
March 1st, 2009 | 134 Entries

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134 Entries for “vow”

  1. i made a vow, i broke it, how many time can you make a vow and not suffer the consequences, maybe i’m already suffering.

  2. I vow to love you
    But you do not love me back
    What shall I do now?

    Richard Jaykins, III
  3. Vow…like a wedding vow…something I don’t think I’ll ever get to make. The girl I love doesn’t care. I just know I’m going to end up alone and I should resign myself to it and try to be happy about it. But I’m scared and don’t want to die alone.

  4. Cross my heart and hope to die. That’s as serious as any of my vows have ever been. I wonder if you really hoped to die back when it was invented – probably, if it was right back in the Middle Ages or something. But why would a stupid kiddie vow have been made up then? But then again, Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosies was made up about the Black Death. I’ll look that up sometime. I wonder what crossing your heart means?

  5. I vow to continue my stream of consciousness. Virginia Wolfe had it right with the Lighthouese, baby. Baby, baby, baby, baby i looooooovvveee you, I really do. Sonic youth are probably so great because of their god Blood. Cute germans 4ever!

  6. Maybe because I am in China, I don’t ususlly have the opportunity to vow for a certain purpose. But I think it is fair to everyone to vow.

  7. They took the vow, sealing their futures, binding them together one word at a time. It was said and done and it was unbreakable. That vow was forever between them, no matter how angry or sad or joyful they were feeling, they were connected by those words they had spoken so many years before.

  8. liek a vow, she stands upon the still stable
    and speaks with her mouth closed, bowing to the people
    who intertwine within the seats
    asking for fogivness, she sits on her feet
    and weaps her writtin song

  9. I vow to keep your lips tinged red and your heart ablaze. I vow to disturb your every waking thought and the night time visions that creep into your sleeping mind.

  10. marriage, honest, church, white, red gown, tuxedo, brother best man, flowers, palmetto, krispy kreme, dog, carrot, honda, Norma,cake, material, church bus, Stephen, Rainwater, Summer< bluegrass, pig, fire, beer

  11. i dont evefn really know wat this word means but i am jst going to say that everyone should support gay equal right cuz i am jus lik u . dont u wan t me to be happy? maybe u dont but wat if your kid was gay n was an only child. wat then

    Kera Collinson
  12. hahahahahahahahahahahaha

    I dated a boy in high school, we broke up but we became good friends. He has proposed to girls THREE times now, but broken up with two of them. What now? will this actually last? why am i so preoccupied with this it should not matter to me except i care about him and i doubt he has the attention span to complete a decision completely.

  13. So many broken vows, overflowing our city’s fountains. The children tie them around their wrists, connecting each little hand to another brother and sister. And with scarlet scissors they are torn.

  14. i vow to believe in love for the rest of my life. love is my motivating force in life, and if not for it, i would be lost. specifically, i vow to love you for as long as we’re together, and i hope that one day, if not today, you’ll feel the same way.

  15. I vow to hold your heart in my hands, but I promise also to remember to wash them before dinner and any other meal I might be fortunate enough to share with you and your two wonderful children, Zac and Sara, in your beautiful house next to the Gulf of Mexico, watching the ocean.

  16. A promise, to be kept, not broken. Solemn, heartfelt, honest, truthful, forever. Some people believe that all we have is our word, therfore our vow is the promise of all that we have.

  17. We pledged our honor to that god forsaken longboat. One piece of plywood with a handful of milk jugs. We ruled that river. And with a shout of “Oooodin” we knew where our loyalties resided.

  18. I vow to never again put your emotions before mine. What good did that do me? None. I wish I vowed not to care about you anymore. I can vow, but I won’t succeed. I wished you vowed to step out of my life once and for all.

  19. i vow to bring my life up to date. that is my biggest issue to myself. Vow..such a quaint little word full of such an unreasonable power over women’s hearts. such a power over the mind, and brings fantasies of things that may never come. Just vow these days to survive, ladies and gentlemen.

    Maggie Waterman
  20. A vow is never to be broken, never to be compromised, a vow is sacred. Everyone agrees to this, if you ask someone if breaking a vow is a good thing, or if it is even acceptable, they will emphatically deny this to be true. And yet, the word promise – well, that word means much less to most people than the word vow. You can bend a promise, break a promise, and no one will condemn you for it. The morals of the world have come down to semantics.

