A vow is a powerful thing that inspires trust in another person. It is a commitment to something or someone with the complete intent to follow through on your word. A vow is one of the most powerful options you have in life.
I vow to live the life i want to live. i vow to try and be more compassionate and unerstamding. i vow to stop spending money on useless shit with my credit cards. i vow to save money. i vow to paint nd write and meet new people and have adventures and try to live in the now not the past or the future. i vow to be kind. i v
“a promise should be kept,” she said, “and I told you it would be ’til death til do we part.’
I am keeping my vow right now!” she said as she stared right at me while she slowly pulled the trigger.
Weddings always make me cry. Vows last forever, years after they are made.
If I vow my heart I bow
Down to the gods of love.
Well I guess there are many vows in life that we end up taking. There are personal vows and formal vows. Taking vows implies that you are dedicated to whatever you are vowing for. Anyways, I vow to be a good person during my life.
I vow to take better care of myself. Except that chocolate cake looks really good. I vow to live a life anyone would be proud to live. Its a hard process because I seem to make so many mistakes. I vow a lot of things, mostly to myself and to the world. And I vow to keep my vows. vow vow vow. wow.
I vow to write more! Haha, I really have started to take some sort of direction in writing more often. I think if I actually assert myself into doing this, I’ll actually have some sort of position or leverage into being able to get a job that I’m actually willing to do and not feel totally fucking useless.
It wasn’t spoken. It wasn’t even signified by any particular action. But there was something in the way her eyes glinted in the moonlight seeping in through the window, set high on the wall, that made him realize that he was in it for good. This wasn’t a fling, wasn’t a brief, out-of-body experience. This was real, as real as anything ever is, ever could be, and he knew it was forever.
when I get married I want to write my own vows and my partner will as well. how do I know they’ll agree to this? because I would never marry anyone who didn’t want to write their own vows. I don’t want to say all that traditional meaningless bullshit. I want to say real words that apply to our lives together, both past and future coming. I want our vows to talk about all those little moments that make us who we are and make us who we are together. I want truth and honesty and not recycled garbage that everyone else has stolen the meaning from already; from “I do.” to “I do want a divorce because you slept with my cousin.” gross.
we took a vow on that day that we would never talk about it again.
yet every once in a while, it still comes up. we’re older now, but it’s hard to forget how we felt when we were young, when we had to make those decisions. i wish things could have been different. sometimes it’s hard to picture how i would be if it hadn’t happened.
despite it all, we’re still in love. we’re still together, and i guess that’s all that matters.
vow is a word that reminds me of marriage. i vow to love and trust you forever till death does us part. love is important to me. i wish to find it someday, and wish to find someone that is worth my time and affection and will vow to love me and do unto me as i have done unto them. i vow to meet the right person, and i vow to quit lowering my standards until i find him.
So that nothing will come in the way of what will happen and what I must do. So that I may tie myself to something greater and higher than myself. To know that that is typically another person. Vow. Solemn or foolhardy. Vow. Today whole tomorrow broken
i vow to avenge my father,
and i say so with narrow eyes,
and a red sash to proclaim my country
my purity and my sincere nature
and a dagger strung to my hip
marriage, love being together forever
something that should mean something but unfortunatly it dosent anymore, people take their vows to eachother when they get married and at the time im sure they mean them but leter those vows fade and mean nothing any more and its sad.
i vow to love you in all the ways that i can. i vow to put you first. I vow to always have faith in you and the things you do. I love you, darling. You are mine. Let me treat you as so.
Vow. The day my father took his vows was the first day of this shit hole. I don’t care if I never see him again, I don’t care what happens to him. I’ll stay in this house, 5 miles down the street from him and never talk to him again.
She vowed to kill him, that night, after the ball. He was stuck in time, unable to believe that the one person he believed to handle his secret could judge him terribly. He stubled away into the forest, blinded by his pain.
Nicole Fear
Haha, I looked at that word and it looked foreign to me; I was about to write that I had no idea what “vow” was. Then I realized. Hmmmm. I guess that says a lot about me, huh?
