A deep deep longing for friendship, for intimacy, for Love. Acceptance.
I’m sitting here and all I’m wanting is a cool glass of beer. Hell, I’d settle for a warm one. I’m needing it, really, to shut this bitch of a wife up. Nag nag nag, that’s all she does. The only thing that really turns her off is a nice heavy buzz.
Or I could always smash the glass on her head.
what is with the wants we all derive from our curiosity? With only ourselves to blame we seek further and further into this insatiable hole that leaves us nothing short of high and dry. So what is next? after this want is perceived to have been completed, of course it is this cliche model of supply and demand, fulfillment without substance. That’s where we are left.
Josh Fast
Wanting is a willing thing; so many people want things which is the base of the word. I’m sad to say I think it’s more of a test to want something and to not get it. This is a true test, it let’s you understand the realism.
Robot Sockz
I want a drilldo to put in some random chicks poonani
Never in my life had I experienced such a drought. If I had come across a tree that looked like a women, I would’ve been tempted to fuck it.
I want you so bad. I love the feel of your skin on my skin, your tongue on my tongue, your heart beating with mine. You are love . You are my one true desire.
a need, something that i can’t live with out, someone that i love so much but i just dont know how to tell them how much they mean to me…why must there be this feeling, this feeling that cannot be done away, not only do i feel this toward people i love but it also plagues me when i want something new; never mind me needing it, it’s simply just a want….a lingering want.
Wanting for a reason to get up in the morning, Denver usually found himself sleeping till noon. In the afternoon a reason is supplied by hunger and other basic bodily functions.
His heartbeat was slow and regular, his bank account dwindling.
His nights were spent at a bar he couldn’t afford, staring at every person who went by.
who doesnt want something. talk about a fucking essence. I’ve wanted something since I wanted my dad to cut my umbilical chord. I want to understand what I’m doing writing this, I really just want to understand if there will ever be a point where I stop wanting.
John Mango
wanting is like a base de bout and the people have purple caps and some are trying to check into the hostel and he is right there holding a cigaret hahaha fag. Anyways, i guess the thoughts are beautiful and you can wherever you want, especially in miami How I just saw the progression bar, not much time left and no
a base de bout
I want one million dollar
i want more…i want to know things…to find out what i’m doing here. i want to want. i want to have a fulfilling life. i want everything. i want it all. and i want it now. i want money. i want love. i want happiness. i want the best for my parents and my brother and sister. i want what everyone wants.
wanting is the desire that kill most of the people
and is really bad when it get inside the soul , i feel bad for him who don’t control that habit
Jan Polanco
It’s constant aching desperation. Now, more, again. Please give me what I need. All I need. Everything. Is just one being. Another person feeling this very same want at the very same time.
Dark Eyed Seer
i like to read. it gives us food for thought and it enlivens our experience in this world. anyone who reads much cannot said to be a bad person. he who reads is much more fortunate than those do not have the
wanting something is the worst feeling you can have. i want what i want when i want it. i want a car, i want a house, i want freedom. but in the end, it doesn’t matter what i want, becuase what i get is what i have to deal with. some say that you can get what you want if you work hard enough;; i say BULLSHIT. you deal with what you are given to the best of your ability, and in the end, you probably get screwed over anyways. yep
Is there something you want? A dream you’ve been dreaming? A hope you’ve been having? Sometimes, we think about “want” and we associate it with greed. You want it all. You want your cake and you want to eat it too. But what about desire, what about dreams? Those too are things we want, and they’re not based on greed, they’re born from passion.
Melissa Donovan
John is wanting a back massage. I love John.
I want Jon. I want to be with him, I want to be with him for ever… I want to have him inside me very strongly sometimes, I just want to be around him in my life. I appreciate his being here in anyway, but I want to see him… the most old fashioned way of being with him! Please!!!!!!!!
