Virtual is what happens when we subsitute reality and make up a new one. We can take this reality and create anything new and exciting, in stark contrast to what is our real life.
What are we. Where did we come from; when will we end? What is real, and what isn’t. How can people know anything that happens is truthful, since the world has become so difficult to decipher.
In this virtual world
is where I lived my life.
Talking to one-dimensional people
Until I really met them.
Sounds nerdy, perhaps.
But without my little virtual world
My life would not have gone this far.
My friends would not be so wonderful.
I would not be as happy as I am.
All thanks to,
my virtual world.
I cannot believe that we live our lives through these screens, we don’t live any more, barely exist, we are purely virtual and vicarious to our own lives. We even take four hundred fucking photos while we’re out so we can remember where we weren’t.
virtual this and that, more purple lines, feed me to the moths blah blah blah cook something up blah blah blah. I saw your friends around the sewer pipe, what were they doing there, me? I’m feeling elated, oh no I feel like fried fish. Don’t dilate your eyes at me!
I’m going to go back to recess now, I’ll see you inside the paper mache room, hope the headlines are good.
Aviv Cohn
it’s imaginary.
nowadays everything is virtual. We are living in a virtual community. We grow virtual trees in a virtual farm. We give our friends virtual gifts.
Virtual, what is happening? Is the perception of the eye/mind connection true, or do the distortions of the connection (and possible failure of the synapses) mar everything to the point of meaninglessness? I don’t know, I’m probably just too high.
unity of things to video gamers in a not so real world. Guns, explosions, cars, mind not telling the truth. The mind playing games. Not reality. Egoistic thinking. Untruth. The unseeing eye. a lens through which
Daniel Vesely
The world is set in a virtual reality. We don’t even have time to blink before everything changes and nothing is as it seems. One single word, one bolt of electricity. Everyone speaks and nobody listens. How quiet this winter will be.
the virtual world is slowly but surely taking over the real world A new reality will set in, making philosophers of the modern day go crazy with new metaphysical theories and ideas. Who cares what Plato and Aristotle think about material things versus concepts in our mind, now it’s all abouot a virtual item…
I was reflecting recently on virtual worlds. That was such a courageous concept and yet it is well and truly surpassed by all of the available technologies.
reality but only a conception
virtual reality takes apart the world that is now remembered. facebook, twitter, youtube, social networks that connect us in an emotional way, never physical.
Ana Ferrer
virtual reality takes apart the world that is now remembered. facebook, twitter, youtube, social networks that connect us in an emotional way, never physical.
Ana Ferrer
Futuristic. We’re told that in the future, we’ll experience more virtual life than real life. At this moment, just typing on my computer could be considered as existing as part of a virtual world. That’s true, but it’s not as if I’m in a hologram on Star Trek.
like everything is and so forth, nothing has any meaning anymore, if all those dimensions are stacked up concave convex against where’s the one that’s the most pertinent?
who’s ghost is on the march?
the worse is the webbing, strangled strands of psychic psychobabble holding us all immobile
virtualreality? reminds me of that episode of family guy where brian and that old woman have a lifetime together on her death bed. Gross, virtual reality is scary. Is our own reality that shitty? The timer makes me so nervous…
i like virtual reality. Im not quite sure what to write about this word though, its not used that much anymore. the new word is digital and what not.
almost amazing.
reality, life, produced, intergalactic, crazy times, 3D
crack my eyelids; that’s the only way i’ll stare hard into technicolor paradise behind synthetic projection of what you think i want.
Virtual is a very complex word. What is virtual? One might say that it is virtually impossible to describe. Virtual reality is a reality that will never be found. Virtual friends are ones you can’t really rely on.
he pulls up the chair
and straightens his insides–
he’s meeting someone tonight,
and he’s been counting down the
days since last saturday,
when she said she’d come.
and he turns on the screen,
because the year is 2052,
and nobody lives outside
a screen anymore.
and nobody lives outside
a line anymore.
and nobody lives outside
a themselves anymore.
and he takes a breath
before beginning something
he’ll neither really have,
nor understand.
i use to think how nice it would be if I could say your username out loud and you would hear me.
but your not real…
virtual reality. how do you tell what’s real? how do you know when you’re back in reality? what is reality? how do i tell the difference between virtual and real? How?
i was never ‘virtually’ happy. you said that was the case, but what does ‘virtually’ mean anyway? i could be ‘technically’ happy, ‘literally’ happy, ‘figuratively’ happy. ‘mindfuckingly’ happy will do too, i suppose.
to be virtually anything is to be virtually dead.
Daryl Yam
Virtual has become reality. Though it used to be a mere subdivision, it has increasingly become what we shape our lives around.
this is the time when natural takes its leave, when we breath reality through keystrokes, know trees through pictures. today, leave the virtual behind. breathe air. know bark.
virtual booty machine is some lyrics in a song. don’t really like that song, but there you go, it’s stuck in my head now, yet i can’t make out any other lyrics than ‘virtual virtual booty machine’….boooty machine…… booty… bounty pirates
something real, physical. Something not generated generically.
it is something unreal that cannot be sensed or felt virtual reality is associted with the internet it is also something u can apprenhend about its a relatively modern word
something real
Reality. A place where everyone seems to think that real social cues are not important. We think the LOL and smiley faces have fixed the problems of not seeing someone’s face or hearing the sharp intake of breath when feelings are hurt by the virtual emoticons. I think we need to virtually stop looking at the screen so much
Nothing is real in the world. we live in the digital age and there is nothing that we see as substantial. I wish i was virtual, then i could retry as many times as i like.
Virtual reality was in the film Napoleon Dynamite. It is by some fool named “Jameroqoui?” Yes? Virtual is not real and therefore does not matter to me. God is virtual.
