
November 17th, 2009 | 328 Entries

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328 Entries for “weird”

  1. What a banal word. When you’re young you try to put yourself out there as the weird kid when you don’t have just-every-little-thing in place like the others, but now as an adult the term ‘weird’ bores me to death. I guess that ‘weird’ loses it’s luster now because anyone who considers themselves weird is thinking too much about others.
  2. Many things are weird. There are weird people, places and things. One person’s opinion of what might be weird is usually vastly different from another person’s. What someone may think is weird, another person might consider it normal.

    Megan Wolfe
  3. It’s weird that you suck your thumb before you sleep still. It’s weird that you care more about the pimples on your face than the uneasiness brewing in my stomach.

    It’s weird what you keep in your nightstand. And I still don’t really understand it.

    Maybe it’s time to accept that I’m weird too, and you’re weird. Is it ever possible to truly understand someone? Do you need to?

  4. the static flew through the aether and landed somewhere nearby. a place that few could view through certain types of shells. but the movement and dance was too fast that it passed them by. one day they would see it too. they would taste it in time. in fact, they already had. and everything beautiful and strange was everything they’d ever been.

  5. I think of me and my friends, and all the crazy times we have…calling each other weird and freaks.. I miss those times, it’s been awhile since I’ve hung out with those friends, I miss them.
    Two of them are serving, Air Force and Navy, I’m proud of them…the other lives so far away
    I miss you guys.

  6. weird its the way this world with ancient oppium in the middle of a inexistent soothing trance, where colors and experiences dwells together..

  7. everything and everyone is weird. there’s always something weird about someone that they don’t want to share. Sometimes, it’s a good thing, and it’s the quirkiness that people likes that person for

  8. He walked with a limp and spoke like a pimp his face was bumpy and his eyes were ugly he farted on busses and made big fusses he ate with gusto and he was quite fussy but no one thought he was wierd
