
November 17th, 2009 | 328 Entries

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328 Entries for “weird”

  1. Weird. I always spell it as “Wierd.” I have no idea why. I constantly try and remind myself to spell it properly but it is usually an epic fail. I’m an English education major… so it is weird.

    Arielle Nainstein
  2. odd, uncool, different, not the normal ones in this world out of the ordinary mind set the one who thinks out side the book the crooked line, the big head with small body, moving slow, colorful spirt in the sky,

  3. im weird and so is everyone in the world in there own way. I hate the weirdness of most women. They are annoying and seemingly stupid.

    Ivan .M.
  4. It was too weird. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love. Not with him. Not with a guy. Not with the dumbass who tortured him every day.

    If he fell in love with anyone, it should have been Autumn. But she was gone now.

    Or Julia.

  5. everybody who goes someplace that they have never been before they are wierd and people think they are wierd because they step outside of what is comfortable. they step away from what they know and they go to what is wierd for them, but because they do this on purpose and don’t shy away from what is wierd to them, they are wierd to others. The unknown is what is wierd, and if you go to your unknown, other people will think that you are wierd because they have no idea what you know

  6. alligators. pelicans, leather, horns, antlers,

  7. andy. aliens. random. freaks. creepy. ghosts. black houses . white houses. orange eyes. blue snow. pink fires. chemistry. my heart felt feelings for you.

  8. why not it so strange and fucked up. as if that is even a thing ever. mosters atticus. dark. guys in ropes and capes and the matrix is the same as wierd could be wierd ans stiff

  9. It was really weird the day I was sitting out beneath the summer sun on campus, smoking my last cigarette – though I didn’t know it at the time. I looked up at Bell Hall and noticed a giant, blocked-off set of windows – an entire line of them, covering three floors; and I thought, “Why in the hell did they block off all the windows of a drom?”

  10. Didn’t realize my word was weird. now isn’t that weird. some would say it was strange but then again a synonym of strange is weird. Well that’s not that weird but who cares.

  11. What is weird? What is normal? Shrug…everyone thinks different things are normal and some things are weird. Individuality falls under this bad word…when someone is different, they are weird. Why must we be weird when what we believe is normal.

  12. akward unusual different

  13. It was a weird afternoon: storm clouds gathered as thunder and lightning could be seen and heard. I could have sworn that the air had a warm, tingling feeling to it — even my dog was acting a little out of the ordinary. So I peered out of the window in anticipation. Everybody and everything was inside. No humans. No animals. Just scenery.

    Then I went and sat down on the couch, open some 7 UP and guzzled it down as a large thunderclap made my walls reverberate. I stopped. This couldn’t be happening; it’s mid-June and already storms? Was there a tornado coming that I didn’t know about?

    Gouldin Lion
  14. she looked at me weirdly “are you okay?” she asked marina heatra ‘I’M FINE!’

    martha S
  15. strange, odd, inexplicable,magical, illogical, unreasonable, unbelievable..many things happenings in life are weird, fact is stranger than fiction.

    Pavalamani Pragasam
  16. she looked at me ‘you’re weird whats wrong with you?’ whats wrong with you ? the other girl shouted

    martha S
  17. Weird, my friends weird, i’m weird, everyones got a little weird in them. My mom likes to read weird science book, she’s also a weirdo. Creepy and odd, like my whole family, like me. Normal is okay but a streak of weird makes you better by far

  18. there’s no such thing as normalcy, or sanity. everyone is weird, no one is. there’s only oddity, insanity and quirkyness. weird is normal. normal is weird.

  19. I thought it was weird that I suddenly found my self out of college. Weird that Cake and Stumble Upon are providing more support than my parents; although they aren’t paying for a house either. Perhaps I should become a prostitute. Now that would be a weird adventure. But I would have enough dollar bills to live in.

  20. strange, different. people usually aren’t attracted to weird. however some people like weird. not everyone can be the same so it’s good to be weird. unexpected. bizarre. people are more interested in weird than normal.

