Virtual reality is a means of being somewhere that you arent and in a place that does not exist enjoy it by all means but do not think that it means anything
virtual is something that is there but isnt, it is a 3dimensional thing on a 3dimnesional surface its great. i like the virtual
Ollie parkhouse
i think about computers and animation. i think about unrealistic landscapes. i see digital rolling hills and mechanical people moving around. i think of a world without financial problems, or health issues, or murder. i think of a world where everything is beneficial and everything works together.
It was an almost reality, a near reality, a close reality. There was a realness, a solidity, and verisimilitude. It was real-like, real-ish, realistic. No question this was almost what I was used to in my waking hours. Somewhat like a dream but not too much. Somewhat like a movie but not too much. Somewhat like a reverie, a vision, or flashback. But not. Not too much. More it was like a reality. Not any reality. The familiar. The accepted. The true. But it wasn’t. Not really. Not true. Not accepted. Not familiar. It was false. It was virtual reality.
reality. girl. man there was this girl, I swear she had pink ones on. but, no matter, the viscosity. let them pixels infiltrate the vision of biomechanical script. infuse you life with dolls. make a ritual o being virtual anywhere you are. la virtu. be virtuous and you will be virtual. it is not viral tu, its virtual, you.
scott a
Virtual reality is a place where nobody has a name. Only screennames. No faces. Only screenfaces. No hair. Only screen hair. It seems more or less the same. It’s hard to believe that though.
it’s virtual love. online or virtual, never mind. they never met in person, but they no one another virtually
You hear of virtual realitys, something that is out of this world, that can exist in a parellel universe. It has been proven that some people prefer these virtual lifes to thier own. E.g. a website named “life”, has surreal happenings, love, life, beauty, etc…all the things you crave for in reality.
I’m virtually finished. If I don’t get this dissertation in, I don’t know what I will do. A Masters degree was never a guarantee of anything at all other than that I wouldn’t sink. At least I could tread water with it firmly in the bag. Now I’m going to sink below the surface. Slowly into somewhere dark…
virtual design is an imporatant thing to all artists. You can design vidio games or paintings, but what ever you do HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Virtual design is something that is important to everyday life as we know it. Word.
Virtual reality vs. actual reality…who could choose virtual over real?? A real hand hold, a real conversation, a real kiss…seems pretty clear to me.
virutal is the reality none of us could make for ourselves. the reality that we can fly away with when we become that other person. the person we want to be. so why not make virtual you. why not be the other person you are in the virtual world?
Virtual is a word thatadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsadfdfsfsd
cyber, interactive, unreal, unimaginative
Reneshia Shumate
world reality fake
virtue and virtual, what is that connection doyou suppose? living outside ourselves, without the physical need and limit, we find it easier to also know virtue?
Es gibt mich nicht. Du kennst mich. Trotzdem bin ich blosser Schein. Ich mache Dich krank, ich mache Dich gl
There is a reality that is outside of our realm of comprehension, likened to that of Willy Wonka wherein the boy is transferred by breaking up into particles and making his way into the tv. There are gorillas there and it is scary and surreal like Dali’s melting clocks, but it is science. And it is reserved for dorks, computer engineers, and smart people. Virtually, very few.
somethin that is not rea. but gives u the experience not availablke in real life. fun.
a fake vast area, wich can be filled with reality or computer programed reality! can be joyful, love full, painful, and deprresing
Virtual is a word of our time, but why on earth would anyone want to experience something virtually. Honestly, isn’t it better to fully experience something with all our senses, to fully engage in life.
virtual makes me think about the electronic world in which we live. texting, facebook, email, weather, and bus times… I can’t really live without my virtual life. I have a lot of trouble thinking what it must have been like to live just 20 years ago (I’m only 21!) when these things were not so prevalent. it’s almost kind of depressing how dependent on virtual realty my generation is.
world where i want to be. everything just peaceful, calm and quiet. Maybe a heaven? my kind of heaven. But still alive. not dead. not in the ground. very much here in my own peace doing what makes me happy. helping others. in my world. loving what i do. doing it until and die and reach another heaven.