I hate to eat meat during the morning. I always prefer to eat something else. I usually eat nothing. Then I eat something else – cereal, bread, butter, a smoothie, later on.
ive been wanting a lot of things lately. just things, not necessarily the best htings for me, but definitely things i want. there’s just something about wanting things that makes you me feel slightly less than i should be, and sometimes more…i don’t know if that makes any sense…i wonder if SU will be long livved…i really…
wanting, so much want, I want chocolate, the hunger is insaciable, after eating nothing but over cooked pasta and pasty white rice for a week, I crave the endorphin release that comes with that delicious brown, chocolate. so much want.
wanting is the need for things beyond our basic needs, i am wanting for art, wanting for love, wanting for freedom wanting wanting wanting is something that has filled my whole life, has sometimes been my dictator, the thing that has strangled my life.
what the fuck.
This word is not the word I want to write about at all.
I just got dumped by my girlfriend because I was being an asshole for reasons I’m not sure of. Why the fuck would I want to write about “wanting”. I’ll tell you what I want, to be slugged in the head to the point that I become retarded so I wouldn’t have to think about things anymore
adam kubiske
sex i my butt
at midnight in a trashcan filled with dirty mayonaisse and old cat food on a monday night, right after beeing seen in a movie theater
I wasn’t sure what it was, just outside the reach of my mind, but when I saw her face, it burst into my consciousness like blossoms, and I smiled, and she smiled, and I was never unsure again.
love, it’s all that you need and therefore should want.
Love something thats describes what most people want. the verb of want lolz, Something that is commonly mistaken with needing. Every1 wants something but they never need anything (weird). I want chocolate and some shrimp cause its tasty. I want alot of crap like cash and love and videogames
i’ve always been so wanting and i’m just so sick of it. it seems as though its all you can do but theres never the means. what about getting? i mean, i get too…. so maybe i’m just selfish. who cares though? isnt that what life is about? something like that. wanting is just making sure that you arent going to be stuck with nothing. :)
Wanting feels like a magnet pulling my skin. It tingles and burns and I feel ill. Why this is, I am not certain. I want to deserve the things that I long for, though I am not certain how to do so. I feel sick now, just thinking about it.
Wanting . What a burden it is on your soul . Waiting and waiting and waiting . Your fingers restless . Tick tock , tick tock , that clock just keeps going and going . Sassing you with its power . You heart beats louder , suspensfully . I want it .
i AM WANTING SOME GREEN OLIVES RIGHT NOW. dELICIOUS, SALTY GREEN OLIVES. oM NOM NOM NOM. Not in a martini or paired with anything… just gree olives by themselves. With a pimento on the inside of the pit. Oh yes.
How else can you describe wanting? Something that every human has – for something, for someone, for love, for desire…for pain…for dominance, for trust. For lust, for joy, for sadness, for misery, for the extremes, for acceptance.
“The sky’s green today,” she said, glancing out the window.
“I wouldn’t know,” the man replied, taking a drag. “I’m colorblind, didn’t you know?”
“Oh yes,” she answered. “But I forget sometimes, you know. I’m forgetful, I suppose.”
“I see things in green all the time.”
I’ve been wanting to take a bath for a while now. Showers just don’t cut it. I mean, how can you feel clean with out soaking, where every part of your body just feels it. Nothing is more relaxing either than wanting a bath and finally taking one. I think I will take my bah now.
Wanting. in my dreams I developed a sense of malicious behavior, such as blood lust and rough sexual intercourse. I’m unsure as of yet what this means. I am not a malicious person when I am consious, by any means. I might as well be a hippie while I’m awake, I love everything. hm.
Wanting is a very hard habit to break. Most people who suffer from wanting find themselves addicted to something, and end up wanting that object. It sucks, really…
Ben Payne
I just can’t wait for my life to be the way I want it. I have been wanting to be at peace, wanting to be happy. No, this is just taking too long. It’s taking too long to be happy.
I want so much right now. I can’t really go into detials, but my heart just desires to have more. I want school to be over, I want to have a hosue of my own, I want to sleep through an entire night. I wan to be married with a job and a family of my own. I want to find prince charming. I am wanting. I have been found wanting in my life, but I can’t really figure out what I want specifically.
