
December 5th, 2008 | 88 Entries

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88 Entries for “want”

  1. I want her so bad, and she knows it, but I haven’t tol her. i’m being a freaking nerd and I want to tell her, and I want some courage, but I huess wanting isn’t enough, I need to go out and get it, and fix myself up so that she wants me too. i also want a playstation three.

  2. i want nothing and everything
    i want stars on my pajamas
    and i want you like a million butterflies
    i don’t want what i’m thinking about right now
    because the way the words work is strange and mystical
    and i never heard of any shit like that, let me tell you
    i want your head on my lap and your cap on my head, i want to be your pillow where you’re resting
    i want

  3. I want to go home NOW
    I want a warm bed
    a cup of hot chocolate
    a chair by the fire
    a blanket
    a book
    and someone to share it all

  4. We all want so much in our lives. Love, family, wealth, happiness and peace. It takes alot of time to fulfill these dreams — and you have to be a good person, with good intentions to be able to enjoy all of these once you have attended them. I want my family and comfort — both in living and financially. I have worked hard and have helped many people throughout my life. Some have appreciated the help — while others always wanted more and were negative even while demanding and receiving our loving help. At this point in my life, while suffering from many stress related ailments, I have learned to keep the negative, demanding people out of my life and live surrounded by love and appreciation.

  5. I want some cookies really badly. The desire is so strong that I might just break my laziness and go get a cookie. But I’m not quite sure. My laziness is pretty strong and it’s one thing that makes me…me. When I was living at home, it was almost an everyday thing for my parents to call me lazy. Sometimes I would just smile to myself, knowing that I enjoy my laziness.

  6. i want him to notice me. i want him to talk to me and smile when our eyes meet. i want ours lips to touch under the stars. i want my wishes to come true. but sadly they never do. so i’ll just keep on being selfish. that’s all i really want.

    kat the greaty
  7. The need was so deep it gnawed like hunger in her belly. His eyes, his hands. “What do you want?” he asked casually, and she wanted to scream…

  8. i always seem to want what is beyond my reach
    grasping at delicate strings of dreams
    that fill my head with tantalizing thoughts

    Jen M
  9. I want everything, everything I can acquire. I want change, I want sameness. I want love, I want passion, I want tranquility, I want hostility. I want everything.

    I don’t want to leave life unlived.

  10. I want that.
    I really dont need it though but i my desire for it is unmached. If i dont get i will cry. I want it so badly and for no reason at all. Want

  11. I want to believe there are things in this world that cannot be explained, that there are unknowns we all have to face. Without fear. Fear of the unknown is the opiate of our modern day masses. And to extinguish that fear is the only choice we have to excel and succeed.

  12. want is the evil of mankind. it is what corrupts all men. all sin comes from want. want. desire. its all the same. it controls, contorts, forces us to do things we don’t need to. we want therefore we are immoral! Envy is the root of all evil.

  13. I want you to back the fuck of. I don’t think that I want you to ever come back around here again. I cannot believe how rude you have become.

  14. And as I lay down
    Beneath the silken sky
    I yearned for your touch
    And listened to your lies.

    But all the same
    You took them away
    When you left me once again
    And still the same
    I want them more
    To burn upon this page

  15. Oh, I must have that! She squealed as she stared into the vitrine. Are you sure? inquired the wizened storekeeper, beetling his brows at her (but she didn’t even notice the brow action, mesmerized as she was by the glowing opals formed in a crescent moon shape). Yes! How much?

  16. I want, I want, so badly. I live in want from wanting so. But not really; I am one of those effete middle-class washed-out clones you might have read about in the tut-tutting news articles, devoid of soul and replete in currency. Well, I still want, inside, here in my soul.

  17. I WANT to give something to any person that wants to keep their identity a secret. It’s a free email at http://www.horsebanger.com the world’s craziest email site. It is free if you want one!

    Crazy email name
  18. i want it. i need it. it’s my addiction. i have to have it. i would do anything. just help me to get it. please.

  19. i want to eat food, I am so hungry right now. wanting is the mind’s way of desiring to have, or do something. It is a psychological response to any one of the senses we human beings posses.

