Virtual reality was a vision back in the 20th century, but don’t be fooled — I believed it was dreamed up by the forefathers such as Issac Newton and Aristotle, but they dared not utter them. Plato wrote down his deepest desires of a far-off land were information and people connect. Or at least, I get that hunch from grandpa’s stories; his narrative style was just so interesting.
I once again flipped through his journal. The pages turned yellow and there were several rips and tears. But the words legible.
I cleared my throat, read aloud a passage that I found useful, stopped, reflected and continued.
Gouldin Lion
Politicians are shit. They use all forms of bullshit media and propoganda to deter us from being realistically, human, sensible human beings. they take away our choices, or minds, our lives. and what are we left with? virtually nothing
Jean Gergard Respeluex
reality splits
we burnin some spliffs
let it go
dont you know.
tron is an awful, awful movie. the only element of that movie that i have ever gained any sort of enlightenment or pleasure from was being totally done with the space invaders level on kingdom hearts two. while the trailer for the new tron movie was…okay, honestly. time to start trying harder disney…
Ernest Francois Bretodeaux
algo intangible y fascinante
virtual reality. what is real and what is not? the internet, the web, the connections we have with false idols and falser friends. good bad and ugly? yes. its inevitable. the virtual life will get us all.
I think virtual reality can be a really scary place as it can cause the fantasy to coincide with reality.
It’s unreal. Not intangible, but unreal. Unlike darkness, unlike light, unlike other, perfectly explainable phenomena. It’s an element that adds to something, even in it’s intangibility. Ironic, really.
Why can’t anything ever be real anymore? It’s all become so fake, and I don’t mean to sound so hipster but like, wow, nothing is really REAL anymore. It’s all fake. Emotions that aren’t real. Virtual everything. Virtual people with virtual hearts.
It was like he was in a virtual reality or something. Everything seemed real and fake at the same time. All the people that were supposed to be there were, but something about them. He just couldn’t place it. They weren’t who they usually were. It’s like they were all 2-d.
Terry Hutchins
Oh, correspondence. Oh, silly little pixels marching in a row. Oh, meaningless messages on blindingly blank screens. Oh, technology.
Oh, how you’re tearing my friends to pieces and serving them to me in the form of .jpg TV-dinner servings.
something is and is not at the same time
in the virtual world nothing is real. you can be talking to someone but that conversation is so different than you would have it in real life. everything that happens gives you time to think so you can be smart and funny and not embarass yourself-like what frequently happens to me…
virtual reality
virtaul ? wtf man, wtf.
idk. O’m just wtf. Am I stoned ? Yes. Sorry mom. I did love you. WTF, BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I’m outttt. buhyyy
Virtual world. The virtual world is my world, my safe zone, my sanctuary. Is that sad? Maybe.
How do we know if our reality is reality? I mean, we have created a virtual reality, so maybe our reality is something that someone else had created…
i think of virtual reality rides like the ones they have at the maryland state fair. or at universal studioes, i really like the one for back to the future. The one for ET is cool too. it also kind of makes me think of the matrix and that whole deal which confuses me.
It is not real.
Real…sort of. Hmm, never looked this word up before, I’ll have to do that so maybe I can right something correct. K, this is a boring post sorry :). I’ll do better next time.
this is not reality. it s a farce. what you see can deceive you, so don’t believe that you can understand what it is. what morals in these times we have crumble and fade.
is an adjective for stuff we cannot actually see. or we do, but in a totally different way. a more complex reality
there is a virtual world out there that allows for people to explore alot of areas of thier life that they would not otherwise explore. I know i enjoy all that i have been introduced to through the virtual world and I am not sure what i would do with out it at this point…Virtual
can you see me? all these blue boxes sorrounding me. i am virtualie here i am not. i dont know where im going and i certainly dont have many thoughts. about direction, or some sense of knowing. i am virtual, still virtualie growing.
Kinsey Shoemake
viewing thinking imaging unreal illusion
a simulation, a world where nothing is real, but perhaps cyber-like. Most think of video games i think of a alternate universe where anything is possible, an escape from reality…
Jordan Sears
reality. hobbies. life. Virtual sucks. Experience reality. Experience real life. Do not settle for imitation. Find the real people. Meet them; touch oneanother.
it is a state of existence where the reality of things is largfely in question. there are many kinds of virtual realities that have been generated over the last generation or so, some would say that the reality that we live in is the one which is the pigment of our imagination and what is called generically the virtual reality is the truth in itself. this concept can be seen in a lot of mainstream movies.
sibi arasu
The virtual world is becoming more and more important in our daily lives. Everywhere you go. Everything you do. Everyone you know. They are all slowly becoming replaced by more and more virtual interaction. Why go to the store when you can buy online? Why hang with friend when you can just myspace? We are losing our humanity.
not real
reality is a the process of being alive. it is what we think what we react and everything that encompasses who we are. we cannot escape it, we cannot hide from it, we can only try and forget it, we can only begin to fathom our roles in this universe and that scares us. it scares us so much that we dive deep into our own problems to try and get away from it.
virtual dreams
virtual reality….
they’re all the same and so different in the end
can we find a way to be virtualy broken
only for once
Virtual reality is so cool.
