I wouldn’t want all the wealth in the world.
Every CENT of gold you could pay me,
and I’d keep loving you.
You could give me Joe Jonas
and Paul McCartney,
and I’d be asking them for one more moment with you.
You complete me,
you’ll realize it eventually.
I promise.
Eric, love.
Love, Love, Love Me!
Stella Heather
Something I seem to be lacking. I tend to get the fact that I have no money thrown in my face a lot. It’s not everything, and I honestly don’t care if I become rich. I just want to get to the point where I don’t have to struggle so much with my finances. I’ll get there someday.
something i have none of in monetary value but I do in heart and soul or atleast I try to think IU do. i think of donal trump when i see this word and then i think of his hair and wonder what his comb looks like and if he has more then one. then i think about what his bathroom looks like cuz i love big wealthy bathroom
wealth is an interesting topic. from it comes greed, and from greed comes war, poverty and conspiracy. once acquired one finds himself with an incessant need for more.
That is true wealth, what ever you get out of that is up to you. intelegence shows that ones with a true wealth are the ones who try, not give up at the first sign of weakness.
Rhys Brink
who needs wealth? who wants it? truth is, we all do. every single person in the world, at some point in his or her life, wants wealth. but…it means different things to different people. to some, it is all about money. to others, it has to do with family, friends, job, or other things. some of the wealthiest people i know have no money at all.
Is wealth about money? Or is it about having like a wealth of knowledge. Personally I wouldn’t mind having either…
hard work
some people believe you can have a wealth of knowledge, and that knowledge can bring you wealth. But what if you have a wealth of useless knowledge? well, i think if thats the case you may as well be retarded and poor like th rest of us!
I like to have money. when i think of wealth I think of rich snobby people in really fancy clothes and too much jewlery. Fake blondes and stupid, old husbands. wealth is also like chinese emperors and insurance commercials.
I do not believe in wealth in the monetary sense. You see, I grew up in a middle-class home, with a tv in almost every room. We had five cars. I always thought that was ridiculous. I saw my parents were unhappy and that no amount of consumerism could save them. When I went away to school, I realized that wealth has a different, deeper meaning. Wealth is not the car you drive, the home you own, the clothes you wear. Wealth is a measure of happiness, of love. And those who have acquired both of those things are wealthy, indeed.
Jess Engle
Wealth is not about money, never, never about money. Wealth is the richness of experience, that great earthy Nile Inundation of life itself that washes through us leaving fertile deposits in the heart and mind, from which the very self is born anew.
Who would take such a concept and change it into cold currency: brass and nickel and copper coin? What kind of wealth is this which cannot buy anything of value?
When did people stop believing in themselves and one another, and believe instead that they could buy a wall, an expensive wall of steel and plexiglass to keep their ghosts, their pasts, their flawed and beautiful selves out?
Wealth is for wealthy people.
i saw him standing by corner. he was studying his watch, and hailing a cab. he didn’t know what was coming. but, then, how could he?
shannelle mills
im rich. well i wish i was, right now moneys tight, tighter then any bad metaphore that can come to my head right now. i’m trying to avoid being rude in these things. anyways i need a job, BIG TIME. writeing a resume tonight, hopefully it helps, tomorrow gunna be a busy day, it goes,: class, haircut: APPLY THE FUCK EVERYWHERE.
money greed and power, the richer part of america vs. the poorer. democrats. support for the wealthy. income tax. jobs, good jobs. rich. high on life. wealthy in traits. wealthy not in material things, but in spirit & love & life. wealthy. heavy. loaded. bad tippers. night life. big cars. snob. show offs.
tyler shaw
I think of people of a higher social class. I think of the rich, but I also think of snobs. For some reason, the rich remind me of snobby people. But wealth also reminds me of wealth in knowledge or in other traits.
I don’t see wealth as the amount of money someone has. Knowledge is wealth. There’s this quote that comes to mind. “Learn like you’re going to live forever, live like you’re going to die tomorrow.” I wish I had started learning centuries ago and lived each moment with a memory in hand.
