wanting is needing, needing is not having, not having is being jealous, being jealous is wanting. So where does that get us? I find myself wanting an answer.
It happens a lot. It’s what things are revolved around. Wanting. You know how many people want something, every day of their life? Clothes, CDs, videos… it never grows old. Society’s just like that over in the country called the U.S.A.
Maybe, just maybe we can fine tune our wants so it’s not just brand names or anything like that… maybe we’ll want the things we actually need… one day.
wanting material benifits more than necessary is evil of all disappointments. wanting knowledge and service to others is what makes life meaningful. I am wanting to do exactly that.
I want to be happy. I want to have you. I want to be happy with you. I miss you. I love you. I regret wanting you. I want you to want me. I want you to never think of me again. I want you to never hurt me again. I wanted you to love me
i was wanting an ice cream and i had one so i was wanting a drink and i got one. then i was wanting a friend, and i still don’t have one. how empty it feels and i am left wanting.
something that one does not have tends to be the object of ones desire. at times this one simple word can lead to obsession, insanity, and it seems the more we want the more we cannot have.
there is no wanting. there is only being.
we are, and we are not.
we yearn, and we steal–
we take what we need and sink our toes
into the vast expanses of what we
can never be.
we cannot desire– we can only live.
we steal our tokens from their dresser drawers
and lick the foam of experience
from the tops of their glasses.
we raise our hands to toast the day.
we drown in yesterday.
Khara House
I love to want sometimes I can’t stand how much I want to be somebody else. being is wanting. Wanting is about need. I need a lot of stuff. There’s too much wanting in my life and not enough doing. I want to change. I want to be something I’m not. I don’t want to want as much as I want now.
it shows what is necessary, at least most of the time. it goes beyond need. it can be painful at times, but it can also make a person stronger. So
i am always wanting. why? the grass is always greener on the other side. one day i want this one day i want that. i dont really know what to write about wanting. im just rambling and not saying anything that i actually feel. blah blah
I want to be loved. I want to be respected. I want to be honored. I want to be different. I want to have a say in life. I want to change the world. I want to love. I want to live. I want to be honest. I yearn to not care. I yearn to be completely independent. I yearn to not connect for fear of loss.
I am wanting to kick some stupid guy n the face. He’s so damn disrespectful and so damn into himself. I’m sick of being treated like i’m worth nothing. he’s get his someday. and i will be there to see it. i don’t want revenge though
Adriana Saenz
to go see the stars, to get my life with him on our own started. to see the world and all it’s wonders. fulfilled. longing. melancholy. all the things that don’t mean anything that still i try to figure out how i can get them. to see my granddaddy 1 last time.
sex drugs rock and roll nothing care love kindness honesty safety respect cash
Carol Russell
He strode into the room, his eyes scanning the crevies and corners all around him. Pressed up against the wall, there she sat, her face masked by a looming shadow, only a thin lock of hair escaping out into the light.
Kirian McClure
i was wanting for a pen
i wanted to hear your breath against mine. I heard you sign and it made me nervous. I feel alone again. Wantiong things to be the same as they used to be before all the lies and masks I wore. Want me to love you? Want me to trust you? I cannot believe you
There are a few things I feel I am lacking now. Mostly it is just knowing where all of my friends are and how they are doing in their own seperate universes. It is a bit of my motherly instinct coming into play, wanting to feel that all is well in their worlds.
Lyndsey Little
Wanting and needing are two different things. We have unlimited number of wants in our lives…but we can’t have everything we want. Sometimes we have to settle for what we have and be content with life how it is. God has given us everything to meet our needs….and if our needs are not met, then you should bring it before Him.
I love you I have forever and I need you to come find me so we can live in a big blue and red house named bob and eat from each others mouths …. *grin* hi sexy
is a very strange thing. you never really know what you want until you get it, and then you realize that you never really wanted it at all. which is a very strange thing indeed because then how will we ever know what we actually want? we won’t. so we all lose in the end.
to desire something, you cannot necessarily have it you desire it or possibly need it you are left wanting it.
There are such things that people want and such things that peaople think they want. Everyone is always wanting, but wll there b a time when even one preson is nmot in want of somthing? This woul be human frailty. This would be why I stay awake at night hoping for change and praying for somthing more. I want to not want anything, but that just doesn’t work.
I am in wanting for my wife. I just got married and I am at home alone…she works nights and I want her!
The earth is wanting the soft cool rain to gently fall down and soak it with water, after days of heat and wind have sucked every drop of moisture from the ground. Grain, needing water, turns white and kernels shrivel as the summer heat continues.
always leave them wanting more. Its an interesting phrase, because it implies no satisfaction, only the potential for satisfaction.
your face right next to mine
you far away while i’ m in some new place in a broken down house with water running down the walls for hours after it stops raining
and a scraggly dog to sleep with me
Wanting to hold you tight.
Wanting to kiss you good night.
