it’s the plight of the rich boy who wishes he were an artist. to become lost in the desert and die of thirst. rather that than move out west to the city and find a job somewhere high up in a building, buried between manilla folders, squashed between boxes, stuck. it’s no good, that high up, the easiest way out is though the window. rather than the elevator. rather than the staircase. i’d rather be lost in a desert, poor, than rich. rather be emo than complacent.
charlie miller
it’s not the cloth on the back it’s on the heart on sleeve.
the gold poured through his palms as he stood,
and the man cackled with greed. the money flew through
his heart,
his soul,
and everything he knew
until he could not sense his own existence anymore as it trickled around his neck,
almost choking him with wealth.
but it wasn’t real happiness.
it s something people describe in many ways:houses,money.But some people also describe it like love,happyness and health and family!
wealth is what i would have if you would give the fuck up and die.
wealth has its bounds. it is not limitless. everyone pictures a wealth of piles of green papers with a president’s head and stacks of shiny gold coins. but real wealth involves a loving arms to hug you and a beating heart to love you.
She had a wealth of shoes and no place to wear them. They stared back at her from their canvas and cardboard cages, hoping to be freed. But she would have to emancipate herself first.
nadine AKA scarbiedoll
Wealth. It kills. It makes us live. It takes away, and it gives. It’s greedy. It’s proud. It’s selfish. It’s envious, it boasts, it keeps records of wrong, against everything the Bible says is true and pure. Why is wealth such a big issue in America? Why do we all want it so much? All it does is sucks the life out of us. We should learn to give, not take and keep.
some people seem to have different definitions of wealth, but no matter what it seems to be desired. wealth has a connotation of having what you want or having the means to. You could have lots of money but stranded with out food in the antartic money doesnt mean anything with no stores around.
He had never been one to accumalate riches, wealth to him did not equate to a stash of gold, but something less tangible. The sea air, laughter, the clink of a champagne glasses and her golden lock of hair
Wealth. Don’t all wish we had some. As if it would solve all of our problems. Im sure John Travolta would give all of his wealth to have his son back. For jut one day. So would Dr. Dre, I would say.
Wealth. maybe what real wealth is has nothng to do with money, but more of what you value. Love, goodness, kindness, life itself. Truely, nothing you can purchase with money.
money. does money actually buy you happyness? or does it subside the sadness for a while? doesnt it make you feel like because you have money you dont need to be sad about anything in life? Why is wealth something that makes people judge you either way. Or is wealth, just about money?
wealth means a lot to some people, but sometimes it just means that you’re a big fat jerk. when somebody has a lot of wealth, it either means they are well endowed or they have some sort of parasite in their abdomen. parasites in your abdomen are probably not the best thing to have, but wealth might be, as long as it involves money. then you can get the parasite out of your abdomen and get on with being wealthy. wealth backwards is htlaew.
i have wealth in my little cob home. wealth surrounds me in these birch trees, red squirrel, birds, mountains and streams. i have more wealth than the riches man alive, right here in my backyard. trees sing to me. birds flutter for me. wind gently teases me….
money is power and if you have wealth it’s interesting to see the many things you can do and the opportunities that open for you. people say money can’t buy happiness but i think that’s untrue, i think if you dont know the value of the dollar it wont buy happiness but if you’ve been poor your whole life then it can make you happy….
Wealth is more than merely how much money you have stashed away in your bank account. It’s more than the amount of material possessions displayed in your home. You can have wealth with friendships that enrich your life. Wealth exists with imminent blessings.
LynnArts (Jen M)
If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true and be sharing in all your wealth. Because I’ve been in love before and I know that love is more than just holding hands.
No Socrates
is a necessary part of life but not the only thing to aspire to. It makes people happy in the short term but long term can cause alienation and feelings of social awkwardness and embarressment. I am not wealthy, I would like to be wealthier but at the end of the day it is not the centre of my world.
Michael Crompton
Encompasses every aspect and avenue of my life. I am wealthy in spirit, frieds and health. Am working to get wealthy financially as well. Glad this is my one word as it reminds me to stay the course, to look for the synchonicities and to have faith!
money,power,boobs.Everyone dreams of this.Wealth is notalways measured in dollars.Some of the wealthiest people are ones who aren’t rich at all.
wealth is what people strive for and I never achieve. A family militates against acquiring wealth because as soon as I think I have a spare few bob, someone needs it more than me
I don’t need it. Wealth. At least the standard version. I want peace of mind. I don’t need the world. I want a tiny piece of it just for me. Nothing huge, nothing outrageous. I want just a tiny piece of mind and a little bitty house to keep it in. Just for me. No one else. I don’t want the world. I just want a tiny piece. Is that selfish? Is it outlandish? Tell me it isn’t.
value generated with the available resources
it happens when you aren’t thinking about it
with a tall glass of bourbon in his right hand, he gazed out into the night, feeling the breeze from the ocean through his hair and the booze in his stomach. all day spent, all the minutes and seconds wasted on the prolonged myth of his life, allchance of adventure traded for routine.
matt troian
wealth is overstated. one can find happiness with what little we can afford in life. For instance, the things that bring me happiness is a good book, a smart tv or movie, a painting, a cold glass of beer or a wamr cup of coffee.
