
March 5th, 2009 | 305 Entries

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305 Entries for “vulture”

  1. The vulture crept sullenly around the dead man. The carcass had already been picked fairly clean and a look of absurd depression graced the face of the bird. He pecked with monotony at the dry eye socket, searching for a morsel. The other birds had left long ago.

  2. The vulture circled above, waiting to swoop down to the man marooned on the island the instant his life expired.

    The man eyed the vulture above knowingly.

    Chris Rogers
  3. You’re such a damn vulture, picking at the pieces of what has already gone spoiled. I can’t believe that you would even think about going back to her… She never treats you right. She’ll never pick you over him. Just you wait and see.

  4. It was circling lower than before. The little girl watched its descent into the fields and knew that the boys had been out shooting again. The sun was sinking, too, and in a moment it would be dark.

  5. hmmm, women. they are vultures. i mean they can be. i like a lot of them. but a lot of them are from a different planet. a lot guys suck too tho. a vulture cares about money, as far as humans are concerned. real vultures are cool as long as they just go for what is already dead. its part of the circle of life

  6. The flatlands were the place to die. Bones here, bones there. They marked the perpetual famine of the vultures.

    Cracked and dry, the earth below the circling vultures looked like splintered glass.

  7. Well a vulture is something that scavenges for food and eats other animals’ leftovers. Kind of a disgusting creature really. Is it the same thing as a buzzard? those are ugly too.

  8. He called it The Vulture. Shitty brown paint job like the wings, and fucked up fender like the beak. Loud-ass engine like that scary CAW CAW CAW you supposedly heard overhead before it came down to eat you.

  9. your mom is a vulture. I love her. But she loves dead people.

  10. He called in The Vulture. Shitty brown paint job like the wings, and fucked up fender like the beak. Loud-ass engine like that scary CAW CAW CAW you supposedly heard overhead before it came down to eat you.

  11. looking out from the dusty window pane;
    I notice a vulture comfortably perched atop a roof one building over–he looks more lonesone than I do.

    mandy feliciano.
  12. They all hovered around me, vultures, dark silhouettes with their judging eyes. I had known that they doubted me but I had never known it to be this intense. And for the first time in my life, I hated them.

  13. The dog sat on the roof of his house, crouching, looking somber. It always cracked me up. I wonder if Woodstock was impressed?

    Nathalie (Spacedlaw)
  14. We were driving along the mountain road and looked up to see a vulture flying overhead. Looking for a meal we thought Didn’t see what it ended up to be thank goodness.

    Kathy Mellert
  15. something about my fifth grade teacher reminded me of a vulture. it might’ve been those tiny, hardened eyes sunken deep into her weathering skin, or her pale, pinkish complexion. it could have also been the nasty sweaters she wore which often reminded me of carcasses, and maybe my little fifth grade brain connected dead meat and nasty birds.

  16. one of the cleaners of the natural world. the buddhists leave their dead to be eaten by vultures, often portrayed as a macabre and unwelcome animal, they are a symbol of how life is cyclical.

  17. Hanging down from a tree, the bird was watching the dog play with a ball. All he wanted was for the dog to stop playing with the ball and look at him. Without the dog ever noticing him, he started to wonder if his thoughts had any meaning – even more importantly – if he had any meaning. The dog was playing with the ball and not worrying about meaning at all.

  18. Scavenger. Filth. Nothing but negativity gets tacked on to the idea of vultures because they are ugly and eat dead things. Do the dead things care? Watch yourself carefully as you judge things based off of other peoples ideals. You might discover more than you think.

    Andrew Meare
  19. a bird who feeds on others. Big black, often a sign of disgust in stories. People can also be called this, people who prey upon the innocent and believe themselves superior.

  20. The shadow passes over the land. its shape warps over the uneven ground until it forms a perfect siluette silently on the smooth sand

  21. There as a vulture sitting on the fence in my backyard. I quickly ran and got a broom to chase it away. I ran too fast and fell and hit my head on the concrete. I don’t remember much after that, except I’m here now. Because of that vulture.

  22. I am looking for a job. As I look out on the vast terrain before me it looks like a ravenous vulture has been here before me and devoured all of the jobs. It picked the bones clean, leaving nothing for me or anyone else. Where are the jobs? Over seas. It must be good to be employed by an American company if you live in India or any other country.

