
November 17th, 2009 | 328 Entries

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328 Entries for “weird”

  1. Some people call me weird, crazy,eccentric, different. They’re all synonymous even though some are nicer than otheres. But what it all boils down to is someone who doesn’t fit inside the box. Who doesn’t conform to everyone elses standards. And it people like that who catalyze change in a world thats destined to fall to pieces. We’re a ticking time bomb and it’s those weirdos who are going to figure out how to diffuse the problem.

  2. weird is a word that aggie feels uncomfortable using. she alwys talks about how weird she feels saying it, but says it when she describes how she feels about it. its weird that i dont like to write very often. there is a ohshdsohidshipshipdfhpidphhpidahipdfihpdhps different kind

  3. Weird, what is weird? To know the definition of weird we would have to define normal. Normal, the average, the norm, opposite of abnormal, what are these things? How do we measure it, how can we use this strictly defined words to define another. Weird, I am wierd.

  4. Weird. Gary is weird. all of us here on the eighth floor are weird. We all kinda fit in with our little quirks. each bringing something to the group. And as with any goup issues may arise.

  5. Is exactly how I feel about living with my husband who no longer wants to be my husband…. He’s a s**t for that but I’m an idiot to stay… so am moving home to my parents – most definintely going to be WEIRD…

  6. This reminds me of the American Girl books when the main character Amelia would always get confused with the spelling (wierd? weird?) It seems silly now that computers will automatically correct this mistake as we type.

  7. There is a lot that can be considered weird. Weird food, weird customs, weird habits…guess it all depends on your definition of the word huh?

  8. I am a weird person. I have weird relationships and do weird things. Weird is an overused word, but I think I like it. I don’t know if it covers the whole, idea behind the word. bizarre: now that is a fantastic word. It really captures the idea. the word bizarre IS BIZARRE its amazing…. so amazing.

    Kira Joy
  9. once inside the car, homer notices bart in the back seat. he wants to kick him out but knows that he cannot so instead he does the only thing he can and drives to work with the boy so close they can hear each other’s breathing. once at the power plant bart continues to follow homer whose only hope is that the boy will not be admitted access to the building but when he is stopped at the security checkpoint bart points at homer and says “he is my brother.” the guard waves him through.

  10. weird

  11. im walking through the woods i find some carcass on the ground. rotting. it reminds me of my mortality. where do i begin? at birth. where do i end? the dirt. my face grows roots and plants into the soil like tendrils. i become what everything else already is. what i already am.

    arthur brown
  12. That’s how i feel about myself a lot. I do many weird things and do not know why. I worry about how weird i might act in front of people and it bothers me. i see other weird people but it’s weird to compare each other also. I wish i

  13. Weird is the word
    Ya heard?
    Ain’t no thang

    Grace :)
  14. i think a lot of things are weird… people can be weird, animals can be weird, but most of all i can be weird. it doesnt matter though. my cousin robbie always said if your weird your normal and if your normal your weird. everybodys weird. and i like it that way. WAY TO BE WEIRD :)

    katie <3
  15. weird is our favorite word. we use it all the time.
    we’re laughing in this photograph, our faces pressed close because we’re so close. her eyes are closed and i’m squinting like my father does.

    you can tell that we’re saying “sweird.”

  16. Weird Al is a cool human being who writes about funny things and just has fun with his songs and write about Amish Paradises and um Eat IT to the tune of Mike Jackson’s song beat it. He is a cool individual and should be admired for his talent and people will love him forever.

  17. It’s alright; it is just who you are. Sameness is weird.

  18. it was weird, that’s all, just weird. The purple envelope on her doorstep, empty. The pink post it note stuck to her car window with nothing written on it…. who, why? weird

  19. I had a really weird feeling when i woke up this morning. I felt jittery and lonely, because i had just had a really bizarre dream in which everybody at school was walking around naked and i was the only one who seemed to be self conscios.

  20. “You are so weird,” she said, shaking her head at her cat who was currently running towards the windowsill and jumping on it for the fourth time in a row. “What do you want me to do, open it?”
    For a moment she could have sworn that her cat nodded, but she just brushed it off as the lack of sleep making her hallucinate.
    “Alright, whatever you say.” She shrugged and got up and opened the window.

