What connects us all these days, connects us virtually, almost, close but its not the real thing, only the illusion of the real thing
see everything all complete
You can not see me. You cannot see me because I am virtually unaware of you. Currently you can find me in a metal igloo, suffocated by snow. You cannot see me, because I am virtually unaware that you even exist.
Kinsey Shoemake
the virtual world is gay what kind of word is that to give me, really what vould I go on vitual about i would rather just play my guitar im wasting this min
The limits of virtual reality were non-existent. She felt as if she could be anyone, feel anything and do whatever she felt inclined to do and at the end of the day- she could take of the visor and play with her kids and no one would know what life she lead inside the machine. It was hers, private and a life not belonging to the woman her husband and children knew.
computer, internet. it is like magic. you can see me, even when i am somewhere else. somewhere far far aeway, we are connected.
The new era in which people are entering
TV, Internet, Computers, Videogames
All of these take over a person’s life
The world is a giant computer
Jeremy Allen
its all an illusion..the world the people..the thoughts the emotions….all a world of wonder and amazement…and i a small humble being watching the splendid things happening in my mind…within or without i remain awestruck
There was virtually no love lost between the two. What had started out with potential now was nearly as dried as the fruit on the Thanksgiving table.
things you see. a way people learn. the way guys think. everything that you want in a game. alternate reality. games. 3D. not real. not know know the difference.
Marcus Byrd
things you see. a way people learn. the way guys think. everything that you want in a game. alternate reality. games. 3D. not real. not know know the difference.
Marcus Byrd
The virtual reality of the universe is exceptionally interesting as it has nothing to with real life. The golden monkeys in the sky and the little green man in my head believe it is the most important thing however. I’m tempted to ask what you think, but that might take too much time and thought for your wee mind.
Joanna Fensome
things you see. a way people learn. the way guys think. everything that you want in a game. alternate reality. games. 3D. not real. not know know the difference.
Marcus Byrd
i find out virtual relationship hard to contend with because although you have made it more than clear that we are only friends, despite meeting once, i still find myself thinking of you and liking you more than ive liked anyone. i wish that you will ask to meet again even though the first time was almost entirely thanks to me. i want to be more than friends.
The computer is a complex virtual world that amazes me. All the information so compacted into a small square… unexplainable…
off she went into virtual………..
The world has turn into a wasteland of virtual dependancy. Think Kindle. The world is at our finger tips in virtual intimacy. Why do we need books if it can all be stored on a technological device. Not real.
Lustig. Ich lese gerade ein Buch
Virtual reality, internet taking over lives. We live in a virtual world, constantly surrounded by technology. Check my yahoo, check my gmail, check my myspace. Virtual life.
Faith John
Virtual reality, video games, internet, modern, 21st century, virtual relationship, virtual pets.
Faith John
Robyn Drag
i live in a virtual reality. constantly checking my email. updating my pages. searching. searching. searching for what? myself? nahn. i don’t think so. i know where i am. my mind though, that’s a different story.
keine ahnung
The card’s damaged state made it virtually impossible to enter the building legitimately, but Jack had never been one to stick too rigidly to the rules of authorization.
He kicked the door in.
Inside it was dimly lit by weak fluorescent lights offering a view of a few doors here and there – all closed.
Daniel M.
Unafraid to face the unreal and untangiable demension of lackaday-iety. To seek the substantial world.
virtual reality is a joke I don’t understand why everyone thinks it’s so cool. I mean maybe starwars is cool but some of these modern movies just take it over the top.
Anything that compels you to seem unreal and under unsubstantial measures. Not unlike that of a confused dog, or a frog.
internet talking email msn world famous quick close
silvia Louzada
the master of subterfuge a carrier of a thousand and one masks “which one will i wear today?” is the eternal question.
jocelyn petrany
It’s a life. A life in vain, a life unreal, a life so plain but a life in scene, a life with feel, a life of inconsistency and a life we must congeal in the virtual
Bella Michelle
doing something online
reality substitue anxiety technology absent minded helium hot headed no body ananomous V liberty perception of reality
I own virtually nothing. My life is insignificant. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be important. I know that will never happen. What am I? Who am I? Do I matter? No. Not to you. I am insignificant. But wait, what’s this?
Jasmine Bamlet
It wasn’t easy being a program, she thought to herself as she pressed her nose to the glass of the computer screen. If there was one thing she loved doing, it was sitting at that huge window that looked on the outside world; the real world, where real people were, even though she sat trapped behind that glass, forever encased in the virtual world of the computer in which she was programmed.
reality, in your mind you think of something and then it becomes true.
Virtually everything is virtual
News, music, and television,
No more held to paperback
Internet crowns itself the king.