  23. Are scavengers, and personally too many people appear to be as such, destroying things that others create for their own damn amusement. I find this sickening at times, and at others serves a purpose that we can not really say. Everyone must be tempered with defeat as well as success. For it is what it means to be human.

  24. the vulture crouched at the edge of the cliff, peering over into the abyss. Far below, the wagon train crept slowly along the path. The canyon walls shot up on either side of them, blocking the travellers from even the strongest of the sun’s rays.

  25. scavenger, mean, predator, ugly, vicious,large, ominous, strong, hungry, circling, premediatated

  26. some people who are all around us. they are mostly republicans, who don’t care about anyone -just money, and power over the rest of us.
    there are other vultures around us, aho pretend to be your friend, but actually only want to suck your blood.

  27. circling
    my nearly picked-clean bones
    and teeth bared in a grin that shows jawbone

    tibia, fibula and femur
    no longer hidden by muscle and sinew
    but revealed like sad, pale captives
    blinking and gasping
    at the influx of scorching light
    and parched air

    humerus, ulna and radius
    bleached and cracked
    outstretched in welcome
    the offering i make is meager
    but, there’s still enough flesh left for you

  28. The vulture slowly circled around the dead body. The summer sun had bleached most of the young girl’s body, but she still had meat on her bones. The bird did not care about how she had died. She did not care about how she ran away from her attacker. He did not care about all the pain she underwent because of that man. All the vulture wanted was the food.

  29. The vulture swung overhead, waiting for me to stop moving. It knew, could smell, that I was already dead. It just wanted me properly still so it could feed.

    I never expected the circling carrion birds, when I became a zombie.

    Sarah Goslee
  30. I hate vultures who try to suck the life out of me with their drama and bullshit and uselessness who’s life has no meaning of their own so they try to leach of off mine. I will gladly share what I have, who I am but when you cause problems for me and the people I care about and make federal cases over the most meaningless trite crap I’ll have none of it so buzz

  31. vulture is bird.
    vulture has two is really is one of the most respected birds in india.oops sorry its eagle ,i made a mistake.vulture’s loooks are disgusting.i hate a bird like vulture.whatever it may be vulture is still god’s ceation so i should not think bad of it.
    mp has lot of vultures.vultures are very essential in parsee religious ceremonies,especially during death.they don’t cremate people inmsted they give the dead body to vultures.
    vultures are a sort of extinct species today.they need to be protected

  32. I feel the vultures peering over my shoulder, watching as I work. How long will I last before crumbling to the ground in unemployment? They are watching me, watching me, where will I run?

    Mike Swan
  33. This word reminds me of the vultures from The Jungle Book. They were supposed to be voiced by The Beatles, but unfortunately due to a change in scheduling, The Beatles couldn’t voice them, so Disney used other voices that sound like them and still made the vultures look like The Beatles as a homage. The ‘What you wanna do?’ thing was a joke in our family when I was growing up.

  34. It seems as if it’s spelled wrong, though it probably isn’t. I’m reminded of the Bad Vlad, from Horton hears A Who when i see the word. He was a nasty bugger, and I’m sure most of them really are like that. Even though I think Vlad was a condor. Vultures really are terrible, though.

  35. eating tearing clawing flesh
    finding flowing sucking blood
    not killing but eating the killed

    Shaun Sutkus
  36. My roommates are like vultures. They hover around and try to pick at anything they see that might be dying, like my spirit. They are evil, middle-aged teenagers. They are hateful and vindictive. They took inventory of our utensils because they thought I would try to steal them. They leave lights on to ruin my food in the cabinet above. They are vultures.

  37. vultures never sleep, my uncle said so i don’t know if it’s true.

  38. he was watching me. like a vulture would. he was stalking me, waiting for something. i wasn’t sure what yet. he wanted something from me. or maybe he wanted me? his intent eyes, really much like a vulture, seemed to peer into my soul. was this the end of me and the beginning of us?

  39. He was sitting on the dead carcass, waiting for the lion to arrive. the vulture knew it was only a matter of time before the other scavengers came to eat the dead prey. His livlihood depends on these abandoned kills, and he wasnt about to let this glorious find to be stolen away. it was up to him to protect it.

    Denell Nawrocki
  40. The vultures were there in the dark of the night. They came to feed over the putrid corpse of liberty. They were black and blended in so that no one suspected they were coming. But come they did. They swallowed up the gold on the desert floor. They took everything that had once been great and let it rot as chyme in their filthy stomachs. They were evil personified.

    Julie Sanchez