it is a awesome word and it is so cool I do not know what it is monkey
games that is like a fun real game for fun a little kid that has been bad all the time
computer hollogrham what ever robot video games himrs gergosian
it is confusing it is awesome what is the word what does it mean.
to be a possibility of something
Filler word. Void of meaning in itself. Try these…
It’s “virtually” free! What the hell does that mean?!
I’m virtually married. Oh really?
What is it i have no idea what it is so I can’t write to much about it. I think that this word is weird.
computers video game internet windows
computers. cleverbot. websites.
squirtual, circular space – making time for the unreal. up to no good in your mind. almost, almost
almost there.
In a virtual world, one can only ponder existence before reaching a solipsistic conclusion. Perhaps a depressing result, but at least the individual exists. There is a world. There is man. Or is there?
It always seemed more real to me than reality. I thought that this was a utopian paradise. It looked like the real thing, smelled like the real thing and even, often, tasted like the real thing.
virtual: here we are, trapped by the virtual trap. the virtual world. no connection. no respite. connected but with no heart or soul. without feeling. cold. no emotion. yet oddly comforting. virtual is necessary, yet evil.
Dean Cromwell
non existent yet existing,
a dream made real through the belief of mind
substitute for reality
that sometimes may exceed it
as it is perfect in its non-existence
virtual insanity
in a virtual world we live. standing breathing thinking smelling. no understanding f any other world but the one we are in. simple. quick. intricate. complicate. fast. blows past us with no wind. trying to penetrate the virtual walls. we are stuck. get me out I’m stumbling, suffocating for air
Virtual worlds are fun. i don’t really think that virtually everyone plays them, not everyone likes them. but they are fun they are a great way to release some stress to get away from everything that is stressing you out. they help you to just escape reality for a while.
virtual. it’s what’s around virtual. what’s not around. virtual. what we imagine and hope for. it’s virtual. it’s what’s not around, what is around. virtual is love, is friendship. virtual. virtual. virtual. it’s virtually everything you could ever image.
Virtual reality comes to mind. Jamiroquai’s song Virtual Insanity does, too. I can’t think of anything clever or witty to write about this word. I really need to be writing in my NaNoWriMo novel. I just use this to prime the creative pump. I need to stop procrastinating.
The virtual reality setting was nausea-inducing, as Tom’s body had trouble reacting to what his eyes showed him.
my reality does not exist in the normal sense. everything i say or do is filtered through a computer simulation. my body is no longer. my brain sits in a room full of detached brains – one of many – in a warehouse in Detroit.
She opened her eyes, the helmet was gone. she could see a massive land scape green, deep emeraled grasses streched across her vision. she breathed in deep and welcomed herself to her virtual life.
she opened her eyes the helmet was gone. she could see a massive land scape green deep emeraled grasses streched across her vision. she breathed in deep and welcomed herself to her virtual life.
I have a virtual social life. I go out and have friends and enjoy being around people but all that activity somehow seems outside of myself. I am a mom and live in a rural small town full of retirees and young families and I feel like that should be my “real” life and that anything outside that should be inconsequential. So anytime I am social I find that I adopt something of a persona and then return to the real me when I return to my idyllic home life. And of course, this means that I suffer no consequences from my actions in my virtual life.
The reality was virtual. It had to be, it was the only explantion and conclusion that she could come to without her brain imploding. It wasn’t real. He wasn’t really bleeding on the floor, she wasn’t really helpless to do anything about it, and somewhre out in the real world, she was safe and HE was safe and even if they were nowhere near each other, at least he was alive and that was all that mattered. She felt her heart rate accellerating, hammering wildly in her chest, and wondered how long it would take before she started to scream.
Virtual reality. Real but not real. Any virtues in virtual reality.
Chris G
The virtual dating world is amazing.
ajsdkjasdkda. i was not thinking. i was just writing
There was a time when I was afraid of computers. Why? Because of a little book about Garfield that I received as a gift when I was maybe 10 or 11. This was a selection of short stories designed to be scary. They weren’t, not really. But one still stands out in my mind and that is the one where the computer at a hotel took over everyone’s mind. For years I thought the same might happen to me.
K.L. Pfaff
I am good at virtual writing, but when it comes to real execution I suck.
worlds live forever seem almost real fun and no consequences do anything go anywhere jump off a buidling without a care in the world and this is the best feeling of all – real-ly
I am laying in a virtual world.
My drive feels floppy,
Women laugh at the fact that i’m still only packing,
a disk 3.5 inches in size.
danial mills
Virtual worlds can be dangerous. You may think you are talking to a girl or boy your age and who’s just all fun and nice, but it could be someone completely different. Never reveal personal information about yourself on these sites. They can be dangerous!
One word is all I have, my mind is blank, my expression empty, I look at you with pleading eyes, ‘please understand me’ I think, but that is too much for my one word, one word, one word, I am out, empty, finished.
Virtual is something not real.That is try to make a new reality.It is very intersting,but it could be dangerious.
THe world of virtual things has grown quite a lot in the last 50 some years. NOw instead of going to the library, many people simply choose to look things up on the internet and look things up in other sources. Many things are availeable virtually. Like games, fun little quizzes and sites like this one.