A deep deep longing for friendship, for intimacy, for Love. Acceptance.
I’m sitting here and all I’m wanting is a cool glass of beer. Hell, I’d settle for a warm one. I’m needing it, really, to shut this bitch of a wife up. Nag nag nag, that’s all she does. The only thing that really turns her off is a nice heavy buzz.
Or I could always smash the glass on her head.
what is with the wants we all derive from our curiosity? With only ourselves to blame we seek further and further into this insatiable hole that leaves us nothing short of high and dry. So what is next? after this want is perceived to have been completed, of course it is this cliche model of supply and demand, fulfillment without substance. That’s where we are left.
Wanting is a willing thing; so many people want things which is the base of the word. I’m sad to say I think it’s more of a test to want something and to not get it. This is a true test, it let’s you understand the realism.
I want a drilldo to put in some random chicks poonani
Never in my life had I experienced such a drought. If I had come across a tree that looked like a women, I would’ve been tempted to fuck it.
I want you so bad. I love the feel of your skin on my skin, your tongue on my tongue, your heart beating with mine. You are love . You are my one true desire.
a need, something that i can’t live with out, someone that i love so much but i just dont know how to tell them how much they mean to me…why must there be this feeling, this feeling that cannot be done away, not only do i feel this toward people i love but it also plagues me when i want something new; never mind me needing it, it’s simply just a want….a lingering want.
Wanting for a reason to get up in the morning, Denver usually found himself sleeping till noon. In the afternoon a reason is supplied by hunger and other basic bodily functions.
His heartbeat was slow and regular, his bank account dwindling.
His nights were spent at a bar he couldn’t afford, staring at every person who went by.
who doesnt want something. talk about a fucking essence. I’ve wanted something since I wanted my dad to cut my umbilical chord. I want to understand what I’m doing writing this, I really just want to understand if there will ever be a point where I stop wanting.
wanting is like a base de bout and the people have purple caps and some are trying to check into the hostel and he is right there holding a cigaret hahaha fag. Anyways, i guess the thoughts are beautiful and you can wherever you want, especially in miami How I just saw the progression bar, not much time left and no
I want one million dollar
i want more…i want to know things…to find out what i’m doing here. i want to want. i want to have a fulfilling life. i want everything. i want it all. and i want it now. i want money. i want love. i want happiness. i want the best for my parents and my brother and sister. i want what everyone wants.
wanting is the desire that kill most of the people
and is really bad when it get inside the soul , i feel bad for him who don’t control that habit
It’s constant aching desperation. Now, more, again. Please give me what I need. All I need. Everything. Is just one being. Another person feeling this very same want at the very same time.
i like to read. it gives us food for thought and it enlivens our experience in this world. anyone who reads much cannot said to be a bad person. he who reads is much more fortunate than those do not have the
wanting something is the worst feeling you can have. i want what i want when i want it. i want a car, i want a house, i want freedom. but in the end, it doesn’t matter what i want, becuase what i get is what i have to deal with. some say that you can get what you want if you work hard enough;; i say BULLSHIT. you deal with what you are given to the best of your ability, and in the end, you probably get screwed over anyways. yep
Is there something you want? A dream you’ve been dreaming? A hope you’ve been having? Sometimes, we think about “want” and we associate it with greed. You want it all. You want your cake and you want to eat it too. But what about desire, what about dreams? Those too are things we want, and they’re not based on greed, they’re born from passion.
John is wanting a back massage. I love John.
I want Jon. I want to be with him, I want to be with him for ever… I want to have him inside me very strongly sometimes, I just want to be around him in my life. I appreciate his being here in anyway, but I want to see him… the most old fashioned way of being with him! Please!!!!!!!!