“and i won’t ever let anyone, not even you or i, take away from what happened that day. that was the one time we both glimpsed something far more important than anything we could ever find here.”
EA Nanes
I will do it this time. I know i said it before. Many times. I promised again and again. To myself, to others, to the world. But this time. This time, i will do it. I will.
i will never say that word. i will never recite a thing. verbatim is not what– o i can’t write anything for this word today it’s too much too little too soon too late. too far to be so near. i hate promises.
March 1st, 2009.
Christine Oania
wow was my first thought. maybe its your vows at your wedding? vow wow! i vow my allegience to this great country! i vow to love you forever! Vow Wow! Pow Wow!
A Vow is a promise made any kind of promise, it is kind of like a oath, When you Vow to do something you should do it.
a vow is something that is like a promise but only more meaningful and used in special situations like weddings.
I vow to do the best thing I can do everytime I get caught in a situation that it is hard or easier to do the wrong. Like not look when my girlfriend is around, or wash the dog, even though he licks his own crotch, or end of scentence.
We would be together forever, that’s what he vowed. Forever came to soon.
I made a vow. I solemnly swore. I took up arms, and I rushed over that wall. However, all I found was anguish, neither enemy nor danger was present only a lonely mine on a field of destruction. I saw it, yet I did not waver, my nation had promised me safety, and so I ran, ran straight ahead, ran right into that mine and my family never saw me ever again nor did the nation take any blame…it was the vow that I took…it was the vow that I kept.
Eric Harrell
i vow to never turn my back on a dusty road or to look the other way when your eyes or trained on me.
that would be ridiculous after all because i love your dark brown doe eyes and i love the way your lips curl upwards in a wrinkled smile and i love your thick fingers that fumble with the buttons of my shirt or the buckle of my bra.
i vow to never stop loving you because that would be the dumbest thing i could ever do at this juncture in my life – and at all the other junctures i’ll come across.
vows are very important to the fabric of our society. Not only do they represent the integrity of us as individuals, they also represent our integrity as a society. One who is able to make a vow, and keep it, is a truly honest man. Not only will he prosper, but he will have many friends. Breaking vows, are like breaking bones. They may be mended, but there will always be a scar to remember the incident by.
At that point, I began to realize the utter idiocy of marriage vows. Everybody in the world has broken a promise at some point or another, and marriage vows were no different. They had meant nothing at all to her.
today I write the vow for my wedding. I sit with the pen in my hand on a fresh slate of clean paper. its far too complicated to think about, in my opinion, writing exactly how I feel about her. I just can’t think of what to say. there’s too much feeling to fit into words, I dont know how anyone does this. wedding vows suck.
Shannon Lloyd
I wish that I could vow to something happy. I want to write that from this point forward I vow to be happy, but that would be the world’s BIGGEST lie. Bigger than the one about WMDs, bigger about the lie of whats in bologna and hot dogs.
It took a whole lotta guts to say what I was gonna say but I said it. If there was one promise I ought to keep it was this one I told her. And that promise would stick in my head and stay there and she would only have to look at me and I would remember. She would only have to look at me and I would keep my word.
Down the road the car goes and it’s doors are made of lightning and it’s handlebars are made of metal and everything about it suggests that in ten seconds time when it hits the wall it’s going to be the god damn WALL that suffers the most, but really the most damage of all is done to sandra in the front seat as she’s screaming and looking where to put her hands next and then her eyes close and come on now do you really think they’re going to open again-
made our vows
are we happy now?
cuz I’m lookin around
and I don’t see whats so wow
did the world change round us
or was it just me
cuz I’m lookin around
and there ain’t that much to see
Chris Taylor
I vow to marry you. I promise. wedding, matrimony,I vow to love honor and cherish you through good and better.
I took a wedding vow and then I broke it by killing her. I’m sorry Lucy, I think that’s her name, I kinda sorta liked you, but I never wanted a kid. You are a bad prostitute. R.I.P little Lucy.
a promise. it may be broken but take it anyway. what is the risk? a broken heart? of course. what else. take a vow and mean it. don’t rely on the word of others it may or may not be true.
miss becky
Umm. Vow? Damn, I don’t think I even know the meaning of the word.
