
March 5th, 2009 | 305 Entries

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305 Entries for “vulture”

  1. Bald headed ugly and nasty birds that dwell in trees and wait for dead things to appear so then they may nom om nom on them.

    Mary Ann
  2. Vultures flock down upon the carcasses lying by the side of the road. Thousands of them, vultures, I mean, not carcasses. The carcasses don’t seem real, can’t be real, and maybe they’re just cotton and strings and fur. Fur. But no, they’re real and they’re bleeding and they’re waiting for the vultures, waiting, because who’d rather be rotting to smelly rancid pulp in the hot sun when you can be sustaining life, even if it’s ugly life like vultures?

  3. Did you know?
    Vultures covered my house?
    When I was young
    My mother said,
    Not to be afraid
    But to stay far away
    I asked her why
    I had to stay far away
    If they were not dangerous?

    Rebecca Stoddard
  4. Kids are vultures. They suck at each others souls, thinking it’s cool. It’s not cool. It’s disgusting and wrong.

    I’d like to bind and gag them.

  5. Vultures are evil creatures. I hate them. Their eyes seem to be the scariest not quite there beady things that could suck your soul. I would never want to be that bird if I was reincarnated. Because they just seem so evil.

  6. She’s a vulture, willing to wait for your blood.

    Shes out to scavenge a meal, make a red heart of your life.

    She’s going to get you, you’re treated like a piece of meat, hot, sizzling and rare.

    You’re a gem among men, and she’s sunken her claws into your skin, the vulture’s got you.

    She’s scavenged and she got the best.

  7. Vultures are strange creatures. They make me think of death, in a way – how they’re always picking at the carcasses of animals. They also bring to mind the vastness of the desert, with the tumbleweeds and sand… At least, that’s all thanks to Hollywood’s perception.

  8. vultures are scary. They eat dead flesh. For that you must be wary. I wonder if I should use periods since I have to write this so fast. vultures are bald…bald men have stronger libidos…I wonder if vultures have strong libidos.

  9. big bird. likes to eat dead things. I think they had them on the lion king.. and maybe the Jungle book. Scary, read eyes, angry looking. Probably severely misunderstood.

  10. The bird cranes its neck, scanning the skyline for any sources of decaying corpses. Ugly and disheveled, it seems to come from the pit of Satan himself. He croaks and stretches out its wings, releasing a cloud of fetid smell. Finally, he soars in the air, forever seeking life, to finish the course of death.

  11. once upon a time there was a young lion whose father was eaten by vultures. This was part of the food chain. But the food chain was the construction of God, not evolution. God liked balance and simplicity. Evolution convoluted simplicity because it cost money and time and lawyers. In fact the simplicity that god created in the food chain has been a great source of divisiveness. But maybe that is how it works. The more simple and fundamental. The more polarizing. The more violence. The more animosity. Complicate things and people don’t give a shit. Like bureaucracy. Nobody gives a shit about how a bureaucracy works they just care that it does. If the food chain was as complicated as the federal government we would never have the evolution debate in the first place.

  12. He swooped down and gnarled up his hands and looked at her longingly. The moment seemed to last forever while her eyes pooled with blue light and breath flared impatiently out her nostrils.

  13. that stupid son of a bitch that took me for granted. asshole.

  14. thevulture is a bird that reminds me of carrion, dead things, and for some reason, the california condor. I don’t know why I automatically went to the California condor, but this things said,don’t think, just write. So that’s what I am doing.

    Vultures in Africa often wait until the King of the Jungle, the lion, or others, like the hyena, are finished with the meal. That’;s when they swoop in. Or, in the dessert, that’s where they are as well.

  15. the blackest creature. the lowest form of life; cawing, cackling in deserts. rotting flesh melting from the ground to the mouths to the belly of the putrid vulture. filth, vermin, clinging on to the souls of the departed and war broken warriors of the wild. Do you love vulture…? do you?

  16. The vulture sat on the edge of the cliff looking down on his prey. Below was a cute little bunny just hopping along.

  17. Sit’s upon bones, carrying needles and flying upon heroes once known.

    Deceased underneath a mass of ashes.

    Peck. Peck. Peck.

  18. They’re vultures, all of them! Nasty, evil vultures, picking upon the remains of the dead!
    Ignorant that their bodies, too, will become the food of the living all too soon.

  19. There is an ever present something hovering up above me, above us all. Hunched over, knobby, scaly, strange. Always searching for its “in,” its opportunity to feed. It hangs there in limbo, looking for someone else’s success, someone else’s love, someone else’s life. It is a cheater. It is hopelessness. It is the constant nagging that nothing is permanent, that if you don’t take care and perfect the life you’re leading, it might be taken away from you forever.