Wanting to savor our bliss.
Wanting to steel just one last kiss.
Wanting to say one more hello.
Wanting to never let you go.
days like these that leave my wanting NOTHING because i feel so at peace and so at one with myself that i don’t need anything. i wish i could be busier or more productive with my time, so i can feel less needy of things. i want my writing to improve, to write with eloquence and WOW people with nothing more than words.
the thing that I am wanting the most is something that I can’t have because of decisions that I have made in my life. I am torn between wanting him to know and not wanting him to know and now I’m even wondering if I could ever feel for him what I felt for him before. Is this a case of wanting what I can’t have? Or do I genuinely have feelings for him? Who knows, at any rate, he is my muse and my inspiration.
His wanting consumed him like fire consumes crippled paper in deep candlelight. His anger fought it away, but the wanting always stayed. And in his darkest recesses, it feasted on his soul until he could feel nothing but the want–a feeling so powerful, so cruel and human, that it feasted upon even itself.
I wanted to go and fight, but i was scared, i wanted to be brave… but i could not, I wanted to cry now, but, the tears would not fall… So many wants, so little time…
I need. I need. Ok I want. Wanting is gluttony. How 7sinful. I shouldn’t want or insanely covet. My soul is wanting of instant gratification. In wanting, the craving of desire efferverses within every molecule of my being.
I am wanting, I am lacking, I am needing. She doesn’t have time to care, or is too embarrassed to show that she does. A fifteen minute conversation cannot replace what we had.
I do not want anything. I could live perfectly happy and healthy alone in the woods as a hermit. Attachment is suffering. Wanting is pain.
Hana Yohe
Absolute Self Indulgence.
Second Chances.
Better Awareness.
New instead of Old.
Old instead of new.
Wanting is something we all do. We want what we can’t have most of all. What we can’t have it distant, like a precious gem trapped between coarse stones. But once we get to it, do we always have a need for it? Sometimes the coarse rock represents the true need. Wanting is only temporary.
life is wanting, desire, it pushes us to accomplish the most astounding things. the life force that pushes all conscious thought into a never ending word of chaos and suffering. wanting is a curve that increasingly gets steeper, so when you finally think you’ve reached the top you come sliding back down
emerson williams
We all want love. We all need love. Money and land don’t compete with the power of love. We all crave for it from someone or something. I feel a want and need to be with the one I hold very dear at all hours of the day.
Logan Dedmon
I am wanting to be with Kris. We are all wanting something, all people hold desperate desires in their hearts and we use that unsatisfactory word, want, to describe that deep need.
wanting is needing, needing is not having, not having is being jealous, being jealous is wanting. So where does that get us? I find myself wanting an answer.
It happens a lot. It’s what things are revolved around. Wanting. You know how many people want something, every day of their life? Clothes, CDs, videos… it never grows old. Society’s just like that over in the country called the U.S.A.
Maybe, just maybe we can fine tune our wants so it’s not just brand names or anything like that… maybe we’ll want the things we actually need… one day.
wanting material benifits more than necessary is evil of all disappointments. wanting knowledge and service to others is what makes life meaningful. I am wanting to do exactly that.
I want to be happy. I want to have you. I want to be happy with you. I miss you. I love you. I regret wanting you. I want you to want me. I want you to never think of me again. I want you to never hurt me again. I wanted you to love me
i was wanting an ice cream and i had one so i was wanting a drink and i got one. then i was wanting a friend, and i still don’t have one. how empty it feels and i am left wanting.
something that one does not have tends to be the object of ones desire. at times this one simple word can lead to obsession, insanity, and it seems the more we want the more we cannot have.
there is no wanting. there is only being.
we are, and we are not.
we yearn, and we steal–
we take what we need and sink our toes
into the vast expanses of what we
can never be.
we cannot desire– we can only live.
we steal our tokens from their dresser drawers
and lick the foam of experience
from the tops of their glasses.
we raise our hands to toast the day.
we drown in yesterday.
I love to want sometimes I can’t stand how much I want to be somebody else. being is wanting. Wanting is about need. I need a lot of stuff. There’s too much wanting in my life and not enough doing. I want to change. I want to be something I’m not. I don’t want to want as much as I want now.
it shows what is necessary, at least most of the time. it goes beyond need. it can be painful at times, but it can also make a person stronger. So
i am always wanting. why? the grass is always greener on the other side. one day i want this one day i want that. i dont really know what to write about wanting. im just rambling and not saying anything that i actually feel. blah blah
I want to be loved. I want to be respected. I want to be honored. I want to be different. I want to have a say in life. I want to change the world. I want to love. I want to live. I want to be honest. I yearn to not care. I yearn to be completely independent. I yearn to not connect for fear of loss.