Stephanie B
It was meaningless really, wealth. With all the shit in the world. But he didn’t care. He exploited and killed and hurt many just for a taste.
there are soooo many ways to gain wealth. Heart wealth obviously the most interesting…you can’t steal it, you gotta earn it. if you try to steal it, guess what, you’ll get caught and even if you don’t get caught you’ll know you stole it and you won’t be able to sleep at night, and at night when you can’t sleep is when the creepy scary freaks come and come after you keeping you from sleeping and making the daytime distrbing and confusing and under water. It’s so scary and upsetting and makes you feel like you’re so disconnected from the entire world that you just want it all to end, you’d like for a tsunami to come along and blow your existence away like you were never even there, which I mean come on you probably weren’t anyway.
frank sense
weird site!!!
Wealth. Oh wealth. You love it dearly, but deep down inside you don’t. You really really dont. You want wealth but you also know what it can and has done to people. And that scares you.
He had far more wealth than any other could imagine. Though he lacked the golden halls of his king, and didn’t own the vast tracts of land as his brother, he had all the love of his dear wife, and nothing was more valuable than the bond they shared.
fuck money. Annalise, you make me wealthier than any person to ever live on this earth. Who gives a shit about money or cars. fuck ’em. I love you
brian dal ponte
what is wealth really? on a global scale, we’re wealthy here in America. Compared to the rest of the world, I have so much. But I compare myself to other people, and I don’t have that much. It’s hard to remember that I’m wealthy. It’s hard to not complain about I don’t have. It’s hard to value what I do have. I’m wealthy. I really am. I need to try harder to remember that.
wealth is the fact of just having things. not neccessarily money but cars, a big house or houses, nice clothes and jewlery.
i want money.
i want a lot of money.
i don’t want to share it.
i want an endless source of it.
i never want to work unless i want to.
i don’t want to talk to people at work.
i want to work in a faceless office building where i make at least 6 figures a year.
i want to be wealthy to the point of ridiculousness.
Baby, with you I am wealthy beyond imagine.
Money means nothing to me, not when I have you to hold me. I don’t need anything else. Your lips are like the ocean and I am starting to drown
why is it always the same word?
A wealthy man stepped into my office, he wanted to buy something he sold me a long time ago. I showed him the contract he signed, his soul was mine, there was nothing he could do about it.
Bill Shears
wealth is like someone bestowing upon you the greatest gift you can get. And that is the problem. Wealth does not matter, where are you going to be when you die rich. Still dead. And probably with more enemies
mat meadows
I have none.
No wealth to speak of, but I wish for it.
I used to have a different kind of wealth.
and now the pockets of my heart are empty.
You took your alimony from my ventricles.
and now I’m poorer than I could have ever imagined.
is there a halfway house for broken hearts?
wealth is something we’d all like to have, but in reality would it make us happy? Surely happiness is a state of mind and therefore attainable by us all.
I had it once. It seemed like a happier time, when I wasn’t forced to struggle every day. Now, not a moment passes when I don’t worry where my next meal will come from.
I hate them, those with wealth. To be a good person, we musn’t hate. But I can’t stop myself. I hate them all.
those that earn more than they have worked hard for,
be it mentally or physically,
do not know life
the wealth of the sucessful bussinessman
is little
compared to
the wealth of the pauper familyman
I don’t really have that much money, but I do have a lot of friends. I have never known what it is like to be rich but I have always been loved. I am jealous of people who have a lot of money but I would never trade my happiness for cash. I try to buy people little things that will make them happy because I hope that they will do the same for me someday.
it is a funny thing. it can drive people mad, sending themselves over the tips of cliffs and skyscrapers. it can only buy you happiness if what you seek is not love. ohhh to be wealthy, so many people dream it, but those who live it often resent it. and so confusion rears its ugly head.
The search for wealth: the demise of happiness.
I wouldn’t want all the wealth in the world.
Every CENT of gold you could pay me,
and I’d keep loving you.
You could give me Joe Jonas
and Paul McCartney,
and I’d be asking them for one more moment with you.