What does wealth mean to you?
One man’s garbage could be one man’s wealth. Say you throw something out for the trash, a couch perhaps. Within the next day or so, the couch will be gone. Usually picked up by someone who needed the couch more than you, since you were the one who threw it away.
wealth abundance life is good life is rich only i can achieve
what i need to be happy creativity is wealth love is wealth
the hope that someday i will be happy and loved and content
Wealth, greed. there once was a catapult builder he worked for his kingdom, after a long day of working a group of warriors came along and told him that if he helped destroy the castle they would give him all the gold he could carry. after they took over the castle he asked for his money, the warriors discussed with his desire for wealth and greed, melted the gold and poored it down his throat.
Rich and weathy people. The rough times that people go through just to keep there family under a roof. There are very hard times before good comes about. You are pour before you are wealthy.
Joe #55
when i hear this word i think of really poor people fro some people because they dont have any money, and even though they dont have money they are still happy because they have freinds and family who loves them!!!!!!!!
There is nothing so more productive than acquiring true wealth…the wealth of many friends and family. Quality relationships that enhance your life and allow you to add to theirs. I will aim for more wealth. I will start with my attitude.
anna c. friend
wealth is not something that i’m worried about. all i need is enough money to live on, and a little place to call my own. Whether or not i am considered wealthy by the rest of society is not a worry to me. I just need someone to love me, and a place to call home. Then i will be happy.
Wealth isn’t money. It’s what you’re happy with. I can ever really seem to have good wealth in money, though I’m always happy with what I have. I really do think of it as gold and rubies though. I guss that’s just instilled in my mind.
My mind goes blank as I see the word wealth, thought the lady. She had worked so hard to accumulate it. And now when it was kept in front of her on a plate, she didnt know what to do with it. She could buy the world with this. But now.. all her mind said was “blank”.
Money. People say it is what makes you happy, what brings people joy and security. While all that might be so, would you admit that sometimes you wish it just wasn’t that important? Wealth, while the sound of it is very inviting and completely enthralling if you’re the one who would be wealthy,
A wealth of ideas flooded into his mind and he just couldn’t concentrate. He knew what he’d do. He’d invent a machine to pick one idea from his head at a time. Now, he thought, how to get started…
Mark Clarke
I clinch my fist tightly
feverishly squeezing what
little is left as it slips
through my fingers.
wealth is deceptive
wealth shd be strength…and not the weakness…every one is after making money and wealth…..
it’s the plight of the rich boy who wishes he were an artist. to become lost in the desert and die of thirst. rather that than move out west to the city and find a job somewhere high up in a building, buried between manilla folders, squashed between boxes, stuck. it’s no good, that high up, the easiest way out is though the window. rather than the elevator. rather than the staircase. i’d rather be lost in a desert, poor, than rich. rather be emo than complacent.
it’s not the cloth on the back it’s on the heart on sleeve.
the gold poured through his palms as he stood,
and the man cackled with greed. the money flew through
his heart,
his soul,
and everything he knew
until he could not sense his own existence anymore as it trickled around his neck,
almost choking him with wealth.
but it wasn’t real happiness.
it s something people describe in many ways:houses,money.But some people also describe it like love,happyness and health and family!
wealth is what i would have if you would give the fuck up and die.
wealth has its bounds. it is not limitless. everyone pictures a wealth of piles of green papers with a president’s head and stacks of shiny gold coins. but real wealth involves a loving arms to hug you and a beating heart to love you.
She had a wealth of shoes and no place to wear them. They stared back at her from their canvas and cardboard cages, hoping to be freed. But she would have to emancipate herself first.
Wealth. It kills. It makes us live. It takes away, and it gives. It’s greedy. It’s proud. It’s selfish. It’s envious, it boasts, it keeps records of wrong, against everything the Bible says is true and pure. Why is wealth such a big issue in America? Why do we all want it so much? All it does is sucks the life out of us. We should learn to give, not take and keep.
some people seem to have different definitions of wealth, but no matter what it seems to be desired. wealth has a connotation of having what you want or having the means to. You could have lots of money but stranded with out food in the antartic money doesnt mean anything with no stores around.
He had never been one to accumalate riches, wealth to him did not equate to a stash of gold, but something less tangible. The sea air, laughter, the clink of a champagne glasses and her golden lock of hair
Wealth. Don’t all wish we had some. As if it would solve all of our problems. Im sure John Travolta would give all of his wealth to have his son back. For jut one day. So would Dr. Dre, I would say.
