
November 12th, 2009 | 669 Entries

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669 Entries for “virtual”

  1. I am a virtual being. I exist in my game system. I play my character like I play my life. My like is composed of characters. Each character has their own individual personality. Together we make a united system. Together we create a unit, where we sometimes succeed and we sometimes fail. But, like a game system we attempt, we strive to reach the final destination.

  2. In a reality made of dreams, there’s nothing one can truly depend on. In a virtual world, virtually everything is real. But what defines a dream in virtually every setting is the knowledge it isn’t real. So in a reality of things that aren’t real- doesn’t that lead us to a missing truth? That everything you think is real.

  3. In a reality made of dreams, there’s nothing one can truly depend on. In a virtual world, virtually everything is real. But what defines a dream in virtually every setting is the knowledge it isn’t real. So in a reality of things that aren’t real- doesn’t that lead us to a missing truth? That everything you think is real.

  4. reality

  5. video games

  6. She was like the setting sun. My perfect women. Long flowing black locks, and full lips. Cheek bones etched of stone, and doe like gold eyes. To bad my Rosaria was not real but virtual.

    Jessica Hammoner
  7. watching, seeing, sight
  8. I took the virtual version of the frog dissection instead of the literal one. My love of animals and of my stomach couldn’t bend far enough for me to face the reality of thousands of frogs dying every year, anyway.

  9. watching, seeing, sight

    Joanne Choi
  10. there is little i can say about reality. everytime i try to prove that something is unable to be proven, due to how little we really know…i end up just disproving what i said through a similar theory. i can talk myself into and out of any belief. it’s exhausting, it truly is.

  11. Se sighed. Something wasn’t quite right, she’d always known it. Something she couldn’t even fathom was missing from his eyes, she knew that there must be something more. Aunt Jenna looked at her solemnly. Jess, you’re life it’s what we call.. a virtual reality.

  12. there is a place called a virtual reality. it means that one can technically live i a different place, a different time, be a different person. Each time we take a trip to a virtual place, we are able to create and give our imagination the time it needs to flow and grow. Being virtual is the most amazing thing to experience.

    Mo, an Everyday Spirit
  13. Shadows are like a virtual life. Actually, better than that, because they simply watch you make the mistakes and lose all you’ve gained, and they don’t have anything to do with it. They don’t care. They wouldn’t care, because they’re just a reflection of all your darkest fears and uncertainties.

  14. today we are facing the top of the line of virtual reality. There are many things and gadgets to play with that one can buy at the store that deals with virtually anything these days.

  15. not quite real, yet more than real.

  16. I think that is was interesting the way she looked sitting across from me. she almost looked real. It was impossible to tell that she was a virtual person-she had no real idenity. her actions and movements were functions that were programmed into her. she did what she did.

    Justine May
  17. virtual reality, the virtual world the one made with a digital frame, the matrix made out of ideas and thoughts…no feelings…and then you wonder what is real..when the oxygen from the trees is the only thing you can really count on…and the love and the hope…

  18. i think virtual reality and the web and the internet and that nothing can really be virtual. only everything exists in reality and if there is stuff that exists in the virtual world, then how could atoms exist, how could Epicurus theory hold true? it cant, so being virtual is wrong. it is a theory in which confuses the mind body and soul

  19. I have never really been interested in having a virtual life like so many people seem to possess in today’s time. I prefer an actual life that can fully experience the pleasures of what God has to offer.

  20. The greatest time ever that was spent reading days of difference. Virtual worlds in a new place, being anywhere but where you are is something you might not like, but it’s what I’ve dreamed about forever and a day. You can’t imagine, what I’ve been through, I’ve seen more then you can see.

  21. vnjs vhu wrevwiovjiwhvi i already fuckin did this bitchbticjdjhfi9iu9u888884uuuutujffffffffffffffffffffffffkslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkfdjkdjfkwjfkerjij


  22. A place where I can go and be with him. No complex human feelings. Just strictly, two “beings” doing what they are programmed to do. I want my virtual world to be real and I

    Janey Dixey
  23. The world that we see is superseded by the world that we think in. What we feel is what dictates what we experience, which in turn dictates how we perceive the world around us. We think it’s the outside world that modifies our emotions, but in reality, it is our emotions that color the outside world. In this regard, the surreal, virtual world is in fact closer to what we consider reality to be than the world you wake up to. The Internet is a closer fabrication of the world than, well the world. It is the unfiltered aspect of humanity, what we really see, how we really react to one another.

    Gilliam C. Hamilton
  24. I entered into this new reality with such high hopes. Everything was supposed to be better. But everything was the same, just brighter, brighter colors, brighter lights, but no brighter future. Everything was the same in that respect.
    I knew where i was going. I would lust after the same people, try to earn a million dollars, make myself better and more lovable.

    Emma Crockett
  25. virtual reality something we all want to be a part of real but not simulated life isn’t that a sick/wonderful/sick/wonderful thing. exists but doesn’t would it be fruitless?

  26. how does anyone write anything in 60 seconds about the word virtual?

    we lead virtual lives these days? my interactions with my family, my friends are largely virtual, because it is more convenient to use twitter to say something to someone then it would be to say it to their face.

  27. It didn’t really exist, and yet it was seeing it before my eyes. A dragon. A unicorn. An elf. I could reach out and touch them…. I thought. I stretched forth my hand tenitively toward the mythical horse, but instead of feeling furry flesh, there was nothing.

  28. virtual

  29. seeing is believing. virtual flawlessness. computer images being manipulated into beautiful girls who look nothing like that new image. smooth skin. virtually clear. using your eyes rather than your mind.

  30. the world of virtual reality…seeing through the mind of a person to experience the virtual world we cannot see. meet people who died, relive the past, or see the future. technology…space…and time

    mark naylor
  31. Is virtual imaginary? Is virtual false? Virtual is more artificial. I hope that with all the virtual artificiality we can still love each other as a whole and as individuals.

    Leslie Cook
  32. Stephen was a good cat. He lived by a set of morals and principles.

  33. In the world of virtual socializing, those who fall behind get left behind. Even a single minute away from the glowing blue screen of myspace, facebook or another social networking site can end in catastrophe for the parties involved. timing is everything when you can’t actually see the person you are conversing with. delayed reactions can also deter you

  34. virtual reality sucks my mind out of the autumn leaves
    out of the cool crisp air
    and into my head
    where impossible situations run rampant
    i am beautiful
    and i’m not alone.

  35. okay so thats just unreal, some simulated thing that doesn’t seem to make any sense to me. why do something fake when you could live it? honestly, I just don’t get the fascination with virtual pets, virtual vacations, etc. just go friggin do it!!!beyond that, what’s with this fasicnation with technology? it’s like our inventions are out-evolving us at a pace that’s just frightening

    Jason Alexander
  36. i wish my life were virtual. free to rewind, reset, erase, and edit. oh yeah, and who wouldn’t enjoy hearing themselves talk backwards?

  37. virtual reality is a fake realm for nerds that is created for many reasons including making fantasies seem to come true and living things that seem to incredible to be realistic, they can also be used scientifcally to stimulate creativity and ideas but mostly are for people thAT HAVE UNFULFILLED DREAMS.

    Nick Mio
  38. With something as non existent as life you have to rely on the fictional part of your mind to tell you how to feel, and act, and think. Without your imagination, you are nothing but a particle flowing through space.

    Manny Goldman
  39. awesome, virtual slap, virtual hug, virtual cofee mug, the best things ever, besides real things! seriously though, the virtual world is remarkable, you know? I think it’s awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. I want to play virtual reality.
