i kept walking. I had no intention of turning around. none at all. well, maybe just a couple of questions. I started looking at the corner of my eye, and then it happened. I turned around without even knowing it, and sure enough, it was a a huge pile of poop, just staring at me.
strange awkward
such a weird expreesion is not what i was looking forward for…
it was the best thing i could have performed ever in my life and the audience looked as if they were totaly dazzeled and confused and couldn’t understand anything
lol i find it very ironic that a person as normal as myself would receive the word weird… then again i do always say everyone is weird so its normal to be weird and weird to be normal hmmm i wish i had a counter as opposed to this green turnind red line
Joel Villa
maybe I’m weird because I stay indoors and rarely like to venture out or maybe I’m not. weird is the new cool. so that makes me cool rather than weird and I’m ok with that. Now I’m thinking about all the weird things I’ve done in my lifetime.
ellen wanjiru
there was this one girl in sixth grade who everyone thought was super weird. her name was amanda. she used to draw pictures of horses in class, and even offered to sell one to me one day. i thought it would be funny to buy one and then rip it up in front of her, just to get some laughs. i never really did it, but the thought of how shitty of a kid i was kind of bothers me. so much for innocence. oh well, i guess things never change.
onceupon a time there was a little boy who would alway wash his hands after eating jam and butter. his mother warned him that the aliens wuld come if he didn’t so he was scared. always scared of what was under his bed. it lived there and haunted the night.
i think im wierd, i think seans weird i think that people who dont think for themselves are weird. i think its weird that i still think abouyt my ex boyfriend i think its weird that i dont know how to love someone anymore it hink its weird how muych i hate my old school i think its weird that im graduating i think that i hate myseld sometimes.
i like being weird.
lots of people are weird. not anyone really thinks they are weird but some do. no idea why. some think it’s not a good thing to be while others strive for it. I think that is weird. In fact, I am not even sure what the definition is. Strange? Out of the ordinary? Unique. All the same thing really. I guess.
who decides what’s weird. Weird used to mean lots of things, like queer, which has obviously been co-opted to mean something else. But that’s just linguistics, which I don’t know much about.
OUt there, strange, apart from, hidden, stalled,
the world is weird.. but at the same time what is weird? if you think im weird then what makes you less weird. what if i think you’re weird. how do i know what weird is? how do you know what weird is? isn’t weird a weird word?
what i thought i was in high school. what i thought other people thought i was in high school. who knew weird was a good thing? its only been five years and i am finally realizing this.
noooooooottt agaaaiinn
you are. I like being weird. It makes me stand out from everybody else.
Weird is Being out of the herd
I wish that I wasn’t so self aware of it
Anyways, yeah. Weird is awesome.
yes yes we are weird and you asre weird and why is weird so weird i wanna say hello and goodbye to the day rhat we say hey and then crack a hen in the pen wheres your face in space what a disgrace in your butt you sl
i am weird. i like the word weird. weirdos annonymous. that should be a non-annonymous group. sometimes weird is not good. it can be weird in a scarry way or something. oh wow it is weird that this cursor goes so fast i am running out of time. aliens. and facepaint.
it was definitely not what i was expecting. i wouldn’t say it was weird, but you know. it was just off somewhat. i wanted to like it. i really did. but then again, if i didn’t like it it wasn’t the end of the world, just my existence at that time and place. it would damage my place with him…
how i feel after an hour into a dose of lsd. strange, weird, odd. its all the same. Soon I’ll be feeling happy, in euphoria. Happiness in a dose-able form.
Ellis D.
me. i am weird. people tell me i’m weird. and not just weird in the sense that people are “weird” as in, everyone is a little weird. not like that. but in the sense that i’m honest to GOD really weird. as in, they don’t understand how someone can be that weird. i don’t get it either. i thought everyone was supposed to be weird.
I am quite weird. I think everyone is weird in their own way though. Weird is usually a good thing, it makes people interesting. For example, this site has a weird concept, however it is awesome. It’s kind of weird that I have this much to write about one word.
