
January 13th, 2009 | 472 Entries

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472 Entries for “veins”

  1. red disgusting things…blue.
    thick in your hand
    and all over your body.
    incredible realli
    mine move in my hand when i get too hot.
    veins actually keepp you alive …connect to your heart and pump blood around your entire body.
    i like them now.
    now ive though about it.
    hahah…this is well wieird.
    everything single person has that.

  2. they stick out in your leg as a reminder of pain and aging. through them floats your thoughts and desires, as they pulse inside you. as you age everyone can see them and their repulsive qualities.
  3. Veins are gross. They’re all purple and slimy and gross. I once had a dream that I was swimming through my own veins. It was disgusting. People have heart attacks because their veins are too tight.

  4. Your love has taken hold of me
    Liquid pulses flowing through my veins
    Heartbeats producing melodic tunes
    Breaths that silence any resistance

    LynnArts (Jen M)
  5. He held her hand and traced the veins that were visible on her wrist. Such a simple touch — but knowing that just under his fingers flowed the substance that kept her alive made him very thankful for those healthy veins.

  6. tress. bark.
    it hurts.
    my legs. my heart. my body.
    this is all kinds of pain and hurt
    life flowing through the rivers of blood and nutrients. i am a sicko. my heart will not stop hurting. is it her? or is it me? this is the question and i have no idea what the answer is.
    is it her? or is it me?
    i just want to know.
    because this weight on my heart is really starting to hurt. a lot. i mean seriously. i don’t know if i can take much more of this. ouch! and well. . .
    but i am stronger than this. at least i should be. i am tough. i am okay. i need to be okay. and good things have been happening also. new roommate and stuff. and class soon. and well, life is an amazing thing. i just need my heart to stop hurting right now!!!!
    it is just to much.
    i need to let go

  7. there are many veins of thought. varicose veins. veins in the earth filled with ore. this vein veinous. lots of veins. i wonder how many veins there are in the human body? wonder if anyone knows.

  8. why do i always get “veins”? this word and the word “penis” has 4 words in common, man! this is so stupid. lalalalalala. i hate veins and penisses, lalaa! okay.

    Marcel Enge
  9. ………

  10. Veins are the tunnels at which blood flows through the human beings. They transport oxygen, in the blood, to muscles in the body, such as the heart and the brain.

  11. they had to see my viens because i was dying
    of the virus that i had in my viens i am
    not sure if iam going to make in time
    to live .

    carlos juarez
  12. my veins are evergreen: my skin is too thin to hide it!

  13. I struck Verne a third time and he went down, crashing hard on the wooden floor. The boards creaked as I snuck closer to inspect the body. Verne’s eyes were wide, his mouth bloodied and locked in a horrified gape. He hadn’t known this day was coming, but should have. Nobody messes with my saved Xbox games. Nobody.

  14. I could feel it in my veins, I was losing myself and grabbing thin air to survive this moment, suspended in total fear.

  15. the veins in his head looked like they were going to burst through his skin. Sweat trickled from the point of hichin and his eyes were squeezed so tightly shut that the feature nearly disappeared from his face. How was he goinng to get out of this mess – how was he ever going to get out?

  16. Yesterday my veins were poping out if my head. Because i was angry at my older brother.I was angry because had broke my favorite games.So i forvage him beacuse it was an acident.

    adrian ramos
  17. One time my sister got so mad at me she was banging at the window and she suddenly broke the glass and whenever I came to here I saw all of her viens and I almost threw up.We rushed her to the hospital and she recovered it just a few weeks.

    Grigor Nargizyan
  18. one day i got realy mad of my brother i was so furiouse that i saw my veins pop my veins poped out i saw green,red,blur,purple color veins .then my brother got scared because he saw mt veins poping out. then he realized that i was feriouse so he backed away and left me alone.

  19. my veins were popping out when i put my fist hard. one of my friends said my veins are colored blue.

  20. my veins were popping out when i put my fist hard. one of my friends said my veins are colored blue.

  21. The veins on the leaf were thick and ever-so-slightly darker than the flesh itself of the leaf. I swear the tree felt my blood pulsing through her ancient veins as I held tightly to her solid trunk, the two of us becoming one.