  20. want is the thing that drives people insane, wanting something more than they have , never attaining aNYTHING BUT MORE WANT, when do we get off this cycle, where can i go to stop this want, I want to not want

  21. I want to all the time. I wake up wanting and I want all day until I go to sleep. Sometimes I’m hungry, and that’s what I want. Sometimes I just want to close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep, a deep coma sleep and then wake up very refreshed. I like to drive fast, and when I get into my car, that what I want to do. The speed thrills me and after I’ve driven fast and scary for a while, I manage to get it out of my system and I don’t want to anymore. So then I slow down again and want to obey the speed limit. I like to eat, I’m a meat eater and that’s mostly what I want to eat when I’m hungry. Sometimes I go nuts for a peanutbutter and nothing sandwich and maybe even toasted. When I go to the movies, I want a good seat, the sound turned up, and popcorn and diet coke. I want what I want when I want it. It pleases me to get what I want, until I want something else, then I want whatever that is. When I get going, I can want for alot. When it’s quiet and calm I don’t want for very much. When it’s quiet for too long, I want to hear some sounds, even just background music or something to fill the void. I wonder what it would be like to be in outer space, but I don’t know if I want to go that far from home. It would take a long time to get back and I would want to sleep in my own bed under my cozy covers. Sometimes when I sleep, I want to open the door and let the fresh air in as I sleep. Clean fresh air is what I want to wake up to. When I retire I want to live in a warm climate where the sun shines often. Not too often, because too often becomes boring and then I want for a climate or weather change. I like the rain, and when it rains I want to smell that special ozone smell or whatever that smell is that everybody knows what you mean when you tell them you want to smell the rain. When I see a woman that looks pretty to me, sometimes I wonder what she wants, what she likes. I like people mostly, but I don’t want to be around them all the time. I want to be alone some times and just hang out and enjoy some privacy. My wants and desires go very deep and I fantasize about what I want if I could have anything I want. I think knowing what you want is important, a goal list of what you want is good to have because you can remind yourself often of what’s on your ‘want’ list. I think it helps you to be more productive if you have such a list of things you want because you’ll be reminded of them and work for the things you want. It could be a material thing you want. Or a feeling or a person or a place even. I want to stop writing this little episode of the things I want. And I’ll be your eyes are getting tired and you don’t want to read this anymore. So I’ll end this for now and if you’ve been reminded while reading this, please take a moment to email me and tell me what it is you want. Take the time to really think about what you want, then I’d like you to tell me about it. I hope you get what you want. I’ve been lucky and gotten many of the things I’ve wanted over the years. Knowing how to get the things you want is good experience. Then you can get that thing you wanted again because you have the hands-on know how of acquiring that thing again. Wanting something again and again is good practice and if you get enough experience, it can become very easy to get that thing you wanted. Any when you have the experience of getting one thing you want, it can help you become successful in getting those too. There are things I want again and again, over and over. They don’t always have to be the carbon copy of the thing I want, sometimes the thing I want can be just a little different. An example might be that I like dark chocolate, but if it was lighter chocolate, it might be really well made and I would enjoy it even more than the chocolate that may have been a little less sweet. I want my chocolate sweet. If you’ve ever had bitter chocolate, oh my gawd how different is THAT ! Sometimes I want to remember because I have some really good ones. I want to remember what it was like before I was even born here on this earth. I want to know who I was and where I was at. I want to know if we’re the only people. I don’t know if I want to know that there are other people like us on other planets or not. I don’t how I’d react, or if I’d want to know those people. I wonder if that’s how Columbus felt about sailing into an ocean of the unknown and what he wanted to find besides India. If I was on a ship like that and we found a tropical island and it was a romantic and wonderful place, I would want to stay for a long time. I don’t think I would want to get back on the ship and sail away from a beautiful place like that. I would want to build a nice tiki hut on the beach and live a simple but fruitful life. I would want to set up shop and have a good life for my self and those close to me. I think I would be a good provider and want for very much in a place like that. It rains in places like that and you wouldn’t have to want for water because you could design a way to collect it. Water is essential to life here on earth and you would want to have plenty and have it be a top priority. My tropical island would have some wild boar on it and I would want to eat pork for a few meals each week. I would want to smoke the meat so I could eat it whenever I wanted. I would want to have a mask, snorkel, and swim fins so I could see under water around my tropical island. I always want to look under the surface of the water to see what I can see. I would want to have a spear gun so I could spear the big daddy fish I see and eat them in my tiki hut. I would want to be able to make fire and control fire on my island. I would want to BBQ all the time on my island. I want to smell the food cooking and feed the ones I love. On hot days I would want to use a big palm leaf and fan myself to cool off. Or I might just want to take a dip in the ocean to cool off. I would want to body surf sometimes when the waves were big enough. I would want to watch the sun come up and go down and wonder who else was out there being warmed by our today. I want to hear or play drums and feel the pounding grooves to fill the air and make percussion sounds that get people dancing. That’s what I want !