Wealth. maybe what real wealth is has nothng to do with money, but more of what you value. Love, goodness, kindness, life itself. Truely, nothing you can purchase with money.
money. does money actually buy you happyness? or does it subside the sadness for a while? doesnt it make you feel like because you have money you dont need to be sad about anything in life? Why is wealth something that makes people judge you either way. Or is wealth, just about money?
wealth means a lot to some people, but sometimes it just means that you’re a big fat jerk. when somebody has a lot of wealth, it either means they are well endowed or they have some sort of parasite in their abdomen. parasites in your abdomen are probably not the best thing to have, but wealth might be, as long as it involves money. then you can get the parasite out of your abdomen and get on with being wealthy. wealth backwards is htlaew.
i have wealth in my little cob home. wealth surrounds me in these birch trees, red squirrel, birds, mountains and streams. i have more wealth than the riches man alive, right here in my backyard. trees sing to me. birds flutter for me. wind gently teases me….
money is power and if you have wealth it’s interesting to see the many things you can do and the opportunities that open for you. people say money can’t buy happiness but i think that’s untrue, i think if you dont know the value of the dollar it wont buy happiness but if you’ve been poor your whole life then it can make you happy….
Wealth is more than merely how much money you have stashed away in your bank account. It’s more than the amount of material possessions displayed in your home. You can have wealth with friendships that enrich your life. Wealth exists with imminent blessings.
If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true and be sharing in all your wealth. Because I’ve been in love before and I know that love is more than just holding hands.
is a necessary part of life but not the only thing to aspire to. It makes people happy in the short term but long term can cause alienation and feelings of social awkwardness and embarressment. I am not wealthy, I would like to be wealthier but at the end of the day it is not the centre of my world.
Encompasses every aspect and avenue of my life. I am wealthy in spirit, frieds and health. Am working to get wealthy financially as well. Glad this is my one word as it reminds me to stay the course, to look for the synchonicities and to have faith!
money,power,boobs.Everyone dreams of this.Wealth is notalways measured in dollars.Some of the wealthiest people are ones who aren’t rich at all.
wealth is what people strive for and I never achieve. A family militates against acquiring wealth because as soon as I think I have a spare few bob, someone needs it more than me
I don’t need it. Wealth. At least the standard version. I want peace of mind. I don’t need the world. I want a tiny piece of it just for me. Nothing huge, nothing outrageous. I want just a tiny piece of mind and a little bitty house to keep it in. Just for me. No one else. I don’t want the world. I just want a tiny piece. Is that selfish? Is it outlandish? Tell me it isn’t.
value generated with the available resources
it happens when you aren’t thinking about it
with a tall glass of bourbon in his right hand, he gazed out into the night, feeling the breeze from the ocean through his hair and the booze in his stomach. all day spent, all the minutes and seconds wasted on the prolonged myth of his life, allchance of adventure traded for routine.
wealth is overstated. one can find happiness with what little we can afford in life. For instance, the things that bring me happiness is a good book, a smart tv or movie, a painting, a cold glass of beer or a wamr cup of coffee.
What does wealth mean to you?
One man’s garbage could be one man’s wealth. Say you throw something out for the trash, a couch perhaps. Within the next day or so, the couch will be gone. Usually picked up by someone who needed the couch more than you, since you were the one who threw it away.
wealth abundance life is good life is rich only i can achieve
what i need to be happy creativity is wealth love is wealth
the hope that someday i will be happy and loved and content
Wealth, greed. there once was a catapult builder he worked for his kingdom, after a long day of working a group of warriors came along and told him that if he helped destroy the castle they would give him all the gold he could carry. after they took over the castle he asked for his money, the warriors discussed with his desire for wealth and greed, melted the gold and poored it down his throat.
Rich and weathy people. The rough times that people go through just to keep there family under a roof. There are very hard times before good comes about. You are pour before you are wealthy.
when i hear this word i think of really poor people fro some people because they dont have any money, and even though they dont have money they are still happy because they have freinds and family who loves them!!!!!!!!
There is nothing so more productive than acquiring true wealth…the wealth of many friends and family. Quality relationships that enhance your life and allow you to add to theirs. I will aim for more wealth. I will start with my attitude.
wealth is not something that i’m worried about. all i need is enough money to live on, and a little place to call my own. Whether or not i am considered wealthy by the rest of society is not a worry to me. I just need someone to love me, and a place to call home. Then i will be happy.
Wealth isn’t money. It’s what you’re happy with. I can ever really seem to have good wealth in money, though I’m always happy with what I have. I really do think of it as gold and rubies though. I guss that’s just instilled in my mind.
My mind goes blank as I see the word wealth, thought the lady. She had worked so hard to accumulate it. And now when it was kept in front of her on a plate, she didnt know what to do with it. She could buy the world with this. But now.. all her mind said was “blank”.
Money. People say it is what makes you happy, what brings people joy and security. While all that might be so, would you admit that sometimes you wish it just wasn’t that important? Wealth, while the sound of it is very inviting and completely enthralling if you’re the one who would be wealthy,
A wealth of ideas flooded into his mind and he just couldn’t concentrate. He knew what he’d do. He’d invent a machine to pick one idea from his head at a time. Now, he thought, how to get started…
I clinch my fist tightly
feverishly squeezing what
little is left as it slips
through my fingers.
wealth is deceptive
wealth shd be strength…and not the weakness…every one is after making money and wealth…..