
November 12th, 2009 | 669 Entries

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669 Entries for “virtual”

  1. discovery, a whole new dimension. Something so unmistably undeniable. A whole different world to explore. A newfound treasure, a distint planet. I don’t quite understand it. Hell, it doesn’t make any sense. But that’s alright, because I know I’ll be fine.

  2. Your hands are nothing but an icy eternity
    Your eyes are fake, forgotten and tired
    From the life that flies around your entity
    While you sit down and cry, forever drowned.

    You cannot cry, you cannot laugh, you cannot live,
    Corrupted spirit, don’t you realise
    You were left alone, and always ill,
    No medicine can make you revive.

    Cheerful souls passing next to you,
    You’re never observed or forgiven by anyone,
    You’re just a shadow; and we have done what we could
    (We say) so you had better go and… die.

  3. The sense of being, but nothing around you is real. You go to smell the flowers but no scent is present. Disintegration. The flower disappears into the graphics of the virtual world. You walk further along only to realize that you’ve been walking in circles. Virtual.

    Mike Hawk
  4. Virtual.. what is it, anyway? Is it that which is not real? But who decides, what IS real? Am I real? Is this world real? I see it, so it’s real? well, not exactly so..

  5. it is a virtual assurity that virtual reality is in the future. A virtual world where everyone will look alike, talk alike, and eat the very same things for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Everyone will be healthy, happy, and no one will need a doctor or hospital.

  6. new technologies animations modern activity digital technologies

  7. I opened my computer and my life began to spiral into darkness. I land on this piece of information, running wildly through the motherboard. I had been digitized. I have become part of the internet.

    Gara Sie
  8. living now in a virtual world where for simple pleasures we go down to the local store where they offer arcade centres of virtual reality. on however is different, it is a mix of the two, where virual meets reality, where if you are killed in there, you are killed in real life

  9. virtually is how i first met you. In real life, you weren’t half the person I thought you were. Maybe you were nicer in real life but it was because you were awkward and I didn’t like that. I preffered the crazy guy I met online.

  10. well, I guess this is it.. I miss you already, even though I know you are nothing but bad for me. I knew that all along. I’ll still miss you.. evenn though I’m terrified of you.

  11. dead fucking matrix sucking homosexual pragmatic ridiculus sucking triducol tirchome tripping hard on non raeal neo transient realistic sucking fuigures train hopping like a son of a bitch cold hearted lover train flying hotelless over the heartland alleyways of the cold spirtit drunk high loenely 53 year old white males relating to the ricockulous lyrics of sitchfoot and sad joni mitchell songs and everything is a fabulousl drream that is occuring about twice an hour in every parallel universe that is happenign this very moment in everything that ever slightly bends away…

  12. memory

  13. green boxes, blue swirls, cyber cafes, outside, wired, in between, avoidance, close, not quite, light, squares, pixels, cliches.

  14. virtual reality is something that has been achieved. we do not need to look any further into the virtualness of life. Wii.

  15. Virtually spotless. Nearly dogless. Almost without canines. Just about out of molars.

  16. I think of the helmets that kids wear, and they get to see themselves in some other place. At first I think of something involving aliens and blood and guns, but I want to alter that to something happier..filled with fantasy and magic. I would program my virtual helmet to be filled with fields and mountains and ancient architecture and history. It would all be amazing until the battery ran out.

    Jamie Little
  17. Good

  18. Too much in our lives is virtual. False. Presented from the outside; alienating.

    Virtual resembles the word “virtue.” As if to say, x is like y, by virtue. Virtually the same.

  19. virtual. not real. i’m not real
    you are not real
    whose real?
    i’m real
    i know i’m real
    but nobody thinks i am.
    everyone else think we are all virtuals.

