an unreal world where everyone is not who they say they are
once upon a time there was a virtual world
It’s a virtual pain to be virtually there but not quite, but at least it’s not felt pain. Felt pain is worse but the experience can never be virtual. I understand the pain and can process it, the megabytes of my understanding unlimited during my time on this sphere. Probably the same will apply to the next sphere and the one after that.
There was nothing real about the girl — she was a picture on the screen, an ugly, hideous representation the woman he had loved in years past. And he still loved her, but somehow he wished he could reach out and touch that sweet skin and feel the warmth of her face and lips…
But alas, twas not to be. For she was virtual. But not was he.
virtual life isnt cool. that reminds me of rent when maureen says “virtual life”. rent is an amazing show, i love it so much. it is so influentual (sp) and amazing music.
i want to fuck all the world world is yours i want to explore and fuck the world i ll make an european tour next year why this year? because i cant afford that money all by myself but i want to do it crazy…
virtual is real,
real is virtual
everything in our minds is false
but also the ony thing that we can do is believe it
until it is disproven
even if it hurts
to iscover the truth
and moreover the reasons
behind our beliefs
Joe Vinegar
Virtual reality is my game. I don’t live here, I live there. Up is down and down is up in my world. Come in. You’ll like it. You won’t ever leave. Virtual reality sucks you in and won’t let you go.
virtual reality sucks people in to a false world leaving their real lives bleak in comparison. It catches people in a viscious cycle of neglect, escape and despair. It can be fun though and is very tempting but most importantly it is not REAL in a physical sense. Although whose to say what is reality when it comes to the mind… For me anything that does not correspond or respond physically is not a worthy reality to immerse yourself in as it will leave you lonely and devoid of any physically reassuring things that come with human contact and all the senses like smell touch and sound.
online, new world that doesn’t exist except online or in your mind. how you see it and how it is is not always the same
virtual, what does it mean? is it full of virtue, the quality that we search ourselves to find? is it less than real, like in the case of virtual reality, in that case, is virtue unattainable?
jason keenan
virtual? i dont fucking know mann. Well i know what it means, but i surely dont give a shit about writing about it.
Sir Zachary
“This is easy!” Yelled the girl with the strawberry hair.
“I didn’t think time travel would be so great.” She laughed and seemed unhinged.
“Just wait until you land,” said Davies. “The virtual loop squashes you flat.”
He was right.
It did.
She threw up as her brain tried to understand which reality she now inhabited.
It was a virtual one.
sexy original stuff
The virtual reality helmet displayed realistic colors and 3D images. It really did feel like she was there. What was this other planet? It looked so much like Earth, and yet vastly different, worlds different.
virtual – ill wish i could be that!
Sims? Virtual worlds. False pretenses. Delusions and misguided-ness. Not real. Games? RPG Games. “Virtually”.
virtual reality, something that isn’t quite real, but seems like it is. love is kinda like this i guess. there’s no concrete proof it’s there, but you know it’s there. but sometimes you’re not quite so sure because you see the smoke and mirrors.
Virtual reality. The world of fiction that looks like fact. The future of video games? Maybe. Anything related to computers. Cyberspace, like in that scooby-doo movie I liked as a kid. The virtual space, like second life, already changing the way people communicate.
virtual reality. virtual insanity.
We live in a world dominated by technology, and we spend our lives addicted to the internet. We are, after all, the Facebook generation. What does it say about us that we would rather go on facebook than go outside, go new places, discover the world?
niot real but visible intilectual computer generatwed imagination world to escape reality
rich spicer
It’s not real. You can’t see it. It’s just imagination.
that which is real feeling but not real, fabricated reality. virtual reality
Everything’s virtual nowadays, it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not.
i am virtually gay
we all i think are living in a virtual world…
every thing here is just money..
everyone is virtually connected to others no emotions are left in heart nowadays
along the dark roads of hopelessness, one man decides it’s time to be over with this word and it’s lazy people enjoying the virtual world. One man will set them free to enjoy nature once more.
what is it?
virtual life, that has no night, only light … the chair and the screen make up a little life, that becomes big, big big that it erases the real one
hi this very good time for me
not quite real, sort of made up, just pretend, havng fun, trying it out – or is it really real? what is real anyway? now I’m not so sure … but I love shooting my friends in virtual reality!
Virtual space station, a place on neopets. It’s where the grundos live and play, and where Dr Sloth plots his evil plans.
Virtual screensavers are getting more popular, like the endless forest. You run around as a deer thing and talk to other people.
virtual shit is virtual!
this is weird.
the virtual world of me
its virtually unknown to others
how virtual is it really though – noone can tell
not even me – but thats the paradox of the virtual world – of me
I wonder if living in a virtual world saps creativity? It sure feels like it, being bombarded by media 24/7 and trying to sit down and write a few pages in a novel… it’s not to much fun. I don’t get it. Writers block sucks.
there are virtually all sorts of mysteries in the world. Hell in the universe. I assume over time we will discover a few, but as always there just be a million more questions for each answer we conclude. I don’t know, man sometimes I just think of the stars space and time and say fuck it.
There are so many people living virtual lives. I have to wonder after what point will these people start becoming confused about what is real and what is virtual.
Consider this, people have virtual stock accounts, personas, conversations with people they could walk down the street and meet just as easily…
Benjamin Schwartz
the virtual world would is where everybody wants to live. We become part of the virtual world when we play video games or go on the web. The virtual world just seems alot better than the real world.
reality. it would be really cool if they had that like right now. being in another place would be unimagineable. <-probably spelled wrong. is all reality virtual? i wish i knew
The entire world is virtual. You are virtual a mass computer program controls the word. You do not exist. You are fake as am i.
an unreal world where everyone is not who they say they are
once upon a time there was a virtual world
It’s a virtual pain to be virtually there but not quite, but at least it’s not felt pain. Felt pain is worse but the experience can never be virtual. I understand the pain and can process it, the megabytes of my understanding unlimited during my time on this sphere. Probably the same will apply to the next sphere and the one after that.