I hate to eat meat during the morning. I always prefer to eat something else. I usually eat nothing. Then I eat something else – cereal, bread, butter, a smoothie, later on.
ive been wanting a lot of things lately. just things, not necessarily the best htings for me, but definitely things i want. there’s just something about wanting things that makes you me feel slightly less than i should be, and sometimes more…i don’t know if that makes any sense…i wonder if SU will be long livved…i really…
wanting, so much want, I want chocolate, the hunger is insaciable, after eating nothing but over cooked pasta and pasty white rice for a week, I crave the endorphin release that comes with that delicious brown, chocolate. so much want.
wanting is the need for things beyond our basic needs, i am wanting for art, wanting for love, wanting for freedom wanting wanting wanting is something that has filled my whole life, has sometimes been my dictator, the thing that has strangled my life.
what the fuck.
This word is not the word I want to write about at all.
I just got dumped by my girlfriend because I was being an asshole for reasons I’m not sure of. Why the fuck would I want to write about “wanting”. I’ll tell you what I want, to be slugged in the head to the point that I become retarded so I wouldn’t have to think about things anymore
sex i my butt
at midnight in a trashcan filled with dirty mayonaisse and old cat food on a monday night, right after beeing seen in a movie theater
I wasn’t sure what it was, just outside the reach of my mind, but when I saw her face, it burst into my consciousness like blossoms, and I smiled, and she smiled, and I was never unsure again.
love, it’s all that you need and therefore should want.
Love something thats describes what most people want. the verb of want lolz, Something that is commonly mistaken with needing. Every1 wants something but they never need anything (weird). I want chocolate and some shrimp cause its tasty. I want alot of crap like cash and love and videogames
i’ve always been so wanting and i’m just so sick of it. it seems as though its all you can do but theres never the means. what about getting? i mean, i get too…. so maybe i’m just selfish. who cares though? isnt that what life is about? something like that. wanting is just making sure that you arent going to be stuck with nothing. :)
Wanting feels like a magnet pulling my skin. It tingles and burns and I feel ill. Why this is, I am not certain. I want to deserve the things that I long for, though I am not certain how to do so. I feel sick now, just thinking about it.
Wanting . What a burden it is on your soul . Waiting and waiting and waiting . Your fingers restless . Tick tock , tick tock , that clock just keeps going and going . Sassing you with its power . You heart beats louder , suspensfully . I want it .
i AM WANTING SOME GREEN OLIVES RIGHT NOW. dELICIOUS, SALTY GREEN OLIVES. oM NOM NOM NOM. Not in a martini or paired with anything… just gree olives by themselves. With a pimento on the inside of the pit. Oh yes.
How else can you describe wanting? Something that every human has – for something, for someone, for love, for desire…for pain…for dominance, for trust. For lust, for joy, for sadness, for misery, for the extremes, for acceptance.
“The sky’s green today,” she said, glancing out the window.
“I wouldn’t know,” the man replied, taking a drag. “I’m colorblind, didn’t you know?”
“Oh yes,” she answered. “But I forget sometimes, you know. I’m forgetful, I suppose.”
“I see things in green all the time.”
I’ve been wanting to take a bath for a while now. Showers just don’t cut it. I mean, how can you feel clean with out soaking, where every part of your body just feels it. Nothing is more relaxing either than wanting a bath and finally taking one. I think I will take my bah now.
Wanting. in my dreams I developed a sense of malicious behavior, such as blood lust and rough sexual intercourse. I’m unsure as of yet what this means. I am not a malicious person when I am consious, by any means. I might as well be a hippie while I’m awake, I love everything. hm.
Wanting is a very hard habit to break. Most people who suffer from wanting find themselves addicted to something, and end up wanting that object. It sucks, really…
I just can’t wait for my life to be the way I want it. I have been wanting to be at peace, wanting to be happy. No, this is just taking too long. It’s taking too long to be happy.
I want so much right now. I can’t really go into detials, but my heart just desires to have more. I want school to be over, I want to have a hosue of my own, I want to sleep through an entire night. I wan to be married with a job and a family of my own. I want to find prince charming. I am wanting. I have been found wanting in my life, but I can’t really figure out what I want specifically.