dont live the life wanting one thing or another which results in meaningless existence, rather go for the welfare of others one’s own spiritual enlightment which is what the life is all about… attitude should not be always ‘WANTING’ rather it should be “GIVING”
food…sundaes filled with ice cream and chocolate syrup… loving people in my life…less internal stress…more knowledge.
I want a hope bout of sexy sexing from a sexy man. I have never wanted to fuck more than this ever in my life. FUCK@ I just need to gaet laid,….Arghhh, sex is all i cant hing of wanting, nohting usefull like food or water, oh no just sex. But who am i to blam i havent been laid in years.
oh geez. this word. its as if i am always asking for something but thats a common thing with most people. except the problem is most people confuse needing with wanting. i think thats more of a tragedy. it makes every more Dependant, more fixated on attaining. its a materialist strain within our peoples.
Spyro Glaretas
I always find myself wanting for more. More time. More food. More love. More pages at the end of a story. And in the end I just find myself waiting.
the love your heart has to offer
for the delicate touch your hands extend
for you to never leave my side
that this love will endure
Jen M
I think
I want knowledge
and yet I know
that I don’t
because once
you have knowledge
you can’t
give it back
I may
want answers
but I ask
the wrong questions
I may want
my dreams to be real
but sometimes
I have nightmares
so what exactly
do I want?
do I even
want to know
what I want?
. . .
I don’t know
if you are wanting to close your eyes in every country, shall we tear ours friends for the memory of our death dads. Think about a word and never see your daughter.
wanting. wanting. it is such a waste of time isn’t. wanting this and wanting that. sometimes you get it and then what. most times you don’t and after a while you stop wanting ‘it’ any way. waning is a much better word than wanting. waxing and waning. the waxing and waning characteristic of wanting. it is true. it comes and goes. like contentment really.
i want another word …
Wanting to go places. Wanting to see the world. The world is big and I’m small and I want to see more of it. Mountains, majestic mountains…and rivers rushing forward. Great sweeping plains and cathedrals that stretch towering toward heaven. Monuments marking places where famous people walked once. Jungles, buildings, crowded sidewalks, cafes, marketplaces, gardens…I want to see more.
Most people think of wanting something: I think of being left wanting. Unfulfilled or lacking in some way. What are you missing? Everyone is missing something. A tiny hole in the heart that needs. You probably don’t know what, you just know that you’re wanting.
Wanting is an emotion that many of us face every day. Wanting more money, more attention, more love, more appreciation. I admire those people I see sometimes that seem to have no wanting in their lives. They are always happy, always smiling, always satisfied. I’m envious of that, and I would love to live with no wanting in my life. I want a life with no wanting.
longing – needing – lacking – not enough of something you desire, or perhaps require – hunger
Wanting is alot of things wrapped up together. Its the expectation of the best things in life and the passion to reach toward them with the expectation that we will receive them. wanting is waiting for the presence of God.
jump It is difficult to jump but I would love to be able to do it like i used to when I was young. It was like flying for a brief moment. It felt free and invigorating. Jumping is not an old lady sport but I still remember it.
It went in my mouth before I had the chance to stop myself and say “Not this time.” It was cool around the perimeter of my lip, the edges hardened beneath the cool brisk glass, and my tongue lapped in the liquid quickly. I love beer.
i have been wanting new things in life and craving a change in my professional life as well as my personal life. However, I am not sure exactly what I do want. This makes the change hard to decide. I do want alot of other things in life too. I want everyone to be happy.
i want her more then you’ll ever know. If she knew that she leave and our friendship will be done.
The wanting of things has for too long shaped my desires.
The difference between needing and wanting has too long confused me.
What I want now is to want less.
I am wanting you to be around me at all times. Wanting you to know whats wrong when I don’t tell you. Your daughter is moving away and I get mad that very night that I am suppose to be there for you. I am sorry. I want nothing but you to be happy and its now going to be hard that she lives in a different city. I will come with you to visit her. Anytime you want.