I am wanting to kick some stupid guy n the face. He’s so damn disrespectful and so damn into himself. I’m sick of being treated like i’m worth nothing. he’s get his someday. and i will be there to see it. i don’t want revenge though
to go see the stars, to get my life with him on our own started. to see the world and all it’s wonders. fulfilled. longing. melancholy. all the things that don’t mean anything that still i try to figure out how i can get them. to see my granddaddy 1 last time.
sex drugs rock and roll nothing care love kindness honesty safety respect cash
He strode into the room, his eyes scanning the crevies and corners all around him. Pressed up against the wall, there she sat, her face masked by a looming shadow, only a thin lock of hair escaping out into the light.
i was wanting for a pen
i wanted to hear your breath against mine. I heard you sign and it made me nervous. I feel alone again. Wantiong things to be the same as they used to be before all the lies and masks I wore. Want me to love you? Want me to trust you? I cannot believe you
There are a few things I feel I am lacking now. Mostly it is just knowing where all of my friends are and how they are doing in their own seperate universes. It is a bit of my motherly instinct coming into play, wanting to feel that all is well in their worlds.
Wanting and needing are two different things. We have unlimited number of wants in our lives…but we can’t have everything we want. Sometimes we have to settle for what we have and be content with life how it is. God has given us everything to meet our needs….and if our needs are not met, then you should bring it before Him.
I love you I have forever and I need you to come find me so we can live in a big blue and red house named bob and eat from each others mouths …. *grin* hi sexy
is a very strange thing. you never really know what you want until you get it, and then you realize that you never really wanted it at all. which is a very strange thing indeed because then how will we ever know what we actually want? we won’t. so we all lose in the end.
to desire something, you cannot necessarily have it you desire it or possibly need it you are left wanting it.
There are such things that people want and such things that peaople think they want. Everyone is always wanting, but wll there b a time when even one preson is nmot in want of somthing? This woul be human frailty. This would be why I stay awake at night hoping for change and praying for somthing more. I want to not want anything, but that just doesn’t work.
I am in wanting for my wife. I just got married and I am at home alone…she works nights and I want her!
The earth is wanting the soft cool rain to gently fall down and soak it with water, after days of heat and wind have sucked every drop of moisture from the ground. Grain, needing water, turns white and kernels shrivel as the summer heat continues.
always leave them wanting more. Its an interesting phrase, because it implies no satisfaction, only the potential for satisfaction.
your face right next to mine
you far away while i’ m in some new place in a broken down house with water running down the walls for hours after it stops raining
and a scraggly dog to sleep with me
Wanting to hold you tight.
Wanting to kiss you good night.
Wanting to savor our bliss.
Wanting to steel just one last kiss.
Wanting to say one more hello.
Wanting to never let you go.
days like these that leave my wanting NOTHING because i feel so at peace and so at one with myself that i don’t need anything. i wish i could be busier or more productive with my time, so i can feel less needy of things. i want my writing to improve, to write with eloquence and WOW people with nothing more than words.
the thing that I am wanting the most is something that I can’t have because of decisions that I have made in my life. I am torn between wanting him to know and not wanting him to know and now I’m even wondering if I could ever feel for him what I felt for him before. Is this a case of wanting what I can’t have? Or do I genuinely have feelings for him? Who knows, at any rate, he is my muse and my inspiration.
His wanting consumed him like fire consumes crippled paper in deep candlelight. His anger fought it away, but the wanting always stayed. And in his darkest recesses, it feasted on his soul until he could feel nothing but the want–a feeling so powerful, so cruel and human, that it feasted upon even itself.
I wanted to go and fight, but i was scared, i wanted to be brave… but i could not, I wanted to cry now, but, the tears would not fall… So many wants, so little time…
I need. I need. Ok I want. Wanting is gluttony. How 7sinful. I shouldn’t want or insanely covet. My soul is wanting of instant gratification. In wanting, the craving of desire efferverses within every molecule of my being.
I am wanting, I am lacking, I am needing. She doesn’t have time to care, or is too embarrassed to show that she does. A fifteen minute conversation cannot replace what we had.
I do not want anything. I could live perfectly happy and healthy alone in the woods as a hermit. Attachment is suffering. Wanting is pain.
Absolute Self Indulgence.
Second Chances.
Better Awareness.
New instead of Old.
Old instead of new.
Wanting is something we all do. We want what we can’t have most of all. What we can’t have it distant, like a precious gem trapped between coarse stones. But once we get to it, do we always have a need for it? Sometimes the coarse rock represents the true need. Wanting is only temporary.
life is wanting, desire, it pushes us to accomplish the most astounding things. the life force that pushes all conscious thought into a never ending word of chaos and suffering. wanting is a curve that increasingly gets steeper, so when you finally think you’ve reached the top you come sliding back down
We all want love. We all need love. Money and land don’t compete with the power of love. We all crave for it from someone or something. I feel a want and need to be with the one I hold very dear at all hours of the day.
I am wanting to be with Kris. We are all wanting something, all people hold desperate desires in their hearts and we use that unsatisfactory word, want, to describe that deep need.