
August 25th, 2008 | 1,041 Entries

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1,041 Entries for “wanting”

  1. I am wanting you, wanting your skin, your sex, your breath. Wanting is what makes the world go. wanting is libido, wanting is getting, getting is wanting.

    Enrique Reynaud
  2. wanting is bad. you should give but not want. wanted wanting want wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanted. want want want. that is all kids say these days. they never listen to their parents. they only ask for stuff but when we ask them for things they say no. they are bad.

  3. wanting seems to be the center of our materialstic world. it is the sun, and all revolves around it. most of our actions are due to wanting. most of our mistake are as well. wanting is the reason we set and achieve goals but is also the reason we break promises rules and guidelines.

  4. i need him, and i want him, but he doesn’t know and i don’t think he ever will. Wanting is just something that you cant have most of the time, something or someone that is just out of reach but is just…what you want, there’s no explanation to wanting something, just the fact that you can’t have it which makes you want it more, or that someone else has it and when you do get it, you don’t want it

  5. I want more time

    Russ Luscombe
  6. It is such a basic human trait. To want. To feel. There is desperation to the term, yet a sense of shallowness usually shadows our wantings. There is something different to want than to need.

    Liana Howard
  7. wanting is what i feel in the wee hours of the night (stealing from sinatra, which you sang to me under the indiana stars). sometimes it is sharp and concentrated, like a horrible stomachache; other times it is dull, but pervading throughout my whole being. wanting is what i feel for you.

  8. Wanting. Hmmm There are so many things that I want, but probably very few things that I actually need. It seems that when I finally get something that I feel I really want, I want something else.

    Wanting is never truly satisfied. It has an unsatiable appetite.

    Esth Allison
  9. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    you expect me to be able to actually answer this?

    Nick Matherne
  10. I used to want everything, until I realized I would actualy have to work to gain everything. So now I’m a bit more modest. Laziness is awesome. Sometimes I want something but it won’t let me have it, so I just leave it alone, because i don’t really have a choice in it.

  11. desiring, or less than expected.

    Charles Kenny
  12. Wanting chocolate or babies seems to be a sad thing . Just wanting and not havingm, that is. But what about the having that comes after the wanting. Is it ever as full as we thought it would be–that filled up spae inside us that only that thing can fill. Wanting. Having. Contented and free.

  13. wanting dead or alive in far west… so dangerous to be a bandit also when your name is billy the kid. right guy!

  14. coffee and chocolate chip cookies.
    sunshine and rainbows.
    happiness and peace.

  15. I am wanting to be more like Jesus. It is my desire to show forth his character in all I do.

    I am wanting to add on two bedrooms to our home so that it will be less cluttered and my children will all have their own rooms.

    I am wanting to be thin, a better wife and mom, and encourage homeschoolers to follow God in educating their children.

    Michele C.
  16. I want it’s like a bead thing that comes with a little pen and it sucks up a little bead and you put it on that thing and make something out of it. And you can make the exact same thing like a cover and it can stand up by itself. It comes with a lot of other things and you can take it apart again. And I want a little fishing pole that is round and you pump it and it shoot outs like five feet–really far–and it even comes with a tadpole catcher.

  17. You might want a new word, considering this one is from yesterday, but you are wrong. You would be wanting not wanting. That does not make any sense at all, so you should probably stop thinking that. Instead, be content with what you already have. I think that is good advice for us all. We’ll never have it all anyways, so we might as well stop wanting.

    joel (joeljupp.com)
  18. Wanting more, never having enough. Replace wanting with satisfaction. Satisfaction in living, in breathing, in loving. Mostly loving. Wanting love.

  19. I want you to stop. Just stop, just stop blaming other people on yourself, stop making people feel bad about themselves, just stop. I want to stop when I’m around you. You’re the only person who makes me feel like I used to. I hate it so much.

  20. wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting wanting

    Dylan Stinks!
  21. I want stuff cool stuff, a car money for gas and stuff more stuff but stuff is not important to me. Family is the most important

  22. needing something or someone and wanting a present holidays birthdays greedy. needing something or thinking you need something you dont need. a child wanted candy in a candy store, not needing it. you want something that you dont have.

  23. To want something is to have desire for it. To have some use that you would like to do . I mean, think about it: we want things all the time but really we don’t NEED them. It is kind of wierd but we “want” stuff all the time.

  24. What is it that we’re all wanting? Why do we buy things, why do we bother moving in the morning, why do we bother interacting with other people? We all want something and we all so often get addicted to the wrong things in our efforts to discover it.I want to wake up now…

  25. some thing you would like verry badly like ice cream or other different things o m g i dont know what to type help me please

  26. you can want something. wanting is an action and also an emotion. i want ice cream. i have been wanting ice cream. all people want things. wanting can happen a lot to people or not at all. mostly to everyone, people want.

  27. Wanting is selfish, but it isn’t bad. It leads to our survival and allows for human progress. Without wanting, people would only “need”. “Needing” is not human. Animals need food. Humans want art in order to progress as a species. The world needs wanting.

  28. this one word – it will change your life when you her it or read it. it’s the most important word of the world. so think about it weather you want to read it or net.

  29. wanting is just a resistence against difficulties of life. maybe just to make our lives more passable. wanting shaped by the actual social course of life…

  30. I wanted you the first time I read your words
    The first time you told me no
    The firs ttime you smiled my way
    I wanted so much much more than I can say

    You the bad boy
    With an innocent smile and a come hither gleam in your eyes.
    I want you to kiss me
    But I don’t want you to treat me like THAT.

    I don’t know what I want…

  31. desire leads to suffering but it is hard not to want to achieve to things that you believe will make you happy.

  32. He never understood his need, his wanting, his unstoppable feeling for acceptance. He just knew that it was something that enabled him from ever really moving on in his life.

    Always the little boy standing beneath his father.

  33. hello i have 1 world it is wonderful

    louise coughlan
  34. Wanting.. or demanding
    Requirements or necessities

    We’ll never know they all seem the same till some one else judges them. You can never judge them by yourself. Your requirements may be some one’s want, someone’s desire

  35. The world’s full of unlimited wants but limited supply. I was told it’s the economists’ job to divy up rations as efficiently as possible. But since we already know there’s not enough, some will have to go without. How will you explain that to them?

  36. Wanting to leave work…

  37. He was patiently waiting for her to come to her window. Wanting only to see her blue eyes flicker in the light that made its way from the moon through the branches that shaded her old victorian home. He had been waiting for this since the night she called him on the phone and said that he should come at 11 oclock on the day that she sent him a note in class

  38. in need of something.

  39. in need of something. needing. requesting, demanding, asking for, aquiring

  40. Wanting to answer my phone. I think I may! =]
