Wealth isn’t just money. I measure the wealth of a person by how happy they are with themselves. Who they surround themselves with. What they do with their time and most importantly: compassion.
She looked at the paper, her heart racing. She knew what it would say. But she couldnt accept it. She was on the other side of unrequainted love. She was the villian in this tragic love story. A lonely boy, falls in love with a girl. A all she can do is look at the wealth of love being given to her, and say No thank you.
She didnt want to break his heart, but she couldnt give up hers when it wasnt right. So she looked at him a said; Im sorry.
kink has every reason not to fuss
beat my happy object you hell of a rug
lets get drunk! summon the minx
from your universe eyes, your fellow mice that run
these circles saturate in your sleeves, ready to render
the great ring moldable, substituting dill for cumin
as we chafe inwardly like
a dinner
in my
don’t you know your own magic?
don’t you know your own animal?
the length of my tongue will rise as target practice for all of your
practice for all that you assume the length of my tongue will rise in my tophat
don’t you know you what i shovel?
don’t you know your own furnace?
the length of my tongue will rise and i feel so desensetized by the iron
in orbit we’ll fire aimlessly back when my face was red and yours was yellow
the iron in our blood is of mercury and venus and mars
their centers are as our center’s bound to be pronounced very slowly
bound to every second thought
the consistant submachinegun moans
lasagna bomb
I wasn’t what you would call a Wealthy Man.
A year ago today I’d lost my job
only there weren’t any new ones to pick up.
I’d survived by couch surfing.
Only with the recent turn in the economy
there were less and less couches to turn to
and more and more people looking.
unhappy, material women men children broken families. fake happiness, plastic, disregard, unhealthy, rude obnoxious ungrateful unneeded unpleasant sought after desire lust greed
the more one tries to put currency in their poket. the less one tries to keep bonds with family and kin. one should never loose track of the difference in worth between love and cash.
Auron Graves
She works over thirty hours a week while going to school, and for what? Wealt. New computer, new car, new clothes. Nothing she needs, everything she wants. What suffers? Everything else she wants.
it is something that we all aspire to but few know its true definition. most think of monew and posessions but wealth is more a term referring to the quality of life one leads. one can have wealth without a manner in enjoying it. therefore money is merely a factor
wealth is more than material possesions or stacks of money in the bank. wealth is about what u learn, the friends u have, the lives u touch. wealth is about giving, more than anything else.
Wealth, something all strive for. Not as great or worthwhile as love, in my opinion. In all truth and honesty, if I had the choice to choose either one million dollars or a lifetime of love, I believe most would pick love. Wealth is everywhere, true love is something few have.
All the money in the world could not bring back the exhilaration he felt when he played the game. So he decided to throw it all way to the woman he loved.
the consumer masses accumulate but does it really mean anything? really? what does it mean to different people? money, stuff, women, men, bibles, dogs, jobs, houses, love, life… what do you measure wealth by. i need to learn to type faster. this is a great exercise for that. a wealth of WPM, eh?
Elaine Tomlinson-Meyer
wealth isnt what you need.
it isnt a way of describing yourself.
wealth is eternal in this world.
there will always be wealth.
wealth that connects to sin.
in several different aspects.
through drugs.
Patrick Horne
money power glory every thing kings nice cars big house boats england
wealth is the illusion that makes the people who are “wealthier than you” think they are better than you which in turn makes you think that they are right in thinking that they are better than you. Which is wrong. So very wrong that it is almost impossible (from where i’m sitting) to think its even close to right at all. Hmm. The record has run out, and she has just noticed it, which made me notice it. goodbye.
Something I definitely am lacking.
i used to be wealthy and healthy. til money got in the way. now im not wealthy or healthy and all my actions to conserve were in vain. fuck. i hate money . and sicknessssesss
amy mangeli
wealth is not measured by material things or bank account balances, instead it is measured in laughter, love and the feeling of closeness to another.
hunger poverty lack of caring, hunger, hunger, hunger. can’t be fed, nurtured, satiated, will only grow the more you feed it and yet if you try to starve it, like all hungers, when it finally gets a morsel
Something about poverty
that makes you mark every rich person
with scorn or worship.
The ones with a little more than you
you want to take their stuff, or at least
watch as they lose it all;
while the super rich you worship.
This is what messes us up.
If we unite we can all grow richer.
Don H.
all the wealth (money)
in the world
is power and
therefore soul
all wealth
i wish for
is in wisdom
It is important to know what sort of wealth will make a rich person. Money is just a burden and a delusion. Real wealth is personal values, generosity, kindness. These giving qualities make a person bigger, more substantial, and more meaningful in the world. A kind and giving person is a person of true wealth.
Catherine Shaffer
corruption in money, success in love
will be my success
tone tone
i dont think that i was destined to be a wealthy man. im not sure if somewhere along the way i decided that i wasnt interested in being wealthy, or its simply a case of my coming to the realization that it would never be – and i just created some justification for this failure. either way it has come to my attention that wealthy is a path that my life will never take. i sup
wellll the world is full of rich people, people with lots of money. but what if that isnt the only way to be ‘wealthy’?
what if your wealthy because of your friends? or because of how you live your life? does wealth have to be defined as how much money you have?
i think that i am wealthy, not because i have a lot of money (becasue i dont) but because i have friends and family that MAKE me wealthy.
