
September 25th, 2009 | 202 Entries

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202 Entries for “twig”

  1. you swine twig!

  2. a term for twitter to do image i think

  3. Kids like to play with the twigs. Pick a twig up. Dig a hole. use as walking stick. Make a little fairy house. There is a whole pile of twig in my

    Chris G
  4. Twig. again. fuck off.

  5. twig. Tree? but small and pretty shit. its a bit dissappointing really. thats spelt wrong. generally, one ignores grammar on the internet, isn’t that interesting? i’ve strayed from the point. twig? the fuck? it really is disappointing. i’m done..

  6. zasasdasdasd

  7. there was a twig and it was brown and I picked it up and spanked Master Loki with it and he was most upset because he’s the Dom and I’m just the little subby girl. He grabbed the twig from me laughed in my face, threw it on the ground and picked up a rotten big stick and proceeded to spank me as hard as I deserved and it was so much fun

  8. I tire of the world. Storms washing over me like wind in the trees.
    Twigs fall to the ground like wasted spaghetti. Can you cook a meal with them?

  9. Twiggy twig. Grow.
    Leafling, greeny friend.
    My garden luscious.
    A verdant delight.

  10. twig twig twig

  11. Twigs on the ground,
    Snap under my feet,
    As I contemplate life,
    And everyone’s problems.

    My problems don’t matter,
    Not at the moment.
    They’re in a straitjacket for now,
    They can’t come out and play.

    My ego is fragile,
    Fragile like a twig,
    Easily broken,
    And so, so small.

    My problems are like trees,
    Big and sturdy,
    With many different parts,
    Which branch off into eternity.

    Considering suicide,
    Many odd times.
    I can’t leave,
    I promised.

    Life is like a twig,
    Short and delicate.
    One false move and,
    -SNAP-, the twig’s broken,
    The life is gone.

    Don’t make me be a twig,
    Let me be a tree.
    Even if I’m stunted and weird,
    At least I won’t break,
    The way I do.

    Twigs can’t do anything,
    They just wait to be broken or bent,
    A tree can grow and branch off.
    A tree can live.

  12. The twig fell on the ground. A little bird came and picked it up. Away flew the twig in the beak of the bird to where the nest was built. And it became part of the materials for building the home for the little ones to come.

  13. We’ll dance all night, and then I’ll take you in my arms, and kiss you beneath the moonlight. Have you Twigged yet? I love you.

  14. what a lovely little twig lying on the ground it must have fallen from that tree but i wonder why? my dog certainly likes it look how he’s picked it up and is chewing it – did he just eat it? i think it’s gone now. good bye little twig!

  15. branches on a tree, get smaller and smaller little twigs like sprouts out of the sides of the branches become brittle in the winter and catch on the children’s clothes when they climb the tree. SNAP!

  16. cover your bold, vit peruk för domarna. gamla människor som tappat håret cancer. sälja hår, färgat hår. så likt som möjligt

  17. Hahaha, little twig men all lined up.
    Who are you playing today? Mama twig doesn’t want to cook tea so Papa twig has to pay to take them out. Not happy.
    Baby twig doesn’t understand why Mama and Papa won’t stop yelling. Three days later it’s twig divorce.
    Too bad, so sad

  18. twig. Ich habe null Ahnung, was das heißen könnte. Es steht im Wörterbuch irgendwo vor twin, Zwilling. Eigentlich müsste es ja sowieso immer twinS heißen, denn ein Zwilling allein ist kein Zwilling. Wenn ich jetzt twig im Wörterbuch suchen müsste, wäre die Zeit vorbei.

  19. its a part of a tree, a small part that has fallen off, it seems lonely there by itself as it was once a part of something so magnificent and almost powerful, it is the pawn of the tree.

  20. twigs are plain versions of twiglets.
    just roast them and smear on some flavour.
    but don’t swallow it whole, like Alex Bailie-Hitchcock did. It hurts.
    even if it is quite fun.

  21. Hänellä oli kaupungin komein peruukki, niin ainakin monet sanoivat, ruskea ja villainen, eikä lainkaan niin haperoitunut ja vanha kuin muilla ei niin kovin

  22. i not a big fan of twigs. i think they’re are but pieces of garbage with no use. on the contrary, however, twigs can be used for certain home economics projects. they can be used as decorations of some sort.

  23. it’s a stick. it’s supposed to be smaller and thinner than a branch. usually, its color is brown

    karen joy alcober
  24. there was a small twig that snapped under my foot as i was sneaking through the woods, i scared for my life as the bear turned his head towards me.

  25. Take a twig, play with it for free
    twigs for you
    twigs for me
    you, me and a twig don’t make a tree
    however two and two just might make three

    take that twig shake it right shake it wrong
    inspiring all sorts of mistakes a twig shouldn’t make

  26. this twig has a berry coming from it! I sure wish i could grow twigs more locally so that I could have twigs and berries all the time! twiggy is not a role model of mine however i do feel that if she had some berries growing from her i would be more interested in what she did for our world other than teach girls about bolemia!

  27. piece of dry grass

  28. snap it
    and feel
    the explosion
    between knuckles
    potential for fire
    in the bones
    of an enemy

  29. Stems, bracnhes, trees. It gets thicker and thicker :O
    You twit! Twig it.

    Heather Syncellia
  30. twitter. pic pig. schwein blume bauernhof christina lager bergfest chris heuschrecke schweinegrippe christinah emsung kleiner flo tanzen leonie nele annnika ignoriern nicht halle sagn mcdonalds

  31. The brown twig sat on the riverbank waiting for a rush of water to carry it away. Wind blew leaves overhead and soil sank deep into the earth as the twig remained stuck. Water gushed next door.

  32. She stared down at the twig below her feet. It’d cracked, giving away her position to the animals just beyond the knoll, hunkered and dripping with their viscous venom. She began to shake – what would become of her if she didn’t flee immediately? On instinct, she froze, unsure of if they truly heard her or not.

  33. A leaf. Understanding. I twig that. But what I don’t understand it too much to write about in one minute. Leaf. Why is my first thought leaf when I see twig? Is twig something I a missing?

  34. A twig fell on the ground. I looked at it aand walked right over it. Then i tripped over the log that was three feet in front of it. I blame the twig for everything.

  35. I hate twigs. some call the boughs, I just read about an apple that was slip in half, hanging from some stupid twig. It sounds like something that should be set on fire. Twig, that is. Fire is the best way to get rid of excess twigs. And trees in general. Green tech isn’t a strong point of mine.

  36. small piece of a tree that has fallen to the ground or easily broken off. not by any means supporting the tree. just hanging around. people pick these up, ‘twigs’, and throw them for dogs sometimes. i do

  37. I dragged it across the fence of that strange lady next door. Just because i knew it would piss her off. She comes outside screaming, “Get out of here you rotten kid.”

    “Go to hell you old hag!” I cry.

    Just a small eight year old boy screaming at an elderly widow.

    Just unsure how someone could be so decrepit and horrifying.

    What matter of life made her look like this. And at eight years old, with a broken home my only way to reach out became an invitation to my hell.

  38. i saw a twig lying on the ground. it was a lonely twig. i could not see any trees around and this greatly confused me. i wondered why anyone would be so horrible as to separate this poor lonely twig from its abundant family. i’ll be your family mr. twig.

    Pargat Singh
  39. As she stepped on a twig, she knew the man had heard her, but she had to see more. SHe had to see if it really was hime, if it really was the man she loved.

  40. there fucking twigs everywhere what the hell is going on with all theses twigs where did they come from?
