
November 17th, 2009 | 328 Entries

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328 Entries for “weird”

  1. strange funny crazy not normal abnormal not think just type alice my friend at work star trek world of war craft players
  2. They all think I’m different. They make fun of me during recess, during lunch, and even during class. The worst part is that the teachers have stopped caring. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. I’m going to get back at all of them. Every single one. I’m not the weird one. They are. For being so inhumane.

  3. It was a weird day on that weird morning when I clicked on the go button and had to write about the word, “weird.”

  4. Normal is weirdest thing you can be.

  5. Anna had always been weird. I remember when we was kids, she would come over to my house and talk to my turtle, she would’ve even play with me, she was just all about Trevor. Poor kid, didn’t even know that she aint normal.

  6. awkward. I always misspell it and then I end up with wired which has an entirely different meaning and connotation. being wired can be weird.

  7. my friends are weird. Without friends, you are normal. Being normal is weird. Everyone is weird, you just have to learn to love it. You’re weird if you’re not “normal”… but if you’re “normal”, what does that really mean? Well. you’re weird. Embrace it. :)

    Jennifer! :)
  8. i am solotude haveing absolutely gravy, sandwich
    i really love babys but eat a whole one

    who ever wrote this is so, todays one word

    Bobby Market
  9. weird how the memory works. one second i can’t remember what i did for breakfast yesterday. then out of the blue a memory… walking hand in hand around the commons with cups of hot chocolate. your ears were cold and i put my warm hands.. hands warm from your hands… on them. you smiled, cheeks flushed and pink and i knew i loved you.

  10. It was strange, the way she thought about him. It was as if nothing had changed. He looked exactly the same, with his black pants and his white shirt. Yes. He looked exactly the same as he always had. It was only Avenley’s perspective that had changed. Now, instead of the dark warmth in his eyes, all she saw was cold.

  11. I was walking to the mail box when I saw a clown car heading right for me. Only, there was no clown in it, it was a gorrilla. He wanted a banana and was convinced I had one in my mail. I unlocked the box to show him the contents and, there was a banana! I don’t know how it got there but I handed it over immediately in hopes the angry beast would leave me alone.

  12. There was a song once by Hanson called “Weird”. I remember it because the video was awesome.
    Too bad it made being weird, well, Weird.

  13. I feel really awkward sometimes. I don’t know how to explain it. My friends don’t understand me and i feel… different.


    Just like the word. Isn’t supposed to be i before e? Where’s the C? I just see a W. Lack of a better letter, you might say?

    Who are we to judge .what is weird and what is normal. Who set the rules. I know I didn’t. You should either. So stop being so full of yourself. Honestly

  14. It was weird that for some reason, I still couldn’t get James out of my head. I had met him on the subway, and for some reason, he wasn’t just another guy I met on the train, there was something about him that made him more.
    I floated through my day, wondering what had made him unique.
    Finally, I realize. James was weird. And I liked that.

  15. i think i’m weird because i do a lot of crazy stuff and stupid stuff thats uncalled for. i really dont have a reason to do it i just do it because i want to. i’m just a really weird person.

  16. crazily insane pictures flash through my mind…bodies, zombies, blood, brains, intestines: they are flying everywhere…and all I can think is, did I leave the oven on? Is my house burnt down? Like after all the zombies eat our brains I will need to bake something….or live somewhere.

  17. Oh my gosh…My brother is the weirdest guy in the world. He does some pretty bizarre stuff. One time he just did a bunch of spazms and made all these wied noises…!

  18. I think he’s quite a weirdo, being wacky and loud and animate and all, but weirdos are usually the most interesting characters. In fact, I love weird people. They make things seem less…monotonous. Perhaps I am the weird one, and normality is just overrated.

  19. This is a werd game to play at work becuase i shoudl realy be working and not doing wierd stuff like this…..

  20. Weird.
    A word that I am all too familiar with.
    This word was my exile all through my younger years, the word that kept me friendless, isolated, alone.
    With age came wisdom, and a marvelous discovery.
    The “weird ones” became the earthmovers, the doers of great things, the ones who changed this world.
    And now, when someone uses that word.
    I smile.
    And I say.

    “Thank you.”

    Shade Ilmaendu
  21. What defines the word weird? Is it something out of the ordinary? Or is it something that disobeys the laws of logic and simplicity? People often state the fact that they enjoy being weird. So maybe weird isn’t actually…weird! It’s just a glimpse of the extraordinary outside of our normal bodies and selves. Outside of life as we know it. Just…different.

    EA Emerson
  22. The way I feel about you.