There was nothing real about the girl — she was a picture on the screen, an ugly, hideous representation the woman he had loved in years past. And he still loved her, but somehow he wished he could reach out and touch that sweet skin and feel the warmth of her face and lips…
But alas, twas not to be. For she was virtual. But not was he.
virtual life isnt cool. that reminds me of rent when maureen says “virtual life”. rent is an amazing show, i love it so much. it is so influentual (sp) and amazing music.
i want to fuck all the world world is yours i want to explore and fuck the world i ll make an european tour next year why this year? because i cant afford that money all by myself but i want to do it crazy…
virtual is real,
real is virtual
everything in our minds is false
but also the ony thing that we can do is believe it
until it is disproven
even if it hurts
to iscover the truth
and moreover the reasons
behind our beliefs
Virtual reality is my game. I don’t live here, I live there. Up is down and down is up in my world. Come in. You’ll like it. You won’t ever leave. Virtual reality sucks you in and won’t let you go.
virtual reality sucks people in to a false world leaving their real lives bleak in comparison. It catches people in a viscious cycle of neglect, escape and despair. It can be fun though and is very tempting but most importantly it is not REAL in a physical sense. Although whose to say what is reality when it comes to the mind… For me anything that does not correspond or respond physically is not a worthy reality to immerse yourself in as it will leave you lonely and devoid of any physically reassuring things that come with human contact and all the senses like smell touch and sound.
online, new world that doesn’t exist except online or in your mind. how you see it and how it is is not always the same
virtual, what does it mean? is it full of virtue, the quality that we search ourselves to find? is it less than real, like in the case of virtual reality, in that case, is virtue unattainable?
virtual? i dont fucking know mann. Well i know what it means, but i surely dont give a shit about writing about it.
“This is easy!” Yelled the girl with the strawberry hair.
“I didn’t think time travel would be so great.” She laughed and seemed unhinged.
“Just wait until you land,” said Davies. “The virtual loop squashes you flat.”
He was right.
It did.
She threw up as her brain tried to understand which reality she now inhabited.
It was a virtual one.
sexy original stuff
The virtual reality helmet displayed realistic colors and 3D images. It really did feel like she was there. What was this other planet? It looked so much like Earth, and yet vastly different, worlds different.
virtual – ill wish i could be that!
Sims? Virtual worlds. False pretenses. Delusions and misguided-ness. Not real. Games? RPG Games. “Virtually”.
virtual reality, something that isn’t quite real, but seems like it is. love is kinda like this i guess. there’s no concrete proof it’s there, but you know it’s there. but sometimes you’re not quite so sure because you see the smoke and mirrors.
Virtual reality. The world of fiction that looks like fact. The future of video games? Maybe. Anything related to computers. Cyberspace, like in that scooby-doo movie I liked as a kid. The virtual space, like second life, already changing the way people communicate.
virtual reality. virtual insanity.
We live in a world dominated by technology, and we spend our lives addicted to the internet. We are, after all, the Facebook generation. What does it say about us that we would rather go on facebook than go outside, go new places, discover the world?
niot real but visible intilectual computer generatwed imagination world to escape reality
It’s not real. You can’t see it. It’s just imagination.
that which is real feeling but not real, fabricated reality. virtual reality
Everything’s virtual nowadays, it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not.
i am virtually gay
we all i think are living in a virtual world…
every thing here is just money..
everyone is virtually connected to others no emotions are left in heart nowadays
along the dark roads of hopelessness, one man decides it’s time to be over with this word and it’s lazy people enjoying the virtual world. One man will set them free to enjoy nature once more.
what is it?
virtual life, that has no night, only light … the chair and the screen make up a little life, that becomes big, big big that it erases the real one
hi this very good time for me
not quite real, sort of made up, just pretend, havng fun, trying it out – or is it really real? what is real anyway? now I’m not so sure … but I love shooting my friends in virtual reality!
Virtual space station, a place on neopets. It’s where the grundos live and play, and where Dr Sloth plots his evil plans.
Virtual screensavers are getting more popular, like the endless forest. You run around as a deer thing and talk to other people.
virtual shit is virtual!
this is weird.
the virtual world of me
its virtually unknown to others
how virtual is it really though – noone can tell
not even me – but thats the paradox of the virtual world – of me
I wonder if living in a virtual world saps creativity? It sure feels like it, being bombarded by media 24/7 and trying to sit down and write a few pages in a novel… it’s not to much fun. I don’t get it. Writers block sucks.
there are virtually all sorts of mysteries in the world. Hell in the universe. I assume over time we will discover a few, but as always there just be a million more questions for each answer we conclude. I don’t know, man sometimes I just think of the stars space and time and say fuck it.
There are so many people living virtual lives. I have to wonder after what point will these people start becoming confused about what is real and what is virtual.
Consider this, people have virtual stock accounts, personas, conversations with people they could walk down the street and meet just as easily…
the virtual world would is where everybody wants to live. We become part of the virtual world when we play video games or go on the web. The virtual world just seems alot better than the real world.
reality. it would be really cool if they had that like right now. being in another place would be unimagineable. <-probably spelled wrong. is all reality virtual? i wish i knew
The entire world is virtual. You are virtual a mass computer program controls the word. You do not exist. You are fake as am i.