You complete me,
you’ll realize it eventually.
I promise.
Eric, love.
Love, Love, Love Me!
Something I seem to be lacking. I tend to get the fact that I have no money thrown in my face a lot. It’s not everything, and I honestly don’t care if I become rich. I just want to get to the point where I don’t have to struggle so much with my finances. I’ll get there someday.
something i have none of in monetary value but I do in heart and soul or atleast I try to think IU do. i think of donal trump when i see this word and then i think of his hair and wonder what his comb looks like and if he has more then one. then i think about what his bathroom looks like cuz i love big wealthy bathroom
wealth is an interesting topic. from it comes greed, and from greed comes war, poverty and conspiracy. once acquired one finds himself with an incessant need for more.
jlkjvxzlkjzhxvclkjzvhlxzkjvhlzkjvhzxlkvjxhzkjjcjkhzlkjhzvlkjzhvlckjzhvlxkzjhvlzkjchvlkjhviulvkj lkjzhfoiu lvcjhzliudf lfkjvhz xjkhiduh zlkjvhzlkxjchvliuzh lkjhvlz kjvhlkzsdbl vkbzlkj vhlkjh lkjzhvlkjh
That is true wealth, what ever you get out of that is up to you. intelegence shows that ones with a true wealth are the ones who try, not give up at the first sign of weakness.
who needs wealth? who wants it? truth is, we all do. every single person in the world, at some point in his or her life, wants wealth. but…it means different things to different people. to some, it is all about money. to others, it has to do with family, friends, job, or other things. some of the wealthiest people i know have no money at all.
Is wealth about money? Or is it about having like a wealth of knowledge. Personally I wouldn’t mind having either…
hard work
some people believe you can have a wealth of knowledge, and that knowledge can bring you wealth. But what if you have a wealth of useless knowledge? well, i think if thats the case you may as well be retarded and poor like th rest of us!
I like to have money. when i think of wealth I think of rich snobby people in really fancy clothes and too much jewlery. Fake blondes and stupid, old husbands. wealth is also like chinese emperors and insurance commercials.
I do not believe in wealth in the monetary sense. You see, I grew up in a middle-class home, with a tv in almost every room. We had five cars. I always thought that was ridiculous. I saw my parents were unhappy and that no amount of consumerism could save them. When I went away to school, I realized that wealth has a different, deeper meaning. Wealth is not the car you drive, the home you own, the clothes you wear. Wealth is a measure of happiness, of love. And those who have acquired both of those things are wealthy, indeed.
Wealth is not about money, never, never about money. Wealth is the richness of experience, that great earthy Nile Inundation of life itself that washes through us leaving fertile deposits in the heart and mind, from which the very self is born anew.
Who would take such a concept and change it into cold currency: brass and nickel and copper coin? What kind of wealth is this which cannot buy anything of value?
When did people stop believing in themselves and one another, and believe instead that they could buy a wall, an expensive wall of steel and plexiglass to keep their ghosts, their pasts, their flawed and beautiful selves out?
Wealth is for wealthy people.
i saw him standing by corner. he was studying his watch, and hailing a cab. he didn’t know what was coming. but, then, how could he?
im rich. well i wish i was, right now moneys tight, tighter then any bad metaphore that can come to my head right now. i’m trying to avoid being rude in these things. anyways i need a job, BIG TIME. writeing a resume tonight, hopefully it helps, tomorrow gunna be a busy day, it goes,: class, haircut: APPLY THE FUCK EVERYWHERE.
money greed and power, the richer part of america vs. the poorer. democrats. support for the wealthy. income tax. jobs, good jobs. rich. high on life. wealthy in traits. wealthy not in material things, but in spirit & love & life. wealthy. heavy. loaded. bad tippers. night life. big cars. snob. show offs.
I think of people of a higher social class. I think of the rich, but I also think of snobs. For some reason, the rich remind me of snobby people. But wealth also reminds me of wealth in knowledge or in other traits.