Grant Tyra
wierd. pavi. kathrine. wiero. the world. typo. hear. ears. mathew diekel. andre smith. bright green. neon
Weird is just a word but it works for me and I work for it. I enjoy being weird, I don’t mind it. My husband says it just a way to get attention but I don’t think that’s it at all. I like the things I do.
I’ve heard this word a thousand times throughout my life, usually as a derogatory insult towards me or a friend. I’ve come to accept myself and revel in my weirdness though, because it’s nothing bad. It’s what I want to be. Not like the others. I’d rather be weird than normal.
Lily Aurora
Weird. My third grade teacher once said to my mom, “Stephanie’s doing…Stephanie…she’s weird”. Which I just think is FANtastic. I was making a good impression on my betters before I even hit puberty!
Wham bam.
werid is an interesting wrd.. i mean what exactly defines who or what is werid. What characteristics does werid have. Am i werid? but who decides what it is and what it isnt. Werid is just a werid word in iteslf what has an unknown werid meaning.
things that make people uncomfortable. strange. out of the ordinary. hard to spell. not a bad thing..usually.
when you cant describe something because its not of the norm to you. ‘weird’ might mean youre afraid of something or don’t know much about it.
i’ll consider this in the context of stereotype, whatever, but there’s a place to embrace the weird as the weird, weird as affirmation, weird as “different” and thus almost elitist or elevated. weird as marker of distinction. is it important that the anagram is wired? odd?
weird is anything not commonplace. you’re weird and i’m weird, but we’re all so normal at the same time. keep it strange, brother.
isthewaytheworld is today. Wierd.Like orange hair and blue men. yes like the blue men group, who would willingly dip themselves in blue paint every singleday, the poor skin on those fellows. what the world is to me, everything is wierd in it’s own way. i’m wierd.
Odd. Different. Unique.
Weird is something that flies in the sky
and doesn’t know why
some people are weirder than others. i think i’m pretty weird. but I think everyone is weird. there IS no NORMAL. how do you define weird? i dont know. weird.
i kept walking. I had no intention of turning around. none at all. well, maybe just a couple of questions. I started looking at the corner of my eye, and then it happened. I turned around without even knowing it, and sure enough, it was a a huge pile of poop, just staring at me.
strange awkward
such a weird expreesion is not what i was looking forward for…
it was the best thing i could have performed ever in my life and the audience looked as if they were totaly dazzeled and confused and couldn’t understand anything
lol i find it very ironic that a person as normal as myself would receive the word weird… then again i do always say everyone is weird so its normal to be weird and weird to be normal hmmm i wish i had a counter as opposed to this green turnind red line
maybe I’m weird because I stay indoors and rarely like to venture out or maybe I’m not. weird is the new cool. so that makes me cool rather than weird and I’m ok with that. Now I’m thinking about all the weird things I’ve done in my lifetime.
there was this one girl in sixth grade who everyone thought was super weird. her name was amanda. she used to draw pictures of horses in class, and even offered to sell one to me one day. i thought it would be funny to buy one and then rip it up in front of her, just to get some laughs. i never really did it, but the thought of how shitty of a kid i was kind of bothers me. so much for innocence. oh well, i guess things never change.
onceupon a time there was a little boy who would alway wash his hands after eating jam and butter. his mother warned him that the aliens wuld come if he didn’t so he was scared. always scared of what was under his bed. it lived there and haunted the night.
i think im wierd, i think seans weird i think that people who dont think for themselves are weird. i think its weird that i still think abouyt my ex boyfriend i think its weird that i dont know how to love someone anymore it hink its weird how muych i hate my old school i think its weird that im graduating i think that i hate myseld sometimes.
i like being weird.
lots of people are weird. not anyone really thinks they are weird but some do. no idea why. some think it’s not a good thing to be while others strive for it. I think that is weird. In fact, I am not even sure what the definition is. Strange? Out of the ordinary? Unique. All the same thing really. I guess.
who decides what’s weird. Weird used to mean lots of things, like queer, which has obviously been co-opted to mean something else. But that’s just linguistics, which I don’t know much about.
