dancing the night away the geese fluttered and fell from the sky – inking dark
The waltz swept through me like a zephyr from the ocean. I closed my eyes and suddenly I was back in my grandparents’ living room and the old phonogram was playing above the fireplace. I could smell my grandmother’s turkey in the oven and I new that dinner would be soon. I could hear my cousins in the yard playing and ran out into the bright sunshine to meet them. I remember all this now without even knowing the city I was in at the time. It’s funny how the major details slip away but the little things, like that one waltz song stick with you for a lifetime.
Xochi Navarro
The waltz swept through me like a zephyr from the ocean. I closed my eyes and suddenly I was back in my grandparents’ living room and the old phonogram was playing above the fireplace. I could smell my grandmother’s turkey in the oven and I new that dinner would be soon. I could hear my cousins in the yard playing and ran out into the bright sunshine to meet them. I remember all this now without even knowing the city I was in at the time. It’s funny how the major details slip away but the little things, like that one waltz song stick with you for a lifetime.
Xochi Navarro
Hand in mine as we waltzed across the floor, swaying with the intricate harmony of the lilting string music. I smiled at him, eyes glowing. He smiled through me, face impassively cold.
That was when I knew I’d lost him. When I’d somehow stumbled and ruined our little waltz of romance. That was when I had begun a quick tango into heartbreak.
dance dream ballroom technique pretty structured difficult challenge lines beautiful impressive dated stylized right necessary right
…And I was wearing that dress I said I’d never wear again and you were wearing that suit you were wearing the night you had sex with the girl you told me you didn’t have sex with but it didn’t matter because every step we took we sent sparks into the air, and in that one moment we were infinite.
You waltz in the Lily’s and love life. You look at the sun and see what you life is for. You love to live in the open green, and have a lot of friends. You are the most popular hippy in the world.
As he waltzed into the room, she could believe that he glanced at her briefly. Their eyes might have met, and her heart gave a sudden twitch and her fingers went slightly numb remembering the feel of his hands around hers as they had danced last night, or perhaps last week, in all absurdity, aboard a zeppelin, feet as light as the clouds they were standing in. But he kept waltzing through the room, leaving her behind in the clouds, wondering if anything actually happened at all.
Charlie Rose
you waltz right in and kick my feet from underneath my body. Unsuspecting some would call me. Others would scream “NAIIVE”. Label me what you want, I just believe in giving everyone and everything my all…and if I cant do that, I am nothing but a pebble, lying on the ground waiting to be waltzed right over.
The slow dance begins. Passion fills every chord and every beat. Our eyes meet and a thousand cliches fill my mind. Our love could change a generation but you only have one chance, one waltz.
Tiffany F.
A waltz, the dance of eternity. Love is the dance of eternity. People continue dancing even if they don’t know why or how they’re going to stop. They don’t know the steps, so it’s not uncommon for them to trip over one antoher’s feet. Sometimes they even push others out of the way, or try to flaunt their own unique dance moves. Sometimes this makes them the better dancer, the one on top, but sometimes it backfires. Love is the dance of eternity and none of us ever want it to end.
Amy Jones
Waltz. Breathe. Live. Be Cliche. And Waltz. Cry. Run. Scream. Garden. Make No Sense. Lose Yourself. Do Yoga. I want you to hold me in your arms and I want to be your dance partner. Instead, I fold myself up into a pretzel and breathe into my forgotten spaces- a single soloist.
well fuck me. if i’m going to waltz with a bitch i better be getting laid. if not, i better at least be getting my cock sucked. who the fuck even waltz’s anymore!? that’s some OLD shit.
my grandmother bakes and brews
with a litling schwitzerdeutsch twang,
‘the’s coming out in string of threes
with z and s sounds mixed in
half-dancing with my granddad like it’s 1955
in a land faraway
where the coblestones click
as you waltz
I want to waltz. I want you to grab me and dance with me in this rain we’ve waited for. But even though the drought is over my heart is dry. I am so lost with you…you are my everything. What do I do? I’m afraid of letting you go.
I like to waltz. Waltzing is a dance, it is a movement, a glide. Waltzing is just going to be dancing. What is a waltz? I once did a waltz at my cousin’s wedding. Debut, rather. It was fun. I don’t know how I did as a waltzer. You just go up and down up and down. It usually is done by old people and old movies. I like to waltz and walts
It wasn’t the first time she wasn’t asked to dance. Being a wallflower came naturally. But after watching him all semester, all week, hoping against hope that he might notice her, he walked up to her, right where she was standing, and asked the girl next to her to dance.
my brother started playing the piano when I was quite young. I didn’t like it, because it was loud, and it got him attention, and I couldn’t appreciate the music. We watched Fantasia together, though; that part I liked. He would tell me things about the music, and even though it went through one ear and out the other, I liked it when he talked to me.
dancing is great! I wish I could dance. The three four subdivisions continue to bounce in my head and I try to move to the beat. However, I am clumsy and cannot dance. What a misfortune. Ah the ladies will never love me! Boo! Why me?