  20. another world another dimension. three d. my own world. possibilities. glasses. technology. science

  21. virtual reality comes to mind. What is virtual? Is it a replacement? Is it a figment of the imagination? So many things are tossed around without really knowing what they mean. The very thought is virtually ridiculous…

  22. virtual real or fake world we create ourselves to live as we really want or not

  23. virtuality is living in the internet. A virtual life. It is almost surreal, like when you get lost in a google search, or a blog search and you don;t even rememebver how you got there.

  24. wow i’m not good under pressure haha, but everything is virtual now adays. i’m interacting with something that isn’t even here. it’s all an illusion, a very good one, but it’s all virtual. So does that make it pointless, no it doesn’t.

  25. I don’t know. My mind is always in a virtual state of paranoia. And ironically I have virtual vacations now, that are driving me crazy, because I have exams from next week.

  26. virtual

  27. I was bored and waiting for the train when all of a sudden it started raining inside the station and I was like wow I didn’t know it could rain inside. and then a kind old man told that that it was possible and my whole world transformed and i’ve never been the same since. that day changed my life and that man is now my dear friend. he passed away seven months ago, but i will always remember his smiling face.

  28. digital calculator computer think mac gigabyte motherboard museum reality digitize digits number binary future

  29. Virtual world — it’s where I reside. day in and day out, I log on to my computer and surf the internet. I’ve lost so many hours there, but on the other hand, there is so much that I’ve gained in return. The love of my life, some of my best friends, and even some of my family members I’ve met through the internet. The last of that list is a lie. I just felt that it had to be a list, considering how I formed the sentence.

    Kin Moy
  30. virtual reality is perhaps the weirdest most 80’s thing anyone could have come up with. It all looks like retarded polygon shapes lumped on more retarded polygon shapes. Those helmets were fucking lame too. WHO WANTS TO WEAR A FUTURISTIC BEE KEEPERS HELMET FOR FUCKS SAKE. This timer thing is freaking me out. Why am I writing abou

  31. Whenever I watch races I always wish for a virtual tie so the drama goes on for a little longer.

  32. Imaginary and unreal. Stop sitting in front of this box and go climb a fucking tree or something. In therapy they call it “avoidance”. Virtual is false.

  33. A world in which everything is possible. No limitations, no rules. In a virtual world, your dreams come true. No hesitations, no regrets. Freedom, pure and simple.

  34. Virtual means almost. We virtually got there. Virtual reality. Almost reality. People want virtual golf, virtual tennis, and virtual experiences rather than real things today. It is better to almost have something and know what it is, then to have nothing or something unexpected. In a world where everything is virtual, is anything really real?

  35. virtual reality is a concept i have always enjoyed. the escape from reality it provides has always seemed like it has potential for a frightening future where we no longer live real lives, eg the matrix or surrogates.

  36. Virtual makes me think about virtual reality, a concept I have always had an interest in. It’s funny that you always see virtual reality portrayed as a futuristic kind of technology and even in old movies made 20 or 30 years ago like Back to the Future it shows that in the present year there would be flying cars and such which we don’t actually have. Although it does make me think that there is a lot of technology around nowadays that is amazingly complex on the scale of things, considering that the computer that sent the man to the moon was less complex than my iPod touch.

  37. Virtual: a world better than our own? Why is it that it’s easier to get lost in the virtual world than to live in the real one? Is it my neopets unconditional love? Or the FMLs that make my life seem so much less screwed up than it is?

  38. Virtual reality means not real? artificial, ? or what? i mean virtual sounds like virtue, which means something to do with true values. i think virtual things can actually be more real than real.

  39. The virtual world was such a get away. i couldn’t imagine going back to the real life I had left behind. The pain and fear was overwhelming. I had nothing left to give.

    Tricia Honea
  40. Virtual makes me think of virtual reality which is a concept I have always enjoyed. I remember reading a story once about a not too distant future where virtual reality was technology that had been achievable and a young boy visits his father in the virtual reality world. It was a fairly boring story and I didn’t really like it that much.
