To be found wanting is a sin, but wanting is the greater sin of them both.
I am wanting a new bicycle for my brother. He has always wanted a bicycle. My plans are to go to the store and apply for a job there to raise the money to get me and my brother a bicycle. When I went to the store they were closed so I came back at night and snuck into the back door and got an application. I then took it into the store all filled out.
John Smith
is everything before the dawn strikes, is everthing beneath the skin waiting, patiently, to be discovered. is everything hiding in the shadows of the lit darkness, the reflection of our humanity in the images
Amaya MK
Desire and passion coming together as one in a mix of feelings and emotions. Gnawing at your very core.
I left wanting. Wanting more of her; the more of her I never had. The more I never showed because of my own ignorance. I wanted her always, waited years for it. Then all at once, all I had was wanting…and nothing more.
wanting to want is to desire and desire is linked, intertwined deeply in the soul.
To not want is to not exist, wanting is deliberatively excercised by our thoughts to set up goals for our means. Without want there would be nothing and nothing wouldn’t even want to change.
in conclusion you want because you’re designed to and you’re designed to not question want.
Wanting to be wrong, but fearing the worst, she peered into his letter box and was assaulted by what she had discovered. Knowing he was not there, she
problem, magazine, i wait everytime i need to arrange something important! i wait when i got do have dinner in a restaurant. i’m always wating for 5 to get the hell out of my office!
What does any one want in lfife? HAppiness? I that really what we all srive for in life? I suppose it is. Everone has the right to be happy don’t they? So why is that so few ever really achieve it? Maybe its because everyone goes about it the wrong way, and everyone has a different veiw of what it is, and what they want. What do you want?
I think wanting is bad sometimes because you get disappointed. I realize that sometimes wanting things is nothing you really need. It’s good go have only what you need because wanting is only disappointment. I still want things, though. And it’s ok!!!
I’m wanting more of life. I want peace, quiet, comfort, love, people to notice me. I’m still wanting. I want to do a good job, make my principal proud, work well with my co-workers.
Leticia almanza
I’m wanting more of life. I want peace, quiet, comfort, love, people to notice me. I’m still wanting. I want to do a good job, make my principal proud, work well with my co-workers.
Leticia almanza
hello dear world i like you but i still got some questions about life…is there a god will there be a perfect partner for me? etc…greetz
Chocolate is my obsession. It gets me in trouble many times; my health , my weight, my budget. I need it all the time. It makes me feel secure, unlike the real world.
i didn’t mean to desire this. i told myself to stop thinking about it. the dreams came in glimmers every now and then, i let these go. i have no desire. i have no need for this anymore.
Wanting is when you desire to have something. You feel the need to have that specific item. You don’t always think about what want, you just do, because at the time, you really want it.
ive been wanting to get a go on the cat for days but its had its arse in the sand for so long now i cant be buggered. The dog keeps looking at me as if im a spaceman from the moon and my father has all but given up on me. Whats one to do?
eat sardines
o my god, there is nothing to want if you see clearly… clearly as a boeddhist…
Wanting is fot those who sleep…
Dream, but don’t sleep…
All i want sometimes is to feel like i belong. I know that it is a tad cliche, but for someone who grew up in a small town with nobody his age around, sometimes all i wanted out of life was to be liked by others.
As i grew up, i realised that being wanted and liked had nothing to do with who i am, but rather had more to do with other peoples perceptions.
Allan Clarke
Something that is at the top of my mind most days. It takes over me. It consumes me. So many things that I am left…wanting. Time won’t fix it.
the end is nigh
Wanting so much, but getting so little. Isn’t that what’s going on with so many of us? Why do we always look to what’s lacking, what isn’t there, and ignore everything we already have? When we take advantage of things they leave us, I’ve decided to work as hard as I can to never take advantage of what I have now, even if it’s something that seems as if it will always be there. Because maybe one day…it won’t.
Wanting so much, but getting so little. Isn’t that what’s going on with so many of us? Why do we always look to what’s lacking, what isn’t there, and ignore everything we already have? When we take advantage of things they leave us, I’ve decided to work as hard as I can to never take advantage of what I have now, even if it’s something that seems as if it will always be there. Because maybe one day…it won’t.
I am filled with wanting –
the wanting of leaving
you without reservation.
