
September 4th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “viking”

  1. Viking, fur cloak and salt-toughened skin, looking to the horizon, eyes sharp, looking for treasure, looking for violence, looking for glory, Valhalla can never rest in peace

  2. They said the wind rustled the leaves free in the exact moment our lips touched. We might have lost a guy in a different cabin, we might have lost a child in the hills. Three thoughtful years went by as we planned a most glorious feast.

  3. A viking is a soldier, fighter, live On hardhet conditions. I am a viking, love for family. Traveller, missionary. Thought Of God

    John Eide
  4. This one’s easy, tall, broad shouldered blue eyes and long fait haired. Whilst s/he used to wear this long hair in pigtails, have a metal hat (without horns, but always with in the cartoons) and rape and pillage, nowadays your Viking will be well educated erudite socially aware and take themselves rather seriously whilst being delightful and courteous company. Long live the Viking!

  5. testing.

  6. The viking ruins were spread out over a hilltop, with a view of the sea and the forest surrounding the base of the hill. She imaged the battles to secure such a site, but now it was peaceful.