  22. The blood coursing through my veins is powerfully charged with lustful feelings for you. Every time I see you, it gets a little kick. There is nothing I can do to stop it or slow it down. It is just there, and so I feel it rushing, every day.

  23. veins blue veins IV, hospitals, losing blood, veins run throughout almost every living creature commonly known to man (not being too literal) transfer blood to and from the heart to be pumped back out clean and detoxified. warm blooded animals, cold blooded animals. I don’t enj

  24. the veins in her arms stood out. they made her feel young and strong again, like she did when she had swam in high school. Her veins had stood out then, too; but then it was because of her sinewy, compact, supine muscles, rippling under her satin skin.

  25. my veins pulsed throughout my body.
    sick vitreous fluid suffocating the pig that lie on her doorstep.
    free association flowing out like blue blood that needs some air.
    air like a mailbox.
    air like jordan.
    those lady’s legs, that man’s forehead. all tells times of stress, age, history. and so it goes, s

  26. why is it that in the united states as educated as we consider ourselves so many of you don’t question it don’t think about the other sides story when our government decides to demonize them in order to make it ok to kill them or take something else like natural resources or land from them. If we are so educated as a country why do we not question our government as anyone concerned with the state their country is in should do.

  27. Her veins were filled with blood. So were her arteries I suppose, but those aren’t the ones you can see. She didn’t have huge veins, not like a body builder, but neither were they tiny and delicate. They were just little hoses full of blood. This is the weird shit you notice when you’re a vampire who hasn’t eaten enough lately.

  28. veicose veins are the bane of my existence. There is always the underlying ache I carry around. You think they are not there, that there is nothing but the ugliness but always that constant ache. It affects everything I do. It can limit your physical ability to do the things your mind says you can do… but always they are there, aching and painful. But is the surgery worth another type of pain? to trade one for the other? will it work? will it last? or after all that will you just be in pain again?

  29. they hurt when i sit for long periods of time, so i don’t really like mine.. but when he lifts something heavy, i can see his running like green streams under his tanned skin and i love those. it’s so much different from mine. without mine i’ll actually wear a shorter skirt, but i guess it all happened for a reason… or i hope so.

  30. As i sat there on the couch my veins started coming out of my body, When i realized they werent going to stop, I started to sob while wanting to just die already.

  31. I have no veins. And, even if I had, I could no longer tell you what is inside. I have forgotten who I am or maybe even who I could be. I wish I knew. I wish I knew. Who I was…

  32. my veins are burning. through the floodgates i open and i am not what i thought i was. disappointment. i didn’t plan this and i never would have. god i am so fucking sorry.

  33. ┫   | |   ┣┓ ┏┓post every day >_>
    ┗┫━━ ┃ ━━┣┛ ┣┫   ┃ ━━━━━ ┃┏┳┫┣┳┓
     ┗━━┳━┳━━┛┃    ┃

  34. blue, red and altogether perfect. yours lie somewhere beneath your chest, letting life course through your heart. ensuring one more step, one more kiss.

  35. The water coursed through veins like ice in a tube, barely moving at all. He sat on the cliff, his head down, the bull below him, the world behind him. He stood, his legs popping and bucking and leapt from the cliff. Arms out and head up he dove toward the end of life, ice water in his veins.

    AJ Brown
  36. This blood in my veins is filled with her poison. She came to me and offered me love but all she left me with was this pain. These veins are losing the life that carried me for so long. Instead these veins are black and slowed.

    Jason Smithq
  37. his veins bulged out the side of his neck as he strained to lift the heavy log off his best friend, he didn’t know where the strength came from, but he knew he has to save his friends life

  38. through the veins of my ansestors, the blood of the redlands ran. the blue blood of the darkness that created this world and embedded it with the evil it contains now.

  39. dirty bloods running throuh my veins… yesterday i was dirty, today i was dirty.

  40. The dappled light glowed through the skin of the leaves, shadows shifting back and forth according to the whims of the gentle breeze. The veins, the frame, the givers and ultimate tendrils of the great tree stood out in sharp contrast in the crisp spring sunshine.

    Mark Clarke