I don’t see wealth as the amount of money someone has. Knowledge is wealth. There’s this quote that comes to mind. “Learn like you’re going to live forever, live like you’re going to die tomorrow.” I wish I had started learning centuries ago and lived each moment with a memory in hand.
It was meaningless really, wealth. With all the shit in the world. But he didn’t care. He exploited and killed and hurt many just for a taste.
there are soooo many ways to gain wealth. Heart wealth obviously the most interesting…you can’t steal it, you gotta earn it. if you try to steal it, guess what, you’ll get caught and even if you don’t get caught you’ll know you stole it and you won’t be able to sleep at night, and at night when you can’t sleep is when the creepy scary freaks come and come after you keeping you from sleeping and making the daytime distrbing and confusing and under water. It’s so scary and upsetting and makes you feel like you’re so disconnected from the entire world that you just want it all to end, you’d like for a tsunami to come along and blow your existence away like you were never even there, which I mean come on you probably weren’t anyway.
weird site!!!
Wealth. Oh wealth. You love it dearly, but deep down inside you don’t. You really really dont. You want wealth but you also know what it can and has done to people. And that scares you.
Aint got none
rich, loot, diamonds, love, health, peaceful, calm, lucious, delectible,fresh, breathe
He had far more wealth than any other could imagine. Though he lacked the golden halls of his king, and didn’t own the vast tracts of land as his brother, he had all the love of his dear wife, and nothing was more valuable than the bond they shared.
fuck money. Annalise, you make me wealthier than any person to ever live on this earth. Who gives a shit about money or cars. fuck ’em. I love you
what is wealth really? on a global scale, we’re wealthy here in America. Compared to the rest of the world, I have so much. But I compare myself to other people, and I don’t have that much. It’s hard to remember that I’m wealthy. It’s hard to not complain about I don’t have. It’s hard to value what I do have. I’m wealthy. I really am. I need to try harder to remember that.
wealth is the fact of just having things. not neccessarily money but cars, a big house or houses, nice clothes and jewlery.
i want money.
i want a lot of money.
i don’t want to share it.
i want an endless source of it.
i never want to work unless i want to.
i don’t want to talk to people at work.
i want to work in a faceless office building where i make at least 6 figures a year.
i want to be wealthy to the point of ridiculousness.
Baby, with you I am wealthy beyond imagine.
Money means nothing to me, not when I have you to hold me. I don’t need anything else. Your lips are like the ocean and I am starting to drown
why is it always the same word?
A wealthy man stepped into my office, he wanted to buy something he sold me a long time ago. I showed him the contract he signed, his soul was mine, there was nothing he could do about it.
wealth is like someone bestowing upon you the greatest gift you can get. And that is the problem. Wealth does not matter, where are you going to be when you die rich. Still dead. And probably with more enemies
I have none.
No wealth to speak of, but I wish for it.
I used to have a different kind of wealth.
and now the pockets of my heart are empty.
You took your alimony from my ventricles.
and now I’m poorer than I could have ever imagined.
is there a halfway house for broken hearts?
wealth is something we’d all like to have, but in reality would it make us happy? Surely happiness is a state of mind and therefore attainable by us all.
I had it once. It seemed like a happier time, when I wasn’t forced to struggle every day. Now, not a moment passes when I don’t worry where my next meal will come from.
I hate them, those with wealth. To be a good person, we musn’t hate. But I can’t stop myself. I hate them all.
those that earn more than they have worked hard for,
be it mentally or physically,
do not know life
the wealth of the sucessful bussinessman
is little
compared to
the wealth of the pauper familyman
I don’t really have that much money, but I do have a lot of friends. I have never known what it is like to be rich but I have always been loved. I am jealous of people who have a lot of money but I would never trade my happiness for cash. I try to buy people little things that will make them happy because I hope that they will do the same for me someday.
it is a funny thing. it can drive people mad, sending themselves over the tips of cliffs and skyscrapers. it can only buy you happiness if what you seek is not love. ohhh to be wealthy, so many people dream it, but those who live it often resent it. and so confusion rears its ugly head.