Virtual is what happens when we subsitute reality and make up a new one. We can take this reality and create anything new and exciting, in stark contrast to what is our real life.
What are we. Where did we come from; when will we end? What is real, and what isn’t. How can people know anything that happens is truthful, since the world has become so difficult to decipher.
In this virtual world
is where I lived my life.
Talking to one-dimensional people
Until I really met them.
Sounds nerdy, perhaps.
But without my little virtual world
My life would not have gone this far.
My friends would not be so wonderful.
I would not be as happy as I am.
All thanks to,
my virtual world.
I cannot believe that we live our lives through these screens, we don’t live any more, barely exist, we are purely virtual and vicarious to our own lives. We even take four hundred fucking photos while we’re out so we can remember where we weren’t.
virtual this and that, more purple lines, feed me to the moths blah blah blah cook something up blah blah blah. I saw your friends around the sewer pipe, what were they doing there, me? I’m feeling elated, oh no I feel like fried fish. Don’t dilate your eyes at me!
I’m going to go back to recess now, I’ll see you inside the paper mache room, hope the headlines are good.
it’s imaginary.
nowadays everything is virtual. We are living in a virtual community. We grow virtual trees in a virtual farm. We give our friends virtual gifts.
Virtual, what is happening? Is the perception of the eye/mind connection true, or do the distortions of the connection (and possible failure of the synapses) mar everything to the point of meaninglessness? I don’t know, I’m probably just too high.
unity of things to video gamers in a not so real world. Guns, explosions, cars, mind not telling the truth. The mind playing games. Not reality. Egoistic thinking. Untruth. The unseeing eye. a lens through which
The world is set in a virtual reality. We don’t even have time to blink before everything changes and nothing is as it seems. One single word, one bolt of electricity. Everyone speaks and nobody listens. How quiet this winter will be.
the virtual world is slowly but surely taking over the real world A new reality will set in, making philosophers of the modern day go crazy with new metaphysical theories and ideas. Who cares what Plato and Aristotle think about material things versus concepts in our mind, now it’s all abouot a virtual item…
I was reflecting recently on virtual worlds. That was such a courageous concept and yet it is well and truly surpassed by all of the available technologies.
reality but only a conception
virtual reality takes apart the world that is now remembered. facebook, twitter, youtube, social networks that connect us in an emotional way, never physical.
virtual reality takes apart the world that is now remembered. facebook, twitter, youtube, social networks that connect us in an emotional way, never physical.
Futuristic. We’re told that in the future, we’ll experience more virtual life than real life. At this moment, just typing on my computer could be considered as existing as part of a virtual world. That’s true, but it’s not as if I’m in a hologram on Star Trek.
like everything is and so forth, nothing has any meaning anymore, if all those dimensions are stacked up concave convex against where’s the one that’s the most pertinent?
who’s ghost is on the march?
the worse is the webbing, strangled strands of psychic psychobabble holding us all immobile
virtualreality? reminds me of that episode of family guy where brian and that old woman have a lifetime together on her death bed. Gross, virtual reality is scary. Is our own reality that shitty? The timer makes me so nervous…
i like virtual reality. Im not quite sure what to write about this word though, its not used that much anymore. the new word is digital and what not.
almost amazing.
reality, life, produced, intergalactic, crazy times, 3D
crack my eyelids; that’s the only way i’ll stare hard into technicolor paradise behind synthetic projection of what you think i want.
Virtual is a very complex word. What is virtual? One might say that it is virtually impossible to describe. Virtual reality is a reality that will never be found. Virtual friends are ones you can’t really rely on.
he pulls up the chair
and straightens his insides–
he’s meeting someone tonight,
and he’s been counting down the
days since last saturday,
when she said she’d come.
and he turns on the screen,
because the year is 2052,
and nobody lives outside
a screen anymore.
and nobody lives outside
a line anymore.
and nobody lives outside
a themselves anymore.
and he takes a breath
before beginning something
he’ll neither really have,
nor understand.
i use to think how nice it would be if I could say your username out loud and you would hear me.
but your not real…
virtual reality. how do you tell what’s real? how do you know when you’re back in reality? what is reality? how do i tell the difference between virtual and real? How?
i was never ‘virtually’ happy. you said that was the case, but what does ‘virtually’ mean anyway? i could be ‘technically’ happy, ‘literally’ happy, ‘figuratively’ happy. ‘mindfuckingly’ happy will do too, i suppose.
to be virtually anything is to be virtually dead.
Virtual has become reality. Though it used to be a mere subdivision, it has increasingly become what we shape our lives around.
this is the time when natural takes its leave, when we breath reality through keystrokes, know trees through pictures. today, leave the virtual behind. breathe air. know bark.
virtual booty machine is some lyrics in a song. don’t really like that song, but there you go, it’s stuck in my head now, yet i can’t make out any other lyrics than ‘virtual virtual booty machine’….boooty machine…… booty… bounty pirates
something real, physical. Something not generated generically.
it is something unreal that cannot be sensed or felt virtual reality is associted with the internet it is also something u can apprenhend about its a relatively modern word
something real
Reality. A place where everyone seems to think that real social cues are not important. We think the LOL and smiley faces have fixed the problems of not seeing someone’s face or hearing the sharp intake of breath when feelings are hurt by the virtual emoticons. I think we need to virtually stop looking at the screen so much
Nothing is real in the world. we live in the digital age and there is nothing that we see as substantial. I wish i was virtual, then i could retry as many times as i like.
Virtual reality was in the film Napoleon Dynamite. It is by some fool named “Jameroqoui?” Yes? Virtual is not real and therefore does not matter to me. God is virtual.
What is this?