Wanting leaves a void
She always leaves me wanting
I need to move on
We are all wanting something in life. some of us want fame, riches, glory. Some just want peace and ease. Some want challenges, new heights for their ambition. What do I want? I want to know God better, to love him more. At the heart of all desire, is God. Everything else we want is just a shadow of the glorious Lord who made us, sustains us, and draws us to him.
wanting what I want and need
what is elemental
a craving
a desire
I want, I ache, I yearn
I want also to give, not just take
I want to be complete
and my wanting leaves me wanting.
There I was on my eight birthday. Staring out the window at Jeannie Antill, who lived across the street. My mom and dad had given me a bunch of toys; I don’t know, games and puzzles and stuff. But I missed Jeannie.
There are several things that I have been wanting to talk to you about. Although using “wanting” in this context is grammmatically incorrect, I hear it in the spoken language all too ftrequently. It should be: There are several things I want to talk to you about.
wanting is something everyone does. They want more, more and more. It is only natural to want. I want daily, not only for necessity but for desire. I want is a very popular phrase too. What more could you want?
So often I find myself wanting. I think everyone does. We see ourselves as incomplete, and struggle to complete ourselves, or to find someone, or something, that will compete us. But it turns out that I am happiest when I can look at myself, warts and all, and realize that I am just me, just like everyone else is just themselves.
whanting means your alive.
Marie Hernandez
Someone is wanting to see me. I hope. Someone wants me. I hope. I want to marry someday, I hope that person wants me.
Every day I find myself in open spaces, magnets fall and hope that only one can save its hopeful prey.
Do we spend our time wanting? Or do we spend it living? We can miss out on so much for the wanting when we ought to focus on what we already have, what is already available to us. Don’t be so caught up in wanting what you don’t have. It will be a great loss one day when you realize all that you missed. Enjoy today. Enjoy what you have. Enjoy those around you. Live today!
yearning, desireing, all nonos for the Buddhists. hunger, need, reaching out, touching, sex, cuddling.
I want this
I can feel it
Even though I know
I don’t need it
I want it
I want you so bad
The way that you
Better than anything
else in this world
I stare at your dark
I love you
I want you now
This desire
fills me as my
mouth starts to water
the sight of you
coming towards me
is to good for
You come over to
sit down right in front
of me
And stare at me, watching
my reactions as I try not
to make a fool of myself
It doesn’t work.
But that’s alright
I got what I’d been wanting
That scrumptious peice
of chocolate cake
I wanted you
with everything I
All of me
was just consumed with
wanting you
You were all I
could think about
so perfect in
that you made me
ache with uncontrollable
Who are you
that you could make me feel
like this?
I want you.
So much.
So will you please
be mine?
I need you
It’s more than
a want
as I feel
those tears
on my face
and you don’t catch them
But you want to
what am I wanting today? peace in my home, fellowship with my Lord, some simple quiet rest. Simple wants, but deeply felt. I can not imagine wanting bigger, expensive things. It is just not in me to think that way.
I am wanting a new word already. I want a new experience. Isn’t that all we ever really want? or else that our current experience should never expire. I want this minute to last forever, that I might really understand what it is to want. I want to stay right here in your arms…
what is it to want? is it to be lacking something that we need, or think that we need? is it a flaw? I want a pony! I want a new bike! are we superficial for wanting? or can wanting enhance an experience in a beautiful way?
I could tell you were serious because you’re always quiet when you mean something. I was wanting you too. I pulled a fleck of paper from your eyelash and rolled it in my fingers. It fell to floor and then you kissed me.
Forever a capsule a crippling divisive market. I sang about such a thing there wasnt any way for me to know how to fly and yet i grow. there wasnt much to it, but still we dance, sunshine in the netherlands, neither fear nor hate much static. My ears, they resonate, till now, they fluctuate. Im partial to tonalities, national pleas for rhetoric go unmet, unchanged unrelented and seeing is really all i can do to bear on to whatever there may be to follow. Folly maybe, but a captains orders do remain. I love you baby, always. There hasnt been a time when I was inside yet such a demented force comes out to play. Whats left is nothing, whats said is out to play.
dont live the life wanting one thing or another which results in meaningless existence, rather go for the welfare of others one’s own spiritual enlightment which is what the life is all about… attitude should not be always ‘WANTING’ rather it should be “GIVING”
food…sundaes filled with ice cream and chocolate syrup… loving people in my life…less internal stress…more knowledge.