She does the dance, moving, pulsating in a display of sexual energy. Death surveys her rythmic movements and grins. He has picked his mate well. Her sultry movements give him a feeling of pleasure he hasnt felt before.
sammy herring
something about the sound of music. i’d never seen the musical, but i’d seen the movie and i fell in love with it right away–now that i think about it, it wasn’t a waltz they were dancing, was it? some type of traditional dance, whatever, i’m terrible on my feet
a butterfly’s waltz,
his glisten in the sun,
like a shining cup of morning dew,
a challenge one has won,
and three thousand years can fly,
a billion lights, you reach,
touch the sky and feel alive,
your toes, and sand, the beach
before the waltz is done,
a forty-something miles,
give me one last glance,
a stare, maybe, a smile.
I thought that Magpie and I would waltz forever. We would dance through the Indiana backwoods with our feathers floating, fireflies blinking. I pretended for too long and everyone was hurt. No more waltzing- only sidestepping.
Step one-two.
Step one-two.
From the far corner of the room, the booming sounds of the crisp orchestra muted.
I looked into his eyes and was lost. Like a trance, all I heard was the sound of my heart beating to the pace of my steps.
Bleak yesterdays, just thought processes drained of all the little nuances that we have come to expect and love, or should we kill the father little Oedipus? I dont know, maybe he does, he sure looks smart to the dwarf boy, he needs to die in the mine.
sammy herring
He waltzed into the room, full of spunk and confidence, perhaps overconfidence. The others gaped, hardly believing that a man such as him could be entering their humble little party. Did he even get an invitation? Would he give us a taste of his legendary waltz? Quick as lightning he shed his cloak and strutted to the center of the dance floor, grabbing a partner along the way.
Caroline W.
I always imagined myself at my wedding waltzing- and I guess it’s because that’s what Cinderella did I’m the movie I grew up with. But truth be top it’ll probably be up being some nsync song and a salsa. My how things change.
back in those times when women wore hoop skirts and had dance cards to be filled out like some contract. imagine having to carry around a card for men to write their names on to bid on you. but who am I to talk, Ive never done the waltz
wow this is really cool i wonder what will happen when i’m done and where this will go. maby it will waltz around the internet between numerous people.
stride, dance, proper, funny, hard, swagg, dresses, hills, classes.
Shakeyla Ingram Word's
He walked slowly across the ballroom floor to where she stood, her back up against the wall. She was beautiful, her dark hair piled up high on her head, her cheekbones highlighted by the application of light make-up. She wore a long purple dress with a low neckline which exposed her beautiful breasts. “Would you like to waltz” he asked …
He walked slowly across the ballroom floor to where she stood, her back up against the wall. She was beautiful, her dark hair piled up high on her head, her cheekbones highlighted by the application of light make-up. She wore a long purple dress with a low neckline which exposed her beautiful breasts. “Would you like to waltz” he asked …
The couple intertwined, slowly moving to the music. The pace quickened and their bodies grew tighter together as they spun in circles convicing everyone around them that they had fallen in love.
Sarah S.
They waltzed the night away, locked in one anothers’ tight embrace. Both of them knew that this would be their last time together, their last moment in each others’ arms. They had decided to make it memorable, and the night was memorable indeed.
He strode into the room, waltzing right up to the queen with such confidence that he was noticed immediately by the onlookers. They watched, quizzical of this peculiar man, silent as he pulled the dagger out of seemingly nowhere and stabbed it straight into the monarch’s heart. Silence fell upon the hall and subsequently the world.
The waltzed, all night. It was not a bright room, and the stairs that led up were carpeted in deep red. The floor was tiled in marble, black and white, like a chess board, and the walls were painted scarlet, like the carpet. Each candelabra was lit for the purpose this very special night..
Oh god. I just staffed first aid at a ballroom dance competition. It was the most boring 7 hours of my life. Not to mention it was hot as hell and the room had no air conditioning. No one got hurt. Too hot to try to do anything meaningful. Just sitting there.
Great Music, Romantic Dance…
I love it whnever Dancing with my Girl. Too Romantic ….Needs to Master it so can be More Happy…I just love it.
waltzing matilda died in the dark murky billabong where her soul haunts it to this very day. waltz away, matilda.
