being fashionable. Twigs aren’t fashionable, but twig women are fashionable. It’s a strange world we live in. I hope Twiggy is proud of the beauty model she espoused.
there one was a twig, who fell from a tree. He wanted to sly, but he could not be free. For gravity was strong and the twig was weak. Grow wings little twig, learn not to be meek.
Jenae Siraco.
a branch in a tree, i am fragile and frail
slightly bent and floating in the wind,
i am a twig
and floating down to the earth
crisp fall breeze, colorful leaves, cool smell of autumn
a twig is a stick. Not too big but kinda slender. It is often used to whip kids with in many cultures. If i had a twig i would use it to float
twiggle wiggle why the fuck am i actully doing this i have to wake up early tomorrow idk what im doing tonight hope its something interesting ahh im tired though blahh
brown little stick on the ground yay little stick where is your mother are you dead you are but a lonely appendage cut off from life at such a young age on the sidewalk now to die
I winced, freezing in place and clenching my eyes shut, praying I hadn’t been heard. The voices inside the cabin – clearly audible through the open window I had been inching my way toward – abruptly stopped. Then:
“Did you hear something?”
twig is part of a branch
it is long and usually bronw
it acts as a highweay to transport chloroplasts
this site is really boring
i cant really think right no
i feel so stupid
this is really boring
what am
I stepped on it. with a crunch and a snap it broke underneath me and I’ve never felt so powerful. Man destroying nature.
Scruffy Herbert
I couldn’t find the answer to the question that was pounding in my head – I stared out the window at the leafless tree, thinking that it’s sorrow was the outward appearance of my soul. How could something so barren hold so many questions?
Ashley M. - Miami
Thin and little like the model.
Twigs fall off the trees. A twig can be a water finder like in Coraline. Yeah!
Twig. It is a part of a tree. So what? Fucking twig girlfriend I can throw your soprano you flake. Fucking two ounce soprano.
growth tattoo
fear, growing old
breaking the norm
black and white
tree. a twig sat on a the leaves that the ground was balnketed by. it was a beautiful fall day and the twig cracked under mayas feet as she stepped on it. the gum wrapper she had dropped on ehr way to school that moring had been picked up by some good samaritan.
still twig?
Some words you just can’t take seriously. Either they sound like something that would follow the phrase eschew obfuscation, or they’re too kiddy to even consider. Twig is one of the latter.
there was a twig upon a tree. that tree was apart of a yard and that yard belonged to a house that held a family. a family who’s story i will begin to tell.
Twigs breaking beneath my feet in the summer sun, I stand on the hill of complexity, surprised to find the simplicity of the cities below. All that work just to find that we had it right from the beginning: live for now.
Luke B
i just twigged that the word twig is twigily :o)
twigs are small branches of lovely trees, swaying in the wind. sometimes twigs have leaves, sometimes not. Often they are inhabited by small creatures…bugs…spiders…the occaisional cocoon…interesting things…twigs…green…brown…woody…twisted…sometimes straight as an arrow…you can chew them…they can keep your teeth clean depending upon the type of wood…they use them in asia for that purpose…
Karen C
a twig can snap
only one will hear it
but by then its already too late
and before he can turn
the wolf already has his neck in a death grip
and soon the sound of snapping is much louder
but its not the twig making that noise..
Shade Sirenwolf
why twitter and not twigger? certainly a better word!
there are Twigs on trees in all sorts of shapes & sizes. Not to mention colour, although these are usually brown and rather bornig. Twigs can also be dangerous if used as weapons or if you fall on one. They are very interesting objects which cause alot of fascination, from all kinds of people from yound to old and animals. Animals use twigs to make homes to create shelter & to survive.
I felt my legs snap, like a twig
I screamed, as I felt his psychotic smile against my neck. I knew he was enjoying every scream of pain I made. It brought him so much pleasure, the way Adolf Hitler liked to kill kittens, or something. I screamed, and I heard his growl of pleasure, which disturbed me like nothing else.
no fair! i don’t know what to write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
twigs are little branches on the trees i love them dearley!
oh my goodness there is a twig
a branch, or bramble
and I’m looking at it, and looking at you
but I just want you near me, so the twig is a distraction,
my reaction to not being able to look you in the eye
so i don’t break down
so you don’t
so this ends better than it ever could otherwise
and god how i miss you
i miss this twig
all of it combines
As I was walking the dogs I saw a precious baby bird sitting every so gently on a twig. He was singing his morning song in the bright morning sun.
Twigs snapped below her feet as she ran for the shed. Her heart was racing as she looked over her shoulder to find James was still behind her and closing in. The shed was the only place that she could be safe.
Twiggy sat at the judges table, looking at the sixteen skinny girls that stood before her. She looked to her left to see her fellow judges. Suddenly, she was no longer a part of the judging. She was a third party, viewing the experience and seeing it completely objectively. It was unsettling. She did not see much beauty. She glanced down at the photo in front of her and sighed.
what meas?