Something that you crave and almost always will.
want something else. looking for something else. and still looking for it. trying to get it. trying to have it
wanting? i am wanting, deeply wanting, what? not sure. I know I want to know the love of God. i want to love those around me well. i want to create beauty for my family. i want a home to call our own. i want…
I am wanting some sweet pink taco from my neighbor’s wife, and I’m gonna get me some tomorrow night when we meet at the Hilton.
i like to want things, and those things are what compels me to do work. I want things like a new tire for my car and stuff for my house. Those things that I want are what cause me to need to work. I work for those things, and currently I work to pay those things off. How annoying.
Joshua Welch
i have a wanting for becoming a great business man of all time. I want to beat google and make my company as the best company of the century. I Want to buy a rolls royce and a palace a costliest one
i want everything
money food happieness all the good things
see the world
feel good
all of the world anythign i can get
to feel good all the time to see things feel every second like its my last
to have family
my baby to be healthy
one word is the beggining of a beautiful friendship or the last word of an relationship, with one word you can make someone happy ore sad or you can illuminate someone one word means simplicity
I loved him so much, but what he was wanted was more than I could give him.
Wanting to give back. I am living such a blessed life, with my health, my family, economic success. I want to do something with the resources available to me to make a difference in the world.
I never thought I’d see the day.
you are disappearing from a world you never existed in.
and i….
i am left….
just a fantasty, i suppose.
it’s all just a series of wishes on stars.
It is amazing how many times I am wanting. I want to trust God; I want to do right, I want to be the best that I can be. However, I sometimes fall short. In truth, what I am really wanting is to walk in the Spirit so that He can do all things through me and solve this issue of wanting.
Jo Anna Mollman
“Wanting,” she whispered into my ear. “Waiting, needing, for you to justify my love.”
She’d already taken my shirt off.
“Didn’t Madonna sing that?” I asked.
“Don’t ruin this for me,” she replied.
Tony Collins
A wanting is a desire with passionate reprocussions, those who insist they need is a wanting unbound and unsatisfied because with a wanting it is for an eternity.
To be found wanting is a sin, but wanting is the greater sin of them both.
I am wanting a new bicycle for my brother. He has always wanted a bicycle. My plans are to go to the store and apply for a job there to raise the money to get me and my brother a bicycle. When I went to the store they were closed so I came back at night and snuck into the back door and got an application. I then took it into the store all filled out.
is everything before the dawn strikes, is everthing beneath the skin waiting, patiently, to be discovered. is everything hiding in the shadows of the lit darkness, the reflection of our humanity in the images
Desire and passion coming together as one in a mix of feelings and emotions. Gnawing at your very core.
I left wanting. Wanting more of her; the more of her I never had. The more I never showed because of my own ignorance. I wanted her always, waited years for it. Then all at once, all I had was wanting…and nothing more.
wanting to want is to desire and desire is linked, intertwined deeply in the soul.
To not want is to not exist, wanting is deliberatively excercised by our thoughts to set up goals for our means. Without want there would be nothing and nothing wouldn’t even want to change.
in conclusion you want because you’re designed to and you’re designed to not question want.
Wanting to be wrong, but fearing the worst, she peered into his letter box and was assaulted by what she had discovered. Knowing he was not there, she
problem, magazine, i wait everytime i need to arrange something important! i wait when i got do have dinner in a restaurant. i’m always wating for 5 to get the hell out of my office!
What does any one want in lfife? HAppiness? I that really what we all srive for in life? I suppose it is. Everone has the right to be happy don’t they? So why is that so few ever really achieve it? Maybe its because everyone goes about it the wrong way, and everyone has a different veiw of what it is, and what they want. What do you want?
I think wanting is bad sometimes because you get disappointed. I realize that sometimes wanting things is nothing you really need. It’s good go have only what you need because wanting is only disappointment. I still want things, though. And it’s ok!!!
I’m wanting more of life. I want peace, quiet, comfort, love, people to notice me. I’m still wanting. I want to do a good job, make my principal proud, work well with my co-workers.