A vow is a powerful thing that inspires trust in another person. It is a commitment to something or someone with the complete intent to follow through on your word. A vow is one of the most powerful options you have in life.
I vow to live the life i want to live. i vow to try and be more compassionate and unerstamding. i vow to stop spending money on useless shit with my credit cards. i vow to save money. i vow to paint nd write and meet new people and have adventures and try to live in the now not the past or the future. i vow to be kind. i v
“a promise should be kept,” she said, “and I told you it would be ’til death til do we part.’
I am keeping my vow right now!” she said as she stared right at me while she slowly pulled the trigger.
Weddings always make me cry. Vows last forever, years after they are made.
If I vow my heart I bow
Down to the gods of love.
Well I guess there are many vows in life that we end up taking. There are personal vows and formal vows. Taking vows implies that you are dedicated to whatever you are vowing for. Anyways, I vow to be a good person during my life.
I vow to take better care of myself. Except that chocolate cake looks really good. I vow to live a life anyone would be proud to live. Its a hard process because I seem to make so many mistakes. I vow a lot of things, mostly to myself and to the world. And I vow to keep my vows. vow vow vow. wow.
I vow to write more! Haha, I really have started to take some sort of direction in writing more often. I think if I actually assert myself into doing this, I’ll actually have some sort of position or leverage into being able to get a job that I’m actually willing to do and not feel totally fucking useless.
It wasn’t spoken. It wasn’t even signified by any particular action. But there was something in the way her eyes glinted in the moonlight seeping in through the window, set high on the wall, that made him realize that he was in it for good. This wasn’t a fling, wasn’t a brief, out-of-body experience. This was real, as real as anything ever is, ever could be, and he knew it was forever.
when I get married I want to write my own vows and my partner will as well. how do I know they’ll agree to this? because I would never marry anyone who didn’t want to write their own vows. I don’t want to say all that traditional meaningless bullshit. I want to say real words that apply to our lives together, both past and future coming. I want our vows to talk about all those little moments that make us who we are and make us who we are together. I want truth and honesty and not recycled garbage that everyone else has stolen the meaning from already; from “I do.” to “I do want a divorce because you slept with my cousin.” gross.
we took a vow on that day that we would never talk about it again.
yet every once in a while, it still comes up. we’re older now, but it’s hard to forget how we felt when we were young, when we had to make those decisions. i wish things could have been different. sometimes it’s hard to picture how i would be if it hadn’t happened.
despite it all, we’re still in love. we’re still together, and i guess that’s all that matters.
vow is a word that reminds me of marriage. i vow to love and trust you forever till death does us part. love is important to me. i wish to find it someday, and wish to find someone that is worth my time and affection and will vow to love me and do unto me as i have done unto them. i vow to meet the right person, and i vow to quit lowering my standards until i find him.
So that nothing will come in the way of what will happen and what I must do. So that I may tie myself to something greater and higher than myself. To know that that is typically another person. Vow. Solemn or foolhardy. Vow. Today whole tomorrow broken
i vow to avenge my father,
and i say so with narrow eyes,
and a red sash to proclaim my country
my purity and my sincere nature
and a dagger strung to my hip
marriage, love being together forever
something that should mean something but unfortunatly it dosent anymore, people take their vows to eachother when they get married and at the time im sure they mean them but leter those vows fade and mean nothing any more and its sad.
i vow to love you in all the ways that i can. i vow to put you first. I vow to always have faith in you and the things you do. I love you, darling. You are mine. Let me treat you as so.
Vow. The day my father took his vows was the first day of this shit hole. I don’t care if I never see him again, I don’t care what happens to him. I’ll stay in this house, 5 miles down the street from him and never talk to him again.
She vowed to kill him, that night, after the ball. He was stuck in time, unable to believe that the one person he believed to handle his secret could judge him terribly. He stubled away into the forest, blinded by his pain.
Haha, I looked at that word and it looked foreign to me; I was about to write that I had no idea what “vow” was. Then I realized. Hmmmm. I guess that says a lot about me, huh?