I want a hope bout of sexy sexing from a sexy man. I have never wanted to fuck more than this ever in my life. FUCK@ I just need to gaet laid,….Arghhh, sex is all i cant hing of wanting, nohting usefull like food or water, oh no just sex. But who am i to blam i havent been laid in years.
oh geez. this word. its as if i am always asking for something but thats a common thing with most people. except the problem is most people confuse needing with wanting. i think thats more of a tragedy. it makes every more Dependant, more fixated on attaining. its a materialist strain within our peoples.
I always find myself wanting for more. More time. More food. More love. More pages at the end of a story. And in the end I just find myself waiting.
the love your heart has to offer
for the delicate touch your hands extend
for you to never leave my side
that this love will endure
I think
I want knowledge
and yet I know
that I don’t
because once
you have knowledge
you can’t
give it back
I may
want answers
but I ask
the wrong questions
I may want
my dreams to be real
but sometimes
I have nightmares
so what exactly
do I want?
do I even
want to know
what I want?
. . .
I don’t know
if you are wanting to close your eyes in every country, shall we tear ours friends for the memory of our death dads. Think about a word and never see your daughter.
wanting. wanting. it is such a waste of time isn’t. wanting this and wanting that. sometimes you get it and then what. most times you don’t and after a while you stop wanting ‘it’ any way. waning is a much better word than wanting. waxing and waning. the waxing and waning characteristic of wanting. it is true. it comes and goes. like contentment really.
i want another word …
Wanting to go places. Wanting to see the world. The world is big and I’m small and I want to see more of it. Mountains, majestic mountains…and rivers rushing forward. Great sweeping plains and cathedrals that stretch towering toward heaven. Monuments marking places where famous people walked once. Jungles, buildings, crowded sidewalks, cafes, marketplaces, gardens…I want to see more.
Most people think of wanting something: I think of being left wanting. Unfulfilled or lacking in some way. What are you missing? Everyone is missing something. A tiny hole in the heart that needs. You probably don’t know what, you just know that you’re wanting.
Wanting is an emotion that many of us face every day. Wanting more money, more attention, more love, more appreciation. I admire those people I see sometimes that seem to have no wanting in their lives. They are always happy, always smiling, always satisfied. I’m envious of that, and I would love to live with no wanting in my life. I want a life with no wanting.
longing – needing – lacking – not enough of something you desire, or perhaps require – hunger
Wanting is alot of things wrapped up together. Its the expectation of the best things in life and the passion to reach toward them with the expectation that we will receive them. wanting is waiting for the presence of God.
jump It is difficult to jump but I would love to be able to do it like i used to when I was young. It was like flying for a brief moment. It felt free and invigorating. Jumping is not an old lady sport but I still remember it.
It went in my mouth before I had the chance to stop myself and say “Not this time.” It was cool around the perimeter of my lip, the edges hardened beneath the cool brisk glass, and my tongue lapped in the liquid quickly. I love beer.
i have been wanting new things in life and craving a change in my professional life as well as my personal life. However, I am not sure exactly what I do want. This makes the change hard to decide. I do want alot of other things in life too. I want everyone to be happy.
i want her more then you’ll ever know. If she knew that she leave and our friendship will be done.
The wanting of things has for too long shaped my desires.
The difference between needing and wanting has too long confused me.
What I want now is to want less.
I am wanting you to be around me at all times. Wanting you to know whats wrong when I don’t tell you. Your daughter is moving away and I get mad that very night that I am suppose to be there for you. I am sorry. I want nothing but you to be happy and its now going to be hard that she lives in a different city. I will come with you to visit her. Anytime you want.
