
March 5th, 2009 | 305 Entries

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305 Entries for “vulture”

  1. the vulture in ice age talked and said funny stuff the children left behind will be eaten it was preety funny and food glorious food how could we imagine hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  2. One word, I’m afraid it was more than that. It is not wise to vent to your brother who is in prison about his half retarded son.

    Candice Blake
  3. A bird that follows death.

  4. Vultures are really ugly creatures. They’ve got those turkey like necks and ratty black feathers. Whenever I think about vultures, I think about Beavis and Butthead Do America, which I also happen to think is a very underrated movie. The graphics are stunning.

  5. Cute fuzzy little things, vultures are. I mean, no one likes them. Why, though? Sure, they’re scary looking sometimes, and they feed off the dead. What do you eat, though? You eat meat. You and the vulture are one of the same; both carnivorous. Sure, you’re omnivorous, but that’s besides the point. Why would people dislike these harmless creatures? If you’re not dead, it own’t pick on you.

  6. Vultures are these disgusting creatures that nobody likes. They feed on the bones and carcasses of the dead. But if you think about how people prey on others fragile emotional states, people are worse.

  7. They all ran from the dining room to read from the book. All of them, that is, except for Walter, who stayed behind to pick his teeth with the remaining bones. “Come now, Walter!”, yelled Walter’s father. Then the other children squeeled, laughing, “Come on, vulture! Come now, buzzard!” That’s how he earned the name. Of course, now, it meant something very different.

  8. Vultures are the most despicable of creatures. Especially in today’s economy. With so many layoffs, vultures smell blood everywhere and are now flush with the dearly departed’s Blackberrys, laptops, and even clients! It’s disgusting, and I certainly hope they are extinct soon.

  9. Furry looking, bald like a naked old man, this bird of prey invokes a sad, lonely feeling as one would expect life to be for a carrion eating creature reliant on death to survive

    Big Robby
  10. evil metaphor old lady ambulance chaser

    beautiful bird circle of life gets no respect

    carrion, soaring looking scouting hoping for decaying flesh

    beautiful beautiful beautiful when not human

    big wings

  11. It swam in that vibrant sea that one calls the sky. It drooped down, its gigantic wings sweeping through the air, slicing the molecules that I was supposed to be studying. I wasn’t angry in the slightest.

    I watched it destroy all the gas and water molecules that had made my high school Chemistry I class hell. It was with glee that I watched the vulture swoop to snatch its prey.

  12. go ahead, circle like a vulture. we all know it’s not gonna get you anywhere.

  13. circles the sky looking for a new free meal from the lost life of the world’s creatures. They aren’t the prettiest in the world but they serve a purpose none the less. Actually they kinda look like that old guy that played on star trek next generation.

  14. birds, death, the movie birds and everything. Annoying at times, but peaceful at other moments.

  15. They hover overhead, soaring effortlessly . More and more return until they are a large group. Their shadow flashes by flickering the sunlight.

  16. Vulture…my dad used to be unable to spell that word but after years of insistent torture by my younger self he was able to master its spelling. Vultures are birds that eat dead things…or a vulture is someone who is a vulture. They scavange I suppose you could say. I like this word.

  17. Vultures are amazing creatures. They have embodied many things that have constantly kept humans curious. Why do these creatures prefer to scavenge and feast on dead organisms when they are perfectly capable of hunting for live, fresh ones? Only God knows the answer.

  18. the deadly birds circled high over our heads. it was like they knew. deep in thier flesh-eating guts, they knew it was only a matter of time. lara inched closer to me, her eyes never leaving the circle of vultures above us. Our hearts both beat to the tune of the same question: who would it be? I wondered breifly if we should run, but I knew it would be no use. Death was a thing that followed you everywhere. You couldn’t hide from death, like you couldn’t hide from destiny, or purpose, or even life itself.

  19. swaying, flying. above and picking. ready. always waiting and never going home. to bring together the dead, and the alive. to bring me home. to bring me away. its never getting better.

  20. His eyes pierced through me
    A vulture ready to pounce
    Enjoying every last morsel
    Constantly hungry for more
    His hands never stopped
    Constantly exploring every curve

    LynnArts (Jen M)
  21. a sad, lonely and ultimately grumpy kind of bird. It is not his choice to feed on the dead, it is his purpose. Without him disease would spread and stink would permeate the area

  22. Vultures make me think of time. You only have so little time before you’re devoured by others that are bigger and stronger than you. Some people will eat anything.

  23. The Vultures swung in the wind, high above the trees. A meal was below. A human corpse. A male. “How did he get here?” asked the first bird.

    Jared Willoughby
  24. bird life kids desert water scary love when is it my turn music life cigs sobes and my guilty pleasure

  25. circling.
    my fake sombrero and peyote

  26. I was walking in the sahara desert.
    What I was doing there ?
    Looking for my heart.
    A vulture took it.
    I need it back.
    Help me ?

    Vie ?
  27. let’s eat.

  28. Sitting there, ominously, you look at me as though I were a feast…for the eyes, for your soul…rotten to the core you prey upon me…hovering vulture…wanting my flesh…carnal and ripe…raw and wanton…shall I give you my innermost secrets…or shall I let you thirst for me…until my death…what is mine shall be yours…in ashes and dust…

  29. sometimes i feel like i’m circling a desert below
    not one being does it show
    when, then, to my surprise, a rotting corpse meets my eyes
    i help it die, i dive
    how i survive
    pick off the lesser, take their drive

  30. Vultures are a sticky creature. They lurck, they hide, they leer. Sticky. A most mysterious beast, probably underrated. Vultures. I don’t want to be called one, but I don’t want them to become extinct either. What a strange world we have.

    Megan Carter
  31. i stare into the window. they sit in a circle, laughing. at me. then, as they all turn in unison, i turn away to, as if looking at a car on the street. but there’s nothing to see but the early morning frost that covers the grass and car windows. they are vultures. i am prey.

  32. The vulture circled us overhead and sweat soaked through my dirty clothes. I don’t know where we were and I don’t know what to do. How did we end up in the middle of this desert?

  33. THe vulture is a vile beast, living off of the dead of any species. It cares not for the life before it, merely for it’s own. It only knows that you are food. And therefore, you are sacred.

    Maybe in this way, the vulture is majestic – or at least spiritually perfect. It holds all life sacred equally.

    CK Avery
  34. The vultures were circling. The whole office was bathed in dead silence. Bill had lost his job and of course, his is the biggest office on the floor. ‘Get out of my way!’

  35. I see it come in the night, there to rip the flesh from my bones. It waits for my demise, devouring my soul as it rots from the inside out.

    Benjamin David
  36. Vultures are hideous death seeking creatures that fly around searching for victims of tragedies to peck and eat to death. they lay in wait, circling above They never tire and can out wait any victim they set there sites on. their beaks are long, and disgusting.

  37. vulture is black and cool ..he is one of the most mysterious birds that were thought for years to be cursed but the truth is that they are just different.

  38. vultures are fun creatures that fly around in the air because they are only allowed on the ground for 1 hour in their entire life. After their hour on the ground is up they are off to bird heaven

  39. The old man in the desert collapsed once again, dying slowly from thirst. He had noticed the circle of vultures winging overhead about an hour ago, waiting for a fresh meal. Gathering up his strength, he pressed on. He wasn’t going to become someone’s meal any time soon.

  40. the vultures were circling high over my dead body. steadily they swooped down in circles to devour their easy prey. all the while their reflections shining in my eyes. is this really how i will be found, the last memories of myself?

    Landon Ross