I’m wanting more of life. I want peace, quiet, comfort, love, people to notice me. I’m still wanting. I want to do a good job, make my principal proud, work well with my co-workers.
hello dear world i like you but i still got some questions about life…is there a god will there be a perfect partner for me? etc…greetz
Chocolate is my obsession. It gets me in trouble many times; my health , my weight, my budget. I need it all the time. It makes me feel secure, unlike the real world.
i didn’t mean to desire this. i told myself to stop thinking about it. the dreams came in glimmers every now and then, i let these go. i have no desire. i have no need for this anymore.
Wanting is when you desire to have something. You feel the need to have that specific item. You don’t always think about what want, you just do, because at the time, you really want it.
ive been wanting to get a go on the cat for days but its had its arse in the sand for so long now i cant be buggered. The dog keeps looking at me as if im a spaceman from the moon and my father has all but given up on me. Whats one to do?
eat sardines
o my god, there is nothing to want if you see clearly… clearly as a boeddhist…
Wanting is fot those who sleep…
Dream, but don’t sleep…
All i want sometimes is to feel like i belong. I know that it is a tad cliche, but for someone who grew up in a small town with nobody his age around, sometimes all i wanted out of life was to be liked by others.
As i grew up, i realised that being wanted and liked had nothing to do with who i am, but rather had more to do with other peoples perceptions.
Something that is at the top of my mind most days. It takes over me. It consumes me. So many things that I am left…wanting. Time won’t fix it.
the end is nigh
Wanting so much, but getting so little. Isn’t that what’s going on with so many of us? Why do we always look to what’s lacking, what isn’t there, and ignore everything we already have? When we take advantage of things they leave us, I’ve decided to work as hard as I can to never take advantage of what I have now, even if it’s something that seems as if it will always be there. Because maybe one day…it won’t.
Wanting so much, but getting so little. Isn’t that what’s going on with so many of us? Why do we always look to what’s lacking, what isn’t there, and ignore everything we already have? When we take advantage of things they leave us, I’ve decided to work as hard as I can to never take advantage of what I have now, even if it’s something that seems as if it will always be there. Because maybe one day…it won’t.
I am filled with wanting –
the wanting of leaving
you without reservation.
Something that you crave and almost always will.
want something else. looking for something else. and still looking for it. trying to get it. trying to have it
wanting? i am wanting, deeply wanting, what? not sure. I know I want to know the love of God. i want to love those around me well. i want to create beauty for my family. i want a home to call our own. i want…
I am wanting some sweet pink taco from my neighbor’s wife, and I’m gonna get me some tomorrow night when we meet at the Hilton.
i like to want things, and those things are what compels me to do work. I want things like a new tire for my car and stuff for my house. Those things that I want are what cause me to need to work. I work for those things, and currently I work to pay those things off. How annoying.
i have a wanting for becoming a great business man of all time. I want to beat google and make my company as the best company of the century. I Want to buy a rolls royce and a palace a costliest one
i want everything
money food happieness all the good things
see the world
feel good
all of the world anythign i can get
to feel good all the time to see things feel every second like its my last
to have family
my baby to be healthy
one word is the beggining of a beautiful friendship or the last word of an relationship, with one word you can make someone happy ore sad or you can illuminate someone one word means simplicity
I loved him so much, but what he was wanted was more than I could give him.
Wanting to give back. I am living such a blessed life, with my health, my family, economic success. I want to do something with the resources available to me to make a difference in the world.
I never thought I’d see the day.
you are disappearing from a world you never existed in.
and i….
i am left….
just a fantasty, i suppose.
it’s all just a series of wishes on stars.
It is amazing how many times I am wanting. I want to trust God; I want to do right, I want to be the best that I can be. However, I sometimes fall short. In truth, what I am really wanting is to walk in the Spirit so that He can do all things through me and solve this issue of wanting.
“Wanting,” she whispered into my ear. “Waiting, needing, for you to justify my love.”
She’d already taken my shirt off.
“Didn’t Madonna sing that?” I asked.
“Don’t ruin this for me,” she replied.
A wanting is a desire with passionate reprocussions, those who insist they need is a wanting unbound and unsatisfied because with a wanting it is for an eternity.
Ant. Want. Gin. Gnaw. Tin. Ting. Tan. In. Win. Gnat. Nit. Naw. Nat. Git. Wit. Wing.
i was left wanting always wanting but what – what did i want – what did i deserve. Very little the bad voices, everything the good voices sid