    Anika Dorschner
  21. you are weird because you’re wired.
    you’re a nerd, never heard.
    you are geeky; makes you freaky!

    but you are smart. and inside there’s a heart.

  22. it was weird that it was all the same in the small opening i found all over it was like it was never again holding in the odd bundle on which it came all alit by what old people were once dreaming of and now it is still. it is still and slumbering.
  23. something that is different
    something funny
    makes me laugh
    think of tabitha
    think of myself
    what i do
    what i have done
    what i have seen and who i was with
    i love weird

  24. i’m a pretty weird person. my friends and family say that i’m weird in a good way, but sometimes i think i’m weird in the untouchable way. I think you’re weird too though. with your pierced ear and your quiet eyes, they way you stand in the corner at gatherings, your sweet smile. maybe we can we weird together.

  25. hate is weird. love is weirder. God is weird. I am weird. But we are all weird. Everyone is weird. Everything is weird. and it is that weirdness that makes everything not weird, unweird.

  26. the thought of my husband and i taking a vacation together. i have too many feelings, good and bad and indifferent, that it will feel very weird to do anything together. that is my definition of weird at this very moment.

  27. There are things that we
    do not
    understand, yet


    and call these things,

  28. It was a little weird, I thought. Just last night, I sent her a card and some flowers, yet she called me back in the morning screaming obscenities at me; I felt like dirt. What did I do wrong? I got her message on time. Sure, I had things to do in the past two weeks: Get the car checked; visit mom and see how she was doing; go to my favorite nephew’s baseball game. But I made a mistake in her mind.

    I took a deep breath, exhaled, paced across the living room a few times, looked up at the ceiling and decided to go out for a walk to reflect on it. Can’t beat going out for some fresh air.

    My stomach growled. I skipped lunch to rush home to see if a package arrived from my best friend Jerry. It still hadn’t came. So I walked four blocks to buy a doughnut from my favorite shop: Big Al’s.

    Gouldin Lion
  29. I hate weird people so much.
    Or the kids who sit there and call themselves weird cause they’re like proud of it and find it k0ol im just like wtfff? This is gay. So, that’s quite annoying really.
    I don’t like that at all.
    I dont like most things, actually.

  30. it’s weird how you and i used to be so perfect so close so perfect perfect perfect fairytale love story romeo and juliet only without the tragic ending and marriage at 14. it’s weird you are now the person i am most afraid to talk to the number I can’t dial the thing that hurts me most; you are less than we used to be and the only person who can make me cry.

  31. Some people call me weird. I call myself eccentric. It sounds more formal, anyway.
    Why do they call me weird? Because I’m contradictingly different. I’m a friendly lone wolf, a shy actress.

  32. weird is what I was called growing up, I don’t mind weird anymore at all! :))))

  33. dogs cats dogs that like cats yonkers newyork england glouster tube falling in the gap getting run over by trains grother science class hearts potatoe chips

  34. I think that I say the word weird way too much. It has seeped into my vocabulary like some strange beetle and permeated my brain. Suddenly everything is weird, and i see it that way

  35. crazy cool different special intricate feeling actions unique individual view food smell taste people plants animals places
  36. It’s ok to be weird for the world to be interesting

  37. How weird this all is? Wandering, aimless, place to place, and then telling this tale. Weird indeed, is this depth we call the nets. Not a hope of finding that which I seek, but I continue to stumble on.

    Dr. B
  38. there are so many things that are weird. love is weird. people are weird. but i want to talk about how love is so weird. its sooo great but at the same time it can be soo bad and weird. grrr im so angry about it. im weird.

  39. monike williams is so fucking weird. i mean everyone is weird, because we are all different. i’m weird. you’re weird too. everything is weird. weeeeeeiiiiiiiirrrrrrddd
    this website is really weird. because its unique….? thats weird.

  40. what is weird? weird is not the kid in the back of the class who is different than everyone else weird is the person in the front who thinks they are normal.

    koala boy