Andrea Rose.
What is wealth.
Is it great bounties.
Very closw family ties.
Or is it your personality.
Nobody knows what kind of wealt.
This onw, or will own.
Some are happy
some are rich
I dont know what this wheird thingy is. hope you like it
I make a decent amount of money but I don’t consider myself to have accumulated all that much wealth, at least not in the monetary or possessions department. But there’s always Powerball…
Steal it. It’s best that way. Keep others under you and dangle it as a promise to keep them docile.
lonesome ed
materialists are everywhere, and that’s ok, because it is true.
I have a wealth of truth, because I accept what I experience, and there is no need to question it.
google has it.
Fredrick D. Fry
in dollars and cents i am poor… but in love and in friendship, i am a Queen.
poor homeless people living in squalor. No jobs for middle class people because the wealthy are killing us slowly
Some have a lot. Some have none. Wealth is different things to different people. Wealth in friendship, love and money. I have 1 and a half of those. My love is rather wishy washy so who knows if i can even count them. But friends, now they are somthing worth more than gold….
Wealth of experience. Richness of experience in life. Even if 100 years or 1,000 years of life… would be wonderful. Imagine if we could live life to the fullest each day.
Khor Hui Min
“You know what this is, boy?” he asked, letting the dirt fall through his fingers back to the ground, “This is gold.”
“Oh wow,” he son said, rolling his eyes. “I could’ve sworn it was dirt.”
“There’s a wealth of minerals in this stuff, Robby. Without that, there’d be no plants. Without plants there’d be no animals. Without all that, we’d have nothing to eat and we’d die.”
wealth is something I have in every way but actual cash on hand. i have a wealth of love in my life, a wealth of health, spirit, and wonderful opportunities to live each day fully…
I love money. It’s such a great thing. With money, all the problems in the world can be solved by paying it off. Affluence is the key to victory in my book. Money is as sweet as honey. With money, you can BUY honey. This process is not reversible, to the displeasure of enterprising bees everywhere. What else needs to be said?
what does that mean/ is it health, or materails family and friends i think a weathy man is one who has all that he wishes for, so the simpler you are the wealtheir youll be so to be truly rich have and desire nothing
We think of wealth in terms of money, or most do anyway. But I have come to look at differently. While yes i need financial abundance, I look to the wealth of life. Of art of love of faith of living.
money is time and I love wealth.
Wealth is very good to have because
you can buy what ever you want. Wealth is clothes.
I love close and money. like the same.
Wealth isn’t just money. I measure the wealth of a person by how happy they are with themselves. Who they surround themselves with. What they do with their time and most importantly: compassion.
She looked at the paper, her heart racing. She knew what it would say. But she couldnt accept it. She was on the other side of unrequainted love. She was the villian in this tragic love story. A lonely boy, falls in love with a girl. A all she can do is look at the wealth of love being given to her, and say No thank you.
She didnt want to break his heart, but she couldnt give up hers when it wasnt right. So she looked at him a said; Im sorry.
kink has every reason not to fuss
beat my happy object you hell of a rug
lets get drunk! summon the minx
from your universe eyes, your fellow mice that run
these circles saturate in your sleeves, ready to render
the great ring moldable, substituting dill for cumin
as we chafe inwardly like
a dinner
in my
don’t you know your own magic?
don’t you know your own animal?
the length of my tongue will rise as target practice for all of your
practice for all that you assume the length of my tongue will rise in my tophat
don’t you know you what i shovel?
don’t you know your own furnace?
the length of my tongue will rise and i feel so desensetized by the iron
in orbit we’ll fire aimlessly back when my face was red and yours was yellow
the iron in our blood is of mercury and venus and mars
their centers are as our center’s bound to be pronounced very slowly
bound to every second thought
the consistant submachinegun moans
I wasn’t what you would call a Wealthy Man.
A year ago today I’d lost my job
only there weren’t any new ones to pick up.
I’d survived by couch surfing.
Only with the recent turn in the economy
there were less and less couches to turn to
and more and more people looking.
unhappy, material women men children broken families. fake happiness, plastic, disregard, unhealthy, rude obnoxious ungrateful unneeded unpleasant sought after desire lust greed
the more one tries to put currency in their poket. the less one tries to keep bonds with family and kin. one should never loose track of the difference in worth between love and cash.
She works over thirty hours a week while going to school, and for what? Wealt. New computer, new car, new clothes. Nothing she needs, everything she wants. What suffers? Everything else she wants.
it is something that we all aspire to but few know its true definition. most think of monew and posessions but wealth is more a term referring to the quality of life one leads. one can have wealth without a manner in enjoying it. therefore money is merely a factor
wealth is more than material possesions or stacks of money in the bank. wealth is about what u learn, the friends u have, the lives u touch. wealth is about giving, more than anything else.