  21. wierd bazaar creepy stalker ew gross thats nasty stay away butt ugly stay away creepy beard feared deared weird weird bobeard

  22. so strange the way it looks to me. It is so different, foreign. I can’t describe it, if it were a picture it would be by Salvador Dali, or Picasso.

  23. everything that has to do with aliens and girls in their pre-teens radiohead’s Kid A and all types of ill shit like mars

  24. how you descirbe someone that does something out of the ordinary. can be a compliment or an insult depending on how you feel about the situation. i am often referred to as weird. it is also a word i often mispell.

  25. Weird means fun to me. But I don’t like how people use it in a self-deprecating way. Especially when they’re telling you that they’re “weird” about something that isn’t weird at all. They’re just self-conscious.

  26. Cyprus trees hanging on the edge of the Pacific Coast in Monterey, CA. Look like gaint fingers from the heavens reaching out to touch the sea.

    Deborah Schultz
  27. wonderful

  28. badgers are pretty weird. What’s the weirdest thing I know of? Hmm… Not sure. Evangelion counts. So do cell phone monsters. Sex while mountain/ rock climbing? Something like that. I’m pretty weird, I’d say. Not out of the norm, but weird. Definitely odd. Odd, weird, wired. Not simple. Werid is not simple. Simply being weird is not enough.

  29. i have always felt weird. i like metaphysics and strange music. i have a thing for indonesian men. welding is fun, but not that fun. weirdness is in the eye of the beholder, right? what’s with the word beholder anyway? be holding what? a milky way bar! XD

  30. As in he was. He did strange things, said strange things. He even made strange faces. The look of contemplation that came over his features when he was trying to work out a math problem was intriguing. He was strange. But I loved him all the same.

  31. reminds me of what i say when i have nothing else to say as a comment when someone tells me something. kind of a catch-all that says, “I know what you mean, the world is surprising like that”. Not much else you can say. Some things are just weird

  32. It’s weird. He never says much to me anymore, even if we’d known each other for basically ever. It happened so suddenly — one day, we were talking and laughing as usual, and the next, he was avoiding me like I was some kind of rabid animal. It didn’t make sense. It doesn’t. Sometimes I wish I could read minds, because then I wouldn’t have to deal with the pain of thinking it might be me that’s the problem, me not them, me me me–

  33. Weird is a word that I use often. I call myself weird, along with my friends and anyone else that I think is acting a bit off. It’s funny for me though. I do absolutely love the word. So Weird was one of my favorite shows. I used to watch it all the time when it used to air. It was amazingly awesome. I love the word weird. It is one of the better words out there. I can’t ever think of another word I use more often. I’m just rambling now. Sorry.

  34. They all look at me like I’m weird. Like I’m not worthy of them just because I choose to dress differently then they do. Am I really that weird that nobody wants to reach out to me and be my friend? Or am I doomed to be just walked by with people looking at me like I’m an alien?

    Panda Bearr
  35. It’s late, and I’m tired. As I sit on the couch performing my wind-down procedure, I listen to an insane person walking down the street shouting obscenities, on the other side of the wall just behind my back. I’m curious to know what prompted his outburst. Hallucinogens? or an interaction with the cop car that I know was sitting just around the corner?

  36. I felt weird, leaning in to kiss him. I knew this would change our relationship. Everything would be different from this moment on. It wasn’t a matter of <3 or luffs. From this moment on it would be love. Pure and simple, we would be changed, more than ourselves. I loved him, and he loved me.. Those times won’t ever be over. We’re forever.

    A. Bennett
  37. It was weird. standing front of him as he was looking at me from head to toe. Hasn’t he seen one before? I am sure he has ridden one before. Oh the flick of the hat gave some indication that this was somehting he was looking forward to. Moving forward, he unhooked the stable door.

  38. What i think your mom is when she asks me to touch her in the very very secret place

  39. She thought the fellow was weird, sure, but he had saved her from Steve’s recent rampage and, weird though he may be, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of camaraderie. After all, it wasn’t every day a cute fella’ came along and, literally, saved your life.

  40. lalalalalalalalaallaallalallllaalal…….me