All of the worlds in my head, all the realities I carry under my hair, all the lives I inhale walking down the street – how do I force my real body to desribe these virtualities?
it’s a virtual world we’re living in these days, filled with all sorts of virtual things, who knows what tomorrow will bring with more and more spiral rings spinning around our furry little heads. One of these days we’ll wake up as virtual beings, wondering what happened to all the substance in our legs.
I was in this virtual space… looked at my hands and then my body. I was covered in a suit and I looked through my eyes and saw that I had to complete this voyage to save the world there was no other way then to continue my journey though this crazy world.
Rebecca Marquez
Reality? I don’t know. It seem to me that these things can’t really be real. But–what if they were?
I would want to go into a virtual reality where I’m skinny as fuck and run every day. A virtual reality where I’m really quite happy with my body and the life I live. Today I am making a stand. I will make that virtual reality become, simply, my reality.
unique unseen unworldly computer fake hidden unreal optimistic play games
Jade Emch
virtual reality. Where i’d rather be right now. There’s virtually nothing in the world any more, everything has moved to a virtual realm. Commmunication, socialization, even love to an extent.
Roberta tilted her head up and took in the view. She saw mountains – beautiful and snowy. As she neared them she realized she didn’t feel the snow; nothing was real. She was in a virtual world.
an amazing gift can be given by yopur own, just share it, with ypur friends and loved ones
Ena felt as if she had stepped into some semi-virtual world where movie monster walked in the daylight and yet she still somehow breathed and walked and brushed her teeth. It did not seem possible, and yet it was reality. Or she had gone insane. She did not feel confident in which option she hoped for.
our relationship died because of this new world technology. everything’s artificial. i miss you. i hurt. i never know what to expect from you, when you’ll respond. come back to me, write to me. i loathe the virtual.
virtual…think of games and movies and anything having to do with crazy adventurous deeds. up, down, side to side, adventure is everywhere and you need no smarts to become an adventurer in the virtual world
Kelsey Reyer
i think of not really having any real contact with people anymore. i dont think ive said, in person, what ive felt in a long time because it always seems easier to say it through the computer. i have more virtual friends than real ones.
modern techno
virtual hugs. just because i cant reach you other side of the world im sending you everything virtual. virtual hugs virtual kiss virtual smile and even you are near just because i cant i have to virtual.
glasses make me lonelier everyday.
Virtual reality is a means of being somewhere that you arent and in a place that does not exist enjoy it by all means but do not think that it means anything
virtual is something that is there but isnt, it is a 3dimensional thing on a 3dimnesional surface its great. i like the virtual
i think about computers and animation. i think about unrealistic landscapes. i see digital rolling hills and mechanical people moving around. i think of a world without financial problems, or health issues, or murder. i think of a world where everything is beneficial and everything works together.
It was an almost reality, a near reality, a close reality. There was a realness, a solidity, and verisimilitude. It was real-like, real-ish, realistic. No question this was almost what I was used to in my waking hours. Somewhat like a dream but not too much. Somewhat like a movie but not too much. Somewhat like a reverie, a vision, or flashback. But not. Not too much. More it was like a reality. Not any reality. The familiar. The accepted. The true. But it wasn’t. Not really. Not true. Not accepted. Not familiar. It was false. It was virtual reality.
reality. girl. man there was this girl, I swear she had pink ones on. but, no matter, the viscosity. let them pixels infiltrate the vision of biomechanical script. infuse you life with dolls. make a ritual o being virtual anywhere you are. la virtu. be virtuous and you will be virtual. it is not viral tu, its virtual, you.
Virtual reality is a place where nobody has a name. Only screennames. No faces. Only screenfaces. No hair. Only screen hair. It seems more or less the same. It’s hard to believe that though.
it’s virtual love. online or virtual, never mind. they never met in person, but they no one another virtually
You hear of virtual realitys, something that is out of this world, that can exist in a parellel universe. It has been proven that some people prefer these virtual lifes to thier own. E.g. a website named “life”, has surreal happenings, love, life, beauty, etc…all the things you crave for in reality.
I’m virtually finished. If I don’t get this dissertation in, I don’t know what I will do. A Masters degree was never a guarantee of anything at all other than that I wouldn’t sink. At least I could tread water with it firmly in the bag. Now I’m going to sink below the surface. Slowly into somewhere dark…
virtual design is an imporatant thing to all artists. You can design vidio games or paintings, but what ever you do HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Virtual design is something that is important to everyday life as we know it. Word.