A waltz seems to be like a dance performed. I remember the movie Waltz with Bashir which was, I think, nominated for an Academy Award in the US. The sound of the word itself is sonourous with some kind of grace that pervades all things it associates with. Speaking of dance, I am an Indian, and there is not much social awareness of dance on a community level.
dancing the night away the geese fluttered and fell from the sky – inking dark
The waltz swept through me like a zephyr from the ocean. I closed my eyes and suddenly I was back in my grandparents’ living room and the old phonogram was playing above the fireplace. I could smell my grandmother’s turkey in the oven and I new that dinner would be soon. I could hear my cousins in the yard playing and ran out into the bright sunshine to meet them. I remember all this now without even knowing the city I was in at the time. It’s funny how the major details slip away but the little things, like that one waltz song stick with you for a lifetime.
The waltz swept through me like a zephyr from the ocean. I closed my eyes and suddenly I was back in my grandparents’ living room and the old phonogram was playing above the fireplace. I could smell my grandmother’s turkey in the oven and I new that dinner would be soon. I could hear my cousins in the yard playing and ran out into the bright sunshine to meet them. I remember all this now without even knowing the city I was in at the time. It’s funny how the major details slip away but the little things, like that one waltz song stick with you for a lifetime.
Hand in mine as we waltzed across the floor, swaying with the intricate harmony of the lilting string music. I smiled at him, eyes glowing. He smiled through me, face impassively cold.
That was when I knew I’d lost him. When I’d somehow stumbled and ruined our little waltz of romance. That was when I had begun a quick tango into heartbreak.
dance dream ballroom technique pretty structured difficult challenge lines beautiful impressive dated stylized right necessary right
…And I was wearing that dress I said I’d never wear again and you were wearing that suit you were wearing the night you had sex with the girl you told me you didn’t have sex with but it didn’t matter because every step we took we sent sparks into the air, and in that one moment we were infinite.
You waltz in the Lily’s and love life. You look at the sun and see what you life is for. You love to live in the open green, and have a lot of friends. You are the most popular hippy in the world.
As he waltzed into the room, she could believe that he glanced at her briefly. Their eyes might have met, and her heart gave a sudden twitch and her fingers went slightly numb remembering the feel of his hands around hers as they had danced last night, or perhaps last week, in all absurdity, aboard a zeppelin, feet as light as the clouds they were standing in. But he kept waltzing through the room, leaving her behind in the clouds, wondering if anything actually happened at all.
you waltz right in and kick my feet from underneath my body. Unsuspecting some would call me. Others would scream “NAIIVE”. Label me what you want, I just believe in giving everyone and everything my all…and if I cant do that, I am nothing but a pebble, lying on the ground waiting to be waltzed right over.
The slow dance begins. Passion fills every chord and every beat. Our eyes meet and a thousand cliches fill my mind. Our love could change a generation but you only have one chance, one waltz.
A waltz, the dance of eternity. Love is the dance of eternity. People continue dancing even if they don’t know why or how they’re going to stop. They don’t know the steps, so it’s not uncommon for them to trip over one antoher’s feet. Sometimes they even push others out of the way, or try to flaunt their own unique dance moves. Sometimes this makes them the better dancer, the one on top, but sometimes it backfires. Love is the dance of eternity and none of us ever want it to end.
Waltz. Breathe. Live. Be Cliche. And Waltz. Cry. Run. Scream. Garden. Make No Sense. Lose Yourself. Do Yoga. I want you to hold me in your arms and I want to be your dance partner. Instead, I fold myself up into a pretzel and breathe into my forgotten spaces- a single soloist.
well fuck me. if i’m going to waltz with a bitch i better be getting laid. if not, i better at least be getting my cock sucked. who the fuck even waltz’s anymore!? that’s some OLD shit.
my grandmother bakes and brews
with a litling schwitzerdeutsch twang,
‘the’s coming out in string of threes
with z and s sounds mixed in
half-dancing with my granddad like it’s 1955
in a land faraway
where the coblestones click
as you waltz
I want to waltz. I want you to grab me and dance with me in this rain we’ve waited for. But even though the drought is over my heart is dry. I am so lost with you…you are my everything. What do I do? I’m afraid of letting you go.
I like to waltz. Waltzing is a dance, it is a movement, a glide. Waltzing is just going to be dancing. What is a waltz? I once did a waltz at my cousin’s wedding. Debut, rather. It was fun. I don’t know how I did as a waltzer. You just go up and down up and down. It usually is done by old people and old movies. I like to waltz and walts
It wasn’t the first time she wasn’t asked to dance. Being a wallflower came naturally. But after watching him all semester, all week, hoping against hope that he might notice her, he walked up to her, right where she was standing, and asked the girl next to her to dance.
my brother started playing the piano when I was quite young. I didn’t like it, because it was loud, and it got him attention, and I couldn’t appreciate the music. We watched Fantasia together, though; that part I liked. He would tell me things about the music, and even though it went through one ear and out the other, I liked it when he talked to me.
dancing is great! I wish I could dance. The three four subdivisions continue to bounce in my head and I try to move to the beat. However, I am clumsy and cannot dance. What a misfortune. Ah the ladies will never love me! Boo! Why me?