I saw a twig connected to a branch, and that twig had a squirrell hanging from it. I decided to pick up a rock near the twig and make a makeshift hammer. i then proceded to make a kitchen cabinet.
snap crackle pop
cereal no
a tramp through the woods on a cool, cloudy day.
Thanks for the soundtrack, twigs!
A twig broke beneath my feet as I made my way across the forest floor, searching for a way out.
A twig fell off the tree. It fell onto me. Oh, what a headache. Now the twig is on the ground and so am I. When will I get up? Then I can throw the twig away. Bye, bye mean twig. This is it for you. You are going in the recycling.
snap, crack
Lone amounst the reeds
Have no regret little thing
to be
left to decay
but for a day
why not do something good
Like start the fire.
your essensce starts it
without you
Heat, warmth, food
would not be possible
So thank you
Little twig.
Twigs come from trees. they are brown and made of wood. The are thin little pieces of trees. they often have leaves on them and they are rough and bumpy but sometimes smooth. they break easily and are green in the center when they are alive and healthy.
Twiggy was a model in the sixties. What is it about being excessively skinny that makes women attractive? It isn’t even a matter of being attractive, but of being fashionable. Twigs aren’t fashionable, but twig women are fashionable. It’s a strange world we live in. I hope Twiggy is proud of the beauty model she espoused.
there one was a twig, who fell from a tree. He wanted to sly, but he could not be free. For gravity was strong and the twig was weak. Grow wings little twig, learn not to be meek.
a branch in a tree, i am fragile and frail
slightly bent and floating in the wind,
i am a twig
and floating down to the earth
crisp fall breeze, colorful leaves, cool smell of autumn
a twig is a stick. Not too big but kinda slender. It is often used to whip kids with in many cultures. If i had a twig i would use it to float
twiggle wiggle why the fuck am i actully doing this i have to wake up early tomorrow idk what im doing tonight hope its something interesting ahh im tired though blahh
brown little stick on the ground yay little stick where is your mother are you dead you are but a lonely appendage cut off from life at such a young age on the sidewalk now to die
I winced, freezing in place and clenching my eyes shut, praying I hadn’t been heard. The voices inside the cabin – clearly audible through the open window I had been inching my way toward – abruptly stopped. Then:
“Did you hear something?”
twig is part of a branch
it is long and usually bronw
it acts as a highweay to transport chloroplasts
this site is really boring
i cant really think right no
i feel so stupid
this is really boring
what am
I stepped on it. with a crunch and a snap it broke underneath me and I’ve never felt so powerful. Man destroying nature.
I couldn’t find the answer to the question that was pounding in my head – I stared out the window at the leafless tree, thinking that it’s sorrow was the outward appearance of my soul. How could something so barren hold so many questions?
Thin and little like the model.
Twigs fall off the trees. A twig can be a water finder like in Coraline. Yeah!
Twig. It is a part of a tree. So what? Fucking twig girlfriend I can throw your soprano you flake. Fucking two ounce soprano.
growth tattoo
fear, growing old
breaking the norm
black and white
tree. a twig sat on a the leaves that the ground was balnketed by. it was a beautiful fall day and the twig cracked under mayas feet as she stepped on it. the gum wrapper she had dropped on ehr way to school that moring had been picked up by some good samaritan.
still twig?
Some words you just can’t take seriously. Either they sound like something that would follow the phrase eschew obfuscation, or they’re too kiddy to even consider. Twig is one of the latter.
there was a twig upon a tree. that tree was apart of a yard and that yard belonged to a house that held a family. a family who’s story i will begin to tell.
Twigs breaking beneath my feet in the summer sun, I stand on the hill of complexity, surprised to find the simplicity of the cities below. All that work just to find that we had it right from the beginning: live for now.
i just twigged that the word twig is twigily :o)
twigs are small branches of lovely trees, swaying in the wind. sometimes twigs have leaves, sometimes not. Often they are inhabited by small creatures…bugs…spiders…the occaisional cocoon…interesting things…twigs…green…brown…woody…twisted…sometimes straight as an arrow…you can chew them…they can keep your teeth clean depending upon the type of wood…they use them in asia for that purpose…
a twig can snap
only one will hear it
but by then its already too late
and before he can turn
the wolf already has his neck in a death grip
and soon the sound of snapping is much louder
but its not the twig making that noise..
why twitter and not twigger? certainly a better word!
there are Twigs on trees in all sorts of shapes & sizes. Not to mention colour, although these are usually brown and rather bornig. Twigs can also be dangerous if used as weapons or if you fall on one. They are very interesting objects which cause alot of fascination, from all kinds of people from yound to old and animals. Animals use twigs to make homes to create shelter & to survive.
I felt my legs snap, like a twig
I screamed, as I felt his psychotic smile against my neck. I knew he was enjoying every scream of pain I made. It brought him so much pleasure, the way Adolf Hitler liked to kill kittens, or something. I screamed, and I heard his growl of pleasure, which disturbed me like nothing else.