  23. actually is normal. Nothing really has a precedent, so therefore everything is weird. Weird is what brings the beauty to our world, makes it interesting.

  24. that’s odd…I wonder what it means. I cock my head to the side and try to understand…Weird…I just…didn’t want it to be that way. I didn’t WANT it to be weird. I did this so that it WOULDN’T be weird. But now it IS weird. How weird. And counterproductive. I just don’t understand. Why would this happen? It should be the opposite, don’t you think?

  25. I always thought being weird was a good thing, and it can be, but someone should’ve told me overweight girls wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirts and boys’ carpenter pants throughout middle school and high school was a surefire way to get ignored.

  26. i am very weird. everyone i know is very weird. not weird in a bad way just weird enough so that we all get along. its like match making. i look for others that have a certain weirdness about them. and boom. like magic those are usually and so far have turned out to be my best friends and the people i am closest to. my familys weird to. we all make lame dumb jokes and we all laugh at them dumb.

    katie s
  27. sometimes i think i am too weird. and that one day my boyfriend will snap out of it and realize…oh my god…this chick is really really weird. and then i remember that he’s weird too. and hes worried i’ll snap out of it too. but the thing is, i think i already snapped out. and i think its okay to be weird. so i’m just gonna stay the way i am.

  28. Its wierd how you dont know that i like you, but you give me the wierd look that says, you dont know i like you, but i do

  29. Weird how things change in a second. Weird how suddenly nothing makes sense. Weird how I don’t know what this means.

  30. the story of my life really. it is who I am among everything else that word defines me. it can be used on so many levels in so many situations. it is a word that has changed meaning over the years, from which craft to just strange.

  31. i hate this word all i can think of is being in 5th grade and having everyone else notice that i’m different in some way…. mostly the way i think? i couldnt do math, i had a fat face, i likes twinkies alot, i think that might have made me weird… or what ever that means. i didnt like cats, i didnt like rats, but i had an obsession with slamaneders and and

  32. They say I’m the strange one, the lonely one. The one who sits at the corner, like a broken bird or a replayed rewinding record, but they are the savages themselves. They ridicule people for being different, when being different is truly being the same. That weird one, that bad apple, they cry, because they’re all afraid. They’re all afraid of the unknown.

    stella notte
  33. They always said that I was the weird one in the family but I think that they are all just jealous the I can see things that they can’t. And since when is being weird a bad thing? I’m not weird, I’m gifted.

  34. I feel like a lot of people in my life have used the word weird to describe me. Maybe it’s because secretly ( and selfishly ) I like the attention. Or maybe it’s because I just have an awkward way of dealing with social situations. You know what’s weird? Fraggle Rock. That show was messed up.

  35. My boyfriend is very weird; in a good way. He has tourettes (sp?) and ADD which in my eyes make him so unique. He randomly yells nice words to strangers that just make me giggle and put a smile on their faces

  36. Sometimes I think I’m too weird, that I can’t be successful because of it. But I think of that girl I went to college with. Not very good looking, awkward, weird. but smart and successful and happy. when i think of the person i want to be, i think of her. maybe that’s weird, but i don’t care.

  37. foreign bizarre thing that makes my skin crawl I want to take it and taste it and bathe in the weird oddness symphony of senations dreams rivets closeness random

  38. Weird. A simple word. meaning out of the ordinary. strange. its been in my life so much. i was always the weird kid in school the outcast. but i was proud of who i was. i think being “weird” help me develop the great character i have today.I was always the kid in school that people had a tendency to stay away from. because i wasn’t like everyone else. While everyone was into good Charolette or some rap song at the time, i’d be the girl blasting showtunes and dancing around the playground. I had big dreams as a kid, many of which didnt co inside with my classmates dreams. Broadway was always my destiny. I was actually talking to my boyfriend a few days ago. He was most likely part of the norm. The boys who played football with their dad on weekends and watched hockey. I found that my childhood was different. i was the girl who had been taken to see her first Broadway play at age 6. I loved dancing in my room while kids were outside playing sports. I was putting on small plays with my cousins since the time i could talk. I listened to classical music as a baby. I was so deeply submerged in the arts. And i think thats why I am who I am today. I was never “normal.” I was the one who was just a little on the weird side. And i’m PROUD to have been the weird kid. Cause I held on to my dreams, I held onto what was an important part of my life, and i held on to the things that made me , me! Its good to be yourself.

  39. I have this really weird look on my face right now. It seems that I cfan’t rea

  40. a person who is socially akward and has weird obsessions with things that are not considered to be socially accurate. while it may be an insult, some people like to be called weird because they wouold hate to be the same as someone else. weird is someone who sticks out. ah