Kaye Ann Silver
computers meez cde purple pixels arial font curve modern sims internet chances liars hackers scammers dangerous.
it is a awesome word and it is so cool I do not know what it is monkey
games that is like a fun real game for fun a little kid that has been bad all the time
computer hollogrham what ever robot video games himrs gergosian
it is confusing it is awesome what is the word what does it mean.
to be a possibility of something
Filler word. Void of meaning in itself. Try these…
It’s “virtually” free! What the hell does that mean?!
I’m virtually married. Oh really?
What is it i have no idea what it is so I can’t write to much about it. I think that this word is weird.
computers video game internet windows
computers. cleverbot. websites.
squirtual, circular space – making time for the unreal. up to no good in your mind. almost, almost
almost there.
In a virtual world, one can only ponder existence before reaching a solipsistic conclusion. Perhaps a depressing result, but at least the individual exists. There is a world. There is man. Or is there?
It always seemed more real to me than reality. I thought that this was a utopian paradise. It looked like the real thing, smelled like the real thing and even, often, tasted like the real thing.
virtual: here we are, trapped by the virtual trap. the virtual world. no connection. no respite. connected but with no heart or soul. without feeling. cold. no emotion. yet oddly comforting. virtual is necessary, yet evil.
non existent yet existing,
a dream made real through the belief of mind
substitute for reality
that sometimes may exceed it
as it is perfect in its non-existence
virtual insanity
in a virtual world we live. standing breathing thinking smelling. no understanding f any other world but the one we are in. simple. quick. intricate. complicate. fast. blows past us with no wind. trying to penetrate the virtual walls. we are stuck. get me out I’m stumbling, suffocating for air
Virtual worlds are fun. i don’t really think that virtually everyone plays them, not everyone likes them. but they are fun they are a great way to release some stress to get away from everything that is stressing you out. they help you to just escape reality for a while.
virtual. it’s what’s around virtual. what’s not around. virtual. what we imagine and hope for. it’s virtual. it’s what’s not around, what is around. virtual is love, is friendship. virtual. virtual. virtual. it’s virtually everything you could ever image.
Virtual reality comes to mind. Jamiroquai’s song Virtual Insanity does, too. I can’t think of anything clever or witty to write about this word. I really need to be writing in my NaNoWriMo novel. I just use this to prime the creative pump. I need to stop procrastinating.
The virtual reality setting was nausea-inducing, as Tom’s body had trouble reacting to what his eyes showed him.
my reality does not exist in the normal sense. everything i say or do is filtered through a computer simulation. my body is no longer. my brain sits in a room full of detached brains – one of many – in a warehouse in Detroit.
She opened her eyes, the helmet was gone. she could see a massive land scape green, deep emeraled grasses streched across her vision. she breathed in deep and welcomed herself to her virtual life.
she opened her eyes the helmet was gone. she could see a massive land scape green deep emeraled grasses streched across her vision. she breathed in deep and welcomed herself to her virtual life.
I have a virtual social life. I go out and have friends and enjoy being around people but all that activity somehow seems outside of myself. I am a mom and live in a rural small town full of retirees and young families and I feel like that should be my “real” life and that anything outside that should be inconsequential. So anytime I am social I find that I adopt something of a persona and then return to the real me when I return to my idyllic home life. And of course, this means that I suffer no consequences from my actions in my virtual life.
The reality was virtual. It had to be, it was the only explantion and conclusion that she could come to without her brain imploding. It wasn’t real. He wasn’t really bleeding on the floor, she wasn’t really helpless to do anything about it, and somewhre out in the real world, she was safe and HE was safe and even if they were nowhere near each other, at least he was alive and that was all that mattered. She felt her heart rate accellerating, hammering wildly in her chest, and wondered how long it would take before she started to scream.
Virtual reality. Real but not real. Any virtues in virtual reality.
The virtual dating world is amazing.
ajsdkjasdkda. i was not thinking. i was just writing
There was a time when I was afraid of computers. Why? Because of a little book about Garfield that I received as a gift when I was maybe 10 or 11. This was a selection of short stories designed to be scary. They weren’t, not really. But one still stands out in my mind and that is the one where the computer at a hotel took over everyone’s mind. For years I thought the same might happen to me.
I am good at virtual writing, but when it comes to real execution I suck.
worlds live forever seem almost real fun and no consequences do anything go anywhere jump off a buidling without a care in the world and this is the best feeling of all – real-ly
I am laying in a virtual world.
My drive feels floppy,
Women laugh at the fact that i’m still only packing,
a disk 3.5 inches in size.
Virtual worlds can be dangerous. You may think you are talking to a girl or boy your age and who’s just all fun and nice, but it could be someone completely different. Never reveal personal information about yourself on these sites. They can be dangerous!
One word is all I have, my mind is blank, my expression empty, I look at you with pleading eyes, ‘please understand me’ I think, but that is too much for my one word, one word, one word, I am out, empty, finished.
Virtual is something not real.That is try to make a new reality.It is very intersting,but it could be dangerious.
THe world of virtual things has grown quite a lot in the last 50 some years. NOw instead of going to the library, many people simply choose to look things up on the internet and look things up in other sources. Many things are availeable virtually. Like games, fun little quizzes and sites like this one.
computers meez cde purple pixels arial font curve modern sims internet chances liars hackers scammers dangerous.