Virtual reality was a vision back in the 20th century, but don’t be fooled — I believed it was dreamed up by the forefathers such as Issac Newton and Aristotle, but they dared not utter them. Plato wrote down his deepest desires of a far-off land were information and people connect. Or at least, I get that hunch from grandpa’s stories; his narrative style was just so interesting.
I once again flipped through his journal. The pages turned yellow and there were several rips and tears. But the words legible.
I cleared my throat, read aloud a passage that I found useful, stopped, reflected and continued.
Politicians are shit. They use all forms of bullshit media and propoganda to deter us from being realistically, human, sensible human beings. they take away our choices, or minds, our lives. and what are we left with? virtually nothing
reality splits
we burnin some spliffs
let it go
dont you know.
tron is an awful, awful movie. the only element of that movie that i have ever gained any sort of enlightenment or pleasure from was being totally done with the space invaders level on kingdom hearts two. while the trailer for the new tron movie was…okay, honestly. time to start trying harder disney…
algo intangible y fascinante
virtual reality. what is real and what is not? the internet, the web, the connections we have with false idols and falser friends. good bad and ugly? yes. its inevitable. the virtual life will get us all.
I think virtual reality can be a really scary place as it can cause the fantasy to coincide with reality.
It’s unreal. Not intangible, but unreal. Unlike darkness, unlike light, unlike other, perfectly explainable phenomena. It’s an element that adds to something, even in it’s intangibility. Ironic, really.
Why can’t anything ever be real anymore? It’s all become so fake, and I don’t mean to sound so hipster but like, wow, nothing is really REAL anymore. It’s all fake. Emotions that aren’t real. Virtual everything. Virtual people with virtual hearts.
It was like he was in a virtual reality or something. Everything seemed real and fake at the same time. All the people that were supposed to be there were, but something about them. He just couldn’t place it. They weren’t who they usually were. It’s like they were all 2-d.
Oh, correspondence. Oh, silly little pixels marching in a row. Oh, meaningless messages on blindingly blank screens. Oh, technology.
Oh, how you’re tearing my friends to pieces and serving them to me in the form of .jpg TV-dinner servings.
something is and is not at the same time
in the virtual world nothing is real. you can be talking to someone but that conversation is so different than you would have it in real life. everything that happens gives you time to think so you can be smart and funny and not embarass yourself-like what frequently happens to me…
virtual reality
virtaul ? wtf man, wtf.
idk. O’m just wtf. Am I stoned ? Yes. Sorry mom. I did love you. WTF, BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I’m outttt. buhyyy
Virtual world. The virtual world is my world, my safe zone, my sanctuary. Is that sad? Maybe.
How do we know if our reality is reality? I mean, we have created a virtual reality, so maybe our reality is something that someone else had created…
virtual reality, virtual conformity, virtual stigmatism
virtual treatyism
virtual virtues, virtual decrees, virtial limitless
i think of virtual reality rides like the ones they have at the maryland state fair. or at universal studioes, i really like the one for back to the future. The one for ET is cool too. it also kind of makes me think of the matrix and that whole deal which confuses me.
It is not real.
Real…sort of. Hmm, never looked this word up before, I’ll have to do that so maybe I can right something correct. K, this is a boring post sorry :). I’ll do better next time.
this is not reality. it s a farce. what you see can deceive you, so don’t believe that you can understand what it is. what morals in these times we have crumble and fade.
is an adjective for stuff we cannot actually see. or we do, but in a totally different way. a more complex reality
there is a virtual world out there that allows for people to explore alot of areas of thier life that they would not otherwise explore. I know i enjoy all that i have been introduced to through the virtual world and I am not sure what i would do with out it at this point…Virtual
can you see me? all these blue boxes sorrounding me. i am virtualie here i am not. i dont know where im going and i certainly dont have many thoughts. about direction, or some sense of knowing. i am virtual, still virtualie growing.
viewing thinking imaging unreal illusion
a simulation, a world where nothing is real, but perhaps cyber-like. Most think of video games i think of a alternate universe where anything is possible, an escape from reality…
reality. hobbies. life. Virtual sucks. Experience reality. Experience real life. Do not settle for imitation. Find the real people. Meet them; touch oneanother.
it is a state of existence where the reality of things is largfely in question. there are many kinds of virtual realities that have been generated over the last generation or so, some would say that the reality that we live in is the one which is the pigment of our imagination and what is called generically the virtual reality is the truth in itself. this concept can be seen in a lot of mainstream movies.
The virtual world is becoming more and more important in our daily lives. Everywhere you go. Everything you do. Everyone you know. They are all slowly becoming replaced by more and more virtual interaction. Why go to the store when you can buy online? Why hang with friend when you can just myspace? We are losing our humanity.
not real
reality is a the process of being alive. it is what we think what we react and everything that encompasses who we are. we cannot escape it, we cannot hide from it, we can only try and forget it, we can only begin to fathom our roles in this universe and that scares us. it scares us so much that we dive deep into our own problems to try and get away from it.
virtual dreams
virtual reality….
they’re all the same and so different in the end
can we find a way to be virtualy broken
only for once