OUt there, strange, apart from, hidden, stalled,
the world is weird.. but at the same time what is weird? if you think im weird then what makes you less weird. what if i think you’re weird. how do i know what weird is? how do you know what weird is? isn’t weird a weird word?
what i thought i was in high school. what i thought other people thought i was in high school. who knew weird was a good thing? its only been five years and i am finally realizing this.
noooooooottt agaaaiinn
you are. I like being weird. It makes me stand out from everybody else.
Weird is Being out of the herd
I wish that I wasn’t so self aware of it
Anyways, yeah. Weird is awesome.
yes yes we are weird and you asre weird and why is weird so weird i wanna say hello and goodbye to the day rhat we say hey and then crack a hen in the pen wheres your face in space what a disgrace in your butt you sl
i am weird. i like the word weird. weirdos annonymous. that should be a non-annonymous group. sometimes weird is not good. it can be weird in a scarry way or something. oh wow it is weird that this cursor goes so fast i am running out of time. aliens. and facepaint.
it was definitely not what i was expecting. i wouldn’t say it was weird, but you know. it was just off somewhat. i wanted to like it. i really did. but then again, if i didn’t like it it wasn’t the end of the world, just my existence at that time and place. it would damage my place with him…
how i feel after an hour into a dose of lsd. strange, weird, odd. its all the same. Soon I’ll be feeling happy, in euphoria. Happiness in a dose-able form.
me. i am weird. people tell me i’m weird. and not just weird in the sense that people are “weird” as in, everyone is a little weird. not like that. but in the sense that i’m honest to GOD really weird. as in, they don’t understand how someone can be that weird. i don’t get it either. i thought everyone was supposed to be weird.
I am quite weird. I think everyone is weird in their own way though. Weird is usually a good thing, it makes people interesting. For example, this site has a weird concept, however it is awesome. It’s kind of weird that I have this much to write about one word.
wierd. pavi. kathrine. wiero. the world. typo. hear. ears. mathew diekel. andre smith. bright green. neon
Weird is just a word but it works for me and I work for it. I enjoy being weird, I don’t mind it. My husband says it just a way to get attention but I don’t think that’s it at all. I like the things I do.
I’ve heard this word a thousand times throughout my life, usually as a derogatory insult towards me or a friend. I’ve come to accept myself and revel in my weirdness though, because it’s nothing bad. It’s what I want to be. Not like the others. I’d rather be weird than normal.
Weird. My third grade teacher once said to my mom, “Stephanie’s doing…Stephanie…she’s weird”. Which I just think is FANtastic. I was making a good impression on my betters before I even hit puberty!
Wham bam.
werid is an interesting wrd.. i mean what exactly defines who or what is werid. What characteristics does werid have. Am i werid? but who decides what it is and what it isnt. Werid is just a werid word in iteslf what has an unknown werid meaning.
things that make people uncomfortable. strange. out of the ordinary. hard to spell. not a bad thing..usually.
when you cant describe something because its not of the norm to you. ‘weird’ might mean youre afraid of something or don’t know much about it.
i’ll consider this in the context of stereotype, whatever, but there’s a place to embrace the weird as the weird, weird as affirmation, weird as “different” and thus almost elitist or elevated. weird as marker of distinction. is it important that the anagram is wired? odd?
weird is anything not commonplace. you’re weird and i’m weird, but we’re all so normal at the same time. keep it strange, brother.
isthewaytheworld is today. Wierd.Like orange hair and blue men. yes like the blue men group, who would willingly dip themselves in blue paint every singleday, the poor skin on those fellows. what the world is to me, everything is wierd in it’s own way. i’m wierd.
Odd. Different. Unique.
Weird is something that flies in the sky
and doesn’t know why
some people are weirder than others. i think i’m pretty weird. but I think everyone is weird. there IS no NORMAL. how do you define weird? i dont know. weird.