
December 3rd, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “vivacious”

  1. Full of life, she was – bubbling over with it, in fact. There was never a room large enough to contain her laughter, never a man with a large enough heart to contain the whole of her being.

  2. Strong and mighty

  3. Her laugh was infectious. Whenever she sat down at a table, whether with friends or strangers, she drew them in with her vivacious manner. However, when she returned home, she wondered why she never heard from this people, why she was lonely.

  4. Across the room he heard a laugh that changed his life. Funny how you don’t realise that until later. At the time he was barely thinking. It was like magnetism. Although he was sitting across from a attractive, intelligent, appealing partner, this laugh was like an itch he couldn’t scratch, creeping across his brain, making it difficult to focus on anything else. It was so ALIVE. Vivacious. Inviting. Healing.