  21. i promise to myself. no. never again. but it is always broken. never kept. why are we kept in a prison of our words? i try to escape the vicious cycle of promise and broken vows but it always escapes from me, no perfection never attainable. instead i sit and wait in my room. guilt. pain. it repeats.

    Elizabeth Kahl
  22. i vow to promise you to live the rest of our lives together. I vow to help you in everything you do and I vow that our love will mean everything. This is the promise that I have made to you – to love you, not to harm you. I vow that our lives will be better than before, that we will succeed and be loved. That we will love and love one another. Our lives will change because of this one vow. Everything will change because of this vow. And you have to believe in the promise, because otherwise, our vow will fail.

  23. I want to get married to life. I want to feel eternal and still know one day my shield will fade and I will feel accomplished in the fact that I bled water, dried land, and birthed nations. I want to make the vow that, when I die, I will be free

    Jordan Miller
  24. vow? Hmmm let’s see. Vow in my understanding means essentially the same thing as breast reduction does to the American atmosphere as it has set forth in today’s society. what has it really come to be? Will we ever truly know? nope, probably not.

  25. I vow to you, on the gravestone of my beloved, I will avenge you.

    One day, when you are far from all’s thoughts, I will remain in your favour, because I am avenging you who were unjustly treated and merciful to all except shown none in return.

    That which is so unfair, I vow on all that is wrong with that world and all that I deem right, you shall have your final revenge.

  26. i vow to be with you forever. vowing this makes me nervous. do you mean your vows? are you sure?

  27. what a word. as if you could just trust and become trussed . those are my new favorite words. and i could vow to you . you could vow to me. i used to be more cynical than i am, but when i think of this, i regress.

  28. Dressed in his tux, looking at his beautiful bride, he vowed to love her for the rest of his life – for the rest of her life. Were they now one?

    Chris Rogers
  29. vows are bullshit, seriously why do you write some bullshit poem about how you promise to do certain things for someone when you know that shit will never happen. Love you forever? through sickness and health? yea kiss my ass vow

  30. i made a vow to you. a promise. i swore to love you forever, and you the same for me. but you broke it. i made one little mistake and you just forget me. forget everything you said & did. you meant the world to me. how can you just leave it? in one second, all it took was a screw up and you were done for good. god how i’ll never be over you.

  31. Vows. SwoV. Owvs. Svow. WVos. Vwos. Owvs. Oswv. Vosw

  32. Hamlet made a vow that he would avenge his father’s death.
    Hamlet was a belly ache…er.
    Never been one for Shakespeare but I still want to know what happens to Claudius because it’s amusing.
    I hope Hamlet goes through with it.

  33. I solemnly vow and promise. Vow is the most, the pinnacle of commitment. I vow – I will do this. Such a tight knit connection of ultimate destiny wound in a single word. Perhaps because I just read about ties binding people together, but potentially because I associate vow with wedding vow. Will I make that, one day?

  34. promise, marriage, break, abandon, leave, stay, raise, children, gimmick, lie, false, hate, love, show, affection, clean, arid, dry, loathe, distance, friendship, matrimony

  35. trap concieve banish allow remember the good time dissintegrate kill hitler wow peace bayonette spaggetti

  36. you say ‘best friends means I pull the trigger’ and I don’t know how to tell you that to me, best friends just means forever. it’s a promise, it’s unspoken, it is special even though you aren’t perfect.

    and so I simply breathe you in, cover myself in your smiles and sighs and hope for the best. I may not know where we’re going, and you may not want to. just remember that I’m here with arms that never close.

  37. I vow to write with my life. Because I know if I don’t make it a solemn promise, then I might not keep it. In these pivotal times, I can’t let it slip through my fingers like water or grains of sand. Make a vow to start now. Then perfect it.

  38. A vow…a marriage vow…a vow of solitude…a vow to end violence…a vow to maintain secrecy…all promises…usually promises that are not kept. He vowed to be mine for all of time “til death do we part” to be exact…where is he now? He’s certainly not dead…though sometimes I wish he was…

  39. marriage love promise votos valor courage

  40. vow? dang. a vow is a promise, from the heart. from the whole heart, not just the top but the bottom as well. a vow is a pinkie swear, a thumb swear, honorable. this is forever, stable and should be taken very, very seriously.