  22. what i want is seldom what i need. and neither are what i seem to get. which is why life is so unprecitable. you learn to want what you get whether you need it or not

  23. I want to really to see if ….

    john kwan
  24. i want to go home. This meeting is too long.

    Jeff Smith
  25. i want many things, too many things to keep track of, as soon as i finish wanting one thing i’ll continue wanting something else…what i really want is to know what the answer is…no, i want to know what love is, or feel what love is.. i want to always have joy and mystery in my life.

    Aaronn Kaminski
  26. DO NOT WANT!!!

    allah akbar
  27. I want to live somewhere nice, like on the ocean, and I want to write books for a living, but that’s not a very stable job, so I guess I should get another job, just in case. I’d want to be a physcologist, or a physcology teacher. Or a creative writing or drama teacher. Either one.

  28. to want is not essential but can be necessary for life and living. want can be evil and be forceful, it can bring demise, but sometimes it can give you all

  29. I want for things to go back to normal. I messed up, I confessed it. I jut want to not be afraid to go to school anymore. Please forgive me, and understand it was just a huge mistake. Please. I’m so sorry.

    Lauren Branch
  30. So many wants in this world. Everyone wants, wants,wants wants. Ironically they don’t know what they really want.

  31. I want a lemon. Lemons are yummy and sour. They make your hands smell good when you peel them and they act as air fresheners, too. They make your lips pucker, but then you can kisssssssssssssssss

  32. one word? want? To be content.

  33. sexs, men, life, love, peace, lustice, sex, sex, sex, love, james, marriage, family, understanding, planet, wish

  34. on the top of the page it says one word. i can’t believe i am writing about this. :) on the top of this page it says want.

    note: be sure to enter your name and email
    or your entry will be deleted when you click *submit*. that is what it says down there. yeah.
    i’m cj kelly. i live in normal illinois. i play 7 instruments.

    cj Kelly
  35. dylan dylan dylan I want him more than anything. he is beautiful.
    I also want to get my shrooms from eddie tonight.
    want sucks
    I wish I didn’t want
    if I didn’t care about anything
    but I want you
    i want him
    dylan dylan dylan dylan and then there’s ben who wants me.

  36. I don’t need, I want. I have everything I’ll ever need. Don’t we all? Aren’t we all given everything we’ll ever need in legs, lungs, a heart, lips, eyes, ears, a nose? Anything else we’re looking for is pure, unadulterated desire. You don’t need, I don’t need. We all just want.

  37. I would like to say that want is a nice and short word. There are many short words with 4 letters in them. In fact, I believe that there are more 4 letter words in the english language than any other word. I’m probably wrong. I think that want is synonymous with desire and wish for and ask to receive but whatever.

    Andrew Bouwens
  38. oh, don’t even.
    you know what? want and ignorance. that’s what i think of, those two creepy children from A Christmas Carol.
    which reminds me, it’s the square root of christmas today.

    grace h
  39. what do i? what do we? what do you? some days i know and some days i don’t. every day brings new ones. cheese. peace. love. light. dark. clarity. simplicity. chocolate. family. solitude. grace. to undo. to redo. to try harder. to give more. to sleep. to snuggle. to cry. right now, what i want more than anything, is to be sitting somewhere outside in the beautiful sunshine, and to have you by my side.

  40. There are many things that we all want. But how do we decide what has priority? Is there a set code that we do not know of that has a predetermined value to assign to each individual want? How do we discern wants from needs?

    Ben Lillegard