She does the dance, moving, pulsating in a display of sexual energy. Death surveys her rythmic movements and grins. He has picked his mate well. Her sultry movements give him a feeling of pleasure he hasnt felt before.
something about the sound of music. i’d never seen the musical, but i’d seen the movie and i fell in love with it right away–now that i think about it, it wasn’t a waltz they were dancing, was it? some type of traditional dance, whatever, i’m terrible on my feet
a butterfly’s waltz,
his glisten in the sun,
like a shining cup of morning dew,
a challenge one has won,
and three thousand years can fly,
a billion lights, you reach,
touch the sky and feel alive,
your toes, and sand, the beach
before the waltz is done,
a forty-something miles,
give me one last glance,
a stare, maybe, a smile.
I thought that Magpie and I would waltz forever. We would dance through the Indiana backwoods with our feathers floating, fireflies blinking. I pretended for too long and everyone was hurt. No more waltzing- only sidestepping.
Step one-two.
Step one-two.
From the far corner of the room, the booming sounds of the crisp orchestra muted.
I looked into his eyes and was lost. Like a trance, all I heard was the sound of my heart beating to the pace of my steps.
Bleak yesterdays, just thought processes drained of all the little nuances that we have come to expect and love, or should we kill the father little Oedipus? I dont know, maybe he does, he sure looks smart to the dwarf boy, he needs to die in the mine.
He waltzed into the room, full of spunk and confidence, perhaps overconfidence. The others gaped, hardly believing that a man such as him could be entering their humble little party. Did he even get an invitation? Would he give us a taste of his legendary waltz? Quick as lightning he shed his cloak and strutted to the center of the dance floor, grabbing a partner along the way.
I always imagined myself at my wedding waltzing- and I guess it’s because that’s what Cinderella did I’m the movie I grew up with. But truth be top it’ll probably be up being some nsync song and a salsa. My how things change.
back in those times when women wore hoop skirts and had dance cards to be filled out like some contract. imagine having to carry around a card for men to write their names on to bid on you. but who am I to talk, Ive never done the waltz
wow this is really cool i wonder what will happen when i’m done and where this will go. maby it will waltz around the internet between numerous people.
stride, dance, proper, funny, hard, swagg, dresses, hills, classes.
He walked slowly across the ballroom floor to where she stood, her back up against the wall. She was beautiful, her dark hair piled up high on her head, her cheekbones highlighted by the application of light make-up. She wore a long purple dress with a low neckline which exposed her beautiful breasts. “Would you like to waltz” he asked …
He walked slowly across the ballroom floor to where she stood, her back up against the wall. She was beautiful, her dark hair piled up high on her head, her cheekbones highlighted by the application of light make-up. She wore a long purple dress with a low neckline which exposed her beautiful breasts. “Would you like to waltz” he asked …
The couple intertwined, slowly moving to the music. The pace quickened and their bodies grew tighter together as they spun in circles convicing everyone around them that they had fallen in love.
They waltzed the night away, locked in one anothers’ tight embrace. Both of them knew that this would be their last time together, their last moment in each others’ arms. They had decided to make it memorable, and the night was memorable indeed.
He strode into the room, waltzing right up to the queen with such confidence that he was noticed immediately by the onlookers. They watched, quizzical of this peculiar man, silent as he pulled the dagger out of seemingly nowhere and stabbed it straight into the monarch’s heart. Silence fell upon the hall and subsequently the world.
The waltzed, all night. It was not a bright room, and the stairs that led up were carpeted in deep red. The floor was tiled in marble, black and white, like a chess board, and the walls were painted scarlet, like the carpet. Each candelabra was lit for the purpose this very special night..
Oh god. I just staffed first aid at a ballroom dance competition. It was the most boring 7 hours of my life. Not to mention it was hot as hell and the room had no air conditioning. No one got hurt. Too hot to try to do anything meaningful. Just sitting there.
Great Music, Romantic Dance…
I love it whnever Dancing with my Girl. Too Romantic ….Needs to Master it so can be More Happy…I just love it.
waltzing matilda died in the dark murky billabong where her soul haunts it to this very day. waltz away, matilda.
A waltz seems to be like a dance performed. I remember the movie Waltz with Bashir which was, I think, nominated for an Academy Award in the US. The sound of the word itself is sonourous with some kind of grace that pervades all things it associates with. Speaking of dance, I am an Indian, and there is not much social awareness of dance on a community level.