“and i won’t ever let anyone, not even you or i, take away from what happened that day. that was the one time we both glimpsed something far more important than anything we could ever find here.”
I will do it this time. I know i said it before. Many times. I promised again and again. To myself, to others, to the world. But this time. This time, i will do it. I will.
i will never say that word. i will never recite a thing. verbatim is not what– o i can’t write anything for this word today it’s too much too little too soon too late. too far to be so near. i hate promises.
March 1st, 2009.
wow was my first thought. maybe its your vows at your wedding? vow wow! i vow my allegience to this great country! i vow to love you forever! Vow Wow! Pow Wow!
A Vow is a promise made any kind of promise, it is kind of like a oath, When you Vow to do something you should do it.
a vow is something that is like a promise but only more meaningful and used in special situations like weddings.
I vow to do the best thing I can do everytime I get caught in a situation that it is hard or easier to do the wrong. Like not look when my girlfriend is around, or wash the dog, even though he licks his own crotch, or end of scentence.
We would be together forever, that’s what he vowed. Forever came to soon.
I made a vow. I solemnly swore. I took up arms, and I rushed over that wall. However, all I found was anguish, neither enemy nor danger was present only a lonely mine on a field of destruction. I saw it, yet I did not waver, my nation had promised me safety, and so I ran, ran straight ahead, ran right into that mine and my family never saw me ever again nor did the nation take any blame…it was the vow that I took…it was the vow that I kept.
i vow to never turn my back on a dusty road or to look the other way when your eyes or trained on me.
that would be ridiculous after all because i love your dark brown doe eyes and i love the way your lips curl upwards in a wrinkled smile and i love your thick fingers that fumble with the buttons of my shirt or the buckle of my bra.
i vow to never stop loving you because that would be the dumbest thing i could ever do at this juncture in my life – and at all the other junctures i’ll come across.
vows are very important to the fabric of our society. Not only do they represent the integrity of us as individuals, they also represent our integrity as a society. One who is able to make a vow, and keep it, is a truly honest man. Not only will he prosper, but he will have many friends. Breaking vows, are like breaking bones. They may be mended, but there will always be a scar to remember the incident by.
At that point, I began to realize the utter idiocy of marriage vows. Everybody in the world has broken a promise at some point or another, and marriage vows were no different. They had meant nothing at all to her.
today I write the vow for my wedding. I sit with the pen in my hand on a fresh slate of clean paper. its far too complicated to think about, in my opinion, writing exactly how I feel about her. I just can’t think of what to say. there’s too much feeling to fit into words, I dont know how anyone does this. wedding vows suck.
I wish that I could vow to something happy. I want to write that from this point forward I vow to be happy, but that would be the world’s BIGGEST lie. Bigger than the one about WMDs, bigger about the lie of whats in bologna and hot dogs.
It took a whole lotta guts to say what I was gonna say but I said it. If there was one promise I ought to keep it was this one I told her. And that promise would stick in my head and stay there and she would only have to look at me and I would remember. She would only have to look at me and I would keep my word.
Down the road the car goes and it’s doors are made of lightning and it’s handlebars are made of metal and everything about it suggests that in ten seconds time when it hits the wall it’s going to be the god damn WALL that suffers the most, but really the most damage of all is done to sandra in the front seat as she’s screaming and looking where to put her hands next and then her eyes close and come on now do you really think they’re going to open again-
made our vows
are we happy now?
cuz I’m lookin around
and I don’t see whats so wow
did the world change round us
or was it just me
cuz I’m lookin around
and there ain’t that much to see
I vow to marry you. I promise. wedding, matrimony,I vow to love honor and cherish you through good and better.
I took a wedding vow and then I broke it by killing her. I’m sorry Lucy, I think that’s her name, I kinda sorta liked you, but I never wanted a kid. You are a bad prostitute. R.I.P little Lucy.
a promise. it may be broken but take it anyway. what is the risk? a broken heart? of course. what else. take a vow and mean it. don’t rely on the word of others it may or may not be true.
Umm. Vow? Damn, I don’t think I even know the meaning of the word.