Wealth, something all strive for. Not as great or worthwhile as love, in my opinion. In all truth and honesty, if I had the choice to choose either one million dollars or a lifetime of love, I believe most would pick love. Wealth is everywhere, true love is something few have.
All the money in the world could not bring back the exhilaration he felt when he played the game. So he decided to throw it all way to the woman he loved.
the consumer masses accumulate but does it really mean anything? really? what does it mean to different people? money, stuff, women, men, bibles, dogs, jobs, houses, love, life… what do you measure wealth by. i need to learn to type faster. this is a great exercise for that. a wealth of WPM, eh?
wealth isnt what you need.
it isnt a way of describing yourself.
wealth is eternal in this world.
there will always be wealth.
wealth that connects to sin.
in several different aspects.
through drugs.
money power glory every thing kings nice cars big house boats england
wealth is the illusion that makes the people who are “wealthier than you” think they are better than you which in turn makes you think that they are right in thinking that they are better than you. Which is wrong. So very wrong that it is almost impossible (from where i’m sitting) to think its even close to right at all. Hmm. The record has run out, and she has just noticed it, which made me notice it. goodbye.
Something I definitely am lacking.
i used to be wealthy and healthy. til money got in the way. now im not wealthy or healthy and all my actions to conserve were in vain. fuck. i hate money . and sicknessssesss
wealth is not measured by material things or bank account balances, instead it is measured in laughter, love and the feeling of closeness to another.
hunger poverty lack of caring, hunger, hunger, hunger. can’t be fed, nurtured, satiated, will only grow the more you feed it and yet if you try to starve it, like all hungers, when it finally gets a morsel
Something about poverty
that makes you mark every rich person
with scorn or worship.
The ones with a little more than you
you want to take their stuff, or at least
watch as they lose it all;
while the super rich you worship.
This is what messes us up.
If we unite we can all grow richer.
all the wealth (money)
in the world
is power and
therefore soul
all wealth
i wish for
is in wisdom
It is important to know what sort of wealth will make a rich person. Money is just a burden and a delusion. Real wealth is personal values, generosity, kindness. These giving qualities make a person bigger, more substantial, and more meaningful in the world. A kind and giving person is a person of true wealth.
corruption in money, success in love
will be my success
i dont think that i was destined to be a wealthy man. im not sure if somewhere along the way i decided that i wasnt interested in being wealthy, or its simply a case of my coming to the realization that it would never be – and i just created some justification for this failure. either way it has come to my attention that wealthy is a path that my life will never take. i sup
wellll the world is full of rich people, people with lots of money. but what if that isnt the only way to be ‘wealthy’?
what if your wealthy because of your friends? or because of how you live your life? does wealth have to be defined as how much money you have?
i think that i am wealthy, not because i have a lot of money (becasue i dont) but because i have friends and family that MAKE me wealthy.
What is wealth.
Is it great bounties.
Very closw family ties.
Or is it your personality.
Nobody knows what kind of wealt.
This onw, or will own.
Some are happy
some are rich
I dont know what this wheird thingy is. hope you like it
I make a decent amount of money but I don’t consider myself to have accumulated all that much wealth, at least not in the monetary or possessions department. But there’s always Powerball…
Steal it. It’s best that way. Keep others under you and dangle it as a promise to keep them docile.
materialists are everywhere, and that’s ok, because it is true.
I have a wealth of truth, because I accept what I experience, and there is no need to question it.
google has it.
in dollars and cents i am poor… but in love and in friendship, i am a Queen.
poor homeless people living in squalor. No jobs for middle class people because the wealthy are killing us slowly
Some have a lot. Some have none. Wealth is different things to different people. Wealth in friendship, love and money. I have 1 and a half of those. My love is rather wishy washy so who knows if i can even count them. But friends, now they are somthing worth more than gold….
Wealth of experience. Richness of experience in life. Even if 100 years or 1,000 years of life… would be wonderful. Imagine if we could live life to the fullest each day.
“You know what this is, boy?” he asked, letting the dirt fall through his fingers back to the ground, “This is gold.”
“Oh wow,” he son said, rolling his eyes. “I could’ve sworn it was dirt.”
“There’s a wealth of minerals in this stuff, Robby. Without that, there’d be no plants. Without plants there’d be no animals. Without all that, we’d have nothing to eat and we’d die.”
wealth is something I have in every way but actual cash on hand. i have a wealth of love in my life, a wealth of health, spirit, and wonderful opportunities to live each day fully…
I love money. It’s such a great thing. With money, all the problems in the world can be solved by paying it off. Affluence is the key to victory in my book. Money is as sweet as honey. With money, you can BUY honey. This process is not reversible, to the displeasure of enterprising bees everywhere. What else needs to be said?
what does that mean/ is it health, or materails family and friends i think a weathy man is one who has all that he wishes for, so the simpler you are the wealtheir youll be so to be truly rich have and desire nothing
We think of wealth in terms of money, or most do anyway. But I have come to look at differently. While yes i need financial abundance, I look to the wealth of life. Of art of love of faith of living.
money is time and I love wealth.
Wealth is very good to have because
you can buy what ever you want. Wealth is clothes.
I love close and money. like the same.