Virtual reality vs. actual reality…who could choose virtual over real?? A real hand hold, a real conversation, a real kiss…seems pretty clear to me.
virutal is the reality none of us could make for ourselves. the reality that we can fly away with when we become that other person. the person we want to be. so why not make virtual you. why not be the other person you are in the virtual world?
Virtual is a word thatadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsadfdfsfsd
cyber, interactive, unreal, unimaginative
world reality fake
virtue and virtual, what is that connection doyou suppose? living outside ourselves, without the physical need and limit, we find it easier to also know virtue?
Es gibt mich nicht. Du kennst mich. Trotzdem bin ich blosser Schein. Ich mache Dich krank, ich mache Dich gl
There is a reality that is outside of our realm of comprehension, likened to that of Willy Wonka wherein the boy is transferred by breaking up into particles and making his way into the tv. There are gorillas there and it is scary and surreal like Dali’s melting clocks, but it is science. And it is reserved for dorks, computer engineers, and smart people. Virtually, very few.
somethin that is not rea. but gives u the experience not availablke in real life. fun.
a fake vast area, wich can be filled with reality or computer programed reality! can be joyful, love full, painful, and deprresing
Virtual is a word of our time, but why on earth would anyone want to experience something virtually. Honestly, isn’t it better to fully experience something with all our senses, to fully engage in life.
virtual makes me think about the electronic world in which we live. texting, facebook, email, weather, and bus times… I can’t really live without my virtual life. I have a lot of trouble thinking what it must have been like to live just 20 years ago (I’m only 21!) when these things were not so prevalent. it’s almost kind of depressing how dependent on virtual realty my generation is.
world where i want to be. everything just peaceful, calm and quiet. Maybe a heaven? my kind of heaven. But still alive. not dead. not in the ground. very much here in my own peace doing what makes me happy. helping others. in my world. loving what i do. doing it until and die and reach another heaven.
All of the worlds in my head, all the realities I carry under my hair, all the lives I inhale walking down the street – how do I force my real body to desribe these virtualities?
it’s a virtual world we’re living in these days, filled with all sorts of virtual things, who knows what tomorrow will bring with more and more spiral rings spinning around our furry little heads. One of these days we’ll wake up as virtual beings, wondering what happened to all the substance in our legs.
I was in this virtual space… looked at my hands and then my body. I was covered in a suit and I looked through my eyes and saw that I had to complete this voyage to save the world there was no other way then to continue my journey though this crazy world.
Reality? I don’t know. It seem to me that these things can’t really be real. But–what if they were?
I would want to go into a virtual reality where I’m skinny as fuck and run every day. A virtual reality where I’m really quite happy with my body and the life I live. Today I am making a stand. I will make that virtual reality become, simply, my reality.
unique unseen unworldly computer fake hidden unreal optimistic play games
virtual reality. Where i’d rather be right now. There’s virtually nothing in the world any more, everything has moved to a virtual realm. Commmunication, socialization, even love to an extent.
Roberta tilted her head up and took in the view. She saw mountains – beautiful and snowy. As she neared them she realized she didn’t feel the snow; nothing was real. She was in a virtual world.
an amazing gift can be given by yopur own, just share it, with ypur friends and loved ones
Ena felt as if she had stepped into some semi-virtual world where movie monster walked in the daylight and yet she still somehow breathed and walked and brushed her teeth. It did not seem possible, and yet it was reality. Or she had gone insane. She did not feel confident in which option she hoped for.
our relationship died because of this new world technology. everything’s artificial. i miss you. i hurt. i never know what to expect from you, when you’ll respond. come back to me, write to me. i loathe the virtual.
virtual…think of games and movies and anything having to do with crazy adventurous deeds. up, down, side to side, adventure is everywhere and you need no smarts to become an adventurer in the virtual world
i think of not really having any real contact with people anymore. i dont think ive said, in person, what ive felt in a long time because it always seems easier to say it through the computer. i have more virtual friends than real ones.
modern techno
virtual hugs. just because i cant reach you other side of the world im sending you everything virtual. virtual hugs virtual kiss virtual smile and even you are near just because i cant i have to virtual.