Wanting leaves a void
She always leaves me wanting
I need to move on
We are all wanting something in life. some of us want fame, riches, glory. Some just want peace and ease. Some want challenges, new heights for their ambition. What do I want? I want to know God better, to love him more. At the heart of all desire, is God. Everything else we want is just a shadow of the glorious Lord who made us, sustains us, and draws us to him.
wanting what I want and need
what is elemental
a craving
a desire
I want, I ache, I yearn
I want also to give, not just take
I want to be complete
and my wanting leaves me wanting.
There I was on my eight birthday. Staring out the window at Jeannie Antill, who lived across the street. My mom and dad had given me a bunch of toys; I don’t know, games and puzzles and stuff. But I missed Jeannie.
There are several things that I have been wanting to talk to you about. Although using “wanting” in this context is grammmatically incorrect, I hear it in the spoken language all too ftrequently. It should be: There are several things I want to talk to you about.
wanting is something everyone does. They want more, more and more. It is only natural to want. I want daily, not only for necessity but for desire. I want is a very popular phrase too. What more could you want?
So often I find myself wanting. I think everyone does. We see ourselves as incomplete, and struggle to complete ourselves, or to find someone, or something, that will compete us. But it turns out that I am happiest when I can look at myself, warts and all, and realize that I am just me, just like everyone else is just themselves.
whanting means your alive.
Someone is wanting to see me. I hope. Someone wants me. I hope. I want to marry someday, I hope that person wants me.
Every day I find myself in open spaces, magnets fall and hope that only one can save its hopeful prey.
Do we spend our time wanting? Or do we spend it living? We can miss out on so much for the wanting when we ought to focus on what we already have, what is already available to us. Don’t be so caught up in wanting what you don’t have. It will be a great loss one day when you realize all that you missed. Enjoy today. Enjoy what you have. Enjoy those around you. Live today!
yearning, desireing, all nonos for the Buddhists. hunger, need, reaching out, touching, sex, cuddling.
I want this
I can feel it
Even though I know
I don’t need it
I want it
I want you so bad
The way that you
Better than anything
else in this world
I stare at your dark
I love you
I want you now
This desire
fills me as my
mouth starts to water
the sight of you
coming towards me
is to good for
You come over to
sit down right in front
of me
And stare at me, watching
my reactions as I try not
to make a fool of myself
It doesn’t work.
But that’s alright
I got what I’d been wanting
That scrumptious peice
of chocolate cake
I wanted you
with everything I
All of me
was just consumed with
wanting you
You were all I
could think about
so perfect in
that you made me
ache with uncontrollable
Who are you
that you could make me feel
like this?
I want you.
So much.
So will you please
be mine?
I need you
It’s more than
a want
as I feel
those tears
on my face
and you don’t catch them
But you want to
what am I wanting today? peace in my home, fellowship with my Lord, some simple quiet rest. Simple wants, but deeply felt. I can not imagine wanting bigger, expensive things. It is just not in me to think that way.
I am wanting a new word already. I want a new experience. Isn’t that all we ever really want? or else that our current experience should never expire. I want this minute to last forever, that I might really understand what it is to want. I want to stay right here in your arms…
what is it to want? is it to be lacking something that we need, or think that we need? is it a flaw? I want a pony! I want a new bike! are we superficial for wanting? or can wanting enhance an experience in a beautiful way?
I could tell you were serious because you’re always quiet when you mean something. I was wanting you too. I pulled a fleck of paper from your eyelash and rolled it in my fingers. It fell to floor and then you kissed me.
Forever a capsule a crippling divisive market. I sang about such a thing there wasnt any way for me to know how to fly and yet i grow. there wasnt much to it, but still we dance, sunshine in the netherlands, neither fear nor hate much static. My ears, they resonate, till now, they fluctuate. Im partial to tonalities, national pleas for rhetoric go unmet, unchanged unrelented and seeing is really all i can do to bear on to whatever there may be to follow. Folly maybe, but a captains orders do remain. I love you baby, always. There hasnt been a time when I was inside yet such a demented force comes out to play. Whats left is nothing, whats said is out to play.