  20. A vulture is a very interesting creature. Not only does it prey upon carcasses and rotting flesh, but it also has the ability to fly. This can be a very danger combination indeed. Should there be any dead bodies en mass, a swarm of vulture could over take the cadavers and devour them in a single fit of rampage. It’s not everyday one as to worry about this happening.

  21. vultures are creepy and cary. one time I saw one eating a baby deer. that’s a lie, sorry. anyways, they are even creepier in movies. some people remind me of vultures, especially ugly people. vultures are truly an underappreciated species true life.

  22. A hideous bird of prey. It watches with careful eyes as it’s sees the life leave another animal. Within moments of the animal’s last breath teh vulture begins to rips away the flesh to the sweet still warm meat.

  23. it reminds me of bad ppl. The people who see a ruined person and feed off of them.

  24. Vulture reminds me of Vultures of Pop Culture, a band. Why do they call themselves ultures? Do they feed off of dead ideas of pop culture? Is pop culture dead? how can pop culture die if it is only what we make it ? we will always be making new things.

  25. I once saw a vulture when I was traveling with my family. It was sitting in a tree.

  26. a scavenger bird : They feed off dead animals

  27. One time i saw a vulture underneath a bridge in New York City eating a banana and then a rat came out of the sewer with a jack hammer and killed the vulture and a pigeon started crying because it was in love with the vulture and i just laughed.

  28. you were picking my bones before I was dead
    circling your rotten carcass around my head
    I knew brought other dead things back to our bed
    But I saw what you were before I married you

  29. once there was a vulture that i saw when i was on a scavanger hunt. it was eating a big dead animal. i was so scared i didnt know what to do. the vulture was so big an colorful. it looked at me.

    kathleen hill
  30. Kulture Vulture is my favorite place to browse in New Orleans for clothes for Holland. I like the idea of her looking like a person in fun clothes…not a baby in teddy bears and ruffles. I see someone with a kid in a Pixies onesie and I think “That’s someone I want to get to know.” Not that I need fulfillment from the opinions of others, but it’s a fun way to start a conversation.

  31. vulture reminds me of one day when i was at my house out on mistle toe road. I was going up to the barn to feed my horse, when a vulture swooped out of the tree. It scared me horibly.

    acacia Woods
  32. Why do they keep circling above my head? They snatch my soul, they snatch my food, they snatch my jobs away from me. Damn vultures from my graduating class from UNM all have jobs, so why can’t I have one too? God, why do these bitchy vultures do this to me? They have what I want and you haven’t seen fit to let me have it yet. Vultures suck, but at least they have jobs.

  33. Vulture. High in the sky, a bird of prey.
    Higher they soar, keen eyes on the victims below.
    As high as they go, the faster they fall, down down to the ground.
    A sign of dead, or lay to wasting soon, they are waiting for me and you.
    So high in the sky, the sun’s bouncing off the wings.

  34. You circle me, eyes focused on the prize. You don’t see past my exterior, all you see is yet another piece of meat to devour. A prize to fight for but never appreciate. As you swoop down on my carcass, and strip off pieces of meat you never savour it you swallow it whole.

  35. Vultures can look surprisingly similar to eagles when they are flying overhead. They clearly have two completely different methods of meat acquisition, however. While the eagle may appear grander, it is the vulture who has more success every day at finding food.

  36. Those vultures in the “life Coaching” profession are making me angry with their taking advantage of vulnerable people.

    Cynthia Trench
  37. vultures are really weird birds. they are big and i think they skwak. the thing that comes to my mind when i think of vulture is the john mayor song and this photograph that was taken in africa of a bird that looked like a vulture about to eat this starving little boy. i also think of vultures as a metaphor for people who surrond my life and just judge it. i don’t know, the more i write about vultures, the more i like the concept of it all. if i had a pet vulture, i would name it fred. i don’t even like that name, it’s just the first that came to mind.

  38. on the phone with a few of them a conference call with a webex seminar, stealing your work and sending the blame when it is appropriate, lurking above like big brother, checking my messages, checking my email, ready to gouge my eyes out

  39. vultures are odd creatures, they eat dead animals and are bald… i think… they are birds… hahaha… they made an appearance in old yeller and the jungle book. one of them got eaten in the jungle book im pretty sure..blahhh blahh blahh.

  40. picking at the skin like some kind of vulture he removed his probing fingers from the carcass and began to eat, savoring every cold, fleshy inch in his mouth that he could take at a time. he let out a shout for the others to come but made sure he’d had his fill before they could touch what he had killed.

    March 5th, 2009.

    Christine Oania