Hunter Cameron
life, the universe
virtuality. a duality
that only exists in your mind
and even then, only when you put on
a helmet.
technicol computer geek online 3d realistic weird vodeogames computer games notreal technology cool 2d
What connects us all these days, connects us virtually, almost, close but its not the real thing, only the illusion of the real thing
see everything all complete
You can not see me. You cannot see me because I am virtually unaware of you. Currently you can find me in a metal igloo, suffocated by snow. You cannot see me, because I am virtually unaware that you even exist.
the virtual world is gay what kind of word is that to give me, really what vould I go on vitual about i would rather just play my guitar im wasting this min
The limits of virtual reality were non-existent. She felt as if she could be anyone, feel anything and do whatever she felt inclined to do and at the end of the day- she could take of the visor and play with her kids and no one would know what life she lead inside the machine. It was hers, private and a life not belonging to the woman her husband and children knew.
computer, internet. it is like magic. you can see me, even when i am somewhere else. somewhere far far aeway, we are connected.
The new era in which people are entering
TV, Internet, Computers, Videogames
All of these take over a person’s life
The world is a giant computer
its all an illusion..the world the people..the thoughts the emotions….all a world of wonder and amazement…and i a small humble being watching the splendid things happening in my mind…within or without i remain awestruck
There was virtually no love lost between the two. What had started out with potential now was nearly as dried as the fruit on the Thanksgiving table.
things you see. a way people learn. the way guys think. everything that you want in a game. alternate reality. games. 3D. not real. not know know the difference.
things you see. a way people learn. the way guys think. everything that you want in a game. alternate reality. games. 3D. not real. not know know the difference.
The virtual reality of the universe is exceptionally interesting as it has nothing to with real life. The golden monkeys in the sky and the little green man in my head believe it is the most important thing however. I’m tempted to ask what you think, but that might take too much time and thought for your wee mind.
things you see. a way people learn. the way guys think. everything that you want in a game. alternate reality. games. 3D. not real. not know know the difference.
i find out virtual relationship hard to contend with because although you have made it more than clear that we are only friends, despite meeting once, i still find myself thinking of you and liking you more than ive liked anyone. i wish that you will ask to meet again even though the first time was almost entirely thanks to me. i want to be more than friends.
The computer is a complex virtual world that amazes me. All the information so compacted into a small square… unexplainable…
off she went into virtual………..
The world has turn into a wasteland of virtual dependancy. Think Kindle. The world is at our finger tips in virtual intimacy. Why do we need books if it can all be stored on a technological device. Not real.
Lustig. Ich lese gerade ein Buch
Virtual reality, internet taking over lives. We live in a virtual world, constantly surrounded by technology. Check my yahoo, check my gmail, check my myspace. Virtual life.
Virtual reality, video games, internet, modern, 21st century, virtual relationship, virtual pets.
i live in a virtual reality. constantly checking my email. updating my pages. searching. searching. searching for what? myself? nahn. i don’t think so. i know where i am. my mind though, that’s a different story.
keine ahnung
The card’s damaged state made it virtually impossible to enter the building legitimately, but Jack had never been one to stick too rigidly to the rules of authorization.
He kicked the door in.
Inside it was dimly lit by weak fluorescent lights offering a view of a few doors here and there – all closed.
Unafraid to face the unreal and untangiable demension of lackaday-iety. To seek the substantial world.
virtual reality is a joke I don’t understand why everyone thinks it’s so cool. I mean maybe starwars is cool but some of these modern movies just take it over the top.
Anything that compels you to seem unreal and under unsubstantial measures. Not unlike that of a confused dog, or a frog.
internet talking email msn world famous quick close
the master of subterfuge a carrier of a thousand and one masks “which one will i wear today?” is the eternal question.
It’s a life. A life in vain, a life unreal, a life so plain but a life in scene, a life with feel, a life of inconsistency and a life we must congeal in the virtual
doing something online
reality substitue anxiety technology absent minded helium hot headed no body ananomous V liberty perception of reality
I own virtually nothing. My life is insignificant. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be important. I know that will never happen. What am I? Who am I? Do I matter? No. Not to you. I am insignificant. But wait, what’s this?
It wasn’t easy being a program, she thought to herself as she pressed her nose to the glass of the computer screen. If there was one thing she loved doing, it was sitting at that huge window that looked on the outside world; the real world, where real people were, even though she sat trapped behind that glass, forever encased in the virtual world of the computer in which she was programmed.
reality, in your mind you think of something and then it becomes true.
Virtually everything is virtual
News, music, and television,
No more held to paperback
Internet crowns itself the king.
life, the universe
virtuality. a duality
that only exists in your mind
and even then, only when you put on
a helmet.
technicol computer geek online 3d realistic weird